In the end, Tsunade did not refuse any more. It would be impossible to say that Tsunade was not interested in Muji Ninjutsu at all.

  "Don't call me Tsunade-sama, and call me Tsunade-sama from now on."

  Tsunade patted Liu Feng on the shoulder and grinned at Liu Feng. I don't know if this girl did it on purpose or not.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng invited Tsunade to dinner. He thought that Tsunade would refuse, but who knew that Tsunade agreed without hesitation. Originally, Liu Feng was just polite.

  "Liu Feng, can you lend me some money?"

  Tsunade rolled his eyes and asked Liu Feng.

  "What do you want the money for?"

  Hearing that Tsunade wanted to borrow money, Liu Feng instantly became vigilant and lent money to Tsunade, probably because the meat buns beat the dogs, but there was no return.

  In fact, Liu Feng had already guessed what Tsunade was going to do with the money. He probably went to the casino. Although this big fat sheep kept losing, he was never discouraged.

  Although Tsunade today is not big, she has been in casinos since she was a child, and borrowing money must be to gamble.

  "I have a profitable business, and I can return it to you tomorrow with interest." Tsunade said to Liu Feng.

  "Hehe, don't fool me, you are a famous big fat sheep, I will not..."

  When Liu Feng was about to refuse, his eyes suddenly lit up, no, maybe he could make some money with Tsunade, and it would be okay to lend her some money.

  "Okay, then I'll lend you some reluctantly."

  Liu Feng was also very proud and lent Tsunade [-] taels, but he would definitely earn it back from Tsunade.

  After entering the casino, it is absolutely impossible to lose money with Tsunade, and it seems that he will make a lot of money.

  After eating, Liu Feng took the initiative to take Tsunade to the casino, and when it was dark, Liu Feng walked out of the casino.

  "Sister Tsunade, thank you, this is my salary for you."

  Liu Feng handed over one million taels to Tsunade, and then left with the thirty million taels he earned.

  "Damn it, I got the money, why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

  Tsunade took the money from Liu Feng, and was in a very unhappy mood. When he entered the casino, Uchiha Liu Feng was fighting against himself. Those who didn't know, thought he had a deep hatred with him.

  But every time she lost, and Liu Feng made a lot of money.

  "Could it be that there is a secret? No, I have to ask Liu Feng for advice another day."

  How did Tsunade know that Liu Feng's secret to winning was her.

  Now the name of Tsunade Big Fat Sheep is not so well known. If Tsunade completely launches the name of Konoha Fat Sheep in the future, I am afraid that he will not be able to make money with Tsunade.

  "Although I don't make much money, it feels good."

  Liu Feng felt in a good mood with the money, but when he returned home, Liu Feng immediately entered the system space to practice.

  With three times the training time in the system space, Liu Feng first practiced the technique of multiple shadows.

  Because he has mastered the technique of shadow clones, it is not difficult to practice the technique of multiple shadow clones, and hundreds of shadow clones can be separated at one time.

  "You help me practice ninjutsu together."

  Liu Feng said to these shadow clones, the reason why multiple shadow clones, a forbidden technique that is a bit tasteless to others, is because this technique is too powerful for training ninjutsu.

  The unfinished wind escape and spiral shuriken can be completed by shadow clones, as well as the practice of flying thunder god, illusion and dark line, all of which can be handed over to shadow clones.

  The experience of shadow avatar cultivation will return to Liu Feng's body after the shadow avatar is released.

  However, correspondingly, the feeling of exhaustion will also be introduced into Liu Feng's body, so Liu Feng will not excessively separate shadow clones to practice.

  If you go too far, the only person who gets hurt will be yourself.

  "Huh, this feeling is really scary, it seems that the number of shadow clones will be slowed down next time."

  Hundreds of shadow clones practiced for two hours. After being relieved by Liu Feng, the feeling of exhaustion made Liu Feng unbearable. There was a feeling that he had not slept for a week. At this moment, Liu Feng decided in his heart that he would definitely not work so hard next time. .


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 35

  Ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the strange power technique that I learned from Tsunade is now not only perfect, but it is also very proficient.

  This is also due to Liu Feng's mastery of Chakra itself, otherwise the progress will definitely not be so fast.

  In addition to practicing these days, Liu Feng also taught Mikoto ninjutsu from time to time, and by the way, he also studied the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family.

  After saving the whirlpool family, whirlpool Qi then handed over the sealing technique of the whirlpool family to Liu Feng. Basically, most of the sealing techniques of the whirlpool family are available here.

  It's just that Liu Feng did little research before, mainly because he needed to practice a lot of ninjutsu, and he didn't have time to study sealing.

  But now I try to spare some time to study it, and sometimes I ask Kushina for advice.

  That's right, I asked Kushina. Although Kushina is very young, she has a very good talent for cultivating sealing techniques, and with the teachings of Vortex Kai, she is at least more skilled in sealing techniques than Liu Feng.

  "It's time to challenge Ohnogi's projection, I hope you don't let me down and burst into the dust."

  After returning from dinner at Mikoto's house, Liu Feng entered the system space, ready to challenge Ohnogi's projection.

  Although the third generation of Tsuchikage Onogi is not easy to deal with, Liu Feng is confident that even the second generation of Hokage Senju Tobirama has been dealt with, so can’t he still solve Onogi?

  "This battle field is good."

  After entering the trial space, Liu Feng looked at the battle field in the forest environment.


  "Old man, sneak attack is not a good method."

  Liu Feng's Susanoo was hit hard, and Liu Feng, who had just entered, was attacked by Onogi. Unfortunately, Liu Feng found out that he used Susanoo to block Onogi's rock fist technique.

  The technique of earth escape and rock fist can turn the right hand into a hard rock fist. This fist is definitely not much worse than Tsunade's strange force fist.

  However, with this level of attack, it was not enough to break Susanohu's defense.

  Indifferently looked at Onogi, who was already an old man in front of him. In reality, Onogi was still in his prime, but the projection of the system space was that of Onogi during the Fourth World War.


  Susanoo held two swords in his hands and slashed towards Ohnogi.

  Boom! ! !

  The ground trembled and was cut open by Susanoo of Liu Feng. As expected of the god of destruction, the destructive power caused by a casual blow was comparable to S-rank ninjutsu.

  However, Onogi is not so easy to deal with. Susanohu's destructive power is not to be said, but Onogi is also very agile.

  Using the technique of light and heavy rock, Ohnogi reduced his own weight, walked like a fly, and could avoid Susanoo's huge blade.

  "This old man's printing speed is very fast, not slower than me."

  Liu Feng opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and he could easily see any movement of Onogi. Under the onslaught of his use of Susanohu, he did not fall behind.

  "There is really no easy person who can become a shadow."

  At this time, he also felt that Ohnogi was not easy to deal with. Now Ohnogi has not used the dust escape. If he uses the dust escape, even Susanoh can be destroyed in one blow.

  "Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

  Under the pressure of Liu Feng, Oh Yemu finally used the dust escape that consumes a lot of chakra.

  A cube barrier separated one of Susanoo's arms into atoms, but the barrier coverage of the original world stripping technique was limited, and it was impossible to cover the entire Susanoo.

  Susanoo, who wants to completely destroy Liu Feng, can only use the technique of dust escape and boundary stripping. However, although the range of this technique is large, it is an upgraded version of the technique of stripping the original world, but the consumption of chakra is quite terrifying and cannot be easily use.

  An arm was destroyed, but Liu Feng consumed pupil power and Chakra, and the destroyed Susanoo arm recovered immediately.

  It was useless, unless it was to kill Liu Feng, it would be meaningless to completely destroy Susanoo.

  "Forcing you to use the technique of boundary stripping."

  Liu Feng still used Susanoo to attack fiercely, waving the two swords like flying, which has changed the surrounding terrain.

  Sure enough, Da Yemu was forced to die by Liu Feng, and he had to use the technique of dust escape and boundary stripping to give it a try.

  The technique of stripping the boundary is terrifying, with a large range, great power, and a lasting effect, and the entire Susanoo is almost wrapped in it.

  "The Art of Flying Thunder God."

  Liu Feng used the technique of Flying Thunder God to leave the dust escape enchantment. When he came in, he threw out the special Flying Thunder God Kunai and got ready.

  Far away from the range of the boundary stripping technique, Liu Feng took a deep breath, and a stone under his feet was kicked by Liu Feng.

  After the stone entered the range of the limit stripping technique, it was instantly separated into atoms and disappeared.

  "It's terrifying, I don't want to experience being broken down into atoms for myself."

  The elimination of Xue Ji is indeed terrifying, but Liu Feng has the technique of Flying Thunder God, no matter how terrifying the technique fails to hit the enemy, it is useless.

  "Flying Thunder God Slash."

  The specially-made Kunai with the Flying Thunder God technique flew towards Ohnogi. Chakra and Ohnogi, who was severely depleted in physical strength, were panting, but they still avoided Kunai's attack.

  Kunai flew behind Oh Yemu, and at the same time Liu Feng's figure disappeared instantly, appeared behind Oh Yemu, grabbed Kunai Supreme and cut it down towards Oh Yemu.

  If this shot falls, Ohnogi will definitely die.

  Aware of the danger, Onogi quickly turned around and blocked Liu Feng's blow with his rock fist.

  "It's over, Ohnogi."

  There was a smile on Liu Feng's face, and the moment Oh Yemu turned around, it was over. Liu Feng's ultimate move was a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

  "Monthly reading."

  Kaleidoscope Shaker Eyeball Technique, one of the strongest illusion techniques, the moment they looked at each other, the result was already doomed.

  Unless you have the same kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, or a terror with powerful mental power, you will never be able to break free from the illusion space of the moon reading.

  In the illusion space, Liu Feng let Oh Yemu taste what the top ten tortures are.

  The terrifying mental damage caused by Yueyue made Ohnogi instantly unconscious, and he had no power to resist the Kunai that Liu Feng had cut down.

  [Ding, you killed Onogi Projection and gained 10 points, and the blood followed by eliminating the dust escape, the dust escape, the technique of stripping the original world! 】

  As a result, Liu Feng got his wish and burst out the dust escape he wanted.

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