With Douglas Barrett's ability, it is absolutely no problem to kill some of the big pirates in the new world. Even Douglas Barrett is only one person, but there are very few who can beat him.

  Even if the red-haired Shanks is pulled over, it is unknown whether he can beat Douglas Barrett.

  "Are you going to start fighting against the pirates in the New World?" Taotu asked Liu Feng.

  "It's just the beginning, and when the navy has completely surrendered to me, it's time to completely take action against the New World Pirates."

  "Liu Feng, why are you so confident that the navy will rely on you?"

  Taotu couldn't help but ask, why did he think that the navy would finally choose him because he hadn't seen any action from Liu Feng in the past few days.

  "You'll know when the time comes."

  Liu Feng has absolute confidence, not to mention that even if the Warring States choose the Five Old Stars, Liu Feng can also replace the Warring States. As long as he has the strength, the navy will always be his.

  When Liu Feng mentioned the navy, now Sengoku, Garp and Crane have almost discussed it.

  "Okay, I'll just listen to the two of you. I hope your judgment won't hurt the navy." Warring States sighed.

  After Garp came back, after discussing with Garp, Garp expressed his support for Uchiha Liufeng, and told Sengoku that the duty of the navy was to deal with pirates.

  What's wrong with Uchiha Liufeng now asking them to exterminate the pirates.

  Of course, Garp is actually a little selfish, because now Garp knows that Liu Feng and his son have reached an agreement.

  In addition, Karp has no good feelings for the five old stars.

  After that, the Warring States took the initiative to contact Liu Feng and told Liu Feng that he was willing to lead the navy to the New World to destroy the pirates.

  The corner of Liu Feng's mouth twitched. It seemed that Warring States made the most sensible choice. If Warring States chose the wrong person, Liu Feng could only make Warring States disappear.

  "I actually agreed."

  Taotu was very surprised, Liu Feng didn't talk too much with the Warring States, and finally the Warring States actually took refuge in Liu Feng.

  But for the peach rabbit, this is a good thing.

  "It seems that it is time to prepare for the remnants of the new world. I didn't expect the Warring States period to make a choice so quickly."

  Warring States made a choice too fast, Liu Feng originally thought that he would have to wait for a while, but it seems that God is not willing to give the pirates more time.

  The naval fleet was dispatched to the New World, but this time the naval fleet did not go to the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  Because the Warring States knew that the Five Old Stars would definitely not agree, so the Warring States directly took the navy from Fishman Island to the New World.

  In this way, compared to going to the New World from the Holy Land Mariejoa, it obviously takes more time. After all, if you go to Fishman Island, you need to coat the ship.

  The navy's momentum is not small, so it is impossible for Wu Laoxing not to know, after Wu Laoxing received this information, he was directly furious.

  Unexpectedly, the navy dared to disobey their orders. They all issued orders not to go to the New World to destroy the pirates. As a result, the Warring States actually disobeyed.

  "Damn, Warring States is trying to rebel."

  Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing's eyes were cold, and murderous aura erupted from his body.

  The expression of the five old stars with the flat hat is very solemn, and the navy is not on their side. You must know that the navy is one of the strongest forces in the world government.

  Without the power of the navy, their control over the world will be greatly reduced, and their authority will be challenged.

  "This is a precedent that cannot be opened, and immediately announced the abolition of the position of admiral of the Warring States period." The Five Old Stars with a flat hat said decisively.

  Since Warring States had to fight against him, he could only be abolished.

  "It's not very useful." The long-haired five old star said with a sigh.

  Even if the position of Admiral is abolished, will the Navy be able to stop it?Obviously the prestige of Warring States is stronger than them, at least in the navy.

  "Contact Akainu."

  The long-haired five old star finally said.

  When they were going to select the marshal before, they expressed their support for Akainu, but because of Liu Feng, the Warring States continued to serve as the marshal.

  Now I can contact Akainu. If Akainu is willing to leave the Warring States with a part of the navy, that would be great.

  "The navy is out of control. They chose Uchiha Liufeng between us and Uchiha Liufeng. Now only some people in the navy can be drawn."

  The other five old stars listened to the analysis of the long-haired five old stars and agreed.

  However, it is not easy to win over. Sengoku and Garp are too prestigious in the navy, and it is estimated that most of them will be on their side.

  It is absolutely impossible for Aokiji to be wooed. They have already labeled Aokiji as the Warring States Period, but Akainu has a lot of possibilities. At that time, it should not be a big problem to lure him with the position of Admiral.

  As for the yellow ape, to be honest, even the five old stars can't figure out the character of the yellow ape, and it is unknown whether they can win the yellow ape.


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Chapter 419

  Wu Laoxing finally succeeded in persuading Akainu by winning over him. Although Akainu also wanted to deal with the pirates, he also wanted to become a marshal.

  As a naval marshal, he will have autonomy, instead of following the orders of the Warring States as he is now.

  Moreover, the Warring States were more optimistic about Aokiji, and kept suppressing him.

  In fact, it is not that the Warring States deliberately suppressed Akainu, but the concept is different. Every time Akainu makes a proposal, the Warring States will oppose it.

  Akainu left with a part of the navy who supported him. After Sengoku got the news, his face was a little - unsightly.

  Huang Yuan was also contacted by Wu Laoxing, but Huang Yuan did not respond, and no one knew what Huang- Yuan was thinking now.

  "Don't think so much, Akainu and we are not the same."

  Garp said to Sengoku.

  Indeed, Akainu's character is destined not to be the same as them. In dealing with pirates, Akainu never let go, but Akainu's character is too extreme.

  When dealing with pirates, sometimes they don't even care about their own people.

  "Go to Wano country first."

  Sengoku also gave up thinking about Akainu, and took the naval fleet to Wano Country. On the other side, Akainu, who was planning to go back, received an order from the Five Old Stars.

  "I actually ordered me to deal with Uchiha Liufeng."

  Akainu's eyes flickered. Originally, Akainu planned to see Wu Lao Xing, but Wu Lao Xing gave an order to let Akainu deal with Uchiha Liufeng.

  Akainu is silent now, he is not stupid, he knows the strength of Uchiha Liufeng, and it is more fortunate to deal with Uchiha Liufeng.

  What's more, there are Sengoku and the others around Uchiha Liufeng now. If Akainu makes a move, wouldn't it be a dead end?

  Refuse the orders of the Five Old Stars?Wu Laoxing's order is not so easy to refuse. If he refuses, then the conditions that Wu Laoxing promised him before will be gone.

  "Is it right or wrong to choose the Five Old Stars?"

  Akainu, who was hesitant in his heart, finally made up his mind, and he didn't feel that he was wrong.

  If he is the same as the Warring States period, he will never have a chance to come forward. Only by choosing the Five Old Stars will he have a chance to come forward.

  "Go and see first."

  Akainu decided to take a look first. Although the Five Old Stars ordered him to take action against Uchiha Liufeng, Akainu felt that he could have a pomp.

  You don't have to play against Uchiha Liufeng if you just walk around.

  Akainu is not stupid, he will not act like a fool, just rush up to deal with Uchiha Liufeng.

  Afterwards, Akainu led the battleship and followed him to Wano Country.

  In the territory of Wano, Liu Feng and the Warring States met. After seeing the Warring States, Liu Feng had a smile on his face.

  "Marshal of the Warring States, welcome."

  "His Royal Highness Liu Feng, I put the fate of the navy on you, I hope you don't let us down." Warring States sighed.

  He has always been following the rules, this is the craziest thing he has done, and what he is doing now is equivalent to betraying the World Government.

  The Five Old Stars had questioned him before and dismissed him from the position of Admiral, but this is no longer important.

  Now he doesn't listen to the words of the Five Old Stars, so the removal of the Five Old Stars has no meaning for the Warring States Period.

  "Don't worry, I won't let you down. In the future, I will make the world change for the better."

  Liu Feng has the confidence to do it, because after Liu Feng rules this world, there will be no pirates in this world, and without the plundering of pirates, the people of the world will naturally live better.

  Sengoku nodded slightly.

  "Then the Warring States Marshal will lead the navy to exterminate the pirates. As long as the pirates are all eliminated, there is no need to stay."

  Liu Feng didn't even need to live. Those pirates were wasting food after they caught them. Most of the pirates in the New World were vicious people.

  "Okay, that's what we're supposed to do."

  The Warring States did not refuse, and destroying the pirates was a matter of course for their navy.

  After arranging for the Warring States what they should do, Liu Feng released a message.

  Starting today, the pirates in the New World will be wiped out. If you give up the identity of pirates from now on, you will still survive, and if they are still pirates, they will all be wiped out.

  After the news was passed, the pirates in the sea were completely shocked, and the things they were worried about still happened.

  The butcher knife was about to be cut down towards them. Before the butcher knife killed the pirates in the four seas and the first half of the great waterway, and many children expressed their disapproval.

  After all, the navy has not been able to intervene in the new world since a long time ago, and even if there is a navy force, it is relatively weak.

  But now, when the butcher knife was raised to them, they felt panic.

  Today's New World has no Whitebeard, no Kaido, and no aunt Charlotte Lingling.

  There is only one red-haired Shanks left, can he deal with the power of the navy?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  In addition, there is still a Douglas Barrett on the sea now, who is constantly slaughtering pirates, especially those powerful pirate groups, who have been killed by Douglas Barrett several times.

  In fact, they are very confused. Isn't Douglas Barrett one of their own? Many people who know him know that he used to be a crew member of the Roger Pirates.

  At this time, why do you still start with pirates? Even if you engage in infighting, it shouldn't be at this time.

  "Douglas Barrett is very efficient."

  Liu Feng also learned about the recent situation of Douglas Barrett. He has destroyed as many as ten pirate groups, with an average of three pirate groups destroyed a day.

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