The main reason is that they know Danzo's character too well. If Danzo becomes Hokage, I'm afraid Konoha Village will really be ruined.

  At the same time, this is also for their own sake. Danzo becoming Hokage will not do them any good. If Danzo acts as Hokage, they will definitely take away their power.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Danzo places too much importance on power and will never allow others to hold power.

  "I see, I agree to become Hokage Five Generations of Konoha Village."

  Jiraiya nodded and agreed, and he didn't want Danzo to become Hokage.

  Moreover, in the current Konoha Village, there is no other person to serve as the fifth Hokage. Among the shadow-level powerhouses in Konoha Village, there are only Danzo and Jiraiya.

  Danzo, this shady guy, can't do it, he will destroy Konoha Village, he can only take office by himself, and he can only serve as this Hokage for Konoha's reluctance.

  "As long as you promise, then hurry up and hold the Hokage succession ceremony."

  Mitomon Yan was very anxious in his heart, and desperately hoped that Jirai would also take office soon, mainly to prevent accidents, such as Danzo doing things.


  After that, Mito Gate Yan and Xiaochun Huo hurriedly dragged Jiraiya to announce his appointment as Hokage, and Danzo was too late when he got the news.

  I originally thought that this time I would finally have a chance to become Hokage, but I didn't expect to be cut off by Jiraiya.

  "The funeral of Sarutobi hasn't been held yet, so it's not right to announce the next Hokage now." Danzo took advantage of a face to find Mito Menyan and the others.

  Indeed, Jiraiya also felt that it was very inappropriate, but Mito Kazuo and Koharu, they still persuaded Jiraiya.

  "Danzo, there's nothing wrong with this. The ceremony of Jiraiya becoming Hokage can be held for a while. What's wrong with announcing this news first?"

  Mitomon Yan spoke to Danzo calmly.

  This is determined to make Jiraiya become Hokage, Danzo has already seen it.

  "I didn't expect you all to stand on Jiraiya's side, don't regret it in the future." Danzang snorted and threatened them.

  "What do you mean by Danzo?" Turning to bed, Xiaochun looked at Danzo with a cold expression.

  This is threatening them, do you think they are just bullying, can you let you threaten?

  "Hmph, do you think it would be a good thing for Jirai to become Hokage too? You will know later, we are the ones sitting on the same boat."

  Danzo turned around and left, although he wanted to kill these two guys, but at least he couldn't do it on the surface, and if he wanted to do it, he could only do it secretly.


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Chapter 225

  After Liu Feng brought the Hinata clan to Kirin Village, he handed over the arrangement of them to Terumi Mei.

  To arrange the Hyuga family, there is no need for Liu Feng to come forward in person.

  It's just that the arrival of the Hyuga clan made the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan very different, especially the Uchiha clan, looking at the expressions of the Hyuga clan a bit strange.

  In fact, it can be understood that when they were in Konoha Village, there were many conflicts between the Uchiha family and the Hinata family, and now the Hinata family suddenly came to join them.

  However, with Liu Feng's instructions, they would not do anything to the Hyuga clan, and it would definitely be impossible to bully the Hyuga clan.

  "I didn't expect Wu Nin Village to be more prosperous than Konoha. Maybe it's right to come to Konoha Village."

  Hyuga Hizu looked at Mist Ninja Village. No matter where it was, it was no worse than Konoha Village. It was just that the country of water where Mist Ninja Village was located was located overseas and was a bit remote.

  If Wu Nin Village chooses to expand, start wars against other big countries, and plunder the land of other big countries, such as plundering the land of Fire Nation before and moving Wu Nin Village to the inland, wouldn’t it be dozens of times more than Konoha Village? .

  Thinking like this, Hyuga Hizu's heart couldn't help but heat up. I wonder if I can persuade Liu Feng to let Liu Feng take action against other major countries.

  If Mist Ninja Village can unify the entire ninja world, it will also be of great benefit to the Hyuga clan who joined Mist Ninja Village.

  Liu Feng didn't take care of the affairs of the Hyuga clan, and did not know the ambitions that suddenly appeared in the sun.

  "Tsunade, I have something to tell you."

  Kusinai pulled Tsunade and sat down, looking at Tsunade with ecstasy.

  "I always feel that Kushina is doing something." Liu Feng glanced at Kushina, feeling that Kushina seemed to be doing something to kill at this time.

  "What's the matter?" Tsunade looked at Kushina impatiently.

  "Cut, this is about the first Hokage and the second Hokage. If you don't want to know, I don't want to tell you."

  Kushina was upset by Tsunade's tone and turned her head away.

  Tsunade, who was not originally interested, moved in his heart, seeing Kushina's appearance, there might be something really wrong, and it seemed necessary to find out.

  "Xiao Nan, what happened?"

  Tsunade did not ask Kushina, but instead looked at Konan.

  Because she knew that if she asked Kushina again, she would not tell herself easily without paying a price.

  As for Liu Feng, he must also know, but if he asks himself, this guy will definitely be a jerk, so let's ask Xiao Nan who will go to Konoha Village with him.

  Tsunade had to pay attention to the matter of her two grandfathers, but what made Tsunade puzzled was that her grandfather was already dead, how could something related to her grandfather still happen.

  "Don't play cards according to the routine." Kushina's eyes widened, she did not expect Tsunade to turn around and ask Xiaonan.

  "Will you tell me easily?"

  Tsunade rolled his eyes at Kushina, not because I didn't want to play cards out of the way, but because I knew you wouldn't tell me easily.

  "Well, we saw the first Hokage and the second Hokage in Konoha Village." Xiao Nan told Tsunade honestly.


  Tsunade's face changed instantly, looking at Xiao Nan with some doubts, not because he wanted to doubt Xiao Nan, mainly because Xiao Nan's words were too incredible for her.

  "It was the reincarnation of the dirty earth, and it was resurrected using the reincarnation of the dirty earth." Xiao Nan immediately told her looking at Tsunade's expression.

  Tsunade's eyes immediately turned to Liu Feng.

  "Hey, what do you think I do? It's not the reincarnation of the dirty earth that I suspect I'm using."

  After Liu Feng noticed Tsunade's gaze, he said involuntarily.

  "Who did that? There are not many people who can reincarnate with dirty soil. You are the only one I can think of."

  All Tsunade could think of was Liu Feng, and no one else could think of anyone else who would use it.

  "You know this person too. It's your former teammate Orochimaru." Liu Feng told Tsunade directly.

  "Orochimaru, is that bastard?"

  Tsunade's eyes immediately showed a look of murder. This was toying with the souls of her two grandfathers, which was naturally unforgivable to Tsunade.

  "There is one more news to tell you, the third Hokage Sarutobi was beheaded and killed by Orochimaru." Kushina told Tsunade again.

  Hearing this, Tsunade's expression became complicated. Even if he had already turned against Sarutobi Hizan, but now that he heard the news of Sarutobi Hizan's death, Tsunade felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

  "Do you regret not following us to Konoha Village now?" Kushina asked Tsunade with a smile.

  "Kushina, are you gloating?" Tsunade looked at Kushina, and the more he looked, the more unhappy he became. This guy, Kushina, was gloating here.

  "Well, yes, I'm just gloating."

  Kushina directly admitted that, anyway, her strength is not weaker than Tsunade, and she will not suffer a loss if she really fights with Tsunade...  

  And what Kushina had in mind was that she really wanted to play against Tsunade, because Kushina had itchy hands recently and wanted to find an opponent to fight.

  Originally, she was looking for Mikoto, but Mikoto ignored her at all, so Tsunade was the only one who could find her.

  "Aren't you very annoyed, why don't we go out to fight?" Kushina looked at Tsunade expectantly.

  Tsunade ignored Kushina, how could she be in the mood to ignore Kushina now.

  "Are you going to settle accounts with Orochimaru now? If you're going to settle accounts with him, I'll tell you where he is."

  Orochimaru hides deeply, but to Liu Feng, the place where Orochimaru hides is really no secret.

  "Okay, take me to find Orochimaru."

  Of course, Tsunade wanted to find Orochimaru to settle the account, he wanted to kill Hiruzen Sarutobi, that was a matter between him and Hizen Sarutobi.

  But he actually used the reincarnation of dirty earth to control her grandfather's soul, so it had something to do with her, and he had to teach Orochimaru a lesson.

  "I'll take you there."

  Liu Feng directly used Huangquan Hirazaka, opened the space channel, and entered it with Tsunade.

  Liu Feng took Tsunade away, and Kushina stared at it with wide eyes. She wanted to follow, but the space channel had disappeared.

  "Mikoto, I remember you can also use Huangquan Hirazaka, how about you take me to find Liu Feng and the others?"

  Kushina looked at Mikoto.

  "I don't have the time, what are you going to do?" Mikoto rejected Kushina directly and started to do housework.

  "If you're bored, you can help me with the housework."

  "Forget it, I suddenly thought that I still have a lot of things to do."

  Kushina heard Mikoto say to help her with housework, her face changed immediately, it was impossible to help Mikoto, she slipped away.

  Kushina slipped away directly, she was going to find Hinata, who was now with Hana.

  Liu Feng took Tsunade to Tianzhiguo, which is the site of Orochimaru, and now Orochimaru is still here after retreating with Yinnin Village.

  However, it is estimated that he will not stay here for too long. This time, Orochimaru offended Konoha Village and Sand Ninja Village. Even the death of Luosha, the fourth generation of Kazekage, was counted on Orochimaru's head. Sand Shinobu wants to live with Orochimaru forever.


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Chapter 226

  "Liu Feng-kun, and Tsunade, why are you here?"

  Orochimaru looked at Liu Feng and Tsunade slightly unexpectedly, but the instinct in his heart was a little bad.

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