"They're not stupid, and they won't do anything like hitting a stone with an egg." Liu Feng said to Kushina.

  As long as they are not stupid, they will not resist, because resistance is only a dead end. If they refuse to surrender to Wu Nin Village, Liu Feng will really not leave anyone in Sand Nin Village.

  Soon, the matter of Sand Ninja Village's surrender and Mist Ninja Village spread throughout the Ninja World, and the news spread very fast, and Ye Cang was pushing it.

  The original Sand Ninja Village no longer exists, there is no Sand Ninja Village in the entire Ninja World, and there will be only Mist Ninja Village in the future.

  When the news reached the ears of other shadows, whether it was Jiraiya, Ohnogi, or the fourth Raikage, they were all shocked.

  "Mist Ninja Village has subdued Sand Ninja Village, has its ambition been revealed?" Jiraiya's face was worried.

  Nowadays, Konoha Village is also very weak, and the Hyuga clan was also taken away by Uchiha Liufeng, and joined Kirin Village to become the big family of Kirin Village.

  "You can't rely on Wu Ninja Village to give up on Konoha Village. It seems that you need to prepare."

  The only way that Jiraiya can think of now is to unite Yan Nin Village and Yun Nin Village to fight against Wu Nin Village, so as not to end up in the same fate as Sand Nin Village.

  Konoha Village is quite difficult right now, with internal and external troubles, the external troubles refer to Kirin Village and Uchiha Liufeng, while the internal troubles are of course Danzo.

  Danzo is also very restless in Konoha Village. He has done a lot of things recently. He is very coveted for the location of Hokage in Konoha Village. Jiraiya also spends a lot of energy on dealing with Danzo.

  Especially now, the two elder advisors, Mito Menyan and Chuan Koharu, suddenly stood on Danzo's side and attacked him together. Jirai also expressed that it was very difficult.

  In addition, there are the major families of Konoha Village. At this time, their minds also began to float. The Hyuga clan joined the Mist Ninja Village, and the news that Mist Ninja Village had conquered Sand Ninja Village this time stimulated some families in Konoha Village. Join the Mist Ninja Village.

  It's safe to join Wu Nin Village. If Wu Nin Village attacks Konoha Village in the future, wouldn't they be in danger of being wiped out.

  Even the three secret arts families of the pig, deer and butterfly, who are close to Hokage, have other careful thoughts at this time.

  The main reason is that the threat of Wu Nin Village is too great. When Wu Nin Village did not show its ambitions before, they could still sleep soundly.

  Now Mist Ninja Village seems to be revealing their ambitions, and they have the mind to rule the entire Ninja world. Of course, they can't be stable.

  Onomu was also anxious at this time. Originally Onomu also wanted to take action against Sand Ninja Village, but now he was preempted by Wu Ninja Village (Li's).

  Now he doesn't dare to continue fighting, because it is already the territory of Wu Nin Village.

  And now Onomu still needs to worry about Mist Ninja Village. He has already shot at Sand Ninja Village. The original five major Ninja villages have become four major Ninja villages, and Onomu has a sense of crisis in his heart.

  With the strength of Mist Ninja Village, it is not difficult to destroy their Iwa Ninja Village.

  "¨" It seems that we need to join forces with Konoha Village, Yunren Village, and the Akatsuki Organization, who are also troublesome enemies. "Onogi felt bad the more he thought about it.

  Onomu was flustered in his heart, and the fourth generation of Raikage was similar. It can be said that Sand Ninja Village surrendered to Wu Nin Village and became a part of Wu Nin Village, which has broken the balance altar that has lasted for decades.

  After three consecutive Ninja World Wars, none of the five major Ninja Villages were destroyed, but now Sand Ninja Village has disappeared silently.

  Not to mention the Great Forbearance Village, even the Small Forbearance Village was panic-stricken at this time.


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Chapter 248

  "This time to conquer Sand Ninja Village, the other major Ninja Villages should be very afraid, and may join forces to fight against us."

  Terumi Mei began to analyze, as long as Konoha Village, Yannin Village, and Yunnin Village were not stupid, they would definitely unite to fight against them.

  "What's the use of analyzing these? What's the use of combining them? Can they beat us?"

  Kushina pouted and said.

  "Xiao Organization has not moved yet, which makes me very surprised."

  Liu Feng didn't care about the affairs of the major Ninja villages. To be honest, Liu Feng never took them seriously. At this time, Liu Feng was concerned about Xiao organization.

  Xiao Organization has already obtained the Nine-Tails. Although it is only half of the Nine-Tails, it is enough to resurrect the Ten-Tails, but there is still no movement, as if the world has evaporated.

  Just wait a little longer, if Xiao Organization still does not have any action after waiting for a while, then Liu Feng will go to Xiao Organization in person.

  When Liu Feng was looking forward to the resurrection of the ten tails of the Xiao organization, at this time, Obito came to the place where the Xiao organization was hiding.

  Now there are three members of the Akatsuki organization, including Obito and Jue.

  Although Uchiha Itachi is not dead yet, he is already a traitor of the Akatsuki organization, not a member of the Akatsuki organization.

  "Finally successful."

  Obito looked at the injury that had pierced his heart. If he were a normal person, he would definitely be cold, but Obito was obviously not a normal person.

  This injury was caused by Kakashi. Obito went to Kakashi deliberately and used Kakashi's hand to destroy the curse mark on the heart. After the curse mark was destroyed, Obito didn't need to worry about controlling it. .

  At the same time, this is also to cut off the bond with Kakashi, let go of the former friendship completely, and can implement the Moon Eye plan wholeheartedly.

  He didn't kill Kakashi this time, but when he sees Kakashi next time, Obito will never show mercy.

  With the cells transplanted from the first Hokage, and the possession of Bai Jue, Obito's injuries recovered quickly, and it was not difficult for others to recover from fatal injuries.

  "It's time to implement the plan."

  Obito found Nagato.

  "You're back, is the plan about to start?" Nagato's voice was a bit vicissitudes. Nagato seemed to have aged a lot after not seeing him for a few days, and he looked like he was about to run out of fuel.

  "It's about to start, but I don't have you in my plan."

  A cold look flashed in Obito's eyes, and he shot like lightning, and Kunai directly stabbed Nagato in the heart.

  Because Nagato didn't have much defense against him, Obito's sneak attack was successful, and Nagato was careless.

  The repulsive force that erupted from Samsara's eyes hit Obito, but Obito's divine power was blurred, so he could ignore the repulsive attack.

  "Nagato, your mission is over, and I will help you realize your wish."

  Obito took off his mask directly and said coldly to Nagato.

  Now he doesn't worry about revealing his identity anymore. Anyway, Nagato has long doubted himself. It's better to let Nagato be a clear ghost when he is dying.

  "You... you really aren't Madara Uchiha."

  Nagato said with difficulty, life began to pass, even though he was a member of the Uzumaki tribe, his vitality was tenacious, but the one who was stabbed by Kuwu was the vital position of his heart.

  "I'm not Madara Uchiha, but your eyes belong to Madara Uchiha, but he's mine right away."

  Obito stared at Nagato's Samsara Eye, which is the tool that Uchiha Madara wants to resurrect, but Obito doesn't plan to revive Uchiha Madara now.

  If Uchiha Madara is not resurrected, the Samsara Eye is still useful. To control the Ten Tails, the Samsara Eye can control the Ten Tails. Without the Samsara Eye, Obito really cannot complete the infinite monthly reading plan.

  "Uchiha Madara's eyes, what Xiaonan told me was true."

  The expression on Nagato's face was a little lost. When Xiaonan came to him and told him that the Samsara Eye was not his, there was a conspiracy, but Nagato didn't believe it.

  The news was obtained by Xiaonan from Uchiha Liufeng. Nagato did not believe in Xiaonan, but Uchiha Liufeng.

  But it turns out that what Xiao Nan said is true, that the Eye of Samsara really doesn't belong to him, and there is definitely a big conspiracy in it, even since he was young, the conspiracy against him has already begun.

  Indeed, Nagato is indeed miserable. From the time he was selected by Madara Uchiha, his tragic life began.


  Hei Yan passed through Obito's body without hurting Obito in the slightest.

  "Uchiha Itachi, how did you find this place?"

  Obito turned his head to look at Uchiha Itachi, whose eyes were bleeding from using Amaterasu.

  If he hadn't been careful and had been using Divine Prestige to blur, he might have been infected with Amaterasu's Black Flame by now. Although there were many ways to get rid of Amaterasu's Black Flame, it didn't mean that Obito was willing to be contaminated.

  Uchiha Itachi didn't speak, he appeared beside Nagato using the telekinesis technique, grabbed Nagato and left immediately.

  "If you want to leave, you can't escape."

  Obito's face turned cold. In fact, Obito didn't really care about Nagato's life or death, but Samsara had to stay.

  "Why... come to save me?"

  At this time, Nagato, who was carrying Uchiha Itachi on his back, asked Uchiha Itachi weakly.

  "I just wanted to stop Akatsuki's plan, and I happened to see this scene." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

  "I can't live anymore, leave me here, take this away."

  Nagato's hair looks a little dry and white, and his life has come to an end. Even if he leaves here, he can't live anymore, so Nagato does not plan to implicate Uchiha Itachi.

  After handing a reincarnation eye to Uchiha Itachi, Nagato said indifferently: "You go, I will help you stop him, remember to stop his plan."

  Uchiha Itachi glanced at Nagato, tacitly did not dissuade him, took the reincarnation eye that Nagato gave him, and left decisively.

  After Uchiha Itachi left, Nagato turned around and looked at Obito with the only reincarnation eye left, with endless indifference in his eyes.

  "Super Shinra Tianzheng."

  I don't care about consuming my own vitality anymore. Chakra doesn't have enough vitality to make up, and the supershen Luo Tianzheng who can level a village is powerful enough to make Obito look at him.

  "The power of the eye of reincarnation is very strong. If there is no divine power, it will be difficult for me to survive from your hands."

  Obito was unscathed, and the space pupil technique of Shenwei Blurry was the same as BUG. If you are not proficient in space ability, even if you are at the sixth level, there is nothing you can do with Obito.

  "It looks like I can't kill you."

  Nagato's face was getting paler and paler. Seeing that he couldn't kill Obito, he decided to destroy Samsara Eye, and he couldn't let Samsara Eye fall into his hands if he couldn't kill Obito.

  It's a pity that Nagato, who was running out of fuel, moved too slowly, Nagato's hand was blocked, and then Obito decisively dug out Nagato's Samsara Eye.

  But as a price, Obito was pierced by Nagato with a black stick in his abdomen.

  Obito didn't care much about such an injury. Looking at Nagato who lost his life breath, Obito turned and left indifferently.

  "Itachi Uchiha, I didn't expect you to sabotage my plan, but it doesn't matter, I've got the eyes."

  Obito only got one samsara eye, but one samsara eye is enough, even if he gets two samsara eyes, he is going to transplant one.


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Chapter 249

  After returning with soil, the reincarnation eye will be transplanted, and it will not take time to transplant the eye at all.

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