However, they didn't know that Stuxi fell in love with Liu Feng's god Bie Tian, ​​and after Liu Feng changed his will, he now swears allegiance to Liu Feng.

  If they contact Stuxi and let Stuxi monitor Liu Feng, I am afraid that she will betray Liu Feng if they turn around.

  The Five Old Stars didn't know, so the proposal of the Five Old Stars with a Flat Hat was passed, and the other Five Old Stars chose to agree with the proposal of the Five Old Stars with a Flat Hat.

  Liu Feng returned to his palace at this time, and then entered the system space.

  In more than three months, including the previous time, Liu Feng took a total of four character projections. Because he was busy with the country of Wano during this time, Liu Feng did not have time to challenge.

  The projections of these four figures are the Smog projection, the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel projection, the Golden Lion Shiki projection, and the Drought Jack projection.

  The Smog projection is the Smog projection two years after the top war, but even the Smog at that time, the performance was not strong, and all kinds of deflated.

  Among the four character projections, Smog's strength is the weakest. Although the smoke fruit is a natural devil fruit, Liu Feng is really not interested.

  There are not many natural devil fruits, and the smoke fruit is relatively weak among the natural devil fruits.

  In the original work, Smoker did not show amazing development.

  "Start with Smoker."

  The challenge starts with the weakest Smog, and goes directly into the trial space.

  "Armed Color Hardened."

  The fist was covered with armed color domineering, and then instantly appeared in front of the Smog projection, punched it down, and then it was over.

  [Ding, you kill Smog Projection, get: 5 points, Navy Six-style get card! 】

  Because Liu Feng had already mastered the Sixth Naval Form, what came out was the Navy Sixth Form Ability Acquisition Card, which could be used by others, allowing others to initially master the Sixth Naval Form.

  "Not so lucky."

  Although Liu Feng has no interest in the smoke fruit, the most precious thing for Smog is the ability of the smoke fruit, followed by the domineering of armed color and the domineering color of knowledge.

  Smog, who was on top of the war two years later, has mastered the domineering of armed and seen.

  "It's like accumulating points."

  Points are also very important, not to mention exchanging things in the exchange mall, that is to say, crossing points also need to spend points for crossing.

  "The second choice is the flying squirrel."

  In the era Liu Feng was in, the flying squirrel was still relatively young, but the projection he drew was the flying squirrel projection after the beginning of the plot, a veteran lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters.

  Although the most interesting thing in the navy is the general, the lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters is not weak, not to mention the naval hero Garp, and the cranes who were contemporary with Garp and the others.

  Others like Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel and other lieutenant generals are very strong, and they can fight against the officials of the Four Emperor Pirates without falling behind.

  "One-shot flow, instant cut!"

  Liu Feng pulled out the first-generation ghost and slashed over. In the blink of an eye, the flying squirrel was slashed in half by Liu Feng. After being beheaded by Liu Feng, he failed to react to draw his sword.

  "It's boring." Liu Feng had a boring expression on his face.

  [Ding, if you kill the flying squirrel projection, you will get: 10 points, the ability to obtain the card of armed color domineering, swordsman-level swordsmanship, physique +10! 】

  "Hey, the attribute point actually exploded, and it hasn't exploded for a long time."

  Liu Feng couldn't help muttering to himself after seeing the physique +10.

  However, his physique was +10, so he couldn't feel any change. If he could explode every time, it would be very impressive if it accumulated, but whether it could explode depends on luck.

  "Swordsman-level swordsmanship is of little use to me."

  With Liu Feng's current mastery of kendo, the swordsmanship of the great swordsman level may be of some use to him, while the mere swordsmanship of the swordsman level, Liu Feng, is a little disdainful.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng chose to solve the projection of Drought Jack. Drought Jack was one of the three disasters under Kaido. The devil fruit he ate was an elephant fruit, an ancient species, and a mammoth form.

  Being able to transform into a mammoth, it has a very strong destructive ability and a strong ability to resist attacks. It is a very good sandbag.

  That's right, Liu Feng took Drought Jack as a sandbag, and hoped that he would be able to resist a little, but not to die so quickly.

  After entering the trial space and seeing Drought Jack, who is more than eight meters tall, he couldn't help but sigh that there are so many monsters in the pirate world.

  Jack is not a pure human, he is a murloc with a bounty of 10 billion Bailey.

  boom! ! !

  This time Liu Feng didn't take the first shot, Jack's projection was rude, transformed into a mammoth, and hit Liu Feng with a flick of his trunk.

  Liu Feng used the divine power to blur, and the attack passed from Liu Feng's body and hit the ground.

  Jack's bounty is not low, and his bounty is so high, mainly because the damage caused is too great, and it is very destructive after turning into a mammoth.

  However, Jack, who became a mammoth, also has shortcomings, and they are obvious shortcomings, that is, the attack is too straight, and because of his huge body, it is not easy to dodge the attack.

  His anti-strike ability is very strong. After turning into a mammoth, he has rough skin and thick flesh. Ordinary people may not cause much damage to him, but when encountering a real powerhouse, Jack's shortcomings are fatal.

  "I'll give you an electrotherapy."

  There was a crackling thunder and lightning on Liu Feng's hand, and with a flick of his hand, the blue thunder and lightning turned into a thunder beast and threw himself on Jack, who turned into a mammoth.

  With a wailing cry, Jack fell to the ground, twitching continuously. It seemed that he was not clearly being electrocuted. Liu Feng's electric shock therapy was very powerful.


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Chapter 312

  "This is just the beginning, can't you bear it? It really makes me despise you."

  Liu Feng said to Drought Jack, who was lying on the ground.

  It is a pity that the projection in the system space has no emotions. If it is Jack in reality, after hearing Liu Feng's mockery, he will definitely be furious.

  But the projection doesn't work. If Liu Feng taunted, it would have no effect on Jack's projection at all.

  "Lei Ying."

  Liu Feng was slightly disappointed, and then he was twitched by the electric shock and couldn't get up. He didn't qualify as a sandbag.

  So just end him and forget it, the ball lightning that destroyed an island in an instant, bombarded Drought Jack who fell to the ground.

  [Ding, you kill the Drought Jack Projection and get: 12 points, +15 strength, and the ability to get a card for armed color domineering! 】

  The strength has increased a little, but Liu Feng doesn't feel it. Probably because he is too strong now, this little increase in strength seems a little insignificant.

  As for the Armament Color Domineering Ability Acquisition Card, Liu Feng has already obtained two cards, one of which can be used by Hancock, and the other one should be kept for now.

  Three of the four character projections have been resolved by Liu Feng, and now there is still one projection of the Golden Lion Shiki.

  Shiji the Golden Lion is a well-known big man. He used to be a crew member of the Rocks Pirates. After the defeat of Rocks, Shiji the Golden Lion dominates one side, and is as famous as Whitebeard and Roger.

  The Golden Lion is different from Whitebeard. He has great ambitions. He once wanted to join forces with Roger to rule the world, but he was rejected by Roger in the end.

  Then the angry golden lion Skye and Roger go to war, and this war is the Battle of Art Wall.

  Originally, Roger was defeated, and even the Roger Pirates were forced to the end of the road, but who made Roger the protagonist of that era?

  A storm saved the Roger Pirates. Most of the fleet of the Flying Sky Pirates was smashed into the seabed by the storm. The golden lion also had the rudder stuck on his head because of an accident. Because it might be dangerous to take out the rudder, the rudder was It has been stuck in the golden lion's head and has not been taken out.

  After Roger surrendered, the Navy announced that Roger had been arrested. The Golden Lion, who did not believe that Roger would be captured, broke into the Navy Headquarters single-handedly, and was finally defeated by Garp and Sengoku, and was detained on the sixth floor of the Great Underwater Prison.

  Now the golden lion should have escaped from the underwater prison.

  "This guy should have swordsmanship at the level of a great swordsman."

  Liu Feng is quite interested in the swordsmanship of Dajianhao level. Although the damage caused by Liu Feng's sword is more terrifying than Dajianhao, his mastery of kendo is really not as good as Dajianhao.

  If the swordsmanship of the golden lion is revealed, it will also help Liufeng to perfect the swordsmanship that suits him.

  Not only swordsmanship, but the golden lion's domineering, armed, and fluttering fruits are all very powerful.

  However, the ability of fluttering fruit is not particularly attractive to Liufeng, because of the ability of fluttering fruit, Liufeng can also use the power of his own nine hook jade reincarnation eye.

  "Lion Power Earth Scroll!"

  The entire ground was lifted up by the power of the fluttering fruit, turning into a mountain of lion heads, rolling towards Liu Feng.

  "It's quite loud."

  Liu Feng smiled lightly, then opened his hand slightly and used Shinra Tianzheng to bounce everything, including the attack of the golden lion Shiji.

  Even Shiji, the golden lion, was knocked away by Liu Feng's repulsive force, protruding a mouthful of blood, which was also mixed with some minced meat, suspected of internal organs.


  Looking at Shiji the Golden Lion, Liu Feng said, what Liu Feng most wants to see now is Shiji the Golden Lion showing his swordsmanship.

  It is worth mentioning that the projection of the golden lion that Liu Feng fought against is a golden lion whose feet have not yet been severed.

  After being imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison, the Golden Lion cut off his feet bound by Hailoushi's shackles, and then escaped from the Great Underwater Prison Push City.


  Golden Lion held two knives, Ying Shi and Mu Ku, and slashed towards Liu Feng. The huge sword energy instantly cut through the ground, and flew towards Liu Feng with the power to sever everything.

  Raising his hand slightly, Liu Feng's hand covered the domineering aura of armament, then grabbed it lightly, grabbed the huge sword energy, and then exerted a little force, and the sword energy was directly crushed by Liu Feng.

  The shattered giant sword energy was like a raging gust of wind, causing scars to the surrounding earth, but it failed to hurt Liu Feng at all.

  If it was a real golden lion, it would definitely be shocking to see his sword qi destroyed with bare hands, but the golden lion projection created by the system in front of him had no expression at all.

  This is also the reason why Liu Feng feels that it is very boring to play against the projection drawn by the system, and he is not even interested in cruelty.

  Because there is no expression at all, even if you crush him, he will not show shock and fear, which is completely boring.


  The complete body Susanoo wrapped Liu Feng and protected Liu Feng, and then Liu Feng controlled the complete body Susanoo to take out a long sword from the wings behind him.

  "If I go down with this knife, you will definitely die."

  Liu Feng ruthlessly controlled the complete body Susanoo and slashed it down. Even though Susanoo was very big, the speed of the slash was too fast.

  Knowing the domineering can predict the attack, but predicting is not predicting, even if Shi Ji has the domineering, he can't avoid it.

  When you get up, you can predict the future if you have the highest level of domineering, but Shiki obviously can't rely on the domineering to predict the future.

  Susanoo slashed the golden lion Shiki with a knife, even if the golden lion Shiki resisted, even if he used armed arrogance, he could not stop the power of this knife.

  Under this knife, the golden lion could not even leave the body.

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