Although Ace is the son of Whitebeard's old rival Roger, Whitebeard attaches great importance to Ace. If Ace does not die, the successor of the Whitebeard Pirates should be Ace.

  "At that time, Master Liu Feng, will you take action?" Yamato looked at Liu Feng with shining eyes.

  "Whitebeard is old, even in his heyday, it's not worth my shot."

  "Then can I make a move?"

  Yamato wants to try, how strong is the rumored strongest man, Whitebeard, and whether she can play against Whitebeard now.

  "You want to be beaten?"

  Liu Feng looked at Yamato with a strange look. Just how strong Yamato was, Liu Feng knew even better than Yamato himself.

  If the current Yamato faces Whitebeard, there is a high probability that he will be hanged and beaten, and he is not Whitebeard's opponent at all. The gap is very far.

  Don't look at the fact that Whitebeard is old now and still has injuries, but even if Kaido plays against the current Whitebeard, there is no absolute certainty that he can defeat Whitebeard.

  "¨"Lord Liu Feng, you have no confidence in me? "

  Yamato is in a bad mood, will he be beaten?Can't beat Whitebeard?You must have underestimated her too much.

  "Do you think I'm underestimating you?" Liu Feng looked at Yamato who was in a bad mood and asked her.

  Yamato nodded, "Yes, I just feel that you are underestimating me. Even if I can't beat Whitebeard, I won't be passively beaten."

  "If you don't believe it, you can try it, as long as you're not afraid of being beaten."

  Liu Feng doesn't care, since Yamato doesn't believe him, let Yamato try it when the time comes.

  "it is good."

  Yamato, who is the iron-headed baby, would definitely not believe it if she didn't try it.

  Glancing at Yamato, Liu Feng's eyes showed a pity, it seemed that (Zhao Li Zhao) Zi Yamato was going to suffer a little loss, but it would be better to let Yamato suffer a little bit, if she didn't suffer, she might swell up in the future.

  In Yamato's heart, the idea at this time was to prove himself, didn't he feel that he would definitely be beaten in the face of Whitebeard?At least she couldn't be too embarrassed to face Whitebeard herself.

  "I'm going to practice."

  When Yamato left, he took Taotu and Hancock by the way, and Yamato was going to let Taotu and Hancock guide him.

  There is still a period of time before Ace's execution, which means that she still has time to improve herself. Although it is not so easy to improve her strength in a short time, it is at least better than not practicing.

  Liu Feng shook his head slightly, then entered the system space, and glanced at his more than eight million points, which Liu Feng did not intend to use for the time being, but extracted character projections.

  [Ding, you have drawn the red-haired Shanks projection! 】


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Chapter 388

  "I didn't expect to be so lucky to draw the character projection of the red-haired Shanks."

  Although the red-haired Shanks does not have the ability Liu Feng wanted, after defeating the red-haired Shanks' projection, the points obtained will definitely not be less.


  Liu Feng directly entered the trial space and looked at the red-haired Shanks.

  Shanks is the youngest of the four emperors, but his strength is definitely not the lowest. The strength gap between the four emperors is actually not big.

  The strength gap between Whitebeard, Shanks, Big Mom and Kaido is not as big as expected, just like the gap between the three naval generals, it can almost be ignored.

  Among the Four Sovereigns, Shanks should be the most mysterious, he is connected with the Five Old Stars, and he is also Luffy's guide.

  "This is the first time I have faced the projection of red hair, let me see the swordsmanship of red hair."

  In Liu Feng's hand, the Zanpakutō Ruo Blade Ruohuo appeared.

  If the first solution or the swastika is not used, it will be too bullying.

  Especially the Swastika, if you use the Swastika, you can chop the red hair into ashes with a casual swing of the knife.


  The western sword projected by the red hair was blocked by Liu Feng at will. In fact, the strength of the red hair is not weak, but when facing Liu Feng, his strength seems too weak.

   It's impossible to shake Liu Feng at all.

  The collision of swords, lights, swords and shadows, Liu Feng did not take the initiative to attack, but all the red-haired attacks were blocked by Liu Feng grid, and even Liu Feng did not take a step back.

  "Thousand Blades Slash!"

  After flicking his hand to repel the red hair, Liu Feng slashed toward the red hair with a sword qi. Just halfway through the flight, the sword qi suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless tiny sword qi.

  The small sword energy completely blocked all the space for the red hair to dodge, and he could only resist this move.

  The red-haired armament covered his body with domineering aura, and he continued to use the Western sword in his hand to attack the sword energy that came in.

  Puff puff! ! !

  The small sword qi looks so inconspicuous, but the power it contains is surprisingly powerful. The Western sword in the red-haired hand could not be grasped, and was almost knocked out by the powerful force.

  There were also several wounds on his body in an instant, and the defense of the armed color domineering is also limited. Liu Feng's attack has easily broken the defense of the red-haired armed color domineering.

  After one round of attack, the red hair was already half-kneeling on the ground, and the blood that flowed from his body stained the ground red.

  "Red-haired, do you have any face fruit?" Liu Feng asked towards the red-haired projection.

  It's a pity that the red hair will not answer Liu Feng's question at all. As a projection, it is very rigid. Except for fighting with Liu Feng, he will not pay attention to Liu Feng at all.

  After seeing the real redhead, ask the redhead if he has eaten the face fruit.

  "Fuck cut."

  Liu Feng once again slashed out a sword, this was the last sword, the invisible sword pressure had completely cut off the red-haired body.

  If it is Whitebeard or Kaido, perhaps such an attack is not enough to kill them, and if their bodies are cut off, they will probably live for a while.

  However, the vitality of the red hair is not as tenacious as they are. Compared with the monster-like Whitebeard and Kaido, the red hair is like a normal person.

  Well, this normal person is relatively speaking, in fact, for most people, the redhead is also powerful like a monster.

  If a navy admiral faces a redhead, he is definitely not a redhead's opponent, unless the two generals of the headquarters deal with the redhead Shanks together.

  [Ding, you kill the red-haired Shanks projection, get: 30 points, overlord color domineering card, Griffin! 】

  The Overlord Color Domineering Card, as the name suggests, is to make people gain the Overlord Color Domineering, and Griffin is the saber in the hands of the red-haired Shanks.

  As a red-haired saber, this saber is obviously not weak, and it is likely to be one of the supreme sharp swords.

  However, the value to Liu Feng is not great, it can only be regarded as a very general thing.

  Leaving the system space, Liu Feng found Taotu and the others.

  Taotu and Hancock are pointing at Yamato. Hancock is not polite at all. He is quite strict with Yamato's practice, and Hancock's view of Yamato's practice is particularly interesting.

  "Husband, you are here."

  After seeing Liu Feng appear, Hancock immediately abandoned Yamato. No matter how interesting it is to teach Yamato to practice, it is not interesting to accompany Liu Feng, so Hancock decisively abandoned Yamato and came to Liu Feng.

  "Master Liu Feng, is he going to direct me personally?"

  Yamato asked Liu Feng.

  "Actually, you don't need the guidance of others anymore. You don't want to improve your strength overnight. You need to hone it slowly."

  Liu Feng looked at Yamato and said.

  Now Yamato wants to make progress, one is to slowly cultivate on his own, and the other is to seek breakthroughs in the battle of life and death.

  Either Yamato eats a devil fruit is not bad, now Yamato has not eaten a devil fruit, and obtaining a powerful devil fruit is also a great improvement in strength.

  However, Yamato has no interest in eating Devil Fruits at all. Liu Feng now has many powerful Devil Fruits in his hands, but Yamato does not eat them.

  "Oh, I don't need anyone's guidance anymore. After talking so much, in fact, Master Liu Feng, you just don't want to point me." Yamato said.

  "Hehe, if you really want my advice, don't cry."

  Liu Feng showed a particularly gloomy smile to Yamato. When Yamato saw Liu Feng's smile, he felt a sense of danger in his heart.

  "just forget it."

  Yamato smiled embarrassingly, thinking of the scene where Liu Feng was training her with a devil before, and suddenly felt a little scared.

  "Why, you're scared and admitting counsel?" Liu Feng tried to use aggressive tactics against Yamato.

  But this time, the slasher method is useless. In the past, Liu Feng used the slasher method to deal with Yamato very well, but now Yamato is not so stupid.

  "Peach Rabbit, I'll give you something."

  Liu Feng took out the Domineering Domineering Card, and gave this Domineering Card to Taotu to help Taotu get the Domineering Domineering.

  After gaining the domineering power of the overlord, Taotu involuntarily released a sense of mental oppression. Liu Feng and Hancock didn't care, but Yamato felt some pressure.

  The surrounding navies that were training closer to this side were all stunned by the influence of the overlord's arrogance.

  "This... is this the domineering arrogance of the overlord?"

  Taotu had a stunned expression on her face, the domineering look of domineering, the domineering arrogance that she could not cultivate the day after tomorrow, but she actually obtained it. Taotu felt that she should not have the domineering look of domineering, and it should be given to her by Liu Feng.

  Even the tyrannical arrogance can be given to others, I don't know what else can't be given.

  "Can you put away the domineering arrogance first, and then talk, I'm a little uncomfortable right now." Yamato shouted to Taotu with some discomfort.

  Although the domineering look that Taotu had just acquired was not very strong, it could also give Yamato some oppressive feeling, and it seemed that breathing was a little difficult, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

  So Yamato just wanted Taotu to quickly put away the domineering look of the king, and at the same time, Yamato was a little envious in his heart, and she also wanted to have the domineering look of the king.


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Chapter 389

  The domineering arrogance released by Taotu also attracted many naval officers, such as Lieutenant General He, the sister of Taotu.

  "Peach Rabbit, are you awakening the tyrannical arrogance?"

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