"what can I do for you?"

  "I don't know if Terumi Mei didn't say it. There should be something wrong. Go and have a look." Mikoto shook her head and said she didn't know.

  "Then I'll go take a look, I hope I don't have something to hand to me."

  Liu Feng doesn't want to do things. If Terumi Mei really has a job to hand to Liu Feng, then Liu Feng can think about running away.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng asked Mikoto to arrange Kaguya Otsutsuki, and warned Kaguya Otsutsuki to be more honest, and seal her back if she was not honest.

  Although I was very dissatisfied with Liu Feng's threat, but because I was really afraid of being sealed back by Liu Feng again, Kaguya Otsutsuki said that I had eaten this anger.

  Anyway, it is not once or twice that I have been deflated in the hands of Uchiha Liufeng, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is used to it.

  Mikoto, Tsunade and the others looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki curiously, and then Mikoto arranged a place for Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  Liu Feng also came to Shuiying's office at this time, looking at Terumi Mei and Ye Cang, who were working hard like model workers, with a gentle smile on Liu Feng's face.

  "It's really hard for you."

  "Hehe, Mistress Shuiying, you're so embarrassing for me, I want to resign now, I don't know if I can?" Ye Cang laughed twice, and he could feel the resentment radiating from her body through two meters of Liufeng.

  "Do you think it's possible? I have no opinion, but do you think Terumi Mei will let you go?"

  Liu Feng spread out his hands and asked Ye Cang.

  Ye Cang glanced at Terumi Mei at this time, then sighed slightly, it was definitely impossible to let him go.

  "Are you looking for me?"

  Liu Feng sat down and asked Terumi Mei.

  "I think our village should be renamed." Terumi Mei said to Liu Feng.

  The entire ninja world has been unified, and if we call it Mist Ninja Village again, it feels a bit small.

  "Rename? Then just call it Ninja Village."

  Liu Feng did not refuse, and Terumi Mei's proposal was fine, but Liu Feng would not rack his brains to think of a name, so he would simply call Shinobu Village.

  "It's too direct."

  Hearing the direct call to Shinobu Village, Terumi Mei felt that it was too direct.

  "Then why don't you come up with a name, I have difficulty naming names." Liu Feng didn't want to think about it any more. If Terumi Mei could think of other names, let Terumi Mei come.

  "Forget it, let's just call Ninja Village, what about you?"

  "Just call me Ying directly." Liu Feng waved his hand and said.

  Terumi Mei's mouth twitched slightly, and finally nodded stiffly.

  "By the way, I decided to reform it. In the future, ordinary people will let ordinary people manage. You only need to manage ninjas well."

  Liu Feng told Terumi Mei about some things he had discussed with Mikoto before, but he forgot about it before, and suddenly remembered it at this time.

  "Alright, just to lighten my burden." Of course Terumi Mei couldn't refuse, and even raised both hands to agree.

  There are so many things that need to be dealt with by Terumi Mei right now, if the burden can be lightened, it can be said to Terumi Mei.

  However, the specific details still need to be discussed, Liu Feng directly left this matter to Terumi Mei, and continued to be the shopkeeper.

  Of course, Terumi Mei was unhappy about Liu Feng continuing to be the shopkeeper, but Liu Feng had a legitimate reason.

  The main manager is to eliminate the threats that may exist in the ninja world, such as the Otsutsugi clan, who use the main manager to be lazy, and Terumi Mei can't say anything.

  In fact, the internal threats in the Ninja world have been basically cleaned up, and the biggest ones are external threats. When the Otsutsugi clan is solved, the threats will be cleaned up.


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Chapter 282

  "Otsutsuki Kaguya, there are two ten-tails in the ninja world. Where is the Otsutsuki-style ten-tailed?" Liu Feng asked Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  This is something Liu Feng forgot to do before. Before killing Otsutsuki Ichi-shiki, he should check his memory and find the ten-tailed Otsutsuki Ichi-shiki.

  "My concubine doesn't know."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki's answer was very direct, telling Liu Feng that she didn't know, and Kaguya Otsutsuki really didn't know. If Kaguya Otsutsuki really knew, she would have taken the initiative to take the ten tails into the bag. .

  "Really don't know?" Liu Feng asked Kaguya Otsutsuki again.

  "My concubine really doesn't know where the other ten tails are. If I could have found it, I would have absorbed and swallowed the other ten tails."

  If Kaguya Otsutsuki got another ten tails, his current strength would definitely be more than that.

  Liu Feng also believed in Kaguya Otsutsuki. After all, Kaguya Otsutsuki and Kaguya Otsutsuki were enemies, and he definitely couldn't let Kaguya Otsutsuki find anything he had hidden.

  "Is there any way you can find another Ten Tails?"

  "If you give your concubine ten tails, maybe I can find another ten tails." Kaguya Otsutsuki mentioned his ten tails again.

  Her ten tails don't know where Uchiha Liufeng put it, anyway, she can't feel it at all, it should be sealed by Uchiha Liufeng.

  "Ha ha."

  Liu Feng smiled and stopped talking, giving Otsutsuki Kaguya ten tails, who knows if she will do anything after giving her ten tails.

  If you want the ten tails to become a god tree and then bloom and bear fruit, you need a lot of chakra. Maybe Kaguya Otsutsuki, a woman, will start the infinite moon reading again for the benefit.

  Even if he saw that Kaguya Otsutsuki had no chance to do it, Liu Feng wanted to eliminate this possibility.

  After hearing Liu Feng chuckle, Kaguya Otsutsuki knew that there was still no hope for mentioning it this time, and he wondered if there would be any chance in the future.

  "Do you know how to attract Otsutsuki Momo?"

  Liu Feng asked Kaguya Otsutsuki a question again.

  "Can you not answer your concubine?"

  Kaguya Otsutsuki was a little resentful because Liu Feng didn't give her ten tails and was unwilling to answer his question.

  "You can try it. As long as you are not afraid of being sealed by me, it's fine if you don't answer. I won't force you."

  Liu Feng smiled and said to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  "Aren't you forced?"

  She even threatened herself with a seal, yet she still said she would not force it. Indeed, the choice was left to her, but does she have a choice?

  "The concubine can't contact them now, but they will definitely come to find the concubine."

  Kaguya Otsutsuki knew that, like Otsutsuki Momo-style, they would find them sooner or later, and they would inevitably have to fight.

  "It looks like it's just a matter of waiting."

  Liu Feng can't help it, do you want to go to other planets to find the Otsutsugi trio?I don't know where they are and how to find them.

  "How do you know about Otsutsuki Momo? There shouldn't be any information about Otsutsuki Momo in the ninja world, right?"

  At this time, Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly reacted, even Otsutsuki Yui may not know the Otsutsuki Peach Style, how did Uchiha Liufeng know about it.

  There is also Otsutsuki Ichishi, he knows too many things.

  "How do I know you don't care."

  Liu Feng fled away. At this time, Liu Feng entered the system space, and the ten tails that Kaguya Otsutsuki was thinking about was also in the system space at this time. This is why Kaguya Otsutsuki could not perceive the whereabouts of the ten tails. .

  Being placed in the system space by Liu Feng, how could it be felt by Kaguya Otsutsuki's ability.

  "System, extract character projection."

  This month's character projections have begun to be drawn. I hope to have good luck. I don't expect to be able to draw character projections from other worlds. At least give myself a six-level character projection and let him earn some points.

  [Ding, you extracted the Uchiha Obito Projection! 】

  "It's not very lucky."

  Liu Feng was a little disappointed. If it was Liudao Obito, Liu Feng was still a little interested, but Uchiha Obito, Liu Feng instantly lost interest.

  "Keep it, I'll deal with it when I have time." Liu Feng was no longer interested in the challenge, so he came to Xiaomeng, patted Xiaomeng, and woke Xiaomeng up.

  "Liu Feng, why are you in the system space?"

  "I'm here to chat with you. You're not welcome. If you're not welcome, I'll leave." Liu Feng gestured to leave the system space.

  "Wait a minute, of course you are welcome. Besides, you are my master. How could I not welcome you? I don't dare."

  Xiaomeng regained her energy instantly. It was boring to stay in the system space by herself. Xiaomeng also had her own feelings, and she also felt lonely.

  So most of the time, Xiaomeng uses sleep to pass the time. Anyway, after falling asleep, she feels that time will pass quickly, and she doesn't feel lonely anymore.

  But what Xiaomeng looks forward to the most is when Liu Feng enters the system space, and she cherishes the time to chat with Liu Feng.

  This time, Liu Feng is indeed looking for Xiaomeng to chat, mainly because there is nothing to do, it is better to come to the system space to accompany Xiaomeng.

  Well, if Terumi Mei knew that Liu Feng was so idle, it would probably explode.

  As the leader of Shinobi Village and the controller of the entire Shinobi world, he doesn't do anything serious. If Terumi Mei catches Liu Feng, he will definitely kill him.

  Accompany Xiaomeng for half a day, and then leave the system space in Xiaomeng's reluctance.

  Next, we should do some serious business. The first is to find the other ten tails that Otsutsuki is hiding.

  Although the ten tails are blocked, it can be regarded as an unstable factor. As the current ruler of the ninja world, Liu Feng, of course, must erase all unstable factors.

  Then it is to solve the three groups of Otsutsuki Momo, Otsutsukiura, and Otsutsuki Kim.

  By eliminating the three of them who may appear in the ninja world at any time, Liu Feng can rest assured to destroy the Otsutsukimoto family.

  If Liu Feng went to deal with Otsutsuki's family now, what if the three of them took the opportunity to steal Liu Feng's house?

  Although this possibility is very small, no matter how small the possibility is (Li Zhaohao), Liu Feng doesn't want to gamble.

  Anyway, I know that they will definitely come, so it's better to wait for the rabbits. It's not that Liu Feng is impatient after waiting for a few years.

  So the next day, Liu Feng set off. When he left, Liu Feng took Kaguya Otsutsuki. This time, Kushina did not leave with Liu Feng.

  The reason why he couldn't follow Liu Feng was because he was entangled by Hinata's sister, Hana Huo, a stubborn little girl.

  The reason why Hanahu entangled Kushina was because of Liufeng's instructions to Hana. In order to get Hanako to agree, Liufeng also promised to give Hana a lot of benefits.

  A promise is just a promise. As for when it will be fulfilled, it depends on Liu Feng's mood. If Liu Feng is in a good mood, the benefits promised to Hua Huo will be fulfilled.

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