"If you want to form an alliance with Mist Ninja Village, you can't do it with empty words. Shouldn't you show me your sincerity?" Liu Feng said flatly.

  "I don't know what conditions the fourth generation of Mizuying adults have?"

  When he came, the three generations of Raikage had already said that as long as the conditions were not too excessive, they could agree.

  "Materials, this time we will deal with the materials of the country of fire, and we want you to provide them, and I need to see them right away, otherwise I don't mind shooting your country of thunder."

   Liu Feng also unceremoniously put forward conditions. The most important thing in the war is materials, and ninjas are not made of iron.

  Moreover, the supplies are not simple food, but also include detonating talismans, kunai, shuriken, thousands of ninja tools, and medical drugs.

  These things are a lot of expenses. If you can earn some free money from Yun Ren Village, Liu Feng will naturally not miss this opportunity.

  Ai clenched his fist, feeling a little aggrieved in his heart. Originally, the plan of Yunren Village led to a little shortage of supplies. Now he still needs to give it to Wuren, where can he get it.

  "If you don't want to, then go."

  Liu Feng gestured to Terumi Mei and asked Terumi Mei to see off the guest.

  "Please, don't disturb us Mizuying-sama, we have a lot of business to do, but we have no time to waste time with you." Terumi Mei said unceremoniously.

  This is in Mist Ninja Village, she has full confidence and does not need to be polite to the other party. Even in other Ninja Villages, Terumi Mei still has confidence.

  "Wait a minute, I didn't say no, we, Yun Ren Village, agreed to this condition. We just hope that the fourth generation of Mizuying adults will not have other conditions."

  Seeing that Terumi Mei was about to see off guests, Ai responded directly, and did not bargain with Liu Feng. With the current situation in Yunren Village, it was no problem to agree to it. I just hope that this ally will not let them down.


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Chapter 128

  In the next three days, Liu Feng and the Yun Ren delegation brought by Ai signed a covenant. The two sides formed an alliance to deal with the other three major countries.

  "The covenant has been signed. I hope you will send the materials as soon as possible, otherwise this covenant is equivalent to invalidation."

  When they left, Liu Feng reminded them.

  "The four generations of Mizuying adults can rest assured that we will not violate the conditions we promised."

  Ai left with the Yun Ren delegation. Now that a covenant has been concluded, he needs to hurry back and report the situation.

  "Lord Mizukage, we signed a covenant with Yun Ren, if we want to take action against the Kingdom of Thunder in the future, wouldn't it be good?" Terumi Mei said to Liu Feng.

  "This so-called covenant is actually just a piece of waste paper, which can be torn up at any time." Liu Feng ignored the covenant and threw it aside.

  Are such words on paper binding?

  "Get ready, I guess Yun Ren is about to start."

  Liu Feng felt that Yun Ren should attack Sand Ninja Village first, because it was the weakest time in Sand Ninja Village, and he was still looking for the third generation of Fengying, and did not choose the fourth generation of Fengying.

  After all, it is not certain whether the third generation of Fengying is dead. If the third generation of Fengying is still alive, would it be embarrassing to select the fourth generation of Fengying.

  The dragons are headless, and Sand Ninja Village is just a piece of fat. Maybe Liu Feng doesn't like this piece of meat, but there are many people who can like this piece of meat.

  On the fifth day of the signing of the alliance contract, the first batch of materials promised by Yunren Village had been delivered, and the information that the three generations of Raikage led the elite Yunren to raid Sand Ninja Village was also put on Liu Feng's table.

  "Three generations of Raikage are really bold."

  Liu Feng was a little surprised, although he guessed that the third generation of Raikage would start soon, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

  "Lord Mizukage, do you think the three generations of Raikage can capture the entire Sand Ninja Village?"

  "Impossible. I understand the strength of the third generation of Raikage. His strength is indeed very strong, but his destructive power is not enough. He lacks the ninjutsu of large-scale destruction. In the end, he can only leave in embarrassment."

  Liu Feng shook his head and said that the three generations of Raikage may be very powerful in one-on-one, but it is difficult to cause effective killing in the face of a large number of ninjas.

  In addition, the Sand Ninja who was beaten at the door would also explode with unprecedented power. Anyone who was beaten at home would burst into a burst of anger, and this anger was enough to repel the three generations of Raikage and the Yun Ninja he led.

  "Although Sand Ninja Village is headless and looks like a soft persimmon, in fact, Yun Nin shouldn't start with Sand Ninja."

  To be honest, Liu Feng really can't understand the operation of the three generations of Raikage. He shot at Sand Ninja because he thinks that the front line is not long enough?

  In addition, if you take a shot at Sand Shinobi, you actually declared war on the country of fire, the country of earth, and the country of wind.

  Liu Feng suspects that the third generation of Raiying has swelled. I really don't understand how Yunren Village has developed over the years. Could it be that the development of Yunren Village is particularly awesome?

  "I guess Yun Ninja Village has no brains. If it were me, I would definitely choose to form an alliance with Sand Ninja Village, and then deal with Konoha Village and Yan Ninja Village."

  Terumi Mei also felt that the three generations of Raikage had no brains, otherwise they would not have done such an operation.

  Sure enough, a few days later, news came that the three generations of Raikage were repelled, and the fourth generation of Kazekage Luosha was elected by the Sand Ninja Village.

  At the same time, the ninjas of Yannin Village also blocked the three generations of Raikage under the leadership of Onogi, causing the elite Yunnin led by the three generations of Raikage to suffer heavy losses and fled back to Yunnin Village in embarrassment.

  After escaping back, the three generations of Raikage immediately released news that Yun Nin Village had formed an alliance with Wu Nin Village, and the two sides became allies.

  This news was released to shock the other ninja villages first, and then start preparing to send troops. I looked down on the sand ninja village before, and it also made the three generations of Raikage realize that other ninja villages were not that weak.

  "Three generations of Raikage are using our Mist Ninja Village?"

  Terumi Mei's eyes showed a trace of unhappiness, and a cold light appeared in her eyes.

  "When we formed an alliance, weren't we using each other?"

  Liu Feng's expression is very calm, the so-called allies are to use each other, and they can betray when necessary.

  "Let's do it too, the target Fire Country, this Ninja World War, at least occupy part of the Fire Country area."

  Liu Feng summoned all the upper ninjas among the mist ninjas to a meeting and set a goal for them.

  Why did the war break out?It is not for expansion, if it fails to expand, then the war means failure.

  After that, Liu Feng began to arrange, Uchiha Mikoto as the battlefield commander, Uzumaki Kushina as the deputy commander, Terumi Mei as the assistant, and Tsunade stayed in the Kirin Village to manage the Kirin Village.

  And select the elite of the three thousand mist ninjas, the weakest are the chunin strengths, and most of them are elite chunin.

  Liu Feng will also go to the battlefield, but Liu Feng will not intervene, this time he just wants to watch.

  And there is no need to let him intervene. As a water shadow, unless the pressure of the village is really great, the shadow of a village will basically not take action.

  The movements of the Mist Ninja Village are not so secretive, and since the major Ninja Villages have installed spies, it is easy to know the movements of the Mist Ninja Village.

  Onogi and the fourth generation Kazuki Luosha are not worried for the time being, but the third generation Naruto Sarutobi is completely panicked, and he now needs to face the fog ninja village.

  If the opponent was the former Kirin Village, Sarutobi Hiizhan would definitely not be afraid. No matter how mysterious the former Kirin Village was, it would definitely not be as good as Konoha.

  But now it is the Mistura Village managed by Uchiha Liufeng. The strength of Uchiha Liufeng was able to destroy Konoha Village ten years ago. What is his strength now?

  It's hard to imagine, at least Sarutobi Hiizan can't imagine it.

  "¨"What can you do? "

  Sarutobi Hizen called all the high-level executives to discuss how to resist the Kirin Village.

  Also, Yun Ren Village is also a threat, but fortunately, Yun Ren Village was temporarily held back by Yan Ren and Sand Ren.

  "There is no good way now, only challenges."

  Orochimaru glanced at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and then said calmly.

  Jiraiya is also in Konoha Village now, with a very solemn expression.

  "Yes, there is no plan now, and other villages will not help us, we can only rely on our ability to fight."

  Sarutobi Hizan had a stern look on his face, this time he was going to the battlefield in person.

  And Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Danzo were all brought by Sarutobi Hijen. Facing the attacking Kirin Village, Sarutobi Hibiki needs to go all out.

  At the same time, he also regretted a little. Hatake Sakumo died. If Hatake Sakumo hadn't died, Konoha Village would also have more strength. Hatake Sakumo was still alive, and he was still at the peak of the shadow-level combat power.

  "This time it's a battle of life and death in Konoha Village, so all the major families in Konoha Village don't hide it." Sarutobi Hizan again issued an order.

  In the past, when the major families retained their strength, he didn't say anything, but now this time is different, and the Konoha Village will be finished if they retain their strength.

  Afterwards, Sarutobi Hiizan led five thousand ninjas to set off, preparing to block Kirin before he landed in the country of fire.

  This can pull the battlefield outside the country of fire, and still want to take the lead. In fact, Sarutobi Hijen is also fully prepared, and he has prepared the trump card. Not to mention winning, it is good to remain undefeated.


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Chapter 129

  In the country of vortex, Mikoto came here to stay with Kirito.

  "Why don't you kill Mikoto in the land of fire in one go?"

  Kushina asked Mikoto suspiciously, that the country of vortex is very close to the country of fire, and it takes at most half a day to reach the territory of the country of fire.

  "If I guessed correctly, Konoha Ninja is already waiting there, and he may encounter an ambush in the past. Let's investigate the situation first."

  Mikoto's expression was serious at this moment.

  Since Liu Feng asked her to be the commander of the battlefield, then she must do a good job and must not live up to Liu Feng's trust in her.

  "It makes sense, why didn't I think of it." Kushina patted his head.

  "Because you're stupid, you can't think of it."

  Liu Feng said unceremoniously at this time.

  "What are you talking about, I'll kill you, the big bad guy, and you won't stay in Wu Nin Village and won't help, what are you doing here?"

  Kushina grabbed Liu Feng's hand angrily and took a bite on Liu Feng's arm.

  "I came here first to prepare for accidents, and secondly, I was a little bored in Wu Nin Village, so I came out to get some air."

  Although Liu Feng did not want to intervene in the third Ninja World War, the premise of not intervening was that Wu Ninja Village could win by itself. If Wu Nin Village lost, Liu Feng would definitely take action.

  He didn't intervene because he could win without him intervening. If he couldn't win, Liu Feng would definitely intervene.

  Of course, Liu Feng believes that this Ninja World War can be won even if Liu Feng does not fight.

  Let’s first count the strength of Mist Ninja Village, first of all the strongest Mikoto, the strength of the super shadow level peak, and then Kushina, after using the immortal mode, there is also the super shadow level strength.

  Shadow-level peak combat power Uchiha Ye, Rouge, yes, Rouge also came this time, and his purpose was mainly to deal with Danzo.

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