"In the end, I have to solve it, I think you are not good at Warring States." Liu Feng looked at Warring States with some dissatisfaction.

  In terms of combat power, the navy is actually much stronger than the Whitebeard side. The three generals of the navy, the veteran lieutenant generals, and the marshal of the Warring States period.

  Even if Garp is reluctant to take action, the strength of the Navy is definitely far better than Whitebeard, but in the end, the loss of the Navy is not small.

  The Warring States was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but the Whitebeard Pirates were wiped out, which has greatly exceeded the expectations of the Warring States. Although Liu Feng shot, but the Warring States were quite satisfied.

  "What do you plan to do with the Undersea Prison?" Liu Feng asked the Warring States.

  "Your Highness Liu Feng, do you know about the Great Undersea Prison?" Warring States heard the words and looked at Liu Feng in shock, but Liu Feng actually knew about the Great Undersea Prison.

  Similar to the original book, even without Luffy and his gang, the undersea prison was still a big deal by Blackbeard, and the pirates and vicious criminals who were imprisoned in the advance city all took the opportunity to escape.

  However, the difference from the original book is that Blackbeard didn't come to Malin Fando to steal Whitebeard's Zhenzhen fruit. I don't know if he knew that it was dangerous here, so he didn't dare to come.


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Chapter 399

  Warring States did not know how Liu Feng knew about the Great Underwater Prison, but Warring States was also very troubled by this matter.

  According to the information obtained, it was Blackbeard who took the opportunity to break into the underwater prison and release all the pirates in the underwater prison to escape together.

  If he knew that Blackbeard would do these things, he wouldn't have made Blackbeard one of the seven seas under the king.

  "This matter is my dereliction of duty, I will go to the five old stars to explain."

  Warring States helplessly said to Liu Feng that it was too late when he got the news of the accident in the underwater prison, and he was preparing to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates at that time, and he had no time to pay attention to the matter of advancing the city.

  "Then you can explain it to the five old stars - let's go."

  Liu Feng glanced at Warring States indifferently, then turned and left with Hancock and the others, leaving Warring States to take the navy to clean up the situation.

  After the end of the war on the top, Liu Feng did not intend to stay in Malin Fanduo. Now, the buildings of Malin Fanduo have been almost destroyed by Whitebeard's shaking fruit, and they are about to become an island of ruins.

  Although Marin Fando is stronger than the original, it will take a lot of time to rebuild to restore the original appearance.

  "Husband, where are we going now?" Hancock asked Liu Feng.

  "Return to Holy Land Mary Joa."

  "Aren't you going to Nine Snake Island?"

  Hancock was slightly disappointed. In fact, Hancock wanted Liu Feng to follow her to Nine Snake Island, but since Liu Feng returned to the Holy Land Mary Joa, she also went with her.

  As for the matter on Nine Snake Island, leave it to Mother-in-law for the time being. Anyway, the Nine Snake Pirates have no enemies in the sea. Hancock doesn't need to worry about it. Hancock can be a perfect hands-off shopkeeper.

  Liu Feng returned to the Holy Land Mary Joa. After Liu Feng left, Sengoku asked Akainu and the others to clean up the mess, and then took out the phone bug to contact the Five Old Stars.

  First tell them about the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then report the matter of the underwater prison.

  The Five Old Stars should have known about the matter of the Great Undersea Prison, and the Warring States just reported it again. In fact, the responsibility of the Warring States was not so great for the accident in the Propulsion City of the Great Undersea Prison.

  Because the warden of the underwater prison has nothing to do with him, but as the warden of the underwater prison, Magellan is unlucky.

  Magellan's strength is not weak, and he should not be severely punished, but demotion is absolutely unavoidable.

  "Where's the ancient weapon Pluto of Uchiha Liufeng?"

  The Five Old Stars with a flat hat asked the Warring States Period.

  "It has been returned to him, and he drove away." Warring States said to the Five Old Stars with a flat hat.

  "Understood, you first count the casualties of the Navy this time."

  The Five Old Stars with the flat hat didn't say anything. In fact, he was a little disappointed. If the ancient weapon Pluto was still in the hands of the Warring States Period, there might be some room for manipulation.

  He originally wanted to intercept the Pluto battleship, and then he would argue with Uchiha Liufeng, but now that the ancient weapon Pluto has fallen into the hands of Uchiha Liufeng again, there is no way.

  "Do you know where Uchiha Liufeng went?"

  The long-haired five old star finally asked the Warring States period.

  "I don't know, it should be going to Nine Snake Island, or the Holy Land Mary Joa."

  Warring States really didn't know, when Liu Feng left, he didn't tell him where he was going.

  After that, Wu Laoxing cut off contact with Warring States, and did not blame Warring States, which made Warring States relieved.

  Afterwards, Sengoku went to comfort his old friend Garp. The person in the most uncomfortable mood should be Garp. Although the Whitebeard Pirates were eliminated, Ace was also dead.

  The news of the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates spread quickly.

  "Are we still going?"

  On the red-haired pirate ship, the vice-captain Beckman asked Shanks.

  "The Whitebeard Pirates are gone, what are you going to do?"

  Shanks took a deep breath. He thought that Whitebeard would die, but he didn't expect the entire Whitebeard Pirates to be wiped out.

  Intuition tells Shanks that perhaps a major event will happen at sea, and even he cannot escape this major event.

  The Whitebeard Pirates were destroyed, and the New World was most affected. Those Pirates under the Whitebeards were all the big pirates of the New World.

  They were completely wiped out, and the vacated territory was already targeted by other pirate groups.

  For example, Kaido, when the Whitebeard Pirates went to rescue Ace, Kaido had already taken action on Whitebeard's territory, and even planned to take the opportunity to sneak attack on Whitebeard, but was stopped by Shanks.

  Now that the Whitebeard Pirates have been wiped out, Kaido is naturally welcome and dispatched with the Beast Pirates.

  Aunt Charlotte Lingling was not polite, and shared with Kaido the huge territory of Whitebeard.

  The situation on the sea was turbulent, but Liu Feng returned to the Holy Land Mary Joa very calmly.

  "Yamato, send a letter to Kaido."

  Liu Feng said to Yamato.

  "Why do you want me to send him a letter?" Yamato doesn't want to pay attention to Kaido now, she didn't forgive Kaido in her heart, and even made a clear line with Kaido long ago.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "I'll leave this task to you, will you finish it?" Liu Feng stared at Yamato.

  "Okay, Master Liu Feng, what do you want me to say to Kaido?"

  Yamato reluctantly agreed.

  "Tell Kaido and let him surrender to me honestly. If Kaido refuses, Whitebeard's fate will be his fate."

  "Master Liu Feng, do you want to subdue him? I don't think this should be possible."

  Hearing Liu Feng said that he wanted to conquer Kaido, Yamato felt that this was completely impossible. She was Kaido's daughter and knew how big Kaido's ambitions were.

  It is absolutely impossible for Kaido to surrender, and it is estimated that Liu Feng will be disappointed.

  "I'm not afraid of his rejection. The consequence of rejection is death."


  Liu Feng has made up his mind to clean up the pirates in the sea, and the Four Emperors are the first targets to clean up.

  "I'm serious. If you don't want to see Kaido die, you'd better persuade him." Liu Feng said to Yamato.

  This is also the reason why Liu Feng entrusted this task to Yamato. It is impossible for Yamato to not care about Kaido at all, after all Kaido is her father.

  If Yamato really can't persuade Kaido, Kaido will die.

  "I think it's useless if I say more."

  Yamato gave a wry smile, but she nodded and agreed. She did her best, she really didn't want to see Kaido die.

  "Husband, do you want to take action against the other four emperors?" Hancock asked Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng nodded, Whitebeard was the first, followed by the other four emperors. I wonder if Blackbeard would replace Whitebeard as one of the four emperors.

  If Blackbeard becomes the Fourth Emperor again, Liu Feng will kill the Blackbeard by the way.

  "If your husband wants to take action against the other four emperors, the Nine Snake Pirates can also help."

  Hancock wants to let the Nine Snake Pirates help Liu Feng achieve his goal. The Nine Snake Pirates are definitely not weak. Although the gap is a bit larger than that of the Four Emperors' Pirates, they can also play a big role. effect.

  "it is good."

  Liu Feng nodded and did not reject Hancock.

  If Hancock is rejected, Hancock may not be happy.

  The Nine Snakes Pirates are indeed a force. Let the Nine Snakes Pirates concentrate on dealing with the Pirates under the Four Emperors.


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Chapter 400

  "Liu Feng, Brother Doflaming wants to see you."

  Taotu said to Liu Feng.

  A few days ago, Taotu has become Liu Feng's woman, and now the name of Liu Feng has changed.

  "Doflamingo wants to see me?"

  Liu Feng instantly remembered that he had told many Doflamingo's secrets in Malin Fando before, and it is estimated that Doflamingo has been targeted by the Warring States now.

  Because of Corazon's matter, Sengoku didn't like Doflamingo, and even wanted to arrest Doflamingo, but he never caught Doflamingo's handle.

  Now that I know some of Doflamingo's handles, how could Warring States easily let Doflamingo go.

  "He won't come to Holy Land Mary Joa now, will he?" Liu Feng asked Taotu.

  "Well, he has come to Holy Land Mary Joa."

  As a pirate, Doflamingo can easily come to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  "Then let him come to see me."

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