"It's best for you to help Whitebeard now."

  Rayleigh said to Ace.

  When Ace heard the words, he glanced in the direction of his father. Joz had come to Whitebeard's side to help Whitebeard relieve the pressure and temporarily block the green pheasant.

  But the white beard facing Akainu and Kizaru at the same time is still not good, and it looks like the old injury has recurred.

  "Ace, leave me alone."

  Perhaps Whitebeard heard the conversation between Ace and Rayleigh, so he shouted loudly over there.

  Rayleigh rescued Ace, no matter what the reason, he is the benefactor of the White Hu 28 Pirates, so he can't be left alone.

  Although Whitebeard is a pirate, he is still more loyal.

  "Aromatic feet."

  Just as they were talking, Hancock kicked out, and Rayleigh used the sword in his hand to block the attack in time, otherwise Ace would be kicked.

  The sword that was kicked had now petrified and turned into stone.


  Any substance that is kicked by the fragrant feet will be petrified, and even if Rayleigh is kicked, it will be killed by one blow.

  Of course, the use of armament color domineering can resist the ability of the devil fruit.

  "Peach Rabbit, you solve that kid first." Hancock pointed to Ace and said to Peach Rabbit.

  After Momotu had dealt with Ace, they would join forces to deal with Rayleigh. Hancock didn't feel that relying on his own strength, he would be able to deal with Raleigh alone.

  Taotu nodded and didn't object. The knife wrapped in the armed domineering and domineering slashed towards Ace. The natural devil fruit ability person encountered a domineering master, and the elemental ability was abolished.

  "Joz, you go to support Ace and let Ace retreat with Rayleigh."

  When Whitebeard fought with Kiwi and Akainu, he didn't forget to pay attention to Ace's side. Soon after the fight, Ace was beaten by Momotu.

  If he continued to fight, Ace would definitely not be his opponent, so Whitebeard asked Joz to help.

  This time, they are not fighting the navy, the main goal is to rescue Ace. Now that Ace was rescued by Rayleigh, as long as they withdraw, this time their Whitebeard Pirates will win.


  There was a look of embarrassment on Joz's face. If he didn't hold the Aokiji, Dad would be besieged again.

  "Dad, I can hold on, they can't help me, remember the purpose of our coming here." Whitebeard said solemnly.

  "Whitebeard, you should take care of yourself first."

  There was anger in Akainu's eyes, and he dared to talk to others to distract him. This was too disrespectful to him. Akainu's fist turned into lava and punched Whitebeard's abdomen.

  "Sakaski kid, taste Lao Tzu's fist."

  Whitebeard stabbed the knife on the ground and punched Akainu.

  Because of the domineering protection of the armed color, Whitebeard's fist was fine, but Akainu was miserable, and was blasted into the ruins by the inhuman strength of Whitebeard.

  Cracks appear around Whitebeard's fist, a sign of using the Shock Fruit ability.

  "not good."

  After the Warring States saw it, his face changed slightly.

  Before, Whitebeard didn't use the destructive power of the Shock Fruit on a large scale because he was afraid of affecting Ace.

  Now that Ace has been rescued, Whitebeard seems to have no worries, and can fully utilize the power of the Shock Fruit.

  "I'm a white beard."

  The earth was split open by the force of the shaking, and the naval artillery that used cannonballs to attack the pirate ship before was destroyed.

  "Damn it, Whitebeard."

  I don't know how many navies were killed by Whitebeard this time, and the Warring States period was completely angry.

  Sengoku, who was standing still, also came to an end, transforming into a giant Buddha and sending shock waves towards Whitebeard.

  What the Warring States eat is the animal-type human-human fruit phantom beast species, the form of the Buddha, which can create a powerful shock wave. The real effect is to let the eater get the power, wisdom, and spirit like a Buddha.

  boom! ! !

  Marin Vando trembled again, and even the entire island was about to be sunk.

  "Gu la la la, Warring States, you are angry."

  Whitebeard was knocked out, and the sudden attack of the Warring States period did cause him some injuries, but this injury could not pose a threat to Whitebeard.

  "Light speed kick."

  Suddenly Kizaru seized the opportunity to appear behind Whitebeard and kicked towards the back of Whitebeard's head.

  Feeling the crisis coming from behind, Whitebeard raised his arm to resist, and the person was kicked out again.

  "Tsk, failed."

  If he really hit the back of Whitebeard's head, it would definitely make Whitebeard lose his combat effectiveness, and even the unprepared Whitebeard might be kicked to death.

  Unfortunately, it was noticed by Whitebeard, and the sneak attack was unsuccessful, only causing some minor injuries to Whitebeard.

  boom! ! !

  After Ace was seriously injured by Taotu, his body was thrown out. Taotu poured water on Ace, perhaps because of Garp's face.

  In fact, Peach Rabbit had the opportunity to kill Ace directly just now, but Peach Rabbit did not, just severely injured Ace.

  Then, instead of attacking Ace, he turned around and besieged Hades Rayleigh with Hancock.

  "Ace, are you okay?"

  Joz helped Ace up and asked Ace.

  "Let go of me first, I'm going to help Rayleigh." Ace said in a deep voice after getting up.

  There were two sword marks on his body, deep cuts, blood dripping continuously on the ground, and soon the ground was stained with a small piece of red.

  "No, your current situation is not good, go back to the boat first, and I will help you save Rayleigh." Joz can't let go of Ace, and now Ace will die if he goes back.

  "You still stay here honestly."

  Aokiji suddenly stood in front of the two of them and said coldly to Joz and Ace.

  At this time, Aokiji was holding an ice saber in his hand, and the cold air emanating from his body had frozen the air, and Ace's wounds were frozen because of the cold air.

  However, this helped Ace, and helped Ace stop the bleeding, otherwise, Ace could drink a pot of blood.

  "Go away for me."

  Whitebeard swept with Cong Yuncute, letting Akainu and Kiabou back, and then Whitebeard went straight to Hancock and Taotu.

  "Joz, take Ace and go first, and leave the rest to Dad." Whitebeard shouted to Joz and Ace.

  "None of you can leave."

  Liu Feng suddenly appeared in front of Whitebeard, and Whitebeard rushing forward felt an invisible repulsion, which directly knocked Whitebeard flying.


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Chapter 397

  Liu Feng stood in front and looked at Whitebeard calmly.

  "You are really trash, so many people can't even subdue a white beard."

  Liu Feng glanced at Sengoku, Kiabou, Akainu, and Aokiji, and then said flatly disdainfully.

  These words were hard to hear, and the expression on the Warring States period changed a bit, but it was true that Whitebeard had not been suppressed yet, and even the entire Marin Fando was about to be sunk.

  Even if the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates was won this time, it would only be a tragic victory.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng's words are too much."

  After Akainu heard Liu Feng's words, his expression looked very ugly, and he was obviously very dissatisfied. He was actually called a waste. If he were a person, Akainu might not be able to help himself now.

  "Oh, do you feel unconvinced?" Liu Feng looked at Akainu indifferently and asked.

  Feeling Liu Feng's icy gaze, Akainu felt as if his body was frozen, and the pressure Liu Feng brought to Akainu made him feel much stronger than when facing Whitebeard.

  Then Liu Feng's gaze turned to Rayleigh, who was besieged by Hancock and Taotu. With the strength of Hancock and Taotu, he would defeat Rayleigh sooner or later, but it would be a waste of time.

  So now Liu Feng intends to help them.


  Raising his hand, a laser light wanted to hit Rayleigh. The speed of the light was very fast. When Rayleigh sensed the crisis and wanted to avoid it, his eyes just met Liu Feng.

  Then Rayleigh seemed to see something terrifying, his body froze in place, and was hit by the golden laser light.

  When he looked at Liu Feng just now, Rayleigh had already been hit by an illusion, and he was hit by Liu Feng's illusion, so Rayleigh was hit by Liu Feng without moving.

  "Sparkling fruit ability?"

  Huang Yuan's face showed shock, and few things shocked him, but after seeing the glittering fruit ability used by Liu Feng, Huang Yuan couldn't help but be shocked.

  There can never be two glittering fruits in this world, right?Maybe it's a Devil Fruit with similar abilities to Glitter Fruit, Kizaru used this to convince himself in his heart.

  In fact, it doesn't make sense at all, this is exactly the same as the glittering fruit.

  Apart from Kizaru, the others were also shocked, but they would not expect Liu Feng to answer their doubts.

  After being shot by Liu Feng's radium, Rayleigh fell to the ground half-kneeling.

  "Rayleigh, I didn't expect you to appear in front of me and be killed by me."

  This was the second time he and Rayleigh met. The first time was Liu Feng who took the initiative to find Rayleigh. At that time, there was no ill will towards Rayleigh.

  And this time it was Rayleigh himself who came to the door. In fact, Liu Feng didn't hate Rayleigh, but he now had a grudge against Taotu, so Liu Feng would naturally not keep him.

  If this hatred of Lei Li can be suppressed, Liu Feng will not take action against Lei Li, who asked him to come to find Taotu to avenge Xiaoba.

  The blow from Liu Feng just now had pierced through Rayleigh's heart. Rayleigh's vitality was also very tenacious. He wasn't dead yet, but Rayleigh would definitely die in the end.

  The heart was pierced, and unless Rayleigh had inhuman resilience, he was dead.

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