"¨" Interrupted me watching the play. "

  Liu Feng continued to look at Tsunade and Liudao Obito.

  At this time, Tsunade used the Six Paths Immortal Mode. In the face of Obito who had reached the Six Paths level, he could only use the Six Paths Immortal Mode to fight against Obito.


  Tsunade looked unhappy, she punched in the past, and was once again evaded by Obito using divine power. Tsunade didn't master space ninjutsu at all, so he really couldn't do anything about Obito.

  The annoyed Tsunade didn't know, and Obito was even more shocked. He didn't expect to become the Jutsu Jushi, and he couldn't even defeat Tsunade.

  Even Tsunade can't deal with it, so the question is, how should Uchiha Liufeng deal with it?

  Obito doesn't think Uchiha Liufeng is inferior to Tsunade, his strength is definitely far more than Tsunade.

  "Don't use divine power if you have the ability."

  Tsunade stopped, if Obito didn't use Shenwei, Tsunade was confident that he could definitely beat Uchiha Obito violently.

  But how could Obito be obedient and not use Shenwei, just kidding, he saw Tsunade's attack before, and one (Li Li's) punch knocked the ground down.

  I believe that even if a mountain is placed in front of Tsunade, it will be shattered by one punch.

  Even now that Obito has become a Ju-Tailed Juruli, his body is stronger than steel, but if he is punched, he will still be punched.

  "There's no need to entangle with Tsunade."

  Obito knows what his goal is, and his goal is Minato Namikaze, so now Obito has been paying attention to Minato Namikaze.

  Dodging Tsunade's attack, Obito escaped instantly and killed Minato Namikaze.

  Seeing Obito chasing Minato Nami, Tsunade simply gave up and continued to deal with Obito. Anyway, now her grandfather Senshou Hasuma is safe and sound, and the goal has been achieved.

  "Why did you come back? Did you find that you couldn't deal with that Obito at all?" Kushina asked Tsunade jokingly after seeing Tsunade's return. She had clearly seen Tsunade's suffocation before.


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Chapter 258

  Glancing at Kushina who was gloating at her misfortune, Tsunade simply ignored her. The more she ignored her, the more Kushina would ridicule him.

  "Liu Feng, is there any way you can teach me time-space ninjutsu?"

  Tsunade looked at Liu Feng, the previous battle was too disgusting for Tsunade, obviously it wasn't that he couldn't beat Obito, but he couldn't help the opponent.

  If it was Mikoto dealing with Liudao Obito, she would not be so passive, because Mikoto knows Huangquan Hirazaka, the ultimate time-space ninjutsu.

  "I do have a way, but the price to pay for me is not small." Liu Feng shrugged and said.

  Tsunade has no talent in space, so there is only one way for Tsunade to acquire time-space ninjutsu, and that is to exchange ability cards in the system for Tsunade to use.

  The exchange price of Huangquan Hirazaka is 80 points, but it can only be used by Liu Feng. If you exchange for a card that can be used by others, you need 160 million points.

  That's right, it costs double the points to redeem.

  "let it go."

  Tsunade shook his head slightly after hearing Liu Feng's words.

  Although he really wanted it, if Liu Feng paid a great price, then Tsunade thought it was better to give up.

  "Give you."

  Liu Feng gave Tsunade the ability acquisition card of Huangquan Hirazaka, and by the way took out another one and gave it to Kushina.

  You can't favor one over the other, otherwise, Kushina will definitely get into trouble with Liu Feng.

  Now Liu Feng has accumulated a lot of points, so it is not very distressing to spend, especially the things in Naruto World, Liu Feng has already obtained almost.

  Although items in other worlds can also be exchanged, it is not worth the exchange. Items in other worlds need to be exchanged for ten times the points in Naruto World.

  This is really not worth it, Liu Feng will not be this fool anyway.

  "You didn't forget me, thank you Liu Feng."

  Kushina kissed Liu Feng's face, feeling very happy.

  "Of course I don't dare to forget you. If I forget you, you will be turned upside down." Liu Feng said with a shrug.

  "Where is it so exaggerated, do you think I am this kind of person?" Jiuxinai said angrily.

  Afterwards, Tsunade and Kushina used Huangquan Hirazaka's ability to obtain the card, and finally obtained the time-space ninjutsu, and it was still the strongest time-space ninjutsu.

  "Having the ability of time and space is really powerful."

  Mikoto couldn't help speaking at this time, and then Liu Feng knew why Mikoto sighed like this.

  Liudao Obito went to catch Namikaze Minato, but he hasn't caught it yet. Compared with his strength, Obito's strength is not sure how much stronger than Namikaze Minato.

  Now Obito is at the sixth level, and Namikaze Minato is at the peak of the shadow level at best, but relying on the technique of Flying Thunder God, he is just playing with the sixth level.

  "This stupid."

  Liu Feng glanced at Obito with contempt. In fact, it was not only the reason why the Flying Thunder God technique was difficult, but also that Obito was too stupid.

  In exchange, he has the ability to carry the soil of the six paths, and Minato Namifeng has already caught it.

  "Xianfa·Wu Dun·Tree Realm is coming."

  Qianshou Zhujian, who had watched a scene on the side, displayed the immortal magic wooden escape. This time Qianshou Zhujian's attack target was Bai Jue.

  All the Bai Jue present were the target of Qianshou Zhujian's attack. Thousands of Bai Jue were strangled in an instant, and even Bai Jue's casualties became more and more serious.

  With Qianshou Zhuma's strength, it was simply too easy to deal with Bai Jue, but Bai Jue was not a vegetarian, and many Bai Jue began to use transformation techniques.

  Bai Jue's transformation technique should be the strongest. It can absorb the enemy's chakra, and transform the same chakra as it is. With the same appearance, even I can't see any difference.

  In this way, Qianshou Hashirama did not dare to shoot at will, but Bai Jue could shoot unscrupulously, and many ninjas from Konoha Village, Yannin Village and Yunnin Village panicked.

  Bai Jue can become his own person, and even if he perceives ninjutsu, he can't perceive it. Now they have to be careful to guard against their own people around them in battle, because it is impossible to say which one is Bai Jue's change.

  "I didn't expect Bai Jue's army to be quite strong."

  Tsunade was a little surprised. Before, Tsunade didn't take Bai Jue army seriously. Although there were a lot of them, Tsunade thought it was just a cannon fodder-level enemy.

  However, looking at the current performance, Bai Jue's army is also quite powerful.

  The technique of barter change can cause the ninja army to be in civil strife, and Bai Jue can also be merged, and after the fusion with each other, it will exert a stronger power.

  "For people at the sixth level, they are still cannon fodder."

  Liu Feng said lightly.

  "Perhaps Kaguya Otsutsuki is out of her mind."

  Bai Jue is a weapon made by Kaguya Otsutsuki, but Liu Feng doesn't know what use these weapons are. Could it really be against the people of the Otsutsuki family?

  The people of the Otsutsugi family are generally at the sixth level, and the weakest should be the peak of the super shadow level, so they can exert the power belonging to the sixth level.

  These Bai Jue used to deal with the people of the Otsutsuki family. To be honest, Otsutsuki Kaguya really had a problem with his brain.

  Her brain is definitely not normal, shouldn't she train a real powerhouse to fight against the Otsutsuki family?

  For example, her two sons, Six Path Immortal Otsutsugi Yuyi, and Otsutsugi Yucun, if you control their two brothers, wouldn't it be more effective than these Bai Jue.

  After the woman Kaguya Otsutsuki is resurrected, ask her if there is something wrong with her brain.

  "When will the ninjas of our Mist Ninja Village arrive?"

  Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  "At the speed of Terumi Mei, I should have arrived with the ninjas of the Mist Ninja Village. It hasn't appeared yet. It should be because I want to see the ninjas of other Ninja villages and Bai Jue fight and lose both."

  Although Liu Feng is guessing, he can be sure that this guess is correct.

  "It turned out to be the idea." Kushina nodded, but then pouted, even if he brought the ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village to kill him now, if Liu Feng was here, he would be crushing others.

  "Uchiha Madara has been watching here, what do you think he is thinking?"

  Kushina glanced at Madara Uchiha in the distance, and Madara Uchiha has been looking this way since just now.

  "It should be warning me. Tsunade's previous strength was too scary, and it is estimated that Uchiha Madara was also intimidated."

  Liu Feng said with a smile.

  It is true that Madara Uchiha was intimidated. Tsunade can fight against the ten-tailed person Zhuli Liudao Obito, so Uchiha Liufeng can easily defeat Liudao Obito.

  At this moment, Madara Uchiha felt that even if he became Zhuri of the Ten Tails, he might not be able to beat Uchiha Rufeng.

  But soon Uchiha Madara dismissed the thought in his heart, and his pride could not allow himself to admit that he was inferior to Uchiha Liufeng.

  Liu Feng looked at Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Madara also noticed Liu Feng's gaze, and temporarily avoided meeting Liu Feng's gaze. Now he really doesn't want to collide with Liu Feng.

  Now that the conflict has not yet erupted, Madara Uchiha feels that there is no need to make trouble, and will talk about it after he becomes Zhuri of the Ju-Tails.

  After becoming the ten-tailed person Zhuli, he will have confidence. Even if he can't defeat Uchiha Liufeng, Uchiha Madara thinks it will not be too bad.


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Chapter 259

  "Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm."

  When Ohnogi was chasing down Namikaze Minato, he suddenly used the dust escape towards the six paths.

  Sudden sneak attack, if it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to escape, but Obito could use divine power.

  In the face of Obito's divine power, even if Xue Ji eliminated Chen Dun, it was useless. In fact, even if he didn't use Shenwei, Obito could deal with Chen Dun~ there are many ways.

  "Earth-exploding stars."

  The black sphere was rubbed with both hands, and the black sphere flew into the sky. The terrifying gravitational force erupted from the black sphere, and the gravel on the ground was instantly attracted to the sky.

  Among them, Kaze Minato's Fei Lei Shen Kunai, this is the way Liudao Obito can think of to deal with Minato Minato after being played around for a while.

  As long as Namikaze Minato wants to run, it will be difficult to catch Namikaze Minato. This Obito knows clearly, so there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to clear Hiokaze Minato Kuai.

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