"Okay, as long as I pay [-] billion taels, I will let them go. Don't worry, I am a very honest person."

  A smile appeared on Liu Feng's face, money is a resource, and money is really important to ninjas.

  The ninja's ninja gear is replaced, which one does not need money to buy medicine for injuries?In particular, elite ninjas can be cultivated without spending money.

  Why are family ninjas better than civilian ninjas?It is because the family ninjas have no shortage of resources, they can enjoy medicinal baths to enhance their physique since childhood, and they are much stronger than their peers.

  "In addition, you Yun Ren must declare your surrender to Konoha, and, for the eight tails outside, if you want to trade, you need [-] billion taels plus [-] million detonating charms."

  "If you don't want it, then forget it. It's a big deal. I'll sell it to others. The tailed beast is a very sought-after item. I'm not afraid that no one will want it."

  For Liu Feng, the eight tails are just pets that can be caught at any time, so it doesn't feel bad to sell it. It was originally caught, and Liu Feng doesn't want it.

  What is the lion's big mouth, Liu Feng is this, it's really not worth the money, it costs [-] billion taels to open the mouth, the three generations of Raikage and the eight tails add up to [-] billion taels, and the value of one million detonating charms is also Not low.

  A detonating charm is at least one thousand taels, one million is one billion, and [-] billion taels can hollow out the entire Yunren Village.

  It’s not an exaggeration, it’s even hard to take out the entire Yun Ren Village, and you need to find a big name to get money.

  Finally, the cloud ninja left, and they went back to discuss.

  However, the results came out soon. The three generations of Raikage and Yawei were taken back by them, and Yun Ren announced his surrender to Konoha and submitted a surrender letter.

  "I made a lot of money this time."

  Liu Feng was very satisfied, and got the money and the detonating charm. This was earned by Liu Feng himself, and the Uchiha family will not be short of money in the future.

  Danzo was naturally dissatisfied with Liu Feng's behavior of putting money in his pockets, but he was dissatisfied and did not dare to come to Liu Feng, so he could only report the news to Hiruzen Sarutobi, and let Hiruzen Sarutobi come forward and share a piece of the pie.

  But Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't have that thought. It wasn't that he didn't want it, but that he knew if he wanted to come.

  "Yunren defeated. Although Yanren did not surrender, he also withdrew from this ninja war. As long as Sand and Rain are resolved, this ninja war will end."

  Liu Feng's expression was relaxed, and he originally planned to return to the battlefield of the Land of Rain, but he received news of Sarutobi Hiizan, saying that he had worked hard for him this time, and hoped that he could return to Konoha for a rest.

  "Sarutobi Hizan doesn't know what he's playing."

  Liu Feng squinted, secretly guessing in his heart, in fact, he probably guessed it too.

  Now that Konoha's victory has been decided, even if he doesn't take action, it will be a sure win.

  Since he has already won, why let him get credit? Sarutobi Hizan didn't want his reputation to be too high, so he must find a way to suppress him.

  Although he guessed it, Liu Feng didn't want to do anything. Since he was asked to go back, let him go back. It's not bad to go back and relax. It's been a long time since I haven't seen Mikoto, and Liu Feng misses it a little.

  Liu Feng went back with the Uchiha clansmen. He could not hand over the clansmen to the command of Hiruzen Sarutobi. Otherwise, who knows how the persecution of Hiruzen Sarutobi would be, and Liu Feng had to guard against it.


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Chapter 85

  In the blink of an eye, it had been half a month since Liu Feng returned to Konoha Village. Sand Ren had already chosen to surrender, and Yu Ren couldn't hold on any longer.

  The second ninja war has come to an end. Compared with the second ninja war in the original book, this ninja war did not last long.

  This is also Liu Feng's credit, otherwise it will probably evolve into a tug of war that lasts five or six years.

  "Why do you always bother me and Mikoto."

  Liu Feng looked angrily at Kushina who came again.

  Mikoto smiled slightly, and was not dissatisfied with Kushina's arrival. Although Kushina was nearly five years younger than her, she was the best best friend.

  "I also want to ask you, why do you despise me every time." Kushina said aggrieved.

  Tears were rolling in her eyes, but her stubbornness did not allow the tears to fall.

  Mikoto looked at Kushina's appearance, patted Liu Feng with her hand, and glared at Liu Feng.

  "Why does it seem like it's my fault? Anyone who keeps running around to be the light bulb will be disliked, Mikoto, don't you dislike this light bulb?"

  Liu Feng took Mikoto's hand, and then with a little force, Mikoto was pulled into his arms.

  She glanced at Liu Feng in embarrassment. After that, Mikoto didn't struggle, and stayed in Liu Feng's arms as if she had accepted her fate.

  However, after Liu Feng said this, the light bulb of Kushina is really in the way, but as a good girlfriend, Mikoto will definitely not rush Kushina.



  Kushina patted the table, snorted coldly, then turned and left angrily.

  "Liu Feng, I think Kushina seems to like you."

  After Kushina left, Mikoto looked up at Liu Feng and said.

  Women are very sensitive to this. Although Mikoto is still a girl, she can feel that Kushina absolutely likes Liufeng.

  Otherwise, Kushina would never run so diligently after Liu Feng came back. Although Kushina used to come to her often, but basically every few days.

  But since Liu Feng came back, Kushina has come here every day.

  "Cough, I'm not a fool, I can feel it, but Kushina is just a little girl."

  "But this little girl is pretty cute, and she will definitely be a more beautiful beauty than me in the future." Mikoto said quietly, staring into Liu Feng's eyes.

  "Are you jealous, Mikoto?"

  Liu Feng felt that there was a sour taste in Mikoto's words.

  "Actually, if it was Kushina, I wouldn't mind, but I don't know if she minds or not. I'll ask you another day."

  Mikoto showed a gentle smile to Liu Feng. Although Mikoto is young now, she has the demeanor of a good wife and mother.

  "Are you excited? I feel your heart is beating fast."

  Leaning in Liu Feng's arms, against Liu Feng's chest, Mikoto raised her head slightly and said.

  Are you excited?Mikoto's words certainly moved Liu Feng's heart, although Liu Feng seldom thought about these things before, mainly thinking about how to improve his strength.

  Now that I have enough strength, of course I have other thoughts. Who doesn't like hugging from left to right?

  Liu Feng was silent, but at this time, being silent means acquiescence.


  Mikoto snorted softly, and then took a light bite on Liu Feng as if to vent her anger.

  Liu Feng hugged Mikoto with a smile on his face, let alone bite him lightly at this time, even if Mikoto spoke hard, Liu Feng wouldn't say anything.

  However, there is a high probability that Mikoto will be reluctant.

  Afterwards, Mikoto leaned into Liu Feng's arms and asked about things on the battlefield. Mikoto didn't ask much in the past half month, especially whether Liu Feng encountered any danger.

  Of course Liu Feng didn't mind telling Mikoto about the events on the battlefield, um, by the way.


  "Lord Liufeng, the rock ninja envoy who wants to see you has already brought over."

  Uchiha Ye brought several messengers from Iwa Ninja Village to the hall where the Uchiha family received guests.

  "Is it the rock ninja envoys who can't wait to eat me?"

  Liu Feng naturally couldn't stop hating when he saw the envoys of the Rock Ninja looking at him, but Liu Feng laughed instead of anger when he looked at their hatred.

  "You guys didn't rebuild Yannin Village well, why did you come to me? Could it be that you asked me to borrow money?" Liu Feng asked sarcastically.

  "Uchiha Liufeng."

  One of the messengers gritted his teeth, gnashing his teeth in hatred against Liu Feng, and there was not one person in the entire Yannin Village who did not hate Liu Feng.

  "Do you want to die?"

  Uchiha asked indifferently, and at the same time pulled out the ninja sword.

  Maybe Liu Feng doesn't mind their resentful eyes, and even deliberately teases, but Uchiha Ye can't allow them to be disrespectful to Liu Feng.

  Feeling the murderous intent of Senran, looking at Uchiha Ye's icy three-gou jade writing wheel eye, and the murderous intent of the surrounding Uchiha ninjas, these rock ninjas quickly corrected their attitudes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  This time, they came to Uchiha Liufeng for serious business. They didn't want to be killed by the ninjas of the Uchiha family before the business started.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, we want to..."

  "It's called Master Liu Feng."

  Uchihano's ninja sword was placed on the neck of the leader of the rock ninja messenger, and the cold killing intent made them feel as if they had fallen into a cold kiln, and they felt like they were about to die.

  "Liu... Lord Liu Feng."

  Although they were unhappy in their hearts, people had to bow their heads under the eaves. They had to bow their heads, suppress the hatred in their hearts, and respectfully talk to Liu Feng.

  "We Tuying-sama want to redeem the five tails."

  That's right, the purpose of their coming is for the five tails, and Ohnogi wants to redeem the five tails. In fact, from the time they came, Liu Feng had guessed their purpose.

0 .............  

  After all, I destroyed Iwa Ninja Village and killed countless Iwa Ninjas. They definitely didn't come to him to drink tea, but only for the sake of Wuwei.

  "I want to redeem the five tails, I'm sorry, I plan to keep the five tails and see them off."

  Liu Feng waved his hands and told them to leave.

  For Wuwei Liufeng, he really wants to stay, Wuwei's fighting power is not weak, and it is probably second only to nine tails and eight tails among the tailed beasts.

  The running speed is top-notch, and it is a good choice to be a mount, and the tailed beast itself is a deterrent. It is more pleasing to the eye to see the appearance of the five tails. Liu Feng's plan from the beginning was to stay and use it for himself.

  "Wait a minute, didn't Mr. Liu Feng ask the price we offered?" The leader of the rock ninja envoy was immediately anxious.

  "What price can you offer? If you can give me all of Iwa Ninja Village, I can consider selling Wuwei to you, are you willing?"

  Liu Feng said lightly.

  "Lord Liufeng, we plan to pay 30 billion taels, do you really not consider it?"

  "Blast it out, where is this mentally retarded thing coming from."

  Liu Feng's face darkened, Yun Ren spent 100 billion taels plus 30 million detonating talismans to get the eight tails back, but Yanren took out [-] billion taels, and asked him if he didn't think about it, I'm thinking now Consider whether to kill you.

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