Then he was caught and became a slave of the Tianlong people. Of course, the blood wolf resented his status as a slave, but there was nothing he could do.

  He is a devil fruit capable person. At this time, he is wearing Hailoushi handcuffs and is unable to resist at all.

  "Let's make a deal, as long as you help me complete one thing, I can give you freedom back."

  Kamael looked at the blood wolf aloofly.

  After hearing the words of Kama Aier, the blood wolf's face showed disdain. Can the words of the Tianlong people be believed?

  Anyway, for the Tianlong people, he was already extremely resentful.

  "I don't think you want to die now and feed him the stuff."

  Kamael sneered, this vile slave, if he wasn't useful, just because he was disrespectful to himself, Kamael would definitely kill him.

  Considering that the other party is still useful, he will leave him a small life, but even if his small life is left, it must be in his own hands.

  The holy man of Kamal had fed the blood wolf with poison. As long as there was no antidote, within a day, his whole body would fester and die.

  "What did you feed me?"

  There is some fear on the blood wolf's face. It is not that he is not afraid of death. If he is not afraid of death, when he is caught and falls into the hands of Tianlong people and becomes a slave, he chooses to commit suicide.

  "The poison that can make you die, you only have one day. If you can't complete the task I gave you in one day, you can only die."

  Kamael has a proud face on his face, and what about the famous pirate at sea, he is not in his hands yet.

  "What mission?"

  The blood wolf asked Kamal Saint angrily.

  If possible, I really want to kill Kamal Saint, but unfortunately even if I let him go, he doesn't dare to do it.

  The antidote is in the hands of Kama el-Saint. If Kama el-Saint is killed, can he get the antidote?

  In fact, what he didn't know was that there was no antidote at all, there was no antidote for this poison at all, and Kama El-Saint never thought of letting the blood wolf live.

  Regardless of whether it can kill Uchiha Liufeng, the blood wolf must die.

  "Help me kill a Celestial Dragon, this is his address."

  Kamal Saint handed over the address of the palace where Uchiha Liufeng was located to Blood Wolf.

  Hearing that it was the Tianlong people to be killed, the blood wolf was a little excited, with bloodthirsty killing intent in his eyes.

  "After I kill him for you, you must give me freedom." Blood Wolf said to Kamal Saint.

  "I, Kamal El-Saint, always count."

  The blood wolf gave Kamal Saint a deep look, and then said, "I need food and water."

  He's just a slave, and he can count on how good Kamal-al-Saint treats him. He's been starving for days. In fact, Kamal-al-Saint brought him back, just as a tool to show off.

  "Prepare him."

  Kamal Saint ordered to go down, and then left, he still did not want to stay with the blood wolf.

  What if he goes crazy and attacks himself?A single strand of his hair is more precious than his life.

  After eating and drinking, the blood wolf recovered some strength, and finally picked up the map and chose to start.

  "If you don't give me the antidote and freedom, I'll let you bury me with you." The blood wolf's eyes were ruthless.

  Although he didn't want to die, if he was really forced, Blood Wolf wouldn't mind killing Kamal Saint.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  In fact, just now, the blood wolf wanted to kill Kamal Saint, but he knew that the other party was protected by someone. With his weak body, it was likely that he would die first.

  Liu Feng's palace, the blood wolf came all the way here.

  "Dive in."

  The blood wolf will not be arrogant enough to kill directly. He doesn't know how many guards a Tianlong person has around him, but it is definitely not less.

  If you go in frontally, I am afraid that you will be killed without even seeing the other party's face.

  The blood wolf chose to sneak in, but as soon as he entered the manor, he was discovered by Hancook and Taotu. It just so happened that Hancook was cultivating to be domineering, so he found the blood wolf who had sneaked in.

  And Taotu just happened to meet the blood wolf.

  "Two women?"


  With cruelty in the eyes of the blood wolf, he quickly raised his hand, his palm has turned into a wolf's claws, and slashed towards Hancock's fatal throat.

  Hancock took a small step back, just to avoid the blood wolf's claws.

  "Pointing to the gun."

  Hancock behaved very calmly, and quickly counterattacked after dodging the attack. Because the blood wolf was too tall, Hancock's finger gun attacked the blood wolf's abdomen.


  This blow did not break the defense, and the blood wolf used the armed color domineering in time to block Hancock's finger gun.

  "It will be domineering."

  If Hancock knows that the other party has mastered domineering, he will definitely use armed domineering to strengthen the power of the finger gun.

  "Little girl is not easy."

  The blood wolf sneered. He has experienced many battles. Even if he was a little careless at the beginning, he quickly adjusted to the attack.

  The icy cold light flashed, and the knife light cut through Xuelang's clothes and left a wound on his chest. This was Taotu's slash.

  "I actually forgot you, it seems that I underestimated the enemy."

  The blood wolf touched the blood flowing out of the wound, his eyes had turned blood red, and his body slowly moved closer to the wolf.

  "A mere animal devil fruit person dares to break into the place of Lord Liu Feng and die for me."

  Hancock kicked the blood wolf with a kick, and the huge vacuum air blade kicked out to blast the blood wolf out.

  In fact, Liu Feng knew about it for a long time, but Liu Feng didn't come forward, just to use this guy as a sharpening stone for Hancock and Taotu.


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Chapter 315

  Hancock and Taotu cooperated. Although they didn't like each other well before, they cooperated very well when they were fighting.

  In fact, if possible, Hancock doesn't want to cooperate with Taotu, but the blood wolf in front of her is too strong, she can't beat herself at all, so she can only cooperate with Taotu.

  The knife in Taotu's hand is one of the twenty-one big quick knives. Even if he doesn't use the weaponry to strengthen his power, he can still break through the blood wolf's defense.

  The blood wolf is also very jealous of the knife in Taotu's hand, in addition to jealousy, there is also greed.

  "Aromatic feet."

  Hancock kicked the blood wolf from behind while Taotu was holding the blood wolf.

  This kick Hancock used the ability of the devil fruit, as long as he kicked it, it would definitely make the blood wolf immortal and disabled.

  Although the blood wolf did not grasp the domineering look of knowledge, but only mastered the domineering look of armed, but his years of combat experience, he was aware of Hancock's sneak attack.

  However, Xuelang didn't care much about Hancock's sneak attack. He already knew how much Hancock's attack weighed.

  The protection he made with the domineering arrogance of the armed color would not be broken at all, and the previous Lanjiao only left a small wound on his body.

  And the wound has now recovered, and the abilities of the animal-type Devil Fruit are basically a physical improvement.

  Such as strength enhancement, speed enhancement, combat ability, recovery ability.

  What he eats is a dog fruit, a devil fruit in the form of a wolf, and after turning into a werewolf, his abilities have been greatly enhanced in all aspects.


  The blood wolf was kicked.


  The sound of the stone breaking, the moment Hancock kicked, the part where the blood wolf was kicked began to petrify, and then shattered immediately.

  The position where the blood wolf was kicked was his right arm, so he lost an arm directly.


  After Hancock succeeded, he immediately retreated, not giving the opponent a chance to counterattack.

  "You are actually a devil fruit person, damn it."

  The blood wolf stared at Hancock furiously. He hadn't considered that Hancock was a devil fruit person before, so he didn't have much defense against Hancock.

  The result of being unguarded is the loss of an arm.

  This is also because he was too careless. In fact, from the beginning to the end, he didn't pay much attention to Hancock and Taotu.

  If he was kicked just now, if he used the armed color domineering to defend, his arm would not be petrified.

  Armamentous Domineering actually has a resisting effect on various Devil Fruit abilities. If you use Armored Domineering to block it, Fragrant Feet will definitely not be able to petrify his arm before breaking the Armored Domineering Defense.

  It's a pity that he is too pretentious. The result of too much pretence is naturally tragic. He doesn't have enough strength. It's best not to try to pretend.

  Because the price is simply unbearable.

  "I am a big pirate with a reward of 3 million. How could I be defeated by you two little girls."

  The blood wolf roared and became even more crazy.

  "You said you offered a reward of 3 million?" Hancock's eyes revealed doubts.

  Is this the only big pirate with a reward of 3 million?Or that she has grown too fast, and she can compete with the big pirates with such a high bounty.

  In fact, such a thing as a reward cannot be used as a criterion for judging strength. For example, the blood wolf, because he has done more bad things, the reward is so high.

  And now his strength is not at its peak. After being a slave for a period of time, his strength has also regressed a lot. His body has always been hungry. Although he has eaten a full meal, his body has not yet recovered.

  "Don't talk nonsense with him."

  Taotu said to Hancock.

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