"I don't think so 々..."

  Kushina said with a gloomy face, I don't know how Liu Feng will teach her this time, remember what Liu Feng said before.

  They can't argue with each other, it seems that this time she and Tsunade can't escape punishment.

  "I suddenly thought of something to do, I'll go first." Tsunade glanced at Liu Feng, and then wanted to slip away.

  "It's okay to slip away now, but if I get caught later, the punishment may be doubled. Tsunade, you need to think about it." Liu Feng smiled and said to Tsunade.

  "Cough, I remembered it wrong just now, my business has been done."

  There is no way, I can only admit it, I can't escape the first day of the first day, but I can't escape the fifteenth day, and I will even be punished even more severely at that time, so let's just admit it.

  "And your fireworks, come here."

  Liu Feng looked at the fireworks.

  "What is my business? It doesn't seem to be my business, right?" Hua Huo stared at Liu Feng with wide eyes.

  "It's none of your business, isn't it you who told nonsense before? You said it's none of your business?" Liu Feng had a sneer on his face.

  "You started telling lies at such a young age. If you don't educate you, wouldn't it make things worse in the future? I'm here to teach you a lesson for your father, Hi Xiang Rizu, come here."

  "Woo, you are just looking for a reason to bully me." Hua Huo cried out.

  "Fake crying is a skill."

  Liu Feng pulled Hua Huo over and said lightly, "The tears didn't flow out. Would you like me to prepare some eye drops for you?"

  "No need." Hua Huo hummed his head and said.

  "Hey, it's reasonable for you to help Kushina and the others to lie." Liu Feng pinched Hana's small face.

  However, Liu Feng didn't really teach Hua Huo a lesson, at most he just scare her, but probably Hua Huo was used to it, knowing that Liu Feng was just to scare her, so he acted unscrupulously.

  "Kushina big villain."

  Hua Huo angrily glanced at Kushina, obviously lying to you, but now you are not only not helping, but you are actually watching the show.

  "What did you just say, Hana?" Kushina asked, staring at Hana.

  To actually say that she is a big villain, hehe, I really need to clean up, Kushina feels that it is necessary to clean up the fireworks, she is too arrogant.

  "Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't save me, you still watch the show?"

  Seeing Kushina staring at her, Hana was not afraid at all. It was Kushina who was wrong. If it wasn't to help Kushina to lie, she would not be bullied by Liu Feng now.

  Originally, even if Kushina didn't help her, Hana didn't care, but Kushina actually watched his own jokes too much, and Hana couldn't bear it anymore.

  "Kushina is too inauthentic." Tsunade said lightly after glancing at Kushina.

  At this time, Kushina was a little embarrassed, and glared at Tsunade secretly, she knew that Tsunade was deliberately mocking herself.

  After all, the two had fought a battle before because of contradictions, especially this time the winner had not yet been decided.

  "How are you going to punish us?" Kushina asked Liu Feng, which was also to change the subject.

  "¨" If you punish you, let you help Terumi Mei. Everything should be obeyed by Terumi Mei. What do you think? "Liu Feng asked with a light smile.

  "Can I object?"

  Kushina immediately wanted to oppose and help Terumi Mei. Who knows how Terumi Mei will toss herself at that time, the key is that she uses chicken feathers as an arrow, and there is nothing she can do to toss herself.

  "Do you think you can object?"

  Liu Feng asked Kushina back.

  "I see, but Terumi Mei should not go too far, otherwise I will never give Terumi Mei face."

  Talk to Liu Feng in advance, lest Terumi Mei arrange some difficult things for herself.

  "Okay, if Terumi Mei deliberately embarrassed you, you can come and talk to me at that time." Liu Feng nodded towards Kushina, and Kushina agreed.

  Anyway, Liu Feng said that even if he didn't agree, he wouldn't do it, so did Tsunade, and he didn't refuse, because Tsunade knew that he couldn't refuse at all.

  "Whatever you look at, it's all your fault."

  Kushina noticed that Tsunade was staring at her, and immediately (Li Wangzhao) said to Tsunade that she was shaking.

  "Haha." Tsunade sneered and slapped the table with a slap. The table was torn apart instantly, and Xiaonan and Hinata next to him were trembling, but Hanako felt very exciting, and even wished they would fight directly.

  "Did I say you don't take me too seriously, or do you want the punishment to be heavier?" Liu Feng glanced at Kushina and Tsunade.

  "My meal is ready, I'm ready to eat." Mikoto made a relief for Kushina and Tsunade at this time, Kushina looked at Mikoto gratefully, as expected of a good sister, Mikoto is the best.

  After Mikoto noticed Kushina's grateful gaze, she glanced at her angrily. Kushina had been dishonest.

  Between her and Tsunade, it must be Tsunade who was provoked by Kushina first. Anyway, if there is another time, Mikoto will never make a clearance for Kushina, and it will also make her remember.


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Chapter 278

  "My concubine wants to see Uchiha Liufeng."

  Outside the newly built Kirin Village, Kaguya Otsutsuki looked coldly at the gatekeeper Kirin.

  "How dare you call Master Shuiying's name directly, courting death."

  Hearing Kaguya Otsutsuki calling out Liu Feng's name, Mist, who was guarding the gate, was unhappy. They would not allow anyone to be disrespectful to Liu Feng.

  A cold light flashed in Kaguya Otsutsuki's eyes, if it wasn't for the fact that they were Uchiha Liufeng's subordinates, she would definitely kill these two rude guys.

  "The concubine went to find him by herself."

  Glancing coldly at Kirin, who was guarding the gate, Kaguya Otsutsuki directly used Huangquan Hirazaka to enter the village.

  "White eyes? Are you also a member of the Hyuga family? Why haven't I seen you."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki, who entered the village, happened to be met by Hinata Hanako. After seeing Kaguya Otsutsuki's blank eyes, Hana was a little surprised.

  All the members of the Hyuga clan know Hana, but the woman in front of her has never been seen before, but her hair is so long, I don't know how many years she has had it.

  "Little girl, do you know where Uchiha Liufeng is?"

  Kaguya Otsutsuki asked Hinata Hanako.

  Entering the village, Kaguya Otsutsuki really couldn't find Liu Feng, and even she herself had to get lost here.

  "You're asking the right person, but why should I tell you?"

   Hua Huo turned his head in dissatisfaction, this woman was not polite to her at all, so Hua Huo was also very dissatisfied with her.

  "Hana, I didn't tell you not to run around. If you run around again, I won't take you out next time."

  Kushina chased from behind angrily, but after seeing Kaguya Otsutsuki, Kushina was stunned.

  Unlike the fireworks, Kushina had seen Kaguya Otsutsuki. After Kaguya Otsutsuki was resurrected, Kushina also saw Kaguya Otsutsuki from a distance.

  Now that she saw it, she naturally recognized Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  Instantly pulling the fireworks over to block him, Kushina asked Kaguya Otsutsuki vigilantly, "Aren't you sealed up, how did you come out?"

  At this time, Kushina felt that Kaguya Otsutsuki might have broken the seal and came here to seek revenge for Liu Feng, so she was very vigilant against Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  "It seems that you know the concubine, Uchiha Liufeng, let him come out to see the concubine."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki said with great dissatisfaction.

  I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to see Uchiha Liufeng now, and Kaguya Otsutsuki, who had a bad temper, was about to go crazy at this time.

  Jiuxinnai became more vigilant, she must have nothing to do with Liu Feng, and of course Jiuxinai didn't want to agree.

  "My concubine knows what you're thinking, and I'm not looking for trouble."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki said lightly to Kushina.

  "Okay, I can take you to Liu Feng, I hope you don't do anything irrational, or you will die miserably."

  Kushina warned Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  "If it weren't for your unusual relationship with Uchiha Liufeng, you would be dead now." Kaguya Otsutsuki stared at Kushina with a cold face.

  Not everyone can warn and threaten her. Kaguya Otsutsuki is very proud. If she is not afraid of Uchiha Ryufeng, she will definitely do it with Kushina.

  "Ha ha."

  Kushina sneered disdainfully.

  Although she is indeed not as strong as Kaguya Otsutsuki, it is impossible for Kaguya Otsutsuki to kill her, because Kushina also has a special physique similar to Kaguya Otsutsuki and is immortal.

  This is the ability acquisition card that Liu Feng gave to Kushina, and this ability was obtained by Kushina.

  With his immortality, even if he couldn't beat Kaguya Otsutsuki, Kaguya Otsutsuki couldn't help her.

  Kushina's disdainful sneer made Kaguya Otsutsuki secretly angry, but in the end it didn't happen.

  "Little girl, remember not to run around in the future, otherwise I won't take you out to play."

  When taking Kaguya Otsutsuki to see Liu Feng, Kushina gave Hinata Hana a lesson by the way, and this time it can be said to be very dangerous.

  When she met Kaguya Otsutsuki, fortunately she didn't take action, otherwise the fireworks would be absolutely dangerous.

  "I see." Hua Huo stuck out his tongue and agreed.

  However, although he promised on the surface, he would definitely run next time.

  "Liu Feng didn't seal you back then?" Kushina asked Kaguya Otsutsuki after glancing at her.

  "Let the concubine lead the way."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki was very cold and didn't want to say anything to Kushina at all. Seeing Kaguya Otsutsuki's appearance, Kushina didn't make fun of herself.

  Liu Feng was at home at this time, and Liu Feng knew when Kushina brought Kaguya Otsutsuki back.

  "Looks like you've found it."

  After Kaguya Otsutsuki came in, Liu Feng said lightly to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  It seems that Kaguya Otsutsuki has found Otsutsuki now, otherwise, Kaguya Otsutsuki would not have come here to find him.

  "The concubine was lucky and found him successfully." Kaguya Otsutsuki had some pride on her face.

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