Terumi Mei, who was standing beside Mikoto, lit up. She thought she had a chance to show her skills this time, but she hadn't participated in a battle yet.

  "Well, you can follow suit, remember to be careful." Liu Feng told Terumi Mei.

  "Lord Mizuying, are you caring about me?"

  Terumi Mei was a little excited, looked at Liu Feng expectantly, and wanted to see Liu Feng nod.

  Liu Feng met her expectations and nodded towards Terumi Mei. This is his little secretary. Of course, he didn't want Terumi Mei to have an accident. After all, it was cultivated with great difficulty.

  If something happens to Terumi Mei, who will help her with the affairs of Kirinin Village?

  If Terumi Mei knew what Liu Feng was thinking at this moment, she would definitely use Rong Dun to bathe him, which would treat me as a tool person.

  Under the command of Mikoto, Kirin launched an attack on Konoha Village again. During the war, the ninjas of Kirin Village also grew up one after another.

  The ninjas who came out of the battlefield can be called real elites.

  The continuous battle lasted for half a month. After half a month, Konoha Village lost a streak, and it was about to be beaten back to Konoha Village.

  "Mr. Sarutobi, if you retreat again, you can only retreat to Konoha Village." Orochimaru reminded Sarutobi Hizan.

  If they retreat to Konoha Village, then Kirin can directly attack Konoha Village. No matter whether they can defend or not, the final result will be inestimable losses.

  Zilai also opened his mouth, he wanted to speak to comfort him, but he didn't know how to speak.

  The repeated battles have caused great losses to Konoha Village. The number of dead ninjas has exceeded [-], and the injured ninjas are even more numerous.

  Sarutobi Hizen, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, none of them were injured, not even Namikaze Minato's injuries were minor.

  "Now we can either use the Nine-Tails Zhuli or go back to Konoha Village. We only have these two options."

  Orochimaru spoke again.

  If you fight again or lose, and you will lose miserably, Mist Ninja is too strong, even relying on the advantage of the number of people is useless.

  Mist Ninja basically knows the technique of fog concealment. When the technique of fog concealment is activated on the battlefield, it is not easy to find enemies in the thick fog. Their battles are too passive.

  Moreover, Mist Ninja has too many top-level combat powers, and the shadow-level powerhouse is like no money. The shadow-level powerhouse that cannot be restricted can cause terrifying lethality even in the face of a ninja army.

  Mikoto and Kushina didn't make a few shots, and Konoha Village was beaten like this.

  In fact, Konoha Village is so fragile, and it is inseparable from Liu Feng. When Liu Feng left with the Uchiha and Uzumaki tribesmen, he personally destroyed many elite ninjas in Konoha Village.

  Many elite Junin died under Liu Feng's big spiral.

  Even if it has been ten years since the death of these elite Shangnin, there are still a few of them that cannot be replenished. There are not many ninjas who have the talent to become Shangnin, let alone become the elite of Shangnin.

  "Using the nine-tailed pillar force to fight."

  Sarutobi Hizan soon made a decision. If he retreated to Konoha Village, the loss seemed to be unbearable, so he could only use the nine-tailed pillar force.

  "Jiraiya, go tell Kako." Sarutobi Hizan said to Jiraiya.

  Kushina didn't become the Nine-Tails person Zhuli, the one who became the Nine-Tails person Zhuli was Uzumaki Kako, and it is worth mentioning that Uzumaki Kurosuke is the father of Uzumaki Kako.

  When Liu Feng led his clan to defect from Konoha, he killed Uzumaki Zangsuke and took away the kaleidoscope Shaker Eyes that Sarutobi had transplanted to Uzumaki Zangsuke...  

  Therefore, this nine-tailed man, Zhuli, hated Liu Feng, the person who killed her father.

  Jiraiya also nodded, this is not the time to hesitate, go directly to Kako Uzumaki and let her use the power of the nine tails to deal with Kirin.

  Uzumaki Yoshiko agreed without hesitation. She came to the battlefield to avenge her father. Uchiha Liufeng was the fourth generation of Mesui Kage, and the mist ninja was also her enemy.

  This time, Konoha Village chose to take the initiative to attack. They have always been passively endured by Mist Ninja's attack, and have never fought back at all.

  So this time I changed my mind and directly blew the horn of a counterattack.

  "Is Konoha Village crazy?"

  Liu Feng was stunned when he saw the Konoha ninja who took the initiative to kill.

  "There's no conspiracy, right?" Mikoto became serious.

  "No matter what intrigues and tricks, in the face of absolute strength is false."

  Liu Feng is not afraid of any conspiracy in it. Could it be that Konoha Village can still have more than his sixth-level strength?

  Even if Qianshou Hashirama is resurrected, Liu Feng can still hang up and fight.

  "That is, nine-tailed chakra breath."

  Suddenly Liu Feng felt the breath of the nine-tailed chakra. Because he once owned the nine-tailed chakra, Liu Feng was very familiar with the nine-tailed chakra.

  "So that's the case, let the nine-tailed man Zhuli come and fight to the death."

  Liu Feng felt that Sarutobi Hiizan was a little stupid, and with the strength of a nine-tailed man, he felt that he could defeat them.

  In fact, it's not that Hiruzen Sarutobi is stupid, it's that Hirazan Sarutobi has no other choice, and now he can only go for a fight with the power of the nine-tailed man.

  Otherwise, Kirin will be able to hit Konoha Village, and no matter what, Kirin cannot be allowed to hit Konoha Village. This is Sarutobi Hijen's desperate fight.

  "The Nine-Tails Renzhuli will definitely not be able to completely transform into a tailed beast." Liu Feng didn't think that an unknown Renzhuli would be able to make the Nine-Tails accept her.

  It cannot be completely transformed into a tailed beast, but only part of the power of the tailed beast can be exerted, and the combat power can explode to the peak of the shadow level at most.

  This kind of strength can't be said to be weak. After all, there are not many people who can reach the shadow level, and those who can reach the peak of the shadow level are even more talented than one in ten thousand, but this kind of strength cannot change the situation of this battle.


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Chapter 137

  In the face of the nine-tailed man Zhuli who came over, Kushina took the initiative to ask Ying.

  To be honest, when Kushina took the initiative to ask Ying to deal with the nine-tailed man Zhuli, there was a strange feeling in Liu Feng's heart, and in the end Liu Feng did not refuse Kushina.

  "The nine-tailed power is the strongest among the tailed beasts, so Kushina won't be in danger, right?" Mikoto asked worriedly.

  Liu Feng heard the words and glanced at Mikoto, the strongest of the tailed beasts was actually the ten tails, and Kushina had no problem dealing with the nine-tailed man Zhuli.

  Even if it is completely tailed beast, Kushina has the ability to suppress, unless the opponent uses the nine-tailed mode.

  Both use the power of the tailed beast, but the nine-tailed mode is different from the tailed beast.

  The combat power of the nine-tailed mode is more than that of a complete tailed beast.

  However, even using the Nine-Tails mode, it would be at most a tie with Kushina in the Immortal Mode.

  boom! ! !

  Kushina has already fought against Uzumaki Yoshiko.

  "You are Uchiha Liufeng's wife." Uzumaki Yoshiko stared at Kushina with hatred, not caring that the two of them were of the same clan.


  Jiuxin 28 Nai looked at Uzumaki Kako strangely, the other party's state was very crazy, especially when Liu Feng was mentioned, the hatred was about to become real.

  At this moment, the sealed Nine-Tails within Kako Uzumaki opened her eyes, and there was a touch of human surprise in her eyes, and this hatred was no weaker than it.

  "You have a grudge against Liu Feng?" Kushina asked Uzumaki Kako.

  "He killed my father, I must let him die and avenge my father."

  Uzumaki Kako was wearing a tailed beast coat, and five tails burst out behind him, and his momentum was greatly improved again.

  "I originally thought that you and I were from the same clan, and I wanted to spare your life, but since you have a grudge against Liu Feng, I can't let you go."

  Kushina's voice was low, and there was a strong murderous aura in her eyes.

  She will kill any enemy of Liu Feng, especially the hatred of Uzumaki Kako for Liu Feng, which has reached the point where Kushina feels chills, so she must not let go of Uzumaki Kako.

  "King Kong blockade."

  The chakra chain flew out from behind Kushina, and then wrapped around Uzumaki Kako's body, and the tail beast coat was suppressed by the chain.

  "Not good, go save Uzumaki Kako."

  Sarutobi Hizan immediately shouted, and then wanted to run to save Kako Uzumaki.

  "Don't try to move."

  Uchiha Ye blocked Hiruzen Sarutobi, relying on Taijutsu and Ninjutsu to stop Hiruzen Sarutobi, making it impossible for Hiruzen Sarutobi to rescue him.

  Orochimaru was blocked by the dried persimmon ghost shark, and Jiraiya was stopped by Yakura.

  "Now only Minato can save Uzumaki Kako." Sarutobi Hiizan glanced at it, and then looked forward to the performance of Minato Namikaze. At this time, he could only wait for Minato Namikaze to play.

  Bang bang bang! ! !

  Kushina's fists kept hitting Uzumaki Kako, who was wearing the tail beast coat, and the tail beast coat was torn open with a big hole.

  The King Kong blockade is not only an action that can trap Uzumaki Kako, but it can actually seal Uzumaki Kako's nine-tailed chakra.

  If this goes on, Uzumaki Kako will definitely die.

  "This woman is going to die, can I help?"

  The nine tails in Kako Uzumaki began to think, the tailed beast was sealed in Ren Zhuli's body, and if Ren Zhuli died, the tailed beast would also die once.

  Of course, the tailed beast will not die in the true sense. After a few years or more, the nine-tailed chakra will be reunited and resurrected again.

  But what the price will be paid for resurrection after death, I don't know.

  Who knows that the tailed beast that has been resurrected again is not the original consciousness.

  In the end, the nine tails made up their minds and took the initiative to send the tailed beast chakra to Kako Uzumaki.

  "Woman, if you're willing to let go of the seal, I can lend you all my power." Nine-tails' voice sounded in Uzumaki Kako's ears.

  "who are you?"

  Uzumaki Jiazi suddenly panicked, feeling that the voice appeared in her mind.

  "You're that weird... Nine Tails."

  Originally, I wanted to talk about monsters, but I was afraid of angering the other party, so in the end Uzumaki Yoshiko changed his words.

  Kurama was a little cold in his heart, hum, sure enough, humans regard it as a monster, but it doesn't care about it, anyway, it has already seen through humans.

  Now it is not to help the woman Uzumaki Yoshiko, it just wants to protect itself.

  "Okay, I'm willing to break some seals." Uzumaki Jiazi gritted her teeth, and then untied part of the seal that sealed the tail beast in her abdomen.

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