Only by entering Konoha Village can the mission be truly completed safely. After all, even if Danzo really intervenes in the genocide of the Uzumaki clan, it is impossible to do anything to the Uzumaki clan in Konoha Village.

  After spending more than a day, Liu Feng returned to Konoha Village with fifty-one Vortex people.

  Instead of swaggeringly leading the Uzumaki tribe into Konoha, he greeted the Uchiha tribe who guarded the Konoha gate, and entered Konoha Village without registering.

  The Uchiha clan is now responsible for guarding the gate of Konoha, so it is very convenient, even if the Hokage of Sarutobi Hidden does not know that Liu Feng brought more than [-] Whirlpool people into Konoha Village.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng brought fifty-one Vortex clansmen into the Uchiha family, and arranged them for the time being. It was very easy to arrange them as Liu Feng.

  [Ding, 'S-level mission: Save the Vortex Clan' is completed, get rewards: 10 points, Vortex Immortal Body, Sealing Technique, King Kong Blockade! 】

  "This task has been completed?" Liu Feng asked, when he heard the system prompt.

  "The system has been able to confirm that the fifty-one whirlpool people will not be in danger, so the rewards will be settled directly, but if there is an accident in these four days, the rewards will be recovered."

  Xiaomeng's voice entered Liu Feng's ears and answered Liu Feng's question.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 12

  "It's equivalent to getting the reward in advance, which is not bad."

  Liu Feng clenched his fist, gained [-] more points, and obtained the Vortex Immortal Body, his chakra increased tenfold, and he felt that his body was also strengthened.

  【Flower Maple】

  Strength: 49 (normal human limit 10)

  Constitution: 50 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Speed: 47 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Spirit: 92 (ordinary people limit 10)

  Chakra: Elite Jōnin

  Ninjutsu: Spiral Maru (A-level), Thunderbolt, Chidori (A-level), Huo-dun, Fire Extinguishing (B-level), Shadow Clone Technique (B-level), Huo-dun and Fireball Technique (C-level) , Fire Escape · Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique (Class C)

  Physical Skills: Uchiha Fluid Technique (A-level), Soft Boxing Technique, Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms

  Illusion: The Art of Naraku-Seeing (Class C), Illusion·Writing Wheel Eye

  Sealing Technique: King Kong Blockade (Class A)

  Boundaries of Blood: Three-Hooked Jade Writing Wheel Eyes, Vortex Immortal Body

  Overall evaluation: Shangnin

  Checking the attribute panel, it has indeed improved a lot, and the strength, physique, speed, and spirit have increased a lot.

  Among them, the spiritual enhancement is brought about by the three-goose jade writing wheel eye. Chakra has also reached the elite level from Shangnin. The comprehensive evaluation has changed from special to Shangin, and his strength has also skyrocketed.

  "Xiaomeng, I feel that my chakra is not weaker than the shadow level, how do you evaluate the elite to the ninja level?"

  Liu Feng couldn't help but ask Xiaomeng that his chakra was not weak at first, but it has increased tenfold, which is comparable to the shadow level.

  "This evaluation is based on both quantity and quality, not just quantity. The quality of your chakra is far from good."

  Xiaomeng answered Liu Feng's question.

  Chakra needs to look at the quality. For example, are Uchiha Madara's Chakra and ordinary Genin's Chakra the same quality?

  Consuming the same amount of chakra, the higher the quality of chakra, the stronger the ninjutsu released.

  "ok, I get it."

  Liu Feng nodded. In fact, the attribute panel was just for a look. Let Liu Feng get a general idea. The battle is not just based on the strength evaluation.

  In the case of a lower ninja underestimating the upper ninja, it is not impossible to kill the upper ninja, although this is unlikely, but it is not impossible.

  "Let's go, Uncle Yun, let's go out of the village again."

  Liu Feng went to find Uchiha Yun again, and quietly left Konoha Village with Uchiha Yun and Uchiha Ye.

  Although the mission has been completed, Liu Feng also wants to find an opportunity to rescue some of the vortex clan, gain their gratitude, and form an alliance with the vortex clan.

  Although there are only fifty-one people left in the Uzumaki family, they can be passed on, but they have no strength and can not bring any benefits to Uchiha at all.

  Because Uzumaki Qi let Liu Feng take away not elites, just ordinary Uzumaki clansmen, and even some people are not ninjas.

  Not everyone in the Uzumaki clan is a ninja, and training ninjas is very expensive, and the current Uzumaki clan cannot spend too much money to cultivate ninjas.

  Therefore, only five of the Vortex clansmen brought by Liu Feng were ninjas.

  He didn't protest at that time, anyway, as long as he was a member of the Maelstrom Clan, it would be good for him to complete the task.

  Leaving Konoha Village Liufeng to the country of the vortex, two days have passed, and there are less than two days left before the whirlpool family exterminates the clan.

  Although Liu Feng went to the country of vortex, he did not land in the country of vortex, but just in the waters west of the country of vortex, and there were several small boats around.

  "Uncle Yun, if there is any danger, we will run away."

  Liu Feng first agreed with Uchiha Yun. Although he wanted to save the Uzumaki family, if the crisis came, he would definitely run away by himself.

  "I know, but Liu Feng, don't stay here." Uchiha Yun nodded, of course he knew how to protect himself.

  It's just that Uchiha Yun doesn't want Liu Feng to stay here. If the genocide crisis of the whirlpool family really happens, it will be too dangerous.

  "Don't worry Uncle Yun, my strength is more than enough to protect myself."

  Liu Feng wanted to escape, as long as it wasn't a shadow-level shot, don't try to catch him.

  This time the whirlpool clan exterminates the clan, there will definitely not be a shadow-level shot, and even the quasi-shadow may not appear.

  "Uchiha Ye, protect Liu Feng when the time comes."

  Uchiha Yun did not persuade Liu Feng, but turned to Uchiha Ye and ordered.

  "Three elders, even if I give my life, I will protect the young master." Uchihano assured.

  There is absolutely no need to doubt the issue of Uchiha Ye's loyalty. He was trained by Uchiha Cang since he was a child, and he can do it by sacrificing his life for Liu Feng.

  Afterwards, Liu Feng and the others began to wait for a long time at sea. Two days passed by in a flash. That night, in the vortex clan, vortex Qi was restless.

  Although he didn't fully trust Liu Feng, Liu Feng's words did make the whirlpool Qi feel vigilant.

  And he does have a heart-pounding feeling right now.

  "No, I'd rather believe it than not, Uchiha Liufeng doesn't seem to be joking." Uzumaki Qi immediately came to the door of his daughter's room and knocked on the door.

  "Father, what is the matter, disturbing my sleep." Kushina opened the door wearing cute pajamas, pouting, and her delicate little face was full of dissatisfaction.

  "Quickly change your clothes and follow me." Uzumaki Kai said solemnly to Uzumaki Kushina.

  Seeing his father's serious expression, Kushina was really a little scared, and pouted in dissatisfaction, and finally changed his clothes obediently.

  And Uzumaki Kai immediately summoned the ninjas in the clan.

  Just when Uzumaki Qi was about to say something, a kunai attacked him, and Uzumaki Kai was not weak, and the strength of the elite Jōnin would naturally not be attacked to death by a kunai.

  "Enemy attack." Uzumaki Kai shouted to his clan after he blocked Kunai.

  In fact, the vortex clansmen also acted quickly, and they acted when they saw that vortex was attacked.

  "Don't fight with the enemy, take your clan to escape."

  At this moment, the whirlpool reminded of what Liu Feng had said before, and told the clansmen.

  Since the enemy came to destroy their clan, they must be aggressive, and the chance of winning the counterattack is low. Uzumaki Qi immediately turned around and brought his daughter Jiuxinai and began to lead the Uzumaki clan to break through.


  PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers.

Chapter 13

  Under the leadership of the whirlpool Kai, the whirlpool family did not fight in love, and made every effort to break through.

  "All go to the western sea area and escape from the western sea area."

  After Uzumaki Qi killed an enemy Chunin, he shouted at the clansmen.

  "Father." Uzumaki Kushina was a little scared, she was only a five-year-old girl, how could she have experienced such a battle.

  "Don't talk, I will protect you."

  Because he was worried about his daughter, Uzumaki Qi took Jiuxinai personally, which would indeed have some impact on Uzumaki Qi's strength.

  But giving his daughter to someone else, Uzumaki Kai couldn't rest assured.

  "When necessary, only part of the clan can be abandoned."

  Vortex Qi looked back and ordered some of the clan to stay behind.

  No way, at the critical moment there must be a strong man's determination to break his wrist, otherwise the casualties of the Vortex Clan will be even heavier.

  "Wu Ren, Yun Ren, this account will be settled with you sooner or later."

  After escaping to the seaside, the whirlpool opened his eyes red. Excluding the clansmen who were taken away by Liu Feng, there were still more than [-] people left. Now there are less than [-] people who have fled to the seaside.

  In fact, there are also some people in the vortex tribe who didn't die, but just didn't keep up. They left the main force and found a place to hide. Maybe they could escape the disaster.

  "let's go."

  Vortex Qi led the clan to continue to escape.

  As a ninja, you basically master the skills of climbing trees and treading water, and you can run on water.

  However, the waves at sea were a bit big, and many weak Jinnin accidentally fell into the sea.

  As the patriarch, Vortex Qi didn't have much time to manage at this time. He now only expects that Liu Feng will really meet them. If Liu Feng hadn't come, there would be very few people who could run from the country of the vortex to the country of fire. One, the whirlpool family is over.

  "Patriarch, there are several ships ahead."

  Suddenly, a member of the Uzumaki family reported to Uzumaki Qihui.

  Vortex Kai was ecstatic, and at the same time, he also saw Liu Feng and the others standing on the bow.

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