"It rains about eight out of ten days."

  Looking at the people with numb expressions on their faces, Liu Feng said.

  Today, the territory of the Kingdom of Rain is very chaotic. From the chaos after the Second Ninja World War to the present, as a country that was defeated in the Second Ninja World War, the Kingdom of Rain is quite miserable.

  Sanjiao Yu Hanzo has now lost his ambition, and he can only manage Yuren Village at most, and he can't control the entire country.

  The big name in this country doesn't care, just eat, drink and have fun.

  Now in the Land of Rain, you can still see the traces left by the Second Ninja World War.

  "Has the Xiao organization started to emerge?"

  Liu Feng had an inexplicable smile on his face when he heard some news about Xiao Organization.

  The current Akatsuki organization is not the future S-class rebel organization, but an organization that realizes the dream of world peace.

  "Come on, let's go see this Xiao organization."

  After hearing the reputation of Xiao Organization, Liu Feng became curious about the current Xiao Organization, which is still in the start-up stage.

  The leader is still Yahiko, who is not very old.

  "An unknown organization, what is there to see." Kushina was not interested in this organization.

  "Well, it's not well-known now, but it will definitely be famous in the ninja world in the future."

  "You are very optimistic about this Xiao organization?" Jiu Xinnai was a little surprised. An organization that can only be heard from a few villagers in the Land of Rain can develop in the future?

  "Good? That's it."

  Liu Feng brought Kushina and found the current Akatsuki organization.

  Looking at the humble temporary station, Liu Feng was a little speechless, and he really looked up to them.

  The base that can barely keep out the wind and rain, and then there are less than ten people, except for Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, the three founders of the Xiao organization, there are only four people, and there are only seven people in total...  ..

  The other four of them are not ninjas at all, or they have just begun to refine chakra. It was estimated that they were at least ordinary refugees.

  "Yahiko, look over there."

  Nagato suddenly reached out and pulled Yahiko who was full of fighting spirit, and then pointed in the direction of Liu Feng.

  Yahiko raised his head and looked at Liu Feng and Kushina in the distance, with a serious expression on his face.

  Although I don't know who it is, but if I can stand on the tree freely, it must be a ninja, but I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend.

  "We shouldn't provoke any enemies." Yahiko muttered with his head lowered.

  "They left."

  At this time, Xiao Nan, who was dressed frugally but had a very delicate face, said.

  "Leave? Probably passing by. It has nothing to do with us, but the woman's hair is red, exactly the same color as yours in Nagato."

  Yahiko glanced at an autistic boy next to him.

  Today's Nagato is really the same as the autistic teenager, taciturn, with hair covering his eyes.

  On the other side, Liu Feng and Kushina were also discussing.

  "That red-haired boy should be a member of our whirlpool clan, right?" Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  Not only because of the red hair, the red hair is not exclusive to the vortex family, but the chakra contained in the other party is also very large.

  With red hair and huge chakra, he is definitely a member of the vortex family.

  "Well, he has the blood of the Vortex family, do you want to take him back?"

  "If so, I would like to ask his opinion." Kushina felt that the Uzumaki clan scattered in the ninja world should be brought back to the Uzumaki clan.

  "It's okay for others, but Nagato's words are fine, he's a bit important."

  When Liu Feng was looking at Nagato, he had already sensed that Bai Jue was nearby. Madara Uchiha transplanted his eyes to Nagato, and he would never ignore it. Bai Jue was guarding by Nagato.

  If Nagato's life is in danger, perhaps Bai Jue will help. Even if Nagato doesn't help, if Nagato dies unexpectedly, they will recycle the Samsara Eye.

  The appearance of Liu Feng just now brought a lot of pressure to Bai Jue. Bai Jue was afraid that Liu Feng was trying to reincarnate.


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Chapter 117

  If Liu Feng wanted to take Nagato's Samsara Eyes, it would be easy, but Liu Feng didn't intend to move these Samsara Eyes.

  This pair of eyes must have the backhand of Uchiha Madara, and Liu Feng does not need it. He will not transplant other people's eyes, not to mention that his eyes are on the edge of evolution.

  After leaving Yuren Village, Madara Uchiha, who was worried that Liu Feng would snatch the Samsara Eye, breathed a sigh of relief after getting the exact information about Liu Feng leaving Yuren Village.

  Although Madara Uchiha felt that with the pride of Uchiha Liufeng, he should not snatch the Samsara Eye, but he had to guard against it.

  "I've just entered the country of wind, are you leaving?"

  Liu Feng was pulled away from the country of the wind by Kushina.

  "I don't like the land of wind."

  Jiuxinai said directly, most of them are desert areas, and the wind and sand are still very large. Do you eat sand here?

  In the blink of an eye, it had been more than a month since he came out with Kushina, Liu Feng felt that he should go back, and Kushina had no objection.

  In the past month or so, it's not just hanging around anymore, Kushina has also grown up, and Liu Feng took Kushina to solve a lot of betrayal.

  In the past, Kushina never saw blood to kill, but now she has transformed, and her combat experience has also improved a lot.

  Previously, 28 was an elite Jōnin, but it was a little vain, and his strength was achieved, but when he really fought, he might not be able to exert his full strength.

  Now facing the enemy, he can even exert his strength to more than 120%.

  "It's been a long time since I went back, and I miss Mikoto a little. Do you think Mikoto will be angry?" Kushina asked Liu Feng.

  "If it was you, I might get angry, but Mikoto will definitely not be angry."

  "What do you mean, are you saying I'm stingy?"

  Kushina stared at Liu Feng eagerly, and already clenched her small fists. If Liu Feng's words made her dissatisfied, Kushina would punch over.

  "Did you learn this character from Tsunade?" Liu Feng looked at the irritable Kushina and asked angrily.

  "I don't like that woman Tsunade."

  Thinking of Tsunade, Kushina let out a cold snort. She was about to hate that woman from Tsunade. Well, if there is a reason, it's probably jealousy.

  After all, in a certain respect, Tsunade can top the entire Naruto world, which is really proud.

  Even Liu Feng couldn't help but be attracted, there was no way, she was just too... big, man, he's a visual animal.

  Finally returning to Wu Nin Village, Liu Feng can bring back a lot of gifts this time, many of which are for Mikoto.

  Although Liu Feng felt that Mikoto would not be angry, she should also have some resentment, so of course she needed to prepare a gift.

  Sure enough, after seeing the gift that Liu Feng brought out, Mikoto, who was a little resentful, turned into a surprise in an instant.

  "Don't have my present?"

  Tsunade asked Liu Feng angrily.

  "Hey, you old woman, don't be ignorant, it's already very good to have you here, and I want a gift." Kushina looked at Tsunade in dissatisfaction.

  The reason for such a big temper is mainly because Liu Feng came back, and his eyes were always wandering on Tsunade. Of course Kushina, who had been watching Liu Feng, could see it.

  In fact, even Tsunade felt it herself. Her appearance is bold, but it doesn't mean that her heart is not careful enough.

  If it was someone else who dared to look at her like that, Tsunade would definitely punch her, but if it was Liu Feng, in fact, Tsunade still had a good impression on her.

  It's been cultivated over the past few years, obviously she has done a lot of excessive things, Liu Feng is quite tolerant of her, and the key is that this guy is handsome.

  Although he didn't want to admit it, Tsunade knew that he was indeed a dog.

  "Of course the gift is also yours."

  Liu Feng took out a big dice.

  "This dice is big enough, it should suit you well, I think you should like it very much."

  Tsunade raised his eyebrows, always feeling that this guy was hinting at him.

  "Liu Feng, if it were someone else, my fist would have been hit long ago." Tsunade noticed Liu Feng's dishonest gaze, squeezed his fist and gestured with Liu Feng.

  "Sister Tsunade, don't do it at home." Mikoto said quickly.

  Mikoto didn't want to see the house demolished, so it would be easy for Tsunade to demolish the whole house by hand.

  "Cough, Tsunade, I think you have something to ask me." Liu Feng coughed and changed the subject, lest Tsunade have to do it.

  "There is indeed something, that... Actually, I want to borrow some money. You can rest assured. This time I will definitely pay back the money I borrowed. If I win, I will pay it back to you first."

  When Tsunade spoke, she was a little embarrassed. It was not the first time she came to Liu Feng to borrow money. To be honest, she owed Liu Feng too much.

  "There is no problem with borrowing money, but there is one condition you must promise me."

  Liu Feng grabbed Tsunade's hand and said to Tsunade seriously.

  Tsunade lowered his head and looked at Liu Feng who was touching her hand. Blue veins burst out on his forehead. Are you taking advantage of me?But looking at Liu Feng's face, I don't seem to be at a loss, I feel that I have earned blood.

  "Tell me, as long as I can promise, I will absolutely promise you." Tsunade patted his chest and said to Liu Feng.

  "My condition is never to win."

  At this moment, Liu Feng's expression was extraordinarily cautious, but she knew how evil Tsunade was. Speaking of which, no matter how unlucky people were, they couldn't keep losing.

  Especially when the other party has not made the old thousand, he has been losing, this kind of gambling is already very evil.

  But if Tsunade wins, it will definitely be bad news.

  "What kind of strange conditions do you have? I think you are deliberately mocking me." Tsunade gave Liu Feng a vicious look.

  "In addition, there is one more thing. This is the last time I borrow money. It is estimated that the money you owe me will not end in this life. If you come again next time, I will let you sell yourself to pay off the debt."

  Liu Feng's eyes were so sharp that Tsunade didn't dare to look directly.

  "Selling oneself to pay off debts means selling oneself to pay off debts." Tsunade blushed slightly, and then muttered.

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