However, Liu Feng and Hancock only cared about theirs, and the forgotten Taotu and the others were really upset.

  "Peach Rabbit, I support you and Hancock to learn from each other." Yamato said to Peach Rabbit.

  To be honest, Taotu really has the idea of ​​"learning" with Hancock. The so-called learning is just looking for an opportunity to teach Hancock a lesson.

  Taotu is confident that with his current strength, it should not be particularly difficult to defeat Hancock.

  "Why don't you go?" At this time, Taotu suddenly asked Yamato.

  She went to Hancock to learn from each other. Even if she really won Hancock, she would probably be punished by Liu Feng in the end. This is what Taotu just remembered.

  Yamato proposed to her, but he didn't go, and his heart was punishable.

  "Of course I'm not sure I've beaten Hancock. If I have the strength to defeat Hancock, of course I will shoot."

  Seriously, Yamato is really not sure of defeating Hancock. At this time, Hancock has cultivated to a very strong point whether it is tricolor domineering or devil fruit ability.

  The Devil Fruit ability has been developed to the point where it is close to awakening.

  At this time, Hancock is not sure how much stronger than she was at her peak in the original book, and she really has the strength to fight against the general.

  Even if it is Taotu, if it really wants to fight with Hancock, the outcome is really unpredictable.

  "Trust me what you say."

  Although I don't really believe Yamato's words, Taotu also knows that Yamato is indeed not Hancock's opponent.

  The next day, Taotu and the others only saw Liu Feng and Hancock. After seeing Hancock, Taotu glared directly at Hancock.

  Hancock gave Taotu a defiant look and then ignored her.

  "Husband, the navy sent someone to invite me to join the Qiwuhai under the king, do I want to join?" Hancock asked Liu Feng.

  Now the people who have become the king of Qiwuhai are Hawkeye, Doflamingo, and Jinbei.

  Not to mention the strength of the Empress, even if it is in Liu Feng's face, an invitation should be given to Hancock, and the Warring States period also understands the relationship between Hancock and Liu Feng.

  What's more, the Nine Snake Pirates are indeed very strong. In the first half of the Great Channel, they are one of the most powerful pirates. No, they can even get rid of that one.

  In the first half of the Great Channel, the Nine Snake Pirates are the strongest pirates.

  "It's okay to join, after all, there's no harm in it."

  There is no harm in being the king's lord, even though he will be considered by other pirates to stand with the navy and will be hostile to other pirates, but in fact those pirates are also very envious...  

  If they were given a chance, they would definitely want to become the king's Qiwuhai.

  Of course, there are also people who are unwilling to become the king's seven seas, such as Ace, who soon became famous after going to sea, and the navy also invited Ace to become one of the king's seven seas.

  I don't know if Garp meant it or not, but Ace refused to be the king of Shichibukai at that time.

  "Since my husband said to join, then I will join Wangxia Qiwuhai, but I will definitely not obey the orders of the Warring States."

  Hancock said.

  Become a king under Qiwuhai, gain a lot of power, become a legal pirate, do not need to worry about being caught by the navy, but also need to pay.

  For example, if the navy is called, Qiwuhai needs to respond to the call, and the cheap is not in vain. The reason why the Warring States proposed the establishment of the Qiwuhai under the king is to use the power of pirates.

  "What is the Seven Martial Seas under the King?"

  Namei asked curiously, she was very curious about the king's next Qiwuhai, and it sounded like he was very powerful.

  "King Xia Qiwuhai is the seven powerful pirates recognized by the world government. They must be powerful enough to deter a country before they can be invited. They will become legitimate pirates."

  Taotu explained to Nami.

  "The power to deter a country?" Nami suddenly felt that the Evil Dragon Pirates seemed to be nothing, after all, the Evil Dragon Pirates could control a few villages at most.

  And that kind of power to deter a country, that is far from it.

  "Are pirates still legal?" Nami paid attention to this question. For pirates, Nami didn't like it, perhaps because of the Evil Dragon Pirates.

  After all, the Evil Dragon Pirates destroyed Cocosia Village a lot, and her adoptive mother died because of it. Of course, Nami hated the pirates.

  "This is very complicated to explain to you. You should use each other. You may not understand it now. When you grow up and understand the relationship of interests, you may understand it."

  Taotu said to Nami with a gentler attitude.

  In fact, Taotu doesn't like the system of Qiwuhai, but under the current situation, there is indeed a need for Qiwuhai to appear, and they need to use their power to deter the pirates in the sea.


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Chapter 356

  "Boya Hancock has already agreed to become the king of Shichibukai, do you have any other candidates, Garp?"

  Sengoku asked Garp.

  Garp, who was eating senbei, didn't hear what Sengoku said at all, so he wouldn't pay too much attention to these things.

  "Kapp, did you hear me?" Sengoku growled at Karp.

  "You shouldn't discuss these matters with me. Go to Aokiji, Akainu, and Kiabou to discuss them."

  Karp just wants to say that he is a lieutenant general, and he doesn't want to mix so much. What do you tell me about?

  Now there are four of the seven Wuhai under the king, namely the eagle-eyed Joracol Mihawk, the sea man Jinping, Doflamingo and the empress Boya Hancock.

  There are still three candidates, but these three candidates have not been found for the time being. There are many people who meet the strength, but the Warring States period cannot be arbitrarily selected.

  Don't look at the system of the Seven Martial Seas under the King was proposed by the Warring States. In fact, the Warring States also hated the Seven Martial Seas under the King. They are all garbage on the sea, but now they have to use their power.

  Zhan 28 glared at Karp, and now Karp is really eating and waiting to die, ignoring everything.

  "Karp, I have to warn you about something. You'd better take care of your grandson. Many admirals have come to complain to me."

  Sengoku reminded Garp.

  "What happened to Luffy?" Garp put down the senbei in his hand in embarrassment and asked Sengoku.

  "Don't play stupid to me, you yourself will not know what happened to Lu Fei. Since he came to Marine Fando, he has made the whole Marine Fanduo uneasy."

  The angry Sengoku slapped the table directly.

  "Ahaha, Luffy is just a bastard. It's a bit too exaggerated to say that he made Malin Fando uneasy."

  Looking at Garp who was playing haha, the Warring States spirit was not at all.

  "Let me remind you first, some people can tolerate Luffy in your face, but not everyone can tolerate him. If Akainu hears him shouting to be a pirate all day, what do you think he will do? "

  This is Sengoku's reminder to Garp in advance that Akainu is not in the naval headquarters now, which is okay.

  But if Akainu comes back, with Akainu's character, hearing Luffy clamoring to go out to sea to become a pirate, he might really treat Luffy as a traitor.

  The smile on Karp's face disappeared, and his expression became slightly cautious.

  He knows very well what kind of character Akainu is. If Akainu sees Luffy, he will not let him go. Akainu will not tolerate Luffy because he is still young and his grandfather is Garp. .

  "I will take good care of that kid, in fact, I have a headache now." Karp sighed.

  The kid was brought to the Navy Headquarters by him. Originally, Garp thought that training him for a few days would make him get rid of his original idea of ​​becoming a pirate. As a result, he started to make trouble in Marinfando.

  Fortunately, Garp's reputation is relatively high, others will tolerate Luffy a little because Luffy is Garp's grandson.

  But this is not the case for all navies. Some hard-line navies may really teach Luffy a lesson.

  "Would you like to take him to leave Marivendo first?" Karp suggested to Sengoku.

  "Forget it, let him stay here."

  Warring States waved his hand and let Luffy come to Marin Fando, that was Liu Feng's explanation to him, so even if Warring States looked at Liu Feng's face, he could not let Luffy leave.

  "During this period of time, you must follow him closely and teach him well. If you let others know that the dignified naval hero can't even teach his grandson well, you will lose all face."

  Hearing that Sengoku said that his face was about to be lost, Garp was not moved at all, because Garp didn't particularly care about his own face.

  "You don't want him to really become a pirate, right? Now that he has become a member of the navy, you should be very clear about the consequences if he turns into a pirate."

  Sengoku tapped Garp so that Garp wouldn't care.

  In fact, don't look at Garp's apparent indifference, but these days, he has been thinking about how to educate Luffy and break his mind back.

  "Don't steal senbei from me, think of a way to take care of your grandson first."

  Warring States finally kicked Garp out, and it will only disturb his work here. The Marshal of Warring States is not free.

  There are so many things on the sea now, even if he wants to relax, he can't relax.

  The Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates fought several times. Although it was a battle between pirates, the navy had to pay attention.

  In addition, the Red-haired Pirates entered the new world all the way, making the situation in the new world turbulent again and unable to stabilize at all.

  Because of the instability on the sea, the Warring States Period has been scolded by the Five Old Stars several times.

  In fact, the Warring States period was also very angry. The Five Old Stars only knew how to scold him, and did not consider the huge number of pirates in the sea now.

  To be honest, the number of pirates has already been caught, and even if caught, the underwater prison will not be closed.

  Holy Land Mary Joa, the Five Old Stars also know that Hancock promised to become the king of Qiwuhai.

  This is not a big deal. It would be good to make Boya Hancock the king of the Seven Wuhai, and there is a reason not to target her in the future.

  Otherwise, even if Hancock is not the king of Qiwuhai, in Liu Feng's face, there is no way to target her.

  "Uchiha Liufeng went to the East China Sea recently, is there any news about his purpose of going to the East China Sea?" The blond five old star asked the flat hat five old star.

  "No, but he took Kalifa with him. It seems that Kalifa has gained some trust from him, and he may pass us some information in the future."

  The eyes of the five old stars in the flat hat flickered.

  Although Uchiha Liufeng and Uchiha are not enemies, they are not friends either. Uchiha Liufeng has made them eat a lot of shriveled, and these five old stars are still thinking of going back one day.

  Also, Lord Im told them to pay attention to Uchiha Ryufeng, and even investigate some information about Uchiha Ryufeng.

  Unexpectedly, Uchiha Liufeng was so mysterious that even Lord Im didn't know him very well.

  "Would you like to send someone to contact Kalifa now?" The Taoist Five Old Stars asked the others.

  Speaking of the Five Old Stars who have the biggest conflict with Liu Feng, it should actually be the Dao Pao Five Old Stars, because his first generation Guiche was taken away by Liu Feng.

  For a swordsman, the sword in his hand is equivalent to life. If it is converted, it is equivalent to being deprived of a life by Uchiha Liufeng.

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