"Very simple, compensation."

  "What compensation do you want?"

  "The lives of your Sarutobi clan."

  Liu Feng said mercilessly, the Shimura family, except Shimura Danzo, has already been exterminated, so the Sarutobi family should also go down to accompany the Shimura family.

  In an instant, Sarutobi Hiizan's face changed, and he wanted the life of his Sarutobi clan. Thinking of his second son, Sarutobi Asma, who was still young, and other clansmen, are they going to die?

  "My Uchiha Liufeng is also a reasonable person. If you cheat on my clan, I want the lives of your Sarutobi clan. Isn't this a very fair thing."

  "Okay, I promise you."

  Hiruzen Sarutobi roared with anger in his eyes.

  "As expected of you Sarutobi Hidden, you are really ruthless. I have to say that you love Konoha Village very much. It's an honor to have a Hokage like you in Konoha Village."

  Liu Feng said with a smile.

  "Elder, Uchiha Ye, take your clansman and leave first."

  Said to Uchiha Yun.

  Then Uchihano's Susanoo dissipated, and then came back immediately, using Susanoo was very uncomfortable for him.

  The kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the use of Susanoo are very painful. It not only causes damage to the eyes, but also affects the body.

  After that, Uchiha Yun took the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan to leave, leaving only Liu Feng and Mikoto.

  Soon, all the Sarutobi clan members were brought over.

  Sarutobi Hizan didn't dare to look at his clan, especially his two sons and wife, he knew that he, the one who abandoned them, was not qualified to look at them.

  "This is the compensation promised to you." Sarutobi Hizan said through gritted teeth.

  Sacrificing the Sarutobi clan, in exchange for the Konoha Village not to be destroyed, is a worthwhile thing for the Sarutobi Hizen who loves the village.

  "Then it's up to you to take care of them. As a reward, I can keep you alive." A devilish smile appeared on Liu Feng's face.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, you are too cruel 々."

  Hatake Sakumo clenched the short blade of White Fang and stared at Liu Feng with cold eyes.

  "Is it cruel? I only know that if the Uchiha family has no strength, we will exterminate the family. At that time, no one will speak for the Uchiha family. You, an executioner, are too embarrassed to call me cruel."

  Liu Feng said indifferently, when a ninja, especially these powerful ninjas, which one is not covered with blood.

  "I don't care what image I look like in other people's eyes, as long as I'm a good person in my own eyes."

  Then he ignored Hatake Sakumo and looked down on Hatake Sakumo Liufeng. He was just a coward who committed suicide. No matter how strong this person was, Liufeng would look down on him.

  "Sarutobi Hizan, you have figured it out clearly. If you don't take action, I will solve it together with you this time. After all, you are also a member of the Sarutobi clan."

  This is forcing the Sarutobi Hipsa, and Liu Feng really wanted to see how the Sarutobi Hizen would choose, whether he would be willing to die with the Sarutobi clan, or kill the clan for his life.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, the thing I regret most is not obeying Danzo."

  Sarutobi Hiizhan closed his eyes. When Uchiha Liufeng's talent was revealed, Danzo proposed to kill Uchiha Liufeng at all costs.

  But Sarutobi Hiizan, who didn't want to have a conflict with Uchiha at the time, rejected Danzo's plan.

  "Father." Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked at the suffering Sarutobi Hizan, a little overwhelmed.

  He was here before, and he knew what was going on now. His Sarutobi clan had all been abandoned by his father, and he was very complicated in his heart.

  For the sake of the village, is the village really that important?Are they more important than their relatives?

  "Sorry, kid, Konoha Village still needs me."

  In the end, Hiruzen Sarutobi made a choice, he wanted to "righteously destroy relatives".

  Some Konoha ninjas couldn't bear to turn their heads. They were even more afraid of Liu Feng in their hearts. Uchiha Liu Feng was a demon.

  The people of the Sarutobi family, including his youngest son Sarutobi Asma, all died at the hands of Sarutobi Hizan, who was expressionless at this time.

  "Are you satisfied now?"

  "Well, I'm still satisfied, but Sarutobi Hizan, you are more ruthless than I imagined, and you don't show mercy to your own people."

  Liu Feng looked in admiration. Anyway, he couldn't do it. Even if he was forced to death, he would never kill his relatives.

  I've always thought that Sarutobi Hidden was weak, but now Liu Feng felt that Sarutobi Hidden was worthy of a hero.

  "Hand over that guy, the eyes of my Uchiha clan must be recovered."

  Liu Feng looked at Uzumaki Zangsuke, then ignored Sarutobi Hiizan, and instantly shot, pulled out a sword and chopped off Uzumaki Zosuke's head, he didn't even react.

  However, Liu Feng wanted his head to be useless, so he took off a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes and put it away.

  "Before leaving, let's leave you one more gift."

  "Big screw wheel Yu."

  Liu Feng threw the big screw wheel Yu, and then took Mikoto to use the Flying Thunder God to leave Konoha Village. At the same time, Wuwei was also channeled away by Liu Feng.

  "Uchiha Liufeng, you are not trustworthy."

  Sarutobi Hizan roared angrily, and then used the reverse psychic technique to escape. As for the other Konoha ninjas, it was only the means.

  The power of the Big Spiral Wheel Yu was enough to destroy the entire Konoha Village, especially when Liu Feng's power was strengthened, the entire Konoha Village was instantly swallowed by the power of the Big Spiral Wheel Yu.

  "¨" What is credit? "

  Liu Feng, who appeared outside Konoha Village, said flatly, he never said that the Sarutobi clan was wiped out, so let Konoha Village go.

  "The village of Konoha was destroyed."

  Uchiha Yun looked at Konoha Village, which was turned into a flat land, and it was really razed to the ground, just as thoroughly as Payne used Super Shinra Tianzheng when he attacked the village.

  But this time the people who died in Konoha Village, no one will resurrect them.

  "It is also one of the five major ninja villages. The one with the strongest heritage should not be finished so easily. Let's go."

  Liu Feng glanced back, then ignored it and led the clansmen in the direction of the Land of Water.

  After Liu Feng took the clan away for a long time, Hiizan Sarutobi, who used the reverse psychic technique to escape the catastrophe, looked at the razed Konoha Village, and hated it madly.

(Amazing Zhao) "Cough, Hokage-sama...it's fine."

  Hatake Sakumo's weak voice sounded, and then fainted.

  Hatake Sakumo was severely injured, Orochimaru escaped by relying on his life-saving ninjutsu, and the Konoha ninja brought by the other Sarutobi Hijian was wiped out.

  In order to deal with the Uchiha family, Sarutobi Hiizan dispatched a thousand elite ninjas and annihilated the entire army directly.

  The other villagers and ordinary ninjas, fortunately, he had prepared beforehand and let them evacuate to the shelter early, where they escaped.

  But even so, some people still did not have time to evacuate.

  If the entire Konoha Village is counted, the casualties this time are about a quarter of the population.

  A quarter of the population of a village disappeared, even a ninja war would not kill so many people.

  This is thanks to the foresight of Sarutobi Hizan, otherwise the entire Konoha Village could be reduced to history.


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Chapter 109

  The fact that Konoha Village was razed to the ground soon spread throughout the Ninja world.

  The first reaction of those who received this news was that they did not believe that Konoha Village was the strongest Shinobi village in the Shinobi world, how could it be razed to the ground.

  However, after knowing who did it, some people began to believe it, such as the three generations of Kaze, the three generations of Raikage, and the three generations of Tuikage Onogi.

  After all, the news that came back is not fake, and it was Uchiha Liufeng who did this, and the entire Uchiha clan defected along with the whirlpool clan.

  Konoha Village was razed to the ground by a ninjutsu by Uchiha Rufeng.

  "Ha ha ha ha."

  Ohnogi patted the table and laughed loudly. He thought that with Uchiha Liufeng, he would be suppressed by Konoha Village forever. Who would have thought that Uchiha Liufeng would defect.

  "Good news, this is good news, and it's something to celebrate."

  The performance of other major Ninja villages is similar. Originally, Konoha Village has a strong background, and coupled with a Uchiha Liufeng who is comparable to Uchiha Madara, the major Ninja Villages are overwhelmed.

  "Huangtu, go and investigate the movements of the Uchiha clan, and release the news, saying that my rock ninja village is willing to accept the Uchiha clan."

  Oh Yemu ordered to his son Huang Tu.

  "This, father, we Iwanin Village and Uchiha Liufeng have a mortal hatred, how can we accept them."

  After loess heard Ohnogi's words, he couldn't bear it any longer. At this time, he didn't take the opportunity to attack the Uchiha family, but he still accepted them.

  "You bastard, what do you know, there is no permanent enemy in this world. If Uchiha Liufeng brings the Uchiha clansmen into Yannin Village, it is not impossible for the next Tuikage to be handed over to him."

  Onogi slapped the table and yelled at the loess angrily.

  He used to be an enemy, but hatred cannot be forever, and his Ohnogi is really willing to accept the Uchiha family.

  As for the position of the next Tuying, of course, it's just talk at this time.

  People with the idea of ​​Ohnogi, and other major ninja villages, if they can recruit the Uchiha clan, they can instantly become the strongest ninja village.

  "Quick, send someone to contact Uchiha Liufeng, and say that I, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo, are willing to give him the leader position."

  Yuren Village's Sanjiao Yu Hanzo summoned Yuren and ordered.

  At this time, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo is serious. He is different now from him in the future. At this time, Sanjiaoyu Hanzo admires genius very much, and for the sake of Yuren Village, he doesn't mind giving up his position as leader.

  Now that he is not as strong as he is to power, the ambition in his heart is to make Yuren Village the sixth largest Ninja village.

  The second Ninja World War destroyed the confidence of Sanshoyu Hanzo, but if Uchiha Ryufeng comes, it will definitely make Yunin Village the sixth largest Ninja Village.

  These people have thought too much, and now Liu Feng has boarded the big ship to the country of water.

  The clansmen of Shenwei Space are still inside. Liu Feng plans to release them after reaching the Land of Water. After all, the road is not so peaceful.

  "Patriarch, can we really integrate into Mist Ninja Village?"

  Uchiha Yun asked Liu Feng worriedly.

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