"Orochimaru, as long as you are willing to be loyal to Kirin Village, Uchiha Itachi's body will be handed over to you." Liu Feng looked at Orochimaru.

  "Then thank you Liufeng-jun."

  Orochimaru chose to be loyal to Wunin Village without hesitation. For Orochimaru, interests come first. He is not a good person, but Uchiha Liufeng is more appetizing to him.

  Liu Feng did not break his promise. Uchiha Itachi's body was thrown directly to Orochimaru. Anyway, it was just a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and it was of little value to Liu Feng.

  Orochimaru is a talent. Using Uchiha Itachi's body to recruit Orochimaru is considered a waste, but Liu Feng will not completely believe in Orochimaru.

  Just kidding, can you trust a snake?Liu Feng knows the story of the farmer and the snake.

  Although he had to subdue Orochimaru, he didn't need to be too kind to him, so Liu Feng did not hesitate to leave a curse mark in Orochimaru's body, to be precise, in his soul.

  "Don't think of betrayal when you join Wu Ninja Village, otherwise you won't even have the chance to reincarnate." Liu Feng warned Orochimaru.

  Orochimaru understood that what Liu Feng said was not false, and he had already expected such a situation, but Orochimaru was also ready.

  What if life is in the hands of Uchiha Liufeng, as long as he does not betray, Uchiha Liufeng will not kill himself.

  What's more, Uchiha Liufeng really wanted to kill him, even if he didn't leave a curse mark in his soul, he could easily kill him.

  Then Liu Feng looked at the pitch-black crow, the kaleidoscope of Shishui should be destroyed, and directly use the Amaterasu Black Flame to burn it together with the crow.

  "Forget it, let's give you a good time, and treat it as a face for Tsunade."

  Liu Feng lowered his head and glanced at Qianshou Tobirama again.

  Tsunade on the side looked unhappy, and gave her a face. If Liu Feng really gave her face, he would not have humiliated Qianshou Tobirama so much.

  However, between Liu Feng and Qianshou Tobirama, Tsunade still chose Liu Feng, because Liu Feng is his own person. As for Qianshou Tobirama, the second grandfather, he never gave her a good feeling when he came to Konoha Village.

  The reason is, of course, that Tsunade has become a rebel of Konoha Village. With Qianshou Tobirama's concern for Konoha Village, even if he knows that there is a reason for Tsunade to become a rebel, he is not happy.

  Qiudaoyu was held in the palm of Liu Feng's palm, and then fell down and turned into a black cloth to wrap Qianshou Tobirama, who was stepped on by Liu Feng.

  Qianshou Tobirama is dead, even if he is in a state of reincarnation, don't even think about resurrecting, the soul no longer exists, it is really dead.

  "Death is a relief for you, otherwise I may continue to humiliate you."

  Liu Feng glanced at Qianshou Hashirama and said.

  "Tsunade, I'll leave it to you, Senshou Hasuma, you have to block him so that he doesn't make me angry."

  Liu Feng looked at the enraged Senju Hashirama and said to Tsunade.

  "Tell me, what's wrong with Tobirama?" Qianshou Hasuma stared at Liu Feng and asked. He is usually not angry, but it is terrifying when he is really angry.

  At least now, no one dares to stand beside Senju Hashirama. The terrifying chakra that erupted from him is so terrifying that it has surpassed the nine tails in a complete state.

  "Dead, completely dead, my soul has been destroyed by me, and the reincarnation of the dirt will not be able to resurrect him." Liu Feng told Qianshou Zhujian calmly, anyway, he was not afraid of Qianshou Zhujian's anger.

  "I have to settle the matter you caused." Tsunade was also very angry at this time.

  She killed her second grandfather in front of her. If it weren't for the deep relationship with Liu Feng, Tsunade would really turn against Liu Feng.

  "If you don't settle it, he will definitely die. You know me. I can't be merciful."

  Liu Feng spread his hands towards Tsunade and said.

  Even if Qianshou Hasuma is Tsunade's grandfather, Liu Feng would not be able to show mercy to him if he took action against him, so it would be a good thing for Tsunade to let Tsunade solve it.

  What else can Tsunade say? If she doesn't watch Liu Feng kill her grandfather, even if she loves Liu Feng again, she will definitely turn against Liu Feng.

  The helpless Tsunade stood in front of Liu Feng.

  "Tsunade move away."

  Qianshou Hasuma said with a cold expression.

  At the beginning, he was willing to die on behalf of Senju Tobirama, which shows that Senju Hasuma's feelings for Senju Tobima are a veritable brother-in-law.

  "Grandpa, you are not Liu Feng's opponent at all, you can't even beat me." Tsunade said helplessly to Qianshou Hashirama.

  Just now Liu Feng was angry, and she couldn't stop it. Now Liu Feng is probably out of breath, so she gave her this chance, so Tsunade must stop her grandfather from committing suicide.

  "The first Hokage-sama is calm." Jiraiya said to Senju Hashirama.

  This is Konoha Village. According to what Orochimaru said before, Tsunade has also mastered the wooden ninjutsu. If Tsunade and the first Hokage fight, the ninjas in Konoha Village will suffer first.

  Immortals fight and mortals suffer, so I try my best to dissuade Qianshouzhujian from coming.

  "Teacher, this is the interior of Konoha Village." Sarutobi Hiizan reminded Qianshou Hashirama euphemistically.

  Although Sarutobi Hizen also wanted to avenge his teacher Senju Tobirama, but his first concern was Konoha Village.

  What's more, with Uchiha Liufeng's means, he really doesn't like the first Hokage.


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Chapter 254

  In the end, Tsunade and Qianshou Hasuma still failed to fight, and Qianshou gave up.

  After all, Konoha Village can't be abandoned, and Konoha Village will be destroyed in a fight, so Chishou Hasuma can only give up revenge.

  However, this matter made Qianshou Hasuma very dull, and he ignored Tsunade. He didn't expect that Tsunade would choose to stand on Uchiha Liufeng's side.

  But Qianshou Hasuma did not accuse Tsunade. Perhaps in Tsunade's heart, Uchiha Liufeng is more important.

  "Everyone, our enemy is Uchiha Obito."

  At this time, Ohnogi stood up and reminded that the purpose of their coming here was to deal with Uchiha Obito, but as a result, Uchiha Liufeng and Qianshou Tobirama fought.

  Jiraiya's expression became solemn, and then his eyes turned to Liu Feng.

  "Shuiying, I don't know how strong the ten tails are?"

  I learned the news of Juwei from Liu Feng's mouth, so Uchiha Liufeng should know the strength of Juwei, so it's no problem to ask Liu Feng.

  I just don't know if Uchiha Liufeng will tell them. If Uchiha Liufeng doesn't say it, they can't force it.

  "How strong is the ten tails? Anyway, stronger than you."

  What Liu Feng said was the truth, but Jiraiya and the others felt that it was very unpleasant, but thinking of the strength of the nine tails, even the nine tails could not deal with it.

  Even in order to deal with the nine tails, he took the life of Minato Namifeng, and the strength of the ten tails is much stronger than that of the nine tails.

  Jirai also looked at Qianshou Hashirama, and Uchiha Liufeng couldn't count on it, because no one knew what purpose Uchiha Liufeng had.

  The only one I can count on is the first-generation Hokage-sama. I hope that the first-generation Hokage-sama can solve it. If the first-generation Hokage-sama can't solve it, then there is really no way.

  "They'll be here soon, and you'll be able to see the ten tails in a while."

  Liu Feng said flatly, the ten tails are in Liu Feng's perception, and it is not far from Konoha Village.

  Soon, the ninjas of Konoha Village, as well as the ninjas from Yannin Village and Yunnin Village came to report that the Bai Jue army and the ten tails were getting closer and closer to Konoha Village.

  "We can't put the battlefield in Konoha Village, so we have to take the initiative to attack." Zilai also said in a deep voice.

  "That's right, the opponent must not be allowed to hit Konoha Village."

  If Sarutobi Hizen, who was reincarnated from dirty soil, also supports Jiraiya, if he is beaten to Konoha Village, even if he wins in the end, it will be a disastrous defeat for Konoha Village.

  Although Sarutobi Hizan is already a dead person, but with his feelings for Konoha Village, it is absolutely impossible to watch Konoha Village suffer.

  "Minato, let's go find out how the situation is first?" Sarutobi Hizan embarrassedly said to Namikaze Minato.

  "it is good."

  Minato Namikaze nodded stiffly and agreed, because of Naruto, Minato Namikaze has not forgiven Hiruzen Sarutobi yet, but Minato Namikaze knows that now is not the time to be self-willed.

  After that, Namikaze Minato took Sarutobi Hiizan and used the technique of Flying Thunder God to quickly investigate the situation.

  "Shuiying, didn't you bring Mistin with you?"

  Fourth Raikage asked Liu Feng a little unhappily.

  The news of Hundred Thousand Bai Jue has been inquired clearly, and it is quite difficult for them to deal with, but Wu Ren only came to Liu Feng and the others, did they want to preserve their strength.

  Thinking of this, the fourth generation of Raiking couldn't bear to offend Liu Feng's strength, and couldn't help questioning Liu Feng.

  "Don't worry, the ninjas in my Mist Ninja Village are all on the way. It won't take long for them to come over. I will definitely give you a surprise when that happens."

  There was a smile on Liu Feng's face, and this smile made the fourth Raikage look malicious and felt a little uncomfortable.

  "So much the better."

  After knowing that the mist ninja would come, the Fourth Raikage also felt relieved, and Ohnogi and Jiraiya who were listening beside him also felt relieved for the time being.

  However, what they didn't know was that the arrival of the ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village was not a good thing for them. Liu Feng asked the ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village to come over, but to deal with them.

  To be precise, all of them will be cleaned up. As long as they do not surrender to themselves, they will all be eliminated, and use this incident to rule the entire ninja world.

  Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade and the others all knew about Liu Feng's plan, so after seeing the smile on the faces of the four generations of Raikage, they felt a little strange. come out.

  "This is Madara's chakra breath."

  After feeling the chakra of Madara Uchiha, the dull Senju Hashirama left Konoha Village in an instant and headed towards the direction Uchiha Obito killed.

  Madara Uchiha deliberately released his chakra, mainly because he knew from Obito that Qianshou Shima was also reincarnated by dirty soil.

  Madara Uchiha, who knew the news, was very happy in her heart, and couldn't wait to release her breath to attract Senju Hashima to come, um, just like an animal courtship in the animal kingdom.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "It's not bad for Uchiha Madara's love, and he is really sensitive to Uchiha Madara's Chakra."

  Liu Feng looked at the back of Senju Hashirama leaving and said.

  "what are you saying?"

  Tsunade squeezed his fist and looked at Liu Feng angrily, and then couldn't help giving Liu Feng a punch. In fact, Tsunade was also a little resentful today.

  Before, Liu Feng seemed to be really angry, so Tsunade didn't vent his grievances, but now Tsunade doesn't have to worry about venting his grievances.

  Of course Liu Feng didn't resist, knowing that Tsunade was a little sorry today.

  Ji Lai also looked at Liu Feng and Tsunade who seemed to be flirting in front of him with a complicated expression.

  "It's time for us to do it too."

  Jirai also glanced at Ohnogi and the Fourth Raikage, and they did not refuse, regardless of whether there was any conflict between them, but first of all the enemy in front of him was Uchiha Obito.

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