He solved Kaido, Blackbeard, and Charlotte Lingling in one breath, but he could imagine how strong his strength would be, and even he couldn't imagine how strong Liu Feng was.

  It's fine if such a person is a friend, but unfortunately this is an enemy.

  "Besides him, who else do you think can command your father at will." Garp said lightly after glancing at Long.

  "But although he is a Tianlong person, he is different from other Tianlong people. I think he is good."

  In the past, Garp didn't like Liu Feng, but now Garp has also changed. At least in Garp's view, he is much stronger than the other trash Tianlong people.

  "What did he ask you to do with me?"

  Long is most concerned about this matter, not wanting to do something to him.

  If Uchiha Liufeng wants to deal with them, it will definitely be their biggest disaster.

  "He wants you to surrender to him, and he told me that if you surrender to him, he can help you do what you want."

  Garp relayed what Liu Feng and him said to the dragon.

  "Am I right?" Long almost thought Karp was wrong.

  Uchiha Liufeng wanted him to surrender, and he also said to help him accomplish what he wanted to do, and it was no secret what he wanted to do.

  The dragon wants to overthrow the corrupt world government and build a free and equal world.

  In today's world, everything serves the Tianlong people. If those Tianlong people are good people, it would be fine, but unfortunately most of those Tianlong people are moths.

  The reason why Long didn't want to become a navy in the first place was that he didn't want to serve those Tianlong people.

  "What the hell does he mean?" the dragon asked Garp.

  "Don't you understand what he means?"

  Garp glanced at the dragon, and couldn't believe that the dragon didn't know what Uchiha Ryufeng meant.

  "I don't understand why he wants to overthrow his own rule?"

  This world is in the hands of the Tianlong people, and the words that Uchiha Liufeng asked Karp to convey seems to be to overthrow the world controlled by the Tianlong people.

  "It's not him who controls the world now. The real power is now in the hands of the five old stars. Maybe he doesn't like other Tianlong people."

  Karp didn't quite understand either, so he could only guess on his own.

  "I advise you to agree. He is not something you can compete with. It is almost impossible for you to overthrow the world government by yourself. This may also be an opportunity for you. Think about it."

  After Karp finished speaking, he left directly.

  The right to choose is in the hands of the dragon himself, and Garp knows that he has no way to interfere with the dragon's decision.

  Garp didn't pay attention to leaving the dragon, while the dragon was thinking about a problem.

  To agree or not to agree, first of all, if you don't agree, the consequences should be very serious, maybe Uchiha Liufeng will personally take action against him.

  If he agreed, Long was a little unwilling, and there was no way for Long to be sure that what Uchiha Liufeng promised him was true.

  "Negotiate it with them."

  This is not something that Long can make alone. Although Long is the leader, sometimes he needs to know the opinions of other people.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Then Long summoned the cadres of the revolutionary army to tell the story.

  In the end, after the discussion, the matter was pushed to the dragon, letting the dragon choose whether to agree or not.

  "I choose it myself."

  The dragon stood by the sea and looked in the direction of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  "Hey, let's go and see Uchiha Liufeng first."

  In fact, when Long decided to meet Liu Feng, he had already made his own choice, but he also needed to go to investigate and learn about Uchiha Liu Feng.

  If he didn't know Uchiha Liufeng at all, Long would not choose to surrender with confidence.

  After that, Ryu went to Wano Country to meet Liu Feng.

  Liu Feng, who was in the country of Wano, also knew that the dragon was coming to see him.


  "It seems that Long has made his wise choice." Liu Feng had a smile on his face. Although Long had not responded yet, he must have agreed to come to see him.

  In fact, the reason why Long would consider agreeing is firstly because of Liu Feng's strength, and secondly because Liu Feng promised to help him accomplish what he wants to do, which is the most important.

  Although the dragon has done a lot over the years, the dragon is still not sure about overthrowing the world government.

  If Uchiha Liufeng will succeed him, the possibility of doing so becomes infinitely greater.

  A few days later, Long came to Wano and met Liu Feng.

  Although it was the first time to see Liu Feng, Long was able to recognize Liu Feng through some news papers, but Liu Feng's appearance was still beyond his expectations.

  When the dragon looked at Liu Feng, Liu Feng was also looking at the dragon. There was a mysterious aura about the dragon, and he could become the most vicious criminal in the world. It can be seen that the dragon is not simple.

  Wu Laoxing's capture of dragons can surpass all pirates, but dragons are still fine.

  The Karp family doesn't have a simple one.

  "You came to see me, it seems that you made your choice." Liu Feng said with a light smile on his face.

  "I just want to know, is it true or false that what His Highness Liu Feng said will help me accomplish what I have to do and fulfill my dream?" Long did not answer decisively now.

  "Of course it's true, do you think I'll tell some lies to fool you?" Liu Feng wanted to complete the task and become the king of the pirate world.


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Chapter 415

  Long and Liu Feng talked for a few hours, and then Long made a complete statement and was willing to surrender to Liu Feng, but Liu Feng had to overthrow the current world government.

  Liu Feng will not refuse this condition. This is what Liu Feng has to do. He wants to subdue the dragon's power, and it is also for the dragon to help him do this.

  "I didn't expect you to agree so easily."

  Liu Feng was also a little surprised when he looked at the dragon. In fact, Liu Feng was already ready to be rejected. He felt that it was impossible for the dragon to simply agree to surrender to him.

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, I would like to ask, if I refuse, what will happen to my revolutionary army?"

  Long did not answer Liu Feng's question, but instead asked Liu Feng.

  "If you refuse, then I can only remove all threats."

  "So, this is also the reason for my promise. I don't want my men to die, and you also promised to help me do what I want to do."

   As long as the final dream is completed, the process of completion is not important to the dragon.

  However, if Liu Feng's actions disappoint him, the dragon will definitely rebel at that time. If Liu Feng does not disappoint him, he will also do well.

  "The Five Old Stars should have known that I was in contact with you by now."

  Liu Feng looked at the dragon with a faint smile.

  This time, when he came to Wano, the dragon didn't hide it. If he hides his whereabouts, it is absolutely impossible for the five old stars to find him, but this time the dragon deliberately exposed himself.

  He exposed himself to come to Liu Feng, and the Five Old Stars would inevitably wonder why Liu Feng and Long were in contact.

  Therefore, there will inevitably be conflicts between Liu Feng and the Five Old Stars.

  This is Long's calculation, but Long doesn't care, and he is not afraid that the Five Old Stars will know his ambitions now.

  What if the five old stars know, can they still stop themselves?It's not that Liu Feng underestimates Wu Laoxing too much, but Wu Laoxing really has no such ability.

  I just don't know how Im behind the Five Old Stars, I hope he won't be too disappointed.

  "What do you want me to do next?" Long asked Liu Feng.

  "Go and accumulate your strength, and I will do it when the pirates in the sea are cleaned up."

  Liu Feng clearly told Long the time, Long nodded, and then left Wano Country directly.

  Not long after Ryu left Wano Country, Liu Feng's phone bug purred.

  "Five old stars?"

  As long as Liu Feng guessed it, he knew that it must be the Five Old Stars.

  He also knew that Wu Laoxing called, and he must have asked about Long, but Liu Feng didn't mind chatting with Wu Laoxing.

  "You five old guys, why did you contact me when you remembered?" Liu Feng asked lightly.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, you are asking clearly, what did you do that we don't know?"

  This is the voice of the bearded five old stars, roaring in rage.

  "Roaring at me, do you want to die?" Liu Feng's cold words were filled with endless coldness, even the bearded five old stars on the other side felt the endless coldness.

  "Damn, he's not here, why should I be afraid of him."

  The bearded Wu Laoxing thought that he couldn't help but take a step back, and felt a little embarrassed, especially when the other Wu Laoxing next to him saw this step back.

  I was a little ashamed and angry in my heart and wanted to fight back, but I was afraid that Uchiha Liufeng would really kill him.

  If Uchiha Liufeng really kills him, he will definitely not be able to beat him with his own strength.

  As for whether the other five old stars will help him, this bearded five old star really can't guarantee it. Their relationship seems to be very good, but at the critical moment, only himself can be trusted.

  "Have you met the dragon, why did you meet?" The flat-cap five old star asked, and it was considered a relief for the bearded five old star, otherwise the bearded five old star did not know whether to fight back.

  Not fighting back shows that he is cowardly, and he is afraid that Uchiha Liufeng will kill him if he fights back.

  "Are you questioning me?"

  Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked lightly.

  Hearing Liu Feng's cold inquiry, the Five Old Stars with a flat hat frowned.

  "You should know who Monkey D. Long is. He is the most vicious criminal wanted by the world government."

  Flat hat five old star said.

  "You also know what he did, so we have to ask you and hope you can answer truthfully."

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