"Then be careful, I'll go first."

  Konoha's main force has retreated, Liu Feng, carrying the Fenfu who has fainted, uses the technique of Flying Thunder God to appear beside Rope Tree.

  Rope tree has Fei Lei Shen Kunai on him, so it is very convenient for Liu Feng to use Fei Lei Shen Kunai to teleport over.

  "Huh, you scared me so much that you almost took you as an enemy."

  Rope Tree was taken aback, he was still not used to Liu Feng appearing in front of him suddenly, probably because Liu Feng used the Flying Thunder God technique in front of him not enough.

  "Who is this monk?"

  "One-tailed Renzhuli, you should be familiar with Renzhuli, right?"

  Of course Shengshu knows what Renzhuli is. As the successor of the Qianshou clan, Shengshu still has a lot of knowledge, not to mention that his grandmother is Renzhuli.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng retreated with the large army, and Hatake Sakumo came back not long after, with some injuries on his body.

  It would be nice to be able to come back, and Hatake Sakumo was able to escape quickly, because Liu Feng grabbed a tail of people and Zhuli, and the three generations of Kazekage were completely crazy.

  And Chiyo also came over and brought her ten puppets of Kinmatsu to join the battle. Hatake Sakumo, who was besieged, almost couldn't come back.

  If Hatake Sakumo doesn't come back, I don't know if there will be Hatake Kakashi in the future.

  "Hurry up and retreat, Sand Shinobu has already caught up." Hatake Sakumo ordered immediately.

  In order to regain the power of one tail, the madness of Sand Ninja is unimaginable. At this time, it is not suitable to turn back and fight hard with Sand Ninja, and he can't beat it with all his strength.

  The number of Sand Ninjas is several times that of Konoha Ninjas. Unless Liu Feng uses Susanoo, Konoha Ninjas have no chance of turning over.

  The retreat was timely, but in the end Sand Ninja failed to catch up, and Hatake Sakumo managed to escape back to the camp with Konoha Ninja.

  Here, Hatake Sakumo led the fight against Sand Shinobi, and it wasn't smooth, but he didn't suffer, and he even earned a one-tailed force.

  On the other hand, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo suffered a big loss, because the two of them also suffered from the power of Renzhu.

  Sarutobi Hiizan was attacked by the three-generation Tukage Onogi and the four-tailed man Zhuri Laozi, and Danzo was defeated by the Sanshoyu Hanzo and the five-tailed man Zhuri.

  Of course, Yu Ninja has no human pillar power, and the five-tailed human pillar power is from Yannin Village. There are two tailed beasts in Yannin Village, four tails and five tails.

  After they suffered a big loss, they quickly returned to the camp.

  "Thank you for your hard work, Sakumo."

  Sarutobi Hizan was a little comforted when he knew that Ichitojiri was taken back, at least it wasn't a defeat across the board.

  "It wasn't the one-tailed human column force that I caught, but the one-tailed human column force that Uchiha Rufeng shot and caught." Hatake Sakumo reported to Sarutobi Hibiki.

  It's not his credit, he certainly won't take it for himself.

  "Uchiha Liufeng? What method did he use to subdue Kazuo?"

  Sarutobi Hiizhan immediately asked, and after knowing that Uchiha Ryufeng solved it, Sarutobi Hiizhan instantly thought of Sharuenyan.

  Only by using a Shaker, it is possible to subdue one tail, but if you want to subdue Yi Tai, you must have a kaleidoscope Shaker. Could it be that Uchiha Liufeng had a kaleidoscope Shaker of a teleportation array at a young age?

  Thinking of this Sarutobi Hizan, I couldn't sit still, what should I do if such a genius appeared in the Uchiha family?I deeply felt the threat from Uchiha Liufeng.

  "The sealing technique used."

  Hatake Sakumo didn't know that there were so many thoughts flashing through Hirazan Sarutobi's mind in an instant, and when he heard Sarutobi Hizan asked Liu Feng how to solve it, he directly told Sarutobi Hizan.


  PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers! ! ! .

Chapter 52

  "It turned out to be a sealing technique."

  Sarutobi Hiizhan let out a sigh of relief, thinking that Uchiha Liufeng had opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, but he didn't expect him to worry too much.

  He is not surprised that Uchiha Liufeng will use the sealing technique. Uchiha Liufeng and the whirlpool family are too close, so he can't believe the current patriarch of the whirlpool family, Uzumaki Kai.

  In order to weaken the Uzumaki clan, even Sarutobi Hijen tried to win over some of the Uzumaki clan and split the Uzumaki clan into two.

  "Although Uchiha Liufeng has not turned on the kaleidoscope writing wheel now, it will definitely be turned on in the future."

  Sarutobi Hizan fell into deep contemplation, and there is still a threat in the future, and the legendary eyes have to be guarded.

  What if Uchiha Liufeng becomes the next Uchiha Madara?There was once the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashimura to suppress Uchiha Madara, but who can suppress Uchiha Liufeng?

  "I'm going to let the Vortex Clan come to the battlefield."

  Sarutobi Hizan said to Hatake Sakumo.

  The people of the Uzumaki clan did not appear on the battlefield before. Originally, Uzumaki Qi knew that the Ninja World War had started and planned to contribute.

  After all, their vortex clan is also a part of Konoha Village now, and they couldn't just sit back and ignore Konoha's difficulties, but they were rejected by Sarutobi Hibiki at that time.

  It's just that now the tailed beasts have been moved out, and the only thing that can restrain the tailed beasts is the sealing technique.

  Of course, tailed beasts can also be used to defeat tailed beasts, but now there are people in Konoha Village who can use Zhuli.

  Konoha has only one nine-tailed, the first nine-tailed person Zhuri is Uzumaki Mito, and now the nine-tailed person Zhuri is no longer Uzumaki Mito.

  That's right, the tailed beast has been secretly transferred, and Uzumaki Mito is dead, but not many people know the news, not even Liu Feng has been staying in Konoha Village.

  With the high level of Konoha's defense against Uchiha, how could Uchiha know about the transfer of the nine tails.

  Today's Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli is not Uzumaki Kushina. At the beginning of Sarutobi Hiizan, he did consider Uzumaki Kushina, but Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha were too close.

  Under such circumstances, how could it be possible for Uzumaki Kushina to become the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli.

  The current Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli is a little girl from the Uzumaki clan whom he has drawn to him. Because he has been transferred soon, he cannot come to the battlefield to help at all.


  "Old monk, what does it feel like to be imprisoned all the time? Don't you hate Sand Ninja Village?"

  Liu Feng asked Fenfu.

  Fenfu had already woken up at this point, but he couldn't escape, especially since Liu Feng was still guarding here.

  Some bored Liu Feng is chatting with Fenfu, and Liu Feng really wants to know, does Fenfu have no resentment towards Sand Ninja Village.

  As far as Liu Feng knows, Fenfu has been imprisoned since he was a child, and has always existed as a tool. He has been imprisoned for decades. Does Fenfu have no resentment in his heart?

  Fenfu remained silent and did not speak.

  "I didn't see any resentment in your eyes. Maybe you were in a high mood. If I were you, I would definitely kill everyone in Sand Ninja Village."

  Liu Feng also looked at Fen Fu with some admiration. That guy, Shouhe, could be moved by Fen Fu.

  However, Liu Feng will never be able to become a person like Fenfu. He will definitely get it back after suffering a loss. He will never be used as a tool and give his life without regrets like Fenfu.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, you can leave now, and we will take over."

  Suddenly several ninjas dressed in Anbu arrived, and one of them said coldly to Liu Feng.

  "Oh, you'll take over? Are you responsible for what happened?" Liu Feng stood up and asked lightly.

  "This is Hokage's order, you don't have to worry about it, leave quickly."

  "Since it is the order of the three generations of Hokage, then I will leave. I hope you can guard it."

  Liu Feng took a few deep glances, then turned and left.

  After leaving, Liu Feng had a look of contemplation on his face. Are they really sent by the three generations of Hokage?

  No matter, it doesn't matter what happened to him anyway. After all, they still have three generations of Hokage's warrants in their hands, so Liu Feng went to rest without any burden.

  At night, there was a sudden explosion in the place where Ichitoto Juri was imprisoned.


  A beast roar could be heard by people ten kilometers away. The entire Konoha camp was in chaos. Some sleeping ninjas woke up and looked at the giant in the dark night in horror.

  "What's going on, why is this happening, isn't the one-tailed person Zhuli sealed? Isn't your Danzo guarding you?"

  Sarutobi Hizan looked at Danzo with a gloomy face.

  The original guard was Liu Feng, but Danzo found Sarutobi Hijen and said that Uchiha Liu Feng could not be trusted and must not be watched by Uchiha Liu Feng.

  What if he had an idea about Ichio and moved him away, so Danzo proposed to let his men guard Ichio Hitoyuki.

  In the end, Sarutobi Hiizhan thought again and again, Uchiha Liufeng really couldn't be trusted, what if he took out a tail and sealed it on a Uchiha clansman.

  Sarutobi Hizan was also worried, so he agreed to Danzo and asked Danzo's people to guard Ichitoto Zhuri.

  But now that one tail has broken out, it is obvious that it has something to do with Danzo. I am afraid that this guy is also planning a tailed beast.

  Being stared at by Hiru Sarutobi, the gloomy expression on Danzo's face was put away, and he said expressionlessly: "Perhaps Uchiha Liufeng's sealing technique was not good enough, which led to the escape, and he must be severely punished afterwards. ."

  "Fix it first."

  Now it's too late to settle accounts with Danzo, but Yiwei appears in their Konoha camp, causing casual damage, Konoha can't afford it.

  "One tail ran out, and those few people really have a problem."

  Liu Feng came out with a calm look.

  From the time those people appeared, Liu Feng felt that there was something wrong with those guys. Maybe those guys were not from Anbu, but from the root organization.

  There is a gloomy aura on the root tissue, giving people a gloomy feeling, just the breath on their bodies makes Liu Feng very familiar.

  Even if he knew that the other party was plotting something wrong, Liu Feng ignored it. Anyway, the order of the three generations of Hokage was true, and no matter what happened next, it had nothing to do with him.

  Looking flatly at Yiwei Shouhe, Liu Feng didn't make a move, but went to Rope Tree.


  PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers! ! ! .

Chapter 53

  Early the next morning, the damage caused by Izuo had been cleaned up.

  As for the one tail that has already escaped, Hiruzen Sarutobi was unable to stop it, and a tailed beast who was escaping with all his heart, could not stop Hiruzen Sarutobi.

  Even if Danzo and Hatake Sakumo are still there, they have no favorable means to deal with tailed beasts, unless Sarutobi Hizen is willing to use ghouls to seal them off.

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