Well, this is what Jiao Du thinks. He can't guess how strong Liu Feng really is.

  "The matter of Mist Ninja Village is temporarily ignored."

  Tiandao Payne said to Feiduan indifferently.

  Nagato is very self-aware, and he doesn't think he has the strength to fight against Uchiha Liufeng now.

  The Red Sand Scorpion, Deidara and the others left, and Kakuto and Hidean also went to perform the mission, leaving Uchiha Itachi and Tendo Payne here.

  "Uchiha Itachi, can you guess the purpose of Mist Ninja Village?" Tiandao Payne stared at Uchiha Itachi.

  "Can't guess."

  "But Wu Nin Village is definitely targeting our Xiao organization."

  In fact, Uchiha Itachi was also pondering the purpose of Wu Ninja Village at this time, and his intuition told Uchiha Itachi that Wu Ninja Village is definitely not as simple as targeting Xiao organization.

  "No matter what purpose Uchiha Liufeng has, I will not let him succeed."

  There seemed to be a trace of anger in Payne's emotionless voice, which Uchiha Itachi easily noticed, but he didn't say anything.

  "We want to create movement to attract the attention of the major ninja villages. How do we create movement?"

  Uchiha Itachi did not ask about the grievances between Payne and Uchiha Liufeng, but asked what they were going to do next.

  "Arrest the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli."

  Tiandao Payne glanced at Uchiha Itachi, and then said lightly.

  Spread the news of the arrest of the nine-tailed man Zhuli, and try to attract the attention of the major Shinobi villages.

  Whether the Red Sand Scorpion and Jiaodu can catch the first and second tails depends on their own strength.

  When Uchiha Itachi heard the Jiuweiren Zhuli, his face did not fluctuate much, and he nodded directly to Tiandao Payne.

  Uchiha Itachi doesn't have any burden to start with Jiu-Tai Ren Zhuli. If Ku-Tai Ren Zhuli still belongs to Konoha Village's Ku-Tai Ren Zhuli, Uchiha Itachi may want to consider helping Ku-Tai Ren Zhuli.

  But the current nine-tailed person Zhuli, but the nine-tailed person Zhuli who has betrayed the village, has no burden on him.

  When Nagato and Uchiha Itachi started to act, the major Shinobi villages also took action, especially when the news of the arrest of the nine-tailed man Zhuri came out.

  First of all, Konoha Village couldn't sit still at first, neither Jiraiya nor Danzo could sit back and watch Naruto Uzumaki fall into the hands of Akatsuki.

  There is also Yunren Village. They also have the idea of ​​​​capturing the nine-tailed person Zhuli for their own use. After the nine-tailed person Zhuli chose to defect, Yunren Village has been looking for the whereabouts of the nine-tailed person Zhuli.

  "Absolutely, the plan has changed, I need to go to Wu Nin Village."

  Obito stood on a mountain peak, looking in the direction of Mistin Village.

  This time, the target of Akatsuki's organization was exposed, disrupting all of Obito's original plans. It seems that Uchiha Liufeng wanted to interfere.

  "Hope you don't have an accident."

  Neither Bai Jue nor Hei Jue discouraged Obito, but Hei Jue was very worried, and sure enough, the thing he was most worried about had happened.

  Originally, all the plans were still under the control of Hei Jue, but a Uchiha Liufeng appeared.

  "hope so."

  Even Obito can't guarantee absolute safety. It is absolutely dangerous to see Uchiha Rufeng.  …

  Especially now that Uchiha Liufeng's attitude has changed, what if he wants to stop the Moon Eye plan?Expose their target this time, most likely to target his plan.

  "No one can stop me from creating a world where Lin exists."

  After secretly making up his mind, Obito went to Kirin Village. This time, he risked his life to go to Kirin Village. The purpose was to find out the situation and the attitude of Uchiha Liufeng.

  After sneaking into Mistin Village, Obito didn't dare to go to Liu Feng directly. He intuitively told him that if he went to see Liu Feng directly, he would probably encounter Uchiha Liu Feng.

  So bring soil first to find someone to report.

  "Obito wants to see me?"

  After hearing the news, Liu Feng chuckled, probably knowing the reason why Obito was coming to see him, but knowing that, Liu Feng would definitely not see Obito.

  "No, let him leave Wu Nin Village, otherwise he will stay in Wu Nin Village forever."

  How could Liu Feng be interested in meeting Obito at this time, not to mention that Liu Feng knew the purpose of Obito's coming to see him.

  Obito, who finally got the news, had a gloomy face, and ran to Wunin Village to find Uchiha Ryufeng, but he couldn't even see Uchiha Ryufeng's face.

  Obito didn't dare to attack, and Liu Feng ordered him to leave the village, and warned him to kill him if he dared to sneak into the village.

  Wu Nin Village is also Liu Feng's territory. Obito sneaked in casually. It was too disrespectful to Liu Feng, and Liu Feng was naturally not allowed.

  Obito couldn't see Liu Feng, so he could only leave, and being able to get out of the Mist Ninja Village safely was actually not bad for Obito.

  It is also fortunate that Liu Feng is in a good mood now. If he is unlucky and encounters Liu Feng in a bad mood, he does not need to leave Wu Nin Village today.

  "No matter what the purpose of Uchiha Liufeng is, the plan must be advanced, and even the plan needs to be changed."

  After leaving Kirin Village, Obito began to think about the next plan, but he had no clue in his mind.

  Three tails, five tails, and six tails are all in the hands of Mist Ninja Village. This is also a problem for Obito. It is definitely not easy to get the three tailed beasts from Liu Feng.

  As for the use of force to snatch, as long as Obito's brain does not have a problem, he will never have this idea. With such a big gap in strength, there is no strength to snatch, so he can only negotiate with Uchiha Liufeng.


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Chapter 231

  "According to the information obtained by Anbu, the Akatsuki organization has already begun to act, and the news that the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne, is going to take action on the Nine-Tails Renzhuli has spread throughout the entire ninja world."

  Terumi Mei reported some information in the ninja world to Liu Feng.

  "I heard that Kushina said that you value the nine-tailed man Zhuli very much, why don't you go and see what happened this time?"

  "Go, of course to see."

  Liu Feng stood up and stretched. Now that he has nothing to do in Wuren Village, he might as well go out and join in the fun.

  "I would also like to follow." Terumi Mei said involuntarily.

  "You want to come along." Liu Feng didn't mind if Terumi Mei followed along to watch the fun.

  "There are still a lot of things to do in Wu Nin Village, forget it."

  Terumi Mei glanced at some pending documents on the table, and could only show a helpless expression, then glanced resentfully at Liu Feng, the shopkeeper.

  "Then it's hard work for you."

  Liu Feng disappeared directly into the dark space passage.

  From the country of water, he instantly appeared in the country of Sichuan, and Naruto Uzumaki was in the country of Sichuan at this time.

  After defecting, Naruto Uzumaki did not stay in the country of fire, nor was he stupid, knowing that staying in the country of fire would be easy to find.

  However, 28's hiding was not so strict after all, so he was found by Bai Jue's clone.

  "Is Nagato still here?"

  Liu Feng looked at Naruto Uzumaki not far away, Naruto Uzumaki also covered himself at this time, his prominent yellow hair was covered with a hood, and he wore a demon fox mask on his face.

  After discovering Naruto Uzumaki, Liu Feng did not show up, but waited slowly.

  Because Liu Feng has noticed that two people with powerful chakra are approaching here.

  "With the strength of Naruto Uzumaki, it is unlikely that he can beat Nagato."

  Liu Feng didn't think that Naruto could beat Nagato, and even if Nine Tails tried his best to help Naruto, he might not be able to beat Nagato.

  If the nine tails in Naruto's body are intact, the nine tails can help Naruto with all his strength, but he will be able to fight Nagato.

  "Come on, the show is about to start."

  What Liu Feng cared about was not the battle between Nagato and Naruto, but the people who were attracted by this movement.

  The news spread throughout the Ninja world, so Liu Feng knew exactly what Nagato had in mind.

  "who are you?"

  Naruto, who had just finished eating ramen and was about to leave, became vigilant at the two figures blocking him in front of him.

  "The man who came to arrest you."

  Tiandao Payne, who was controlled by Nagato, said lightly.

  It is worth mentioning that the current Tiandao Payne is no longer Yahiko's corpse. The Tiandao Payne made with Yahiko's corpse was completely destroyed when he offended Liu Feng last time.

  "Catch me, you are from Konoha Village."

  Naruto's eyes turned scarlet, and the hatred in his heart poured out again.

  Feeling Naruto's hatred, Nagato, who was hiding in the dark, frowned, and his intention to catch Uzumaki Naruto suddenly faded a lot.

  Maybe you can change the way, don't catch Uzumaki Naruto for the time being, first use Uzumaki Naruto's hatred for Konoha Village to deal with Konoha Village, and then take action against Uzumaki Naruto when there is no use value.

  Anyway, the seal-tailed beast needs to be sealed in order from the first tail, and the nine-tailed is the last one to seal.

  When Nagato was thinking about this, Naruto had already shot, and the spiral pill hit Tiandao Payne in the face.

  "Shen Luo Tianzheng."

  When the spiral pill was still an inch away from Tiandao Payne's face, the violent repulsion knocked Naruto out.

  "We are not from Konoha Village. We came to you to invite you to join the Akatsuki organization. If you join the Akatsuki organization, I am willing to help you take revenge against Konoha Village."

  The sudden change of mind made Uchiha Itachi's face change slightly, but he did not speak.

  "Why should I trust you?"

  The vigilance in Naruto's heart remained the same. Nine tails told him that they felt malice from them, and they had absolutely no good intentions towards themselves.

  "You have no choice but to trust us."

  Tiandao Payne walked towards Naruto slowly, and at the same time took out a black stick in his hand. The way Xiao organized to subdue others was to beat them first.

  "Do you need my help?" Uchiha Itachi asked indifferently.

  "No need, just watch."

  Nagato didn't feel that he still needed help in dealing with a nine-tailed man, and did not let other Payne act, just let Tiandao Payne deal with Uzumaki Naruto.

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