[Ding, you complete the task "Kill a Shangnin" and get a reward: 1 points, water attribute chakra! 】

  [Ding, you complete the task "Protect Kushina from being taken away", and get the reward: 1 points, +5000 physique! 】

  In an instant, Liu Feng felt that he had an extra chakra attribute, and his physique was also enhanced.

  Of course, these are not important to Liu Feng, the important thing is that Liu Feng has obtained 16 points, plus his original points, he now has 1100 points.

  The price of the Kaleidoscope Shaker is 15 points, which means that Liu Feng can now exchange for the Kaleidoscope Shaker.

  Excited, with a kaleidoscope writing wheel, he has the power to not be afraid of anyone.

  As long as Madara Uchiha, who was hiding in the dark, didn't make a move, and the old Yinbi of Hei Jue didn't target him, Liu Feng didn't need to be afraid of anyone.

  Even if Hizan Sarutobi wants to fight him, Liu Feng can easily escape even if he can't beat him.

  After calming down the excitement in his heart, he can't exchange the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye here, he will exchange it after he goes back.

  "Come on, let's go back first."

  Liu Feng appeared beside Kushina, and took Kushina back to the Uchiha clan quickly, and Uchiha Ye also followed behind Liu Feng.

  Originally, Liu Feng planned to send Jiuxinai back to the Vortex Clan, but now Liu Feng was in a hurry to exchange the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and there was no time.

  The same goes for taking her to the Uchiha clan, and she often goes to the Uchiha clan anyway.

  Speaking of which, only Uzumaki Kushina, an outsider from the Uchiha clan, often goes to and from the Uchiha clan, and other outsiders rarely come to the Uchiha clan.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 24

  After returning, Liu Feng handed Kushina to Mikoto and asked Mikoto to comfort Kushina.

  This little girl had just been kidnapped. Although it was all right, Liu Feng knew that she must be a little scared, so let Mikoto comfort her first.

  Liu Feng returned to his room, locked the door, and entered the system space.

  "Xiaomeng hurry up and exchange the kaleidoscope writing wheel for me."

  After entering the system space, Liu Feng shouted to Xiaomeng.

  "Liufeng, you can think clearly, you have Indra Chakra, it is very easy to open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it is almost bound to open, is it really a waste of points?"

  Xiaomeng asked Liu Feng.

  Indra's chakra makes Liu Feng's chakra more pure, and it also gradually enhances Liu Feng's physique, and also slowly improves Liu Feng's pupil power.

  Even if Liu Feng is not subjected to negative emotional stimuli, he can turn on the kaleidoscope writing wheel sooner or later.

  "It's not a waste, it's better to master the strength as soon as possible."

  Liu Feng knew that he had been targeted by Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo. Perhaps Hiruzen Sarutobi would not be able to attack him, but Danzo, the old thief, really dared to do so.

  There may be nothing wrong in Konoha Village, but it is dangerous to leave Konoha Village.

  Get the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye first.

  "Well then, just don't regret it later."

  In exchange for the Kaleidoscope Shaker, there are still more than [-] points left in an instant. To be honest, seeing the points disappear in an instant, Liu Feng is quite distressed.

  Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng felt that his eyes were a little cool, and there was a cool feeling.

  The pupil power showed an explosive growth. If Liu Feng's pupil power was 1, then Liu Feng's pupil power is now 20, an increase of 20 times.

  "I thought it would hurt, but I didn't expect it to be so refreshing."

  Liu Feng had already opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel at this time, and his insight had increased several times compared to before. It is estimated that ants from a hundred meters away could see clearly.

  At the same time, his chakra has also skyrocketed, and even the strength of all aspects of his body has improved.

  The evolution of the writing wheel eye will be improved in all directions. Of course, the most important thing is to improve the pupil power.

  At this moment, the three hook jade disappeared in Liu Feng's eyes, replaced by the shape of a sickle connected by the hook jade.

  "My pupil technique."

  Liu Feng suddenly took out a Kunai, and then stabbed his palm sharply, blood spattering.

  At the same time, Liu Feng's left eye fluctuated, and the pierced palm instantly recovered as if it was not injured.

  Looking back in time, Liu Feng's left eye is a pupil technique and a time ability, which can rewind time, and the scope and time of the retrospective time also depend on the pupil power and chakra consumed by Liu Feng.

  Now consuming all the chakra and pupil power, Liu Feng can make everything within ten meters around him go back ten seconds.

  In fact, even if you can go back a second, the help to Liu Feng is unimaginably huge.

  Another pupil technique of Liu Feng is Yue Du, a powerful illusion technique, which is definitely called the strongest mental attack.

  The moon reading can pull the enemy's spirit into the illusion space. In the moon reading world, all factors, including time, place, quality, etc., are controlled by the caster.

  Under normal circumstances, Yue Du cannot be deciphered. Only the pupil of the writing wheel is stronger than that of the caster, and the mental strength is strong.

  Just by looking at each other, the enemy can be pulled into the illusion space. No matter how long it is in the illusion space, the outside world is a moment.

  Yuedu can even make the enemy's mental breakdown, except for Infinite Yuedu and other gods, it is estimated that there is no illusion that can surpass Yuedu.

  "I am very satisfied with these two pupil techniques."

  More than satisfied, I am really satisfied, a time-based pupil technique and an illusion pupil technique.


  Liu Feng couldn't wait to use Susanoo, which should be regarded as the third pupil technique of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, every pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can be opened.

  However, it can only be used when it has two eyes. It is called the power of God and symbolizes destruction. Everyone in the world says that if you see it once, you will inevitably die.

  Liu Feng's Susanoo is blue, the same color as Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, but the color is the same, but the appearance is still different.

  Susanoo has many forms, the initial form only has arms and ribs, this time is the weakest.

  After the first form, the skeleton frame can already be shown. This form has a strong defense and cannot be broken by ordinary ninjutsu.

  The second form is covered with meridians and flesh and blood on the basis of skeletons, and the chakra coat can use ninjutsu and weapons.

  The third form adds the Wutengu armor to the original foundation, and the defense is stronger. Even a shadow-level powerhouse can hardly break Susanoo's defense, but at this time, Susanoo only has the upper body.

  After that, there is a fourth form. On the basis of the second form, the lower body and legs are added, and the body size will be greatly increased, basically more than [-] meters.

  In the end, the body is completely Susanoo, and on the basis of the fourth form, the Wutengu armor is added, and it has extra wings, which can fly, split mountains and rivers, and even cut meteors.

  The complete Susanoo is the real Susanoo.

  However, if you want to open the full body Susanoo, you need the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can only be opened to the third form at most.

  Even the third form of Susanoo is not weaker than the tailed beast, and can suppress the tailed beast and destroy the mountain.

  Although Liu Feng had just obtained the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye, he directly used the third form, Susanoo.

  "The consumption of Chakra and pupil power is really terrifying."

  Liu Feng can feel the rapid consumption of pupil power and chakra, but Liu Feng's use of Susanoo is not as painful as other kaleidoscope Shakers owners.

  Probably the side effects of having a whirlpool fairy body and a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, the impact on Liu Feng is minimal.

  After removing Susanoo, Liu Feng took a deep breath.

  "It is still necessary to open the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker as soon as possible, so that you can use Susanoo unscrupulously without fear of the side effects of the Kaleidoscope Shaker."

  Even if the Vortex Immortal Body can suppress the side effects, it cannot be completely avoided. After all, the Vortex Immortal Body is just an imperfect Immortal Body.

  If Liu Feng gets the perfect fairy body, he might be able to use the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye as an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

  Liu Feng wanted to exchange for the Perfect Immortal Human Body, but it was too expensive. The Perfect Immortal Human Body + Mudun Packing required 80 points.

  Among them, the Perfect Immortal Human Body is worth 70 points, and Mu Dun is worth 10 points.

  The power of the Mudun exchange alone is only that of Yamato, so the exchange points required are not high, and it is not comparable to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

  Only with the perfect immortal human body, can the wooden dungeon's power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth like the first Hokage can be exerted, and with the yang dung and majestic vitality that comes with the perfect immortal human body, the wooden dungeon can be invincible.

  The single Mu Dun can only be said to be a relatively good bloodline boundary, not to mention how terrifying.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 25

  "Come on, he's dead again."

  Liu Feng was depressed and withdrew from the trial space.

  With the Kaleidoscope Shakers turned on, of course Liu Feng couldn't help but challenge those projections, and Liu Feng chose himself in the state of the Kaleidoscope Shakers.

  But after playing it three times in a row, Liu Feng has never played, and has been killed three times by his own projection.

  In terms of strength, Liu Feng is actually no weaker than his own projection. He has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and other aspects are not bad.

  However, Liu Feng's combat experience was completely incomparable to his own projection, and he lost three consecutive times because of his weak combat experience.

  "But it's not without gain, the kaleidoscope writing wheel is completely familiar with it."

  Liu Feng's current combat power is much stronger than when he just exchanged for the Kaleidoscope Shaker, and his combat experience has also been greatly improved.

  And Liu Feng discovered one thing, that is, the pupil power consumed by using the kaleidoscope in the trial space will be restored instantly when leaving the trial space.

  In the future, Liu Feng can practice kaleidoscope writing round eyes in the trial space, and he does not have to worry about the consumption of pupil power.

  【Flower Maple】

  Strength: 59 (normal human limit 10)

  Constitution: 65 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Speed: 61 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Spirit: (normal person limit 10)

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