"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

  The technique of the fireball released by Liu Feng was instantly swallowed up, and then Liu Feng hurriedly used the instant body technique to evade.

  "Is the fire extinguished? I hope it will explode after defeating Madara Uchiha."

  This B-level ninjutsu has great potential. In the original book, the reincarnation of the dirty earth was extinguished by a arrogant fire. Twenty ninjas used the water wall to barely resist it. The power is definitely not inferior to the S-level ninjutsu.

  Of course, Madara Uchiha, who was still a teenager, would definitely not be able to use such a powerful fire to extinguish it.

  The two hook jades in the eyes slowly turned, and Liu Feng performed the illusion of writing wheel eyes.

  Looking at Madara Uchiha who was motionless, Liu Feng came to Madara Uchiha in an instant, and Kunai stabbed him in the neck.


  Blocked, just when Liu Feng was about to kill Juvenile Ban, he broke free from the control of the illusion and used Kunwu to block Liu Feng's Kunwu.

  Then the two started a fight, Uchiha fluid technique, every attack was the key.

  In terms of strength, the two are almost the same, and Liu Feng is slightly better in terms of speed, but his combat experience is weaker than Juvenile Madara.

  Don't look at Madara Uchiha when he was a teenager, but he was born in the chaotic and cruel Warring States period, and he has been on the battlefield a long time ago, and his combat experience definitely exceeds that of Liu Feng.

  He glanced at the wound on his arm, which was accidentally left by Juvenile Ban during the battle, but Liu Feng also drew a wound on his abdomen.

  "Continue." Liu Feng clenched his fists and charged towards Juvenile Ban with all his flaws.

  puff! ! !

  Madara Uchiha's kunai pierced Liu Feng's heart, but Liu Feng showed a strange smile, and his body suddenly disappeared into smoke.

  Shadow clone, Liu Feng who was pierced by Uchiha Madara's heart was just a shadow clone, and the real Liu Feng had already appeared behind Uchiha Madara, and used the spiral pill to smash the back of Uchiha Madara's head.

  [Ding, you kill Uchiha Madara (juvenile) projection, get 5000 points, Indra Chakra, Huo Eun · Huo Huo extinction]


  PS: Ask for collections, flowers, and new books to set sail for support! ! ! .

Chapter 4

  "Looks like something incredible happened."

  When Liu Feng saw the chakra that burst out Indra, his expression was slightly excited.

  Indra Otsutsuki, the eldest son of the Six Path Immortal Otsutsuki Yui, is also the ancestor of the Uchiha family. Why is Uchiha Madara so awesome?Because he is the reincarnation of Indra Chakra.

  If Madara Uchiha was not the reincarnation of Indra Chakra, he would never have opened the eye of reincarnation.

  Not to mention whether Indra's Chakra has improved his strength, the most important thing is the key to the eye of reincarnation.

  If you can get Ashura Chakra again, as long as you reach the opportunity, Liu Feng can open the eye of reincarnation.

  After getting Indra Chakra, Liu Feng really felt a little bit more changed.

  His chakra quality and quantity have greatly increased, and he even feels that his physique has become slightly stronger, but the biggest change is his pupil strength.

  I feel that Ergou Jade Writing Wheel Eye is about to evolve into San Gou Jade Writing Wheel Eye.

  The three-gou jade writing wheel eye is already the limit of the ordinary writing wheel eye. The vast majority of Uchiha family members can only open up to the three-gou jade.

  As for the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, there have not been many appearances since ancient times.

  "Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

  Liu Feng skillfully formed the seal, and displayed his arrogant fire to extinguish it.

  As expected of the famous fire extinguished, Liu Feng displayed it, and it should be no problem to destroy a house in an instant.

  And there is huge room for improvement.


  Liu Feng left this trial space and appeared in the main space of the system.

  "Congratulations, Liu Feng." Xiaomeng congratulated Liu Feng after Liu Feng returned to the main space of the system.

  "Congratulations are really needed, I'm so lucky."

  Liu Feng revealed the Indra Chakra on Juvenile Ban's body, which should be the most precious thing on his body.

  Then Liu Feng silently opened the property panel.

  【Flower Maple】

  Strength: 32 (normal human limit 10)

  Constitution: 30 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Speed: 37 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Spirit: 56 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Chakra: Kamijin class

  Ninjutsu: Spiral Maru (A-level), Huo-dun·Heroic Fire Extinguishing (B-level), Shadow Clone Technique (B-level), Huo-dun-Heroic Fireball (C-level), Huo-dun·Fengxian Fire (C-level) class)

  Physical Skills: Uchiha Fluid Technique (A-level), Soft Boxing Technique, Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms

  Illusion: The Art of Naraku-Seeing (Class C), Illusion·Writing Wheel Eye

  Boundary of Blood: Ergou Jade Writing Wheel Eyes

  Overall Evaluation: Special Jōnin

  "I have such a luxurious attribute panel, and the comprehensive evaluation is especially forbearance. Is it wrong?"

  After reading it, Liu Feng asked Xiaomeng, he was really a little unconvinced, and felt that he could be more forbearing than his shoulders.

  In particular, it means that some areas can reach the level of Shangnin, but the overall ability cannot reach the level of Shangnin.

  "This is an evaluation after taking into account the combat experience, and apart from chakra and spiritual attributes, the others are indeed inferior to the real Jōnin."

  Xiaomeng said to Liu Feng.

  "You are limited by age. You are only ten years old now, and you are already very strong."

  Although Liu Feng spends three times more time cultivating in the system training space, this triple time will not increase his age and physical development.

  Even though he practiced three times longer, he still had the body of a ten-year-old.

  Nowadays, Liu Feng is very slow to improve his strength, and it is his age that restricts him, so Liu Feng can't do anything about it.

  On the other hand, the ninjutsu panel is very luxurious. Among them, the spiral pill was created by Liu Feng who knew the principle.

  Other ninjutsu, are obtained by their own identity.

  "Xiaomeng ask you, what is the origin of that Morita Wu?"

  Liu Feng asked about Morita Wu, the only one Liu Feng did not know.

  "Not bad, an ordinary ninja from Rock Ninja Village." Xiaomeng told Liu Feng directly.

  "Is that so, then I will challenge him." Liu Feng chose to challenge Morita Wu.

  After entering the trial space, it was easy to solve it with a direct fire escape, and the fire was extinguished. It made Liu Feng feel boring, and he was solved by Liu Feng without even resisting.

  [Ding, you kill Morita without projection, get: 100 points, 5 years lifespan, strength +2]

  "Can lifespan and strength attributes explode?"

  Liu Feng doesn't care about lifespan. He is still young, so lifespan is not necessary for him. The key is the attribute of strength. He does feel that his strength has increased.

  "Six thousand one hundred points, there are not many things that can be exchanged."

  A hook of jade writing wheel eye [-] points, if Liu Feng did not open the writing wheel eye, he would definitely redeem this.

  "Why didn't you turn on these features sooner."

  When Liu Feng thought about what he had done to open the writing wheel, it was hard to say. In order to stimulate himself to open the writing wheel, Liu Feng even did things like jumping off a cliff.

  Facts have proved that Liu Feng finally succeeded. He should be the earliest eye-opener in the history of the Uchiha family. He successfully opened the wheel-writing eye at the age of seven.

  Only Erzhuzi has hope of surpassing Liu Feng in the future. I remember that Erzhuzi seemed to be forced to open his eyes by Uchiha Itachi on the night of the extermination. He should have been around seven years old at that time.

  Of course, eye opening sooner or later does not mean future achievements.

  Obito opened his eyes when he was twelve years old, and when he opened his eyes, he became Ergouyu, and then he directly evolved into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, with two consecutive jumps.

  But it can't explain anything other than Obito's misery.

  "Xiaomeng, I want to challenge myself." Liu Feng said to Xiaomeng.

  "Liu Feng, don't think about it."

  When Xiaomeng heard the words, she quickly said to Liu Feng.

  "By the way, what will happen if I get killed in the trial space?" Liu Feng quickly asked Xiaomeng, but he forgot to ask before, it's really dangerous to think about.

  "You won't die if you are killed, but you have to suffer the pain of being killed, and you will recover directly after you leave the trial space."

  Wen Yan Liufeng breathed a sigh of relief, that's fine, as long as he doesn't die, what else is he afraid of.

  "Xiaomeng hurry up and send me to deal with myself."

  Liu Feng said to Xiaomeng that he would definitely not be able to deal with the kaleidoscope Shaker. He just wanted to see himself who had opened the Kaleidoscope Shaker.

  Even if he was tortured and killed, maybe he has evolved in the process of being tortured and killed. The stimulation between life and death crises is great.

  The price of Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye in the exchange system is 5 points. If you successfully evolve, you will save 5 points.

  "This is what you asked for yourself. Don't blame me for being abused."

  Xiaomeng complained, and then sent Liu Feng into the trial space, where the opponent Uchiha Liu Feng (kaleidoscope state) projected.

  Ten seconds later, Liu Feng, who was sent to the trial space, came out. At this time, Liu Feng was expressionless.

  "You were killed so quickly?" Xiaomeng looked at Liu Feng, she thought she could hold on for at least a minute, but she came out in ten seconds.

  "It's really ruthless to start, and I will open Susanoh when we meet."

  As soon as Liu Feng entered, before he had time to look at the projection of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye state, his projection turned on Susanoo.

  It is still the third form of Susanoh, the peak state that the Kaleidoscope Shaker can use, and then Liu Feng was hacked to death, and he didn't even know about the other two pupil techniques of the Kaleidoscope Shaker.

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