Because Madara Uchiha said that Kuro is his will, so Obito felt that he could be regarded as Madara Uchiha to some extent.

  "No." Hei Jue said indifferently.

  In fact, the most urgent thing in my heart at this time is Hei Jue. After waiting for a thousand years, I finally got such an opportunity, should I give up?

  No, I can't give up. If I give up this time, it may take another thousand years, or even thousands of years, to have the opportunity to save my mother again.

  As a dutiful son, Hei can't wait any longer, and can't let his mother continue to suffer in the seal.

  Obito was disappointed by Hei Jue's words. If Hei Jue could do something, he wouldn't need to worry about losing his hair here.

  "If you don't take the soil, take a risk and enter the Mist Ninja Village to meet Uchiha Liufeng. We can't even see Uchiha Liufeng's face. How can we negotiate with Uchiha Liufeng?"

  Bai Jue encouraged Obito.

  Obitu stared at Bai Jue, murderous aura emerged from his body, and Bai Jue shut up instantly.

  "Now we can only wait until Uchiha Liufeng wants to see us."

  The only option is to wait for Uchiha Liufeng to see them. They have no way to see Uchiha Liufeng. Without Uchiha Liufeng's permission, they dare not appear in front of Uchiha Liufeng.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Not even the black guy has the guts.

  He is absolutely confident in his own abilities, but if he were to run in front of Uchiha Liufeng, he would definitely not dare to die.

  Guessing that Uchiha Liufeng definitely has the power of the sixth-level, it is impossible for non-level six to keep him, but it is not difficult to keep him at the sixth level.

  Liu Feng didn't know that Obito was worried about seeing himself, and at this time he was annoyed by a little loli.

  "You want to learn soft boxing and go to Hyuga Hizu, what are you doing to me."

  Liu Feng said angrily to Hinata Hana.

  "Because you're better than my father, I don't care, you have to teach me anyway, or I'll tell everyone that you bullied me." Hua Huo rogue hugged his leg.

  "Oh, really thought I wouldn't dare to beat you, right? Believe it or not, I'll beat you directly? Don't regret it."

...... 0

  Liu Feng clenched his fist and reminded Hana.

  Hua Huo's face changed slightly, and he felt that Liu Feng was clenching his fists as if he was serious. Could it be that he really wanted to hit her.

  "Please, teach me." Hua Huo squeezed out two tears and pleaded pitifully.

  "Okay, just call me dad, and I'll teach you how to do soft fisting?"

  Liu Feng squatted down with a smile on his face, and said while touching the little head of Hana.

  Hua Huo's little expression changed directly, staring at Liu Feng angrily, it was too abhorrent, and Hua Huo would never agree to call her Dad.

  "If you don't promise, then let me go. I still have a lot of things to do. I don't have time to waste time with you little girl."

  "Liar, I've been watching you for a long time. Every day you're so busy that you panic. What's wrong?" Hua Huo pouted, completely disbelieving Liu Feng's words.

  "I'll call you dad, please teach me soft boxing."

  Hua Huo was very rude, and secretly said sorry to his father, Hyuga Hizu, in his heart, and then hugged Liu Feng's thigh and called his father.

  "Okay, if you call me dad, I will definitely teach you." Liu Feng was entangled and had no choice but to promise Hua Huo.

  "This guy is so bad, he actually forced Hana to call him Dad, should I let Hana call my mom?" Kushina whispered to Mikoto.

  Mikoto glanced at Kushina and said that Liu Feng was too bad, but in fact you are not much better.


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Chapter 235

  After being haunted by Hinata Hana and teaching her soft boxing for a few days, she finally dismissed Hinata Hana, and then Liu Feng began to do business.

  Transfer Yakura back first. Yakura was sent by Liu Feng to manage the one-third of the land that was bitten down from the country of fire, and he has never been in Kirin Village.

  "Yakura, do you know what I'm going to do when I send you back?" Liu Feng asked Yakura.

  "I don't know, I don't dare to guess what Mistress Shuiying is thinking."

  Although Yakura's appearance is similar to that of a child, he is very mature and will not make assumptions about Liu Feng's purpose.

  "Tell you, I want to extract the three tails from your body."

  After Liu Feng finished speaking, he looked at Yakura's expression, and wanted to see Yakura's mood swings. It is well known that after being drawn out of the three tails, he would surely die.

  Yagura's face is not very good-looking. After all, it is well known that if a tailed beast is extracted, it will die. Does Mizukage-sama want him to die?

  "If Mizukage-sama needs my dedication, I am also willing to sacrifice my life." Yakura never thought about the idea of ​​resistance, because he clearly knew the strength gap between himself and Mizukage.

  "Don't worry, I'll draw three tails to guarantee that you won't die, but you will lose three tails in the future."

  Liu Feng smiled. Yakura's performance was quite satisfactory to Liu Feng. If Yakura heard the news and started to resist and attack him, Liu Feng would definitely not care about Yakura's life or death if he drew three tails.

  After hearing Liu Feng's words, Yakura breathed a sigh of relief, Mizuying-sama should not lie to him, maybe Mizuying-sama really has a way to save his life.

  As for losing the three tails, compared to saving his own life, losing the three tails is not worth mentioning at all.

  What's more, even if the three tails are lost, it does not mean that Yagura's strength will drop a lot, and he does not rely entirely on the tailed beast to exert his power.

  "I'm about to do it, you're ready."

  After Liu Feng finished speaking, he broke the seal of Yakura and caught Sanwei.

  Just as Sano Isofu was about to roar, Liu Feng restrained him, lying obediently on the ground motionless.

  Just when Yakura felt that his vitality began to run out, Liu Feng's Yang Dun Chakra entered his body, restoring his lost vitality and saving his life.

  Even Liu Feng left some three-tailed chakras for Yakura. In the future, Yakura can be a pseudo-tailed orc Zhuli, such as the two brothers with golden horns and silver horns, and pseudo-nine-tailed Zhuli.

  "I don't know what Mizuying-sama is going to do to Sanwei?"

  Yakura couldn't help but ask a question. After all these years, Sano had been sealed in his body, and Yakura also had some feelings for Miyoshi.

  "Some things don't need to be known so clearly."

  Yakura understood Liu Feng's words, and didn't dare to ask any more questions. As for Isofuke Mio, then take care of yourself, and Yakura left here directly.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng controlled Sanwei and reconciled with Wuwei and Liuwei, and let them stay together. They used to be brothers. Now that they are brought together, they should thank Liu Feng.

  "You are my fiery blade."

  Liu Feng has not forgotten that Super S Grade mission, defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki, after completing it, he will be rewarded with 100 million points and Zanpakutō·Ryuren Ruohuo.

  100 million points Liu Feng is not particularly concerned about it, but Zanpakutō·Ryuren Ruohuo, this terrifying Zanpakutō that destroys the world must be obtained.

  If you want to defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki, you must revive Kaguya Otsutsuki. If the projection of Kaguya Otsutsuki drawn in the system can be considered to complete the task after defeating, Liu Feng doesn't need to be so troublesome.

  It is also a hassle to bring Kaguya Otsutsuki back to life. Fortunately, Liu Feng does not need to do this, and Hei Jue will naturally calculate.

  Use Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel, and Liufeng walks into it.

  "It's been a long time in the country of water."

  Liu Feng's voice sounded from behind Obito, and the irritable Obito immediately turned around and looked at Liu Feng vigilantly.

  After seeing that the person who suddenly appeared was Liu Feng, Obito breathed a sigh of relief and finally saw Uchiha Liu Feng.

  Sure enough, his affairs in the country of water could not be concealed from Uchiha Liufeng. Of course, Obito never thought of concealing his tracks, and even exposed himself.

  The purpose of exposing himself is to let Liu Feng know.

  "I know what your purpose is. I can sell you three tailed beasts, but you have to pay the starting price."

  Although Liu Feng also wanted to revive the ten tails and use the ten tails to revive Kaguya Otsutsuki, he would never send the three-tailed beast Shiro.

  After all, it is also a tailed beast, and it is three tailed beasts. If it is given to Obito for nothing, wouldn't it be too generous.

  "Is what you said true?"

  Uchiha Obito was excited. He thought that after seeing Liu Feng, it would be very difficult to get three tailed beasts from Liu Feng. Who would have thought that Liu Feng would directly sell it to him.

  If you sell it to him, you must buy it, even if you go bankrupt, you must buy it.

  "Although I allow you to buy three tailed beasts, the price you offer must satisfy me, otherwise don't think about it, there is only one chance, you go to prepare..."

  After Liu Feng finished speaking, he left.

  This time, Liu Feng is going to drain all the money from Xiao's organization. Over the years, Jiao Du, a working model, must have made a lot of money. Liu Feng needs all this money.

  "Let's go back to the Xiao organization first."

  After Obito Kazue said, he quickly returned to the Akatsuki organization, and he felt at ease when he got the three tailed beasts as soon as possible.

  "Have you ever thought about Obito, what if the money we take out can't satisfy Uchiha Liufeng?" Bai Jue asked Obito.

  This remark instantly silenced Obito. Of course he had thought about it. Even if he really came up with enough money, Uchiha Liufeng could say he was not satisfied.

  They can even confiscate their money and make them waste their money.

  "There is no other choice, Uchiha Liufeng should not play with us, and now I can only gamble." Obito firmed up.

  Go back to find the members of the Akatsuki organization. The Akatsuki organization has now been reduced, and the red sand scorpion is dead. Unlike the original book, this time the red sand scorpion was killed by the fourth generation of Raikage.

  The Xiao organization paid the price of the death of the scorpion, causing the Yunren Village to suffer heavy losses, and even the eight-tailed rabbi Riki fell into the hands of the Xiao organization.

  "You said you want to trade with Uchiha Liufeng? You spent so much time, and finally you can only get the tail beast by trading with Uchiha Liufeng?"

  Nagato looked at the masked man Obito flatly, his eyes very cold.

  "It is the best choice not to conflict with Uchiha Liufeng, just treat me as giving face to the younger generation." Obito's face is thick, and he can say such words.

  Bai Jue deeply admired Obito, such a thick skin really shocked him.

  I don't know if Obito dared to say it in front of Uchiha Liufeng. If he said it in front of Uchiha Liufeng, I don't know if he would be killed.

  "I promised to take out all the wealth accumulated by the Xiao organization, and I hope you can also bring back the three-tailed beast."

  Nagato said towards 'Uchiha Madara'.

  "All the money in Xiao's organization is in charge of the horns. You can find them all."

  Obito also knew that Jiao Du was in charge of the money of Akatsuki's organization. When he came to Nagato, he just informed Nagato. In fact, whether Nagato agreed or not, this transaction must be carried out.

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