Since Pluto cannot be found in this record, then ask Kobra, who guards the ancient weapon Pluto, and if he doesn't say anything, don't blame Liu Feng for forcibly checking his memory.

  Before Cobra was controlled by Crocodile, now Crocodile was solved by Liu Feng, and Cobra was rescued.

  "Kobra, do you know the whereabouts of the ancient weapon Hades?"

  After asking Taotu to bring Kobra over, Liu Feng asked Kobra directly.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, I don't know."

  When Kobra faced Liu Feng, he was relatively calm. Although the opponent was also very dangerous, it should not be more dangerous than before when he fell into the hands of Crocodile.

  "really do not know?"

  Hearing Kobra saying he didn't know, Liu Feng asked Kobra again.

  "You can think about it before answering. Don't think that you are the king of Alabasta. I will show mercy to you. I can destroy this country at any time now."

  Although threats like this are not very glorious, Liu Feng doesn't mind using them.

  Feeling the imposing aura emanating from Liu Feng's body, that threatening aura, Kobra's expression changed slightly, he knew that Liu Feng was not just talking.

  "We, the Nafirutali family, are indeed guarding the ancient weapon Pluto, but until now, the location of the ancient weapon Pluto has been lost, so I really don't know, please, Your Highness Liu Feng, don't hurt the citizens of the Kingdom of Alabasta. "

  Kobra hurriedly said to Liu Feng.

  On Cobra's face, Liu Feng couldn't see the trace of lying, but this also didn't mean that what Cobra said was true.

  "The location record of the ancient weapon Hades should be very important, why is the record lost?" Liu Feng asked Kobra flatly.

  Cobra looked at Liu Feng cautiously. From Liu Feng's face, Cobra could not tell what Liu Feng was thinking.

  "Actually, there are too many people who covet the ancient weapon Hades, so long ago, the people of our ancestors took the initiative to destroy the records about the location of the ancient weapon Hades."

  Kobra raised his head and said to Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng looked at Koubra, and could not fully believe him. Liu Feng didn't speak, and Kobra didn't dare to speak. The atmosphere in the entire hall became heavy.

  Feeling the invisible pressure, cold sweat left on Kobra's forehead, wondering if he could pass this level.

  "Lord Liu Feng, the person you asked me to bring has already been captured by me."

  At this time, Taotu walked in from the outside, and the person who was caught was Kobra's daughter, the princess of the kingdom of Alabasta, Neferutali Vivi.

  "This, Vivi."

  After seeing Weiwei, Kobra's face showed excitement, but at the same time he was worried, what does Weiwei mean by being brought here now, is she using Weiwei to threaten him?


  Vivi was very excited when she saw Cobra.

  Before Vivi joined the Baroque studio in Crocodile, she wanted to investigate who was the behind-the-scenes boss of the Baroque studio that provoked the civil war in the kingdom of Alabasta.

  Just after investigation, it was found that the owner of the Baroque studio was Crocodile Sand Crocodile. Soon after, she was caught by Taotu and brought here.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, please don't hurt my daughter."

  It was his only family, so Cobra didn't want to see any harm to his daughter.

  "If you want your daughter not to be hurt, then it's up to you. To be honest, I'm not a good person." Liu Feng said lightly to Cobra.

  "Hey, I can promise to hand over the ancient weapon Pluto, but I hope His Highness Liu Feng can promise me a few conditions."

  Cobra sighed, feeling that his body had grown a lot older.

  "What are the conditions, let's talk about it." Liu Feng glanced at Kobra indifferently.

  "Help the kingdom of Alabasta to end the civil war."

  Now that the kingdom of Alabasta is in a civil war, the resistance of the rebels is getting bigger and bigger, and the civil war in the kingdom of Alabasta was created by Crocodile.

  It was he who secretly wanted to subvert the entire kingdom of Alabasta and control the country to get the ancient weapon Pluto.

  "In addition, I request His Highness Liufeng to protect the Kingdom of Alabasta in the future. As a reward, the Kingdom of Alabasta is willing to obey any orders of His Highness Liufeng in the future."

  After this turmoil, Kobra also understood the importance of power, but the power of the Alabasta kingdom was not enough, so he could only seek external power.

  It is not ashamed to ask Uchiha Liufeng to protect their country, and even Cobra was worried that Liufeng would not agree.

  "I can promise you these two conditions." Liu Feng nodded, these two conditions were not a problem for him.

  "Then, Your Highness Liufeng, please come with me."

  Cobra gestured to Weiwei and asked Weiwei to stay first. Although Weiwei wondered about the current situation, she didn't ask any more questions.

  Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng followed Kobra to a stone tablet with some fonts on it, which Liu Feng did not know.

  "I said before that I didn't know the whereabouts of the ancient weapon Hades, and it wasn't a lie to His Highness Liu Feng. I really don't know, but the location of the ancient weapon Hades was recorded on this stone tablet."

  Even Cobra couldn't understand the words on it.

  For others, these words are a problem, but it just so happens that Robin follows Liu Feng and asks Robin to translate the words above.

  Let Robin translate the text on the stone tablet, and Liufeng asks Taotu to deal with the rebels in the kingdom of Alabasta.


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Chapter 384

  Robin did not disappoint Liu Feng, spent three days translating the above historical text, and successfully found the location of Hades.

  Pluto is in the territory of the Kingdom of Alabasta and was buried in the desert. After finding the location of the ancient weapon Pluto, it is naturally easy to obtain Pluto.

  "It has been built for hundreds of years, and there is no damage."

  Liu Feng looked at the found Pluto. This Pluto didn't look any different from Liu Feng's Pluto, but was slightly larger.

  However, although the appearance is almost the same, there are actually differences. This Pluto is stronger than Liu Feng's Pluto.

  Cobra also saw this Pluto and sighed slightly. Perhaps it would be a good thing to hand Pluto out, so that he would never be stared at.

  Now Liu Feng has two Plutos in his hands. At this time, Liu Feng decided to decorate this Pluto well, and Liu Feng's battleship will be this Pluto in the future.

  As for the original Pluto, Liu Feng planned to hand it over to the Nine Snake Pirates and let the Nine Snake Pirates use the Pluto.

  "Kobra, you won't be dissatisfied with me taking Hades away, will you?" Liu Feng asked Kobra.

  "Don't dare, now the entire kingdom of Alabasta belongs to His Highness Liu Feng." Kobra said quickly to Liu Feng.

  Now the Kingdom of Alabasta can be considered to have found a background. If you encounter something in the future, you can ask for help. Losing some things is nothing to the current Cobra-.

  Liu Feng is also quite satisfied with Cobra, if nothing else, at least this guy is quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

  When he came to the palace of Alabasta Kingdom, Liu Feng was not in a hurry to leave Alabasta Kingdom, because the internal affairs of the kingdom had not completely calmed down.

  The rebel army has not completely solved it yet. Liu Feng left this matter to Taotu and Hancock to solve it. It is not clear how they solved it.

  Just when Liu Feng thought about how they solved the rebel army, Hancock came back.

  "Husband, the matter of the rebel army has been resolved, and Taotu is handling the follow-up."

  It should have been handled by Hancook and Taotu together, but Hancook didn't want to deal with these boring things, so he might as well spend more time with Liu Feng.

  So Hancock threw the matter to Taotu, and whether Taotu wanted it or not, he went straight back to Liufeng.

  "Lord Hancock, take the liberty to ask, how did you solve it?"

  Cobra couldn't help but ask a question. In fact, he was a little worried. Although they were all rebels, they were basically bewitched. In fact, there was not much wrong.

  It was solved so quickly. I don’t know if it was solved by tough means. No, it must have been solved by tough means. Otherwise, it would not be solved so quickly.

  "It's very simple, as long as you kill all the top leaders of the rebel army, the matter will be solved." Hancock glanced at Cobra, and then said lightly.

  "Just killing the top of the rebel army?" Cobra let out a slight sigh of relief.

  In fact, there are many people who have been beheaded by the rebel army. Hancock will not show mercy, and he will directly give them two choices, either surrender or die.

  Hancock handles things very rudely, similar to Liu Feng. Although rude, he is efficient. If he wants to slowly persuade him to surrender, things will be troublesome.

  Liu Feng would not waste so much time staying in the kingdom of Alabasta.

  Of course, there are bound to be many problems in the future.

  However, these problems do not need Liu Feng to solve, the headache is Kobra.

  In the future, the kingdom of Alabasta will be regarded as Liu Feng's property, but the person in charge of management is still Cobra, and Liu Feng does not intend to let Cobra give way.

  There is no need for this. In fact, there is only a kingdom of Alabasta, and Liu Feng is not particularly fond of it, but since Cobra came to the door and gave him the kingdom of Alabasta, Liu Feng can't say no.

  Five days later, all the internal affairs of the kingdom of Alabasta were resolved, and the rebel army completely disappeared and was violently suppressed.

  Because of the drought in the kingdom of Alabasta, Liufeng also helped them to rain artificially once, which can be regarded as Liufeng's kindness to them.

  For Liufeng, it is not difficult to achieve artificial rainfall.

  The navy also knew that Crocodile and Moonlight Moria were killed by Liu Feng.

  The Warring States who got this information are not dissatisfied. Originally, the Warring States thought about dealing with Crocodile, but now Liu Feng has solved it, and it has helped them worry.

  However, the Warring States still reported the matter to the Five Old Stars.

  "What do you think?"

  The five old stars gathered together, and after receiving the information reported by the Warring States period, they all frowned.

  They don't care about the matter of Moonlight Moria. The mere Moonlight Moria will die if he dies, and it's not worth their care at all.

  But the matter of Crocodile, they can't ignore it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  In fact, Wu Laoxing and the others are not vegetarians. Although Crocodile is very secretive, Wu Laoxing has noticed him.

  And guessed that Crocodile might be fighting the idea of ​​Pluto, an ancient weapon, I knew it, but the Five Old Stars did not expose it, and did not shoot Crocodile.

  They even hoped that Crocodile could find the ancient weapon Hades.

  After Crocodile finds Pluto, they can take the opportunity to snatch Pluto.

  If you can't get the Pluto design, it is better to get the original ancient weapon Pluto, because even if you have the Pluto design, you may not be able to create the original Pluto.

  "Uchiha Liufeng killed Crocodile and went to the kingdom of Alabasta, definitely for the ancient weapon Pluto." The blond five old stars had a positive expression on their faces.

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