Liu Feng shook his head lightly.

  In fact, if it is serious, Liu Feng is not a Tianlong person at all. The identity of this Tianlong person is actually given to Liu Feng by the system.

  "Okay, I won't tell you any extra nonsense."

  Liu Feng raised his hand slightly, and then the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly gathered together, and the gathered terrifying thunderclouds gave people a thrilling feeling.

  From this terrifying thundercloud, all Tianlong people could feel the terrifying breath of death, as if they would die in the next moment.

  "No, I don't want to die, please let me go, Lord Liu Feng."

  "Your Highness Liu Feng, spare your life, I am willing to be your slave."

  Some Tianlong people really have no morals, and actually shouted that they wanted to be slaves to Liu Feng, but if they were serious, even if they were slaves, these guys were not qualified.

  Tianlong people who are accustomed to being uncles, how could they be used to being slaves, not to mention that Tianlong people are basically waste, if it is not for the power in their hands, how can they be qualified to be at the highest point.


  Liu Feng didn't want to hear these Heavenly Dragons begging for mercy, and the thunder and lightning that fell from his hand turned all the Heavenly Dragons into ashes in this shelter.

  After destroying them, there was no expression on Liu Feng's face, as if he had killed a group of bugs.

  However, Robin and the others standing behind Liu Feng were a little lost in their hearts, although they knew that the Tianlong people were nothing in front of Liu Feng...  

  But now seeing Liu Feng decisively killing them all, I still feel a little shocked in my heart.

  After destroying all the Dragons, Im still did not appear.

  "Let's go, first go look for the treasure left by the Tianlong people."

  Liu Feng turned around and left the shelter, went to the place where the Tianlong people lived, and went to find the treasure of the Tianlong people. After the world is taken, Liu Feng will need to develop.

  And any development is inseparable from money, so the money in the hands of Tianlong people is still very important.

  Hearing that Liu Feng said that she was going to find the treasure left by the Tianlong people, Nami was really happy at this time, and excitedly hugged Liu Feng's arm and did not let go.

  "Nami, don't be too happy, anyway, even if you find the treasure, it won't be given to you."

  Taotu said to the elated Nami, and for a moment Nami was like an eggplant beaten by frost, her head lowered and listless.

  "Even if you really don't have my share, you can let me slap the palm of your hand."

  Soon Nami recovered her spirits. After she recovered, Nami pulled Liu Feng energetically towards the place where the Tianlong people lived.

  Not long after Liu Feng took Nami and the others away, a mysterious and unpredictable figure appeared here, frowning slightly as he looked at the corpses of Tianlong people.

  "It's a bit ruthless to shoot, and actually killed them all."

  This seemingly mysterious figure is actually Yimu. After sensing the fluctuations here, Yimu quickly dodged and came here, but Yimu was still late.

  After she arrived here, all these Tianlong people had been wiped out by Liu Feng.

  Of course, Yimu should be glad that he came late. If he came too early, he might meet Liu Feng directly, and even Yimu himself would definitely join in.

  If Liu Feng left a little later, he would definitely be able to see Yimu, but unfortunately Liu Feng and Yimu completely diverged.

  Yimu raised her head and looked at the distant battlefield, where the fierce battle was fought in the distance. She already knew the situation on the battlefield clearly.

  I didn't expect that a person who didn't really care about it at first would make such a big thing. It is possible that the rule that lasted for [-] years will be completely overturned this time.


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Chapter 436

  It is impossible for Im to let the rule that lasted for [-] years be overthrown, not to mention that she is the king who controls everything, and the person who was overthrown was her, how could Im allow herself to be overthrown.

  "Let me see how powerful Uchiha Liufeng is, to actually push Wu Laoxing to such a point. If Uchiha Liufeng is not strong, it means Wu Laoxing is too wasteful."

  Im indifferent.

  Wu Laoxing is the tool under her hands. Yimu didn't care when this tool was easy to use in the past, but now Wu Laoxing is not so easy to use, Yimu felt that it was necessary to consider replacing a more useful tool.

  As for the Celestial Dragon who was killed by Liu Feng, although she was the king of the Celestial Dragons, she was indifferent to those Celestial Dragons and didn't particularly care about them, even if all those Celestial Dragons died, it would not matter at all.

  At the same time, Liu Feng also found countless treasures from the residence of the Tianlong people. The Tianlong people are indeed richer.

  "Nami is fine, don't be ashamed, I feel a little ashamed."

  Liu Feng reminded Nami that now Nami is about to demolish the house of the Tianlong people. In fact, it is not surprising that Nami will be like 28. The main reason is that the house of the Tianlong people is too luxurious. Who cares? I can't help but want to tear it down and keep it for myself.

  The things inlaid on the walls are all gems. These dazzling gems are difficult for even Hancock and the others to resist, let alone Nami, who is greedy for money.

  "There's nothing to be ashamed of, there are no outsiders here anyway."

  Nami is still doing her own way. Anyway, Nami doesn't feel that there is anything to be ashamed of. Anyway, what she has in her hand is her own.

  "I can't stand with you in the future."

  Taotu glanced at Nami and said.


  After hearing Taotu's words, Nami couldn't help but ask, she was in a bad mood, what does this mean?

  "I feel like standing with you is a very shameful feeling." Taotu said lightly to Nami.

  Nami's heart is very dissatisfied, what do you mean, am I just a little greedy for money?As for standing with me, is it a bit ashamed?

  Boom! ! !

  Suddenly, a loud sound appeared, and Liu Feng looked in the direction of the sound, and a playful expression suddenly appeared on his face.

  "You finally appeared Yimu, I thought you would never appear." Liu Feng said lightly.

  Now Yimu finally appeared on the battlefield, and also rescued the Five Old Stars, otherwise, the Five Old Stars would be defeated sooner or later.

  "Leave Nami, it's time for us to leave here." Liu Feng said to Nami who was beside him after receiving all the treasures in the Shenwei space.

  Nami's eyes widened at this time, and there was a bit of reluctance in her eyes. There are still many gems here. Are these gems thrown here?

  "That, can I stay here, Master Liu Feng?" Nami couldn't help but asked Liu Feng.

  "Okay, it's okay if you want to stay here. As long as you are not afraid of being affected by the subsequent battle, just stay here. I don't care."

  Liu Feng spread out his hands towards Nami and said.

  After hearing Liu Feng's words, Nami hurriedly shook her head. Although Nami did like money more, she still knew what was more important than her own life.

  Little life is the most important thing. Although it is unlikely that it will be affected, it is obviously the safest to follow Liu Feng. It is absolutely impossible for Nami to joke about her little life.

  "It seems that for you, there is something more precious than money. I thought you only cared about treasure in your heart."

  Taotu glanced at Nami, then said to Nami teasingly.

  "Don't look down on me, don't I know what's more important? If I die, what will I use to collect money."

  "Stop talking nonsense."

  Liu Feng interrupted them, and then took them out of here.

  After coming to the frontal battlefield, Liu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly. Now Garp, Sengoku, and Long have some injuries on their bodies. Although these injuries are not serious, they look very embarrassed.

  After seeing Liu Feng coming, Warring States was relieved.

  The Im that suddenly appeared just now was really too powerful, but in a short period of time, they were all repelled, and it was certain that the opponent's strength was definitely far beyond them.

  Warring States did not know this character who was treated respectfully by the Five Old Stars, and he did not expect that there was actually a powerful existence behind the Five Old Stars.

  I thought that the Five Old Stars were the supreme leaders of the world government, but I didn't expect that there was another person who ruled the Five Old Stars.

  Im's information is very confidential, so it's not surprising that Sengoku doesn't know about Im.

  At this time, Liu Feng came here, and the Warring States were relieved. It was obvious that Liu Feng was their backbone. As long as Liu Feng was here, all crises would not be called crises.

  "You are Uchiha Liufeng?"

  "Are you Im?"

  Liu Feng and Yimu asked at the same time, but they were very tacit.

  It was the first time that Liu Feng saw Yi Mu, and Yi Mu also saw Liu Feng for the first time. In the past, Yi Mu at most learned about Liu Feng from the description of Liu Feng from the Five Old Stars.

  This is the first meeting.

  "You don't look strong."

  Im staring at Liu Feng, not seeing where Liu Feng is strong, from the appearance of Liu Feng, he doesn't look like a very strong person at all.

  "I also give you this sentence, and I am serious." Liu Feng said flatly to Yimu.

  Yimu's appearance doesn't seem to be very strong, and to Liufeng, Yimu's strength is not very strong. Of course, this is only for Liufeng.

  If facing other people, just look at the Sengoku who was easily suppressed by Im, and they will know that Im's strength is definitely at the ceiling level in the pirate world.

  Although I don't know how strong Rox is, who has long since died, anyway, even if Rox is reborn, it is absolutely impossible to have the strength of Im.

  "You are arrogant."

  There was anger on Im's face. Uchiha Liufeng didn't mean that she didn't look very strong on the outside, and even she didn't think she was very strong.

  "Arrogant? Do you think I'm really arrogant?"

  Liu Feng sneered slightly, not because of how arrogant Liu Feng was. In fact, Liu Feng did not underestimate this Tianlong person Wang Yimu.

  But even if you don't underestimate her, her strength can't be stronger than Liu Feng, and even if compared with Liu Feng, Yimu's strength is far worse.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, you are too arrogant, this time you will definitely die."

  Dao-pao Wu Lao Xing suddenly stood up and roared at Liu Feng, revealing a very strong hatred in his eyes.

  "Oh, do you think you have Im to support you now, making you arrogant?" Liu Feng asked him lightly, looking at the five old stars in the Taoist robe who suddenly jumped up.

  In the past, the five old stars of Taoism did not say how cowardly they were when they faced Liu Feng, but they never dared to talk to Liu Feng like this. It seems that after Yimu appeared, he had the confidence to face him. Convective Maple growled.


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Chapter 437

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