In the end, Jirai was not able to take Naruto away. The fourth Raikage, Ohnogi, Chiyo's mother-in-law, and Danzo were all against it. What could he do?

  Could it be against Yunnin Village, Sand Ninja Village and Yannin Village?Jiraiya wanted to turn his face, but he needed to consider the safety of Konoha Village.

  "I hope you don't hurt Naruto."

  With a sigh, I can only hope that Naruto can survive this game safely.

  Jirai also participated, and the Xiao organization really needed to deal with it. At the same time, Jirai also talked to Danzo once, and finally broke up unhappily.

  "Onogi, are you sure that the people from Akatsuki's organization will definitely come?" Granny Chiyo asked Ohnogi.

  She thinks that it is unlikely that the Xiao organization will come. Will she step in even knowing that there is a conspiracy?As long as the leader of Xiao's organization is not stupid, he knows there is a conspiracy.

  "Their target is the tailed beast, I don't think they will give up the nine tails."

  In fact, Ohnogi can't be sure that the Xiao organization will really come. I hope the Xiao organization will take the bait. If the Xiao organization doesn't take the bait, Onomu has no choice but to continue to use the old method to find the Xiao organization.

  Granny Chiyo sighed and waited slowly. If Akatsuki didn't take the bait this time, even if she rummaged through the entire ninja world, she would find them and snatch Ichio Morizuru back.

  The fourth Raikage was more anxious than the two of them. While waiting for the Akatsuki organization to take the bait, the fourth Raikage did not forget to continue to send Yun Ren to find the whereabouts of the Akatsuki organization.


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Chapter 242

  "Orochimaru, control them first."

  Nagato has brought the people of Akatsuki's organization to the country of rain, and has found a place to imprison Naruto of the Nine-Tails Zhuli Uzumaki.

  This is a trap, and Nagato also knows it, so Nagato does not intend to let his own people take the first shot, and intends to let Orochimaru send the second generation of Tsuchikage, the third generation of Kazekage and the fourth generation of Kazekage, who were reincarnated from the dirt, to explore the bottom.

  Of course, Orochimaru would not refuse. He was not the one who rushed up anyway. People who were reincarnated from the dirt were not afraid of being killed.

  At the beginning of the attack, under the control of Orochimaru, the third Kazekage and the fourth Raikage used the magnetic escape at the same time, and the large-scale attack ninjutsu attacked Ohnogi and the others.

  "finally come."

  Oh Yemu was a little excited, and it was worth their wait for so long.

  Chiyo's mother-in-law's face was not very good-looking, and when Ohnogi saw the person, the excitement on her face disappeared instantly, and she looked particularly ugly.

  "Second-generation Tuying-sama."

  Onomu looked at his teacher Wu, his angry face turned the color of pig liver, his teacher was reincarnated by dirty soil.

  Chiyo's mother-in-law is actually even worse. The two Fengyings were reincarnated by the dirty soil, and if they spread out to the Sand Ninja Village, they might lose their face.

  "As far as I know, there is only one Orochimaru who knows the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth."

  The fourth generation of Raikage looked at Jiraiya and Danzang, saying this was deliberately helping Jiraiya and Danzang to draw hatred.

  Danzo looked calm. Anyway, if there was any problem, Hokage was standing in front of him. He is not Hokage now, so he will handle this matter to Jiraiya.

  Jiraiya glanced at the malicious fourth-generation Raikage, and at this time he was deliberately hating him.

  "People who are reincarnated from dirty soil cannot be killed by conventional means, and they have inexhaustible chakra and physical strength, so let's find a way to deal with these three shadows reincarnated from dirty soil."

  Zilai also changed the subject.

  "In addition, the fourth Raikage should really want to rescue his righteous brother. In this case, we should cooperate well so that we can rescue Kirabi."

  This is a reminder to the fourth Raikage that the biggest enemy now is the Akatsuki organization, not fighting each other.

  The fourth Raikage was silent for a while after hearing the words. Indeed, the most important thing for him was to rescue Kirabi.

  "The old man thinks that Kiraby should be dead 々..."

  At this time, Danzo poured oil on the fire of the fourth Raikage.

  "What did you say, Danzo old fellow?" The fourth Raikage stared at Danzo furiously, and he was already wearing the armor formed by Leidun Chakra.

  "There is no place for you to speak here."

  Jiraiya stared at Danzo coldly, deliberately provoking the fourth Raikage, I don't know what Danzo's intentions are, anyway, Jiraiya doesn't want to provoke the fourth Raikage now.

  "Even when Sarutobi was alive, he didn't dare to talk to me like that."

  Danzo's face was ugly, and Jiraiya's words completely hit him in the face of Danzo. It would be strange if Danzo didn't have any emotions.

  "Now is not the time for conflict."

  Granny Chiyo was angry, this is a group of things, the enemy is in front of them, and they will engage in internal strife first.

  Soon, Jiraiya and the others didn't have time to quarrel with each other, because the third and fourth Kazekage, who were reincarnated in the dirt, had already been killed, while Ohnogi focused on watching the second generation of Tsuchikage.

  "Be careful of the dust escape of the second-generation Tuying-sama."

  Onogi reminded the fourth Raikage and the others that they were companions at this time, and if they died, it would not be a good thing for Onogi.

  The contradictions between their various villages can be put after the Xiao organization is resolved, and now dealing with the Xiao organization is the most important thing.

  "You guys are holding them back, I'll go find Jiu-Tai people Zhuri." Nagato said to Kakuto, Deidara, Uchiha Itachi and the others.

  Then Nagato started to act, and Kakuto, Deidara and the others also took action to create pressure on Ohnogi and the others.

  Deidara was more afraid of Onogi's power, so he didn't dare to provoke Onogi, and died to deal with Chiyo's mother-in-law on the other side, feeling that this old guy was easy to bully.

  Although Ohnogi is also an old guy, Chiyo's mother-in-law is obviously better to bully. She is a puppet master, and she relies more on poison and puppets in battle. Using detonating clay has a chance to kill her.

  Kakuto's goal is the fourth Raikage, and he unites the third and fourth Kazakhs who are reincarnated in the dirt to suppress the fourth Raikage.

  The fourth Raikage was injured by Kushina before, and the other injuries are almost healed, but his fingers were interrupted by Kushina and it has become a permanent injury.

  "Uchiha Itachi, have you forgotten your identity?"

  After Danzo saw Uchiha Itachi, he asked Uchiha Itachi indifferently.

  At first, Uchiha Itachi joined Akatsuki as an undercover agent, does he really dare to do something to them now?

  Danzo's words made Kakuto and Deidara look at Uchiha Itachi with a bit of surprise, whether they were deliberately provoking their relationship, or was it true.

  "You just joined the Akatsuki organization as an undercover, not a real Akatsuki organization member, I hope you can recognize it clearly." Danzo stared at Uchiha Itachi and said.

  "Hey, it's interesting."

  Orochimaru stood watching the play from a distance, without any intention of helping. He used the dirty earth reincarnation to help, and it was impossible to expect Orochimaru to do it on his own.

  Originally, Orochimaru was very upset when he was forcibly pulled over to help, so it was impossible to try his best to help Xiao Organization.

  "Amaterasu. "

  Uchiha Itachi turned on the kaleidoscope and looked at Deidara with indifferent eyes, and a black flame rose from Deidara's body.

  That's right, Uchiha Itachi has defected at this time. Knowing the plan of the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Itachi is now planning to destroy the plan of the Akatsuki organization.

  "Itachi, you are really a traitor."

  Deidara's face was ugly. He knew how terrifying the Amaterasu Black Flame was and could not be extinguished at all.

  Looking at the Amaterasu black flames that were constantly burning on his right arm, Deidara's face turned ruthless, and he cut off his arm with a decisive knife.

  Surviving with a broken arm is the best way to survive. Let Amaterasu's black flame burn, and he will die. Who made Deidara unable to find a way to seal the black flame?

  "Itachi, your actions will make the leader very disappointed." Jiao Du said lightly to Uchiha Itachi.

  Jiraiya also relaxed, Uchiha Itachi is indeed a relatively big threat (Li's), and the Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye is too strong, whether it is illusion or that difficult pupil technique, it is difficult to deal with.

  To be honest, Jiraiya is not sure to defeat Uchiha Itachi, but fortunately Uchiha Itachi is on their side, which is good news.

  "Hey, this is giving me a chance." Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Itachi greedily, he felt that the opportunity was coming.

  In fact, Orochimaru doesn't care much about whether he can catch the nine-tailed person Zhuli this time. If he can join the Xiao organization to directly destroy Uchiha Itachi and capture Uchiha Itachi, perhaps Sasuke Uchiha will not be needed.

  Compared with Uchiha Sasuke, Orochimaru still feels that Uchiha Itachi is more valuable, and wants to take Uchiha Itachi's body as a container.

  If Uchiha Itachi can be won, then Uchiha Sasuke can be thrown away, and there is no need for a guy whose character makes him hate it if there is a better substitute.


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Chapter 243

  Uchiha Itachi's defection gave Jiraiya and the others, who had been suppressed, a respite.

  "Damn, I'm going to kill Uchiha Itachi first."

  Traitors are the most annoying, especially Uchiha Itachi who caused himself to lose an arm, so Deidara angrily wanted to eat Uchiha Itachi.

  He had always wanted to defeat Uchiha Itachi, and now he just made a move. In order to deal with Uchiha Itachi, he also prepared a lot of killer moves.

  "Art is to explode, give me death."

  Deidara's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Uchiha Itachi, at the same time the bird formed of clay flew towards Uchiha Itachi and exploded.

  Uchiha Itachi's body turned into a crow and disappeared, avoiding Deidara's attack, which was not very threatening to him.

  "I'm going to stop the leader of the Xiao organization, I'll leave it to you here."

  Uchiha Itachi is not interested in fighting Deidara, he wants to stop Nagato, the purpose of Akatsuki's organization is to revive the ten tails.

  I don't know how terrifying the ten tails are, but every time I see the outsider golem, Uchiha Itachi can feel a chill.

  After the ten tails are resurrected, I don't know how many casualties will be caused.

  "Don't run away, you bastard."

  Deidara saw Uchiha Itachi leave, and even if he wanted to catch up, he was quickly stopped by Jiraiya.

  "I'll trust you once." Jiraiya also glanced at Uchiha Itachi's back. Since Uchiha Itachi was going to stop the leader of Akatsuki, he must have saved Naruto.

  If Jirai also knew that Uchiha Itachi's so-called method to stop Akatsuki's plan was actually to kill Naruto Uzumaki, I don't know how he would feel in his heart.

  Now Uchiha Itachi's plan is to kill Naruto Uzumaki, kill Naruto Uzumaki, then Nine Tails will die with Naruto Uzumaki.

  In this way, Payne will not be able to get the Nine-Tails, and the plan of the Akatsuki organization will naturally cease to exist.

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