"Young Master, the identity information of those Yun Ren has not been investigated."

  After Liu Feng came back before, he asked Uchiha Ye to investigate the identity information of those Yun Ninjas.

  "It's fine if you don't investigate, don't investigate. Continuing the investigation may cause trouble."

  Although Liu Feng is not afraid of trouble, he does not want to cause trouble, but now Liu Feng is [-]% sure that those Yun Ren are not the real Yun Ren.

  Although the other party wore the forehead protection of Yun Ren Village, from beginning to end, he did not show the iconic ability belonging to Yun Ren.

  Yun Ren is good at swordsmanship, ninjutsu and thunderbolt, but Liu Feng did not see the other party use one.

  When he came to the Vortex Clan, as the great benefactor of the Vortex Clan, of course Liu Feng would not be hindered.

  "Liu Feng, what are you doing here? By the way, Jiuxinai is going to your place, right?" Vortex Qi asked Liu Feng.

  "I'm here for Kushina's business. Kushina was kidnapped before, but I solved it."


  Uzumaki Qi stood up, chakra on his body was a little violent, Jiu Xin Nai was his only precious daughter, if something happened, he would probably go crazy.

  "Who did it?" Uzumaki Kai's face was murderous.

  "It seems to be a daughter slave." Liu Feng muttered in his heart.

  "Yun Ren, on the surface, it was made by Yun Ren, but I guess it may be done by someone from Danzo pretending to be Yun Ren."

  "Are you sure it was made by Danzo's fake Yun Ren?"

  Vortex Kai gritted his teeth.

  "Not sure, if I can be sure, I don't need to guess, but Danzo probably won't attack Kushina for no reason."

  Although Liu Feng guessed that Danzo might have done it, thinking about the kidnapping of Kushina, wouldn't do Danzo any good.

  "It's not for no reason, Danzo wanted Kushina to join the root organization." Uzumaki Qi patted the table angrily.

  "Danzo wants Kushina to join the root organization? Why?" Liu Feng was indeed shocked by the news.

  "You should know about Ren Zhuli, right?"

  After Vortex Qi calmed the anger in his heart, he asked Liu Feng.

  "Of course I know, I am now a half-person pillar."

  Although there is no tailed beast in Liufeng's body, but the chakra with nine tails, like the two brothers Jinjiao and Yinjiao, Liufeng can also use the nine-tailed chakra to transform into a half-tailed beast.

  Half-tailed beast transformation is the appearance of the tailed beast Chakra coat on the body. As for the complete tailed beast transformation, it is completely transformed into a tailed beast and exerts all the power of the tailed beast, but that requires the real tailed beast in the body to do it.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 27

  He was very shocked when he said to Liu Feng that he was half a person, but he didn't ask Liu Feng, and he didn't plan to ask about secrets.

  "Since you know what the human column force is, it's easy to say. In fact, the three generations of Hokage want Kushina to become the next generation human column force."

  At this time, Uzumaki Kai's face was obviously annoyed. From his heart, Uzumaki Kai didn't want Kushina to become the so-called human pillar force.

  What is Human Pillar Force?If it doesn't sound good, it's a weapon of war. Of course, Uzumaki Qi doesn't want his daughter to become a weapon of war, and he will be treated differently by others.

  "So Danzo knew that Kushina was going to become a human pillar, and wanted Kushina to join the root organization?"

  Liu Feng also guessed it.

  "Yes, he wanted Kushina to join the root organization, but I rejected him, and the third generation also rejected him."

  Liu Feng nodded, it seems that the possibility of Danzo who kidnapped Kushina this time is as high as 90%.

  As for why he pretended to be Yun Ren, he was probably afraid of being discovered. If he was discovered, let Yun Ren take the blame.

  If no one finds out and kidnaps Kushina, I am afraid that Kushina will be brainwashed and controlled by the root organization. At that time, it is possible not only to gain the power of a person, but also to control the vortex family.

  "I'm going to find Danzo to settle the account."

  The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He really couldn't swallow this breath.

  "Forget it, there is no evidence that Danzo did it. We are just guessing, and even if we can prove it, you can't do anything about Danzo."

  Liu Feng stopped the whirlpool Kai, he went to Danzang not only could he not do anything to Danzang, but he might suffer a big loss himself.

  "Do you really want Kushina to become a human pillar?"

  "No, I will never let Kushina be a human pillar. If Konoha insists on making Kushina a human pillar, I will leave Konoha if it's a big deal."

  Uzumaki Kai is a daughter slave, of course he can't let Kushina become a weapon of war, even if he turns against the three generations of Hokage.

  It is impossible for the three generations of Hokage to turn against the Uzumaki family. If Uzumaki Kai firmly disagrees, he will definitely choose another person, Zhuli.

  "Actually, I don't think it's very likely that the three generations of Hokage will make Kushina a human pillar."

  Liu Feng said to Vortex Kai.

  "Why?" Hearing Liu Feng's words, Whirlpool Qi was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

  "It's very simple, Kushina and I are too close, just because of this, she can't be selected as Ren Zhuli in the end."

  No matter how good Kushina's talent is, it is impossible for Sarutobi Hiizan to make a person who is very close to Uchiha a human pillar force.

  "In this case, why did the three generations of Hokage still tell me that I hope Kushina will become a human pillar?" Uzumaki Kai looked at Liu Feng with doubts.

  "It's probably something else."

  Liu Feng's eyes flickered, feeling that Sarutobi Hizen was testing the whirlpool Kai.

  If Uzumaki Kai promises to make Kushina a human pillar force, it means that Uzumaki Kai gave his daughter to Konoha, and his heart is towards Konoha and his Hokage.

  On the contrary, it depends on what Sarutobi Hizan thought.

  "Since you refused decisively, it should be impossible for Jiuxinai to become a candidate for Renzhuli, but you need to be vigilant within the vortex clan."

  Liu Feng's words made the whirlpool Qi stare, he was not a fool, he knew what Liu Feng meant.

  Although the Uzumaki clan entered Konoha Village, does Hiruzen Sarutobi really fully believe in the Uzumaki clan?

  Especially when Sarutobi Hidden made Kushina into a human pillar force, and he directly refused.

  "If the three generations of Hokage win over the other members of the Uzumaki clan, if you pull them together, you, the patriarch, may not be able to sit firmly."

  Liu Feng is also a reminder to the whirlpool. After all, what happens to the whirlpool family is not good for Liu Feng.

  Bringing himself into the position of the third generation Hokage, if the patriarch Uzumaki Kai cannot be trusted and is not his own, Liu Feng will also find a way to split the Uzumaki clan.

  "Kushina may not come back these days, but she is very safe in the Uchiha family, you don't have to worry."

  After chatting with Vortex Qi for a few more words, Liu Feng left.

  Returning to the Uchiha clan, Liu Feng sighed.

  "It is estimated that the whirlpool family may also fall into the current situation of the Uchiha family."

  Internal instability, and today's Uchiha is also full of contradictions. The biggest contradiction is that of his grandfather and Uchiha's patriarch.

  His grandfather Uchiha Cang wanted him to be the next patriarch, but how could the current Uchiha patriarch allow him, he would definitely make his son Uchiha Fuyue the next patriarch.

  Now Uchiha is divided into two factions, one faction supports Liu Feng to become the next patriarch, and the other supports Uchiha Fuyue to become the next patriarch.

  In fact, the current patriarch is still young and strong, and he is still far from the next patriarch.

  "The Whirlpool Kai is a help to me. I finally rescued the Whirlpool family. I still have to help him when necessary."

  "Forget it, what do you think about, strength is the most important thing, fist is the last word, as long as my strength is strong enough, Uchiha will not exterminate the family in the future."

  Becoming a member of the Uchiha clan, and enjoying Uchiha's resources, Liu Feng is definitely not an ungrateful person. He absolutely cannot let Uchiha exterminate the family in the future, at least those who support him cannot die.

  Came to Mikoto's house, smelling the aroma of the food, a smile appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  Mikoto, who had just walked out of the kitchen, saw Liu Feng come in and her eyes lit up: "I just finished cooking, sit down and eat, it's all you like."

  "Mikoto is really suitable to be a good wife and mother." Liu Feng said with a smile.

  Hearing Liu Feng's words, Mikoto's cheeks blushed.

  "You're making fun of me again."

  "I'm not joking, I'm serious. By the way, Uncle Yun asked me to prepare dowry gifts and propose marriage."


  Mikoto's voice was so small that Liu Feng could hardly hear Mikoto's voice.

  "Hey, do you still want to eat? If you don't, I'll eat it all up, and I won't leave you at all." Kushina shouted fiercely to Mikoto and Liu Feng.

  "I'm like a hot pepper at a young age. I'm afraid I won't be able to marry when I grow up."

  "Hmph, if I can't get married, I'll marry you."

  "Hehe, I don't dare to ask you, but I know you have the nickname of Blood Red Chili Pepper in school."

  "Damn, don't mention blood red peppers."

  Jiuxinai stared at Liu Feng angrily. Blood red pepper is not a good name. Who would dare to call her that in school, she would definitely teach her a lesson, which also made her nickname of blood red pepper even louder.

  Looking at the abominable Liu Feng, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he became wicked, grabbed his hand and bit down.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 28

  In the system space, Liu Feng is considering whose projection he wants to challenge.

  There are still six others that Liu Feng can challenge now, namely [Ten-tails Projection], [Thousand-handed pillars projection], [Onogi Projection], [Uchiha Madara (Eternal Kaleidoscope) Projection], [Thousand-hand Tobirama Projection] , [Uchiha Liufeng (kaleidoscope) projection].

  "Tou Tai, Senju Hasuma, and Madara Uchiha, I'm sure I can't beat these three."

  What Liu Feng peeps at most is the power of the ten tails. If he can explode all the chakras of the ten tails, wouldn't it be a step to become a sixth-level rank.

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