Chapter 139

  "Hisashi Sarutobi fled back to Konoha Village with the Konoha Ninja."

  Not long after, Kushina came back with Mist, and reported the situation to Liu Feng.

  After chasing and killing all the way, finally Sarutobi Hijen resolutely took the Konoha ninja and fled back to Konoha Village. Attacking Konoha Village was not so easy.

  If they attacked rashly, even if they could win, they would lose a lot, so Kushina came back with someone.

  "I actually fled back. It seems that Konoha Village is about to surrender."

  Liu Feng said with a chuckle, Konoha Village has no other choice now, the only way to go is to surrender.

  "Then Liu Feng, do you accept the surrender of Konoha Village?" Mikoto asked Liu Feng.

  If you accept the surrender of Konoha Village, Konoha Village will still exist. If you don't accept it, Konoha Village will become history, or choose to flee with the entire village.

  "Accept, occupying the entire country of fire is also unmanageable, so they can leave Konoha, but they need to pay a price that allows them to survive."

  "I'm afraid there are more than these reasons. You must have a reason for Tsunade in your heart." Kushina looked at Liu Feng with bright eyes.

  Liu Feng touched his nose, and Kushina was indeed right.

  Tsunade will feel very uncomfortable if he destroys Konoha Village. Maybe she won't be against 300 pairs, but she must be in a bad mood.

  If Tsunade was not Liu Feng's woman, Liu Feng would not care so much, but Tsunade was Liu Feng's woman, and Liu Feng didn't want to see her sad.

  "Hmph, you're so nice to that woman, I'm jealous."

  Kushina pouted with jealousy.

  "Am I being bad to you?"

  Liu Feng pinched Jiuxinnai's Qiong nose and asked angrily.

  Terumi Mei watched this scene, silently eating dog food, a little envious in her heart, saying that she has reached the age where she should find a boyfriend now.

  Just because she was used to being around Liu Feng, Terumi Mei's vision was a little high. Her current mate selection criteria are that first of all, she can't lose too much to Mizuying-sama in looks, and then her strength can't lose too much to Mizuying-sama, and she has to dote on her. Be nice to her.

  However, according to the mate selection standard of Terumi Mei, it is probably ready to be single for a lifetime.

  Compared to Liu Feng and the others who were more relaxed, the inside of Konoha Village was very dignified.

  All the high-level officials of Konoha held a meeting, and the patriarchs of the major families gathered together. At this time, the next countermeasures were being discussed.

  "Tanzo, where did you go before?"

  Jiraiya suddenly questioned Danzo because he didn't see Danzo on the battlefield.

  "Last time you were attacked by a rope tree, this time should not be." Jirai also showed a cold smile, this guy Danzo probably hid because he was afraid of death.

  At the moment of Konoha's life and death, Danzo didn't want to help Konoha, but he even fled. This behavior was so shameful that Jiraiya wanted to hack him to death with a knife.

  "Can you question this old man?" Tuanzang looked at Zilai indifferently.

  At the meeting that was clearly discussing the next decision of Konoha Village, the swordsmen began to fight.


  Sarutobi Hiizan let out a low roar, telling Jirai not to mention it again. Now that the Konoha Village is in turmoil, if there is another chaos inside, I am afraid it will really be hopeless.

  "Patriarch Fuyue, what do you think?"

  At this time, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Uchiha Fuyake, and after the others saw it, they put their eyes on Uchiha Fuyue together.

  Uchiha Fuyue frowned, what do you mean, what can I think, and then Uchiha Fuyue understood.

  It is estimated that he does not believe in him, whether it is Sarutobi Hizan or other major families, do not believe him.

  After all, he is also a Uchiha family. If he takes the opportunity to stab a knife at this time, what should he do?Can't be on guard.

  There was a big conflict between Uchiha Liufeng and Uchiha Fugaku at the beginning, but who knows if they did it on purpose.

  "I don't have any opinions, everything is according to Hokage-sama's wishes." Uchiha Fuyue said calmly.

  Let them be suspicious. Anyway, Uchiha Fuyue has a clear conscience in his heart, and it is impossible for him and Uchiha Liufeng to get together.

  Sarutobi Hizan fell into deep thought and said nothing.

  At this time, it is impossible to act on Uchiha Fuyue because of some doubts, and the Uchiha branch who stayed in Konoha Village did not do anything excessive.

  In fact, there are other voices within the Uchiha branch of Konoha Village, such as simply rebelling and joining the Mist Ninja Village.

  In Konoha Village, they were not doing well. After Liu Feng left with his clan, they were already embarrassed by those who were beaten.

  It has been a lot of anger over the years, and it would be a good choice if you join the Mist Ninja Village. Now the Mizukage of the Mist Ninja Village is Uchiha Liufeng.

  For the sake of his family, he should take them in and give them good treatment.

  It has to be said that they think too much. Even if they really go to Liu Feng, Liu Feng may not accept them. To Liu Feng, they are already outsiders.

  Those who were willing to follow him all followed him, and the rest were not considered his clan in Liu Feng's heart.

  The voice of Uchiha's separation in Konoha Village was suppressed by Uchiha Fugaku, so it was not transmitted to Sarutobi Hiizan's ears.

  "I choose to declare defeat and submit a surrender letter to Kirin."

  After the atmosphere was silent for a long time, Sarutobi Hizan finally spoke up, and his words were like a bomb, making everyone stunned.

  However, after a long time, no one stood up to oppose it, not even Jirai made a sound, just opened his mouth and remained silent.

  Danzo also did not raise any objections, because it had been discussed with Hizan Sarutobi before, and this was a last resort.

  It depends on whether Kirin accepts their surrender, if not, it will have to fight to the death.

  "It seems that none of you objected. If that's the case, then everyone agrees."

  Sarutobi Hizan breathed a sigh of relief, although the persistence in his heart made him not want to surrender, but after making a choice at this time, his heart finally eased.

  Some other Konoha ninjas, in fact, have similar thoughts in their hearts, and they don't want to fight with Kirin any more.

  After that, Sarutobi Hizan began to write a letter of surrender. This was the first time that Konoha Village was defeated, and it was still defeated in the hands of his three-generation Hokage.

  There will always be someone who will take the blame. After this war is over, his position of Hokage must be resigned.

  This news made Danzo's heart ecstasy. If Sarutobi Hiizan stepped down as the third-generation Hokage, then it seemed that he was the most qualified to become Hokage.

  What is the biggest obsession in Danzo's heart?When Hokage, the position of Hokage is Danzo's biggest obsession.

  However, Danzo probably didn't think that his teammate Sarutobi Hizan would not be able to make Danzo become Hokage.

  Because his character is not suitable, no one knows better than them what Danzo is. It is suitable to take charge of the root organization, but when it comes to the bright place to be Hokage, Danzo is really not good.


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Chapter 140

  The next day, the surrender letter of Konoha Village was sent to Kirin's camp.

  "As expected by Liu Feng, Konoha Village has surrendered." Mikoto held the surrender letter with a smile on her face.

  "You can guess just by guessing that Konoha Village has no other choice but to surrender."

  Liu Feng will not have any accident, and now they can only bet that Liu Feng will let Konoha Village go and accept Konoha Village's ~ surrender.

  Putting their own destiny in the hands of others may make them uncomfortable, but if they have other choices, they don't need to do so.

  "Accept the surrender of Konoha Village, and then let Sarutobi Hi-Zan negotiate the terms."

  Liu Feng put down the surrender letter and said to the ninja who sent the surrender letter.

  "Yes, I will go back and inform Hokage-sama." The Konoha ninja said sadly.

  As a defeated person, he naturally has to bear the price of defeat, and he will definitely pay a huge price. As for the price, I don't know.

  "Liu Feng, what do you want?"

  "Of course it is the territory of the Fire Nation, and I want at least part of it."

  Liu Feng took out the map, but it was very troublesome to manage the territory of the country of fire. After all, the country of water was separated from the country of fire by a sea.

  In addition, Liu Feng is not really interested in management, nor is he too interested in power.

  If he is very interested in power, according to his current strength, he can already plan to unify the entire ninja world.

  Taking out the map, Liu Feng thought for a while, and cut off one-third of the territory of the Land of Fire near the sea area, which was what Liu Feng wanted to take away.

  "I'm afraid Sarutobi Hizen will not agree to do this," Mikoto said.

  "Sister Mikoto, this is not a matter of whether or not Sarutobi Hizan will agree, but it is useless if he agrees. This is what the name has to say." Terumi Mei reminded Mikoto.

  The territory of the country of fire is not something that Hizan Sarutobi can hand over if he wants to. It is something of the great name of the country of fire.

  But the daimyo of the country of fire, will he really take out his own things?

  Mikoto was stunned for a moment, because the daimyo of the land of water had become a puppet, so Mikoto never thought about the daimyo of the land of fire.

  The country of fire is indeed different from the country of water, and now Konoha Village is still subject to the Daming House.

  "I will let Sarutobi Hizan agree. When the time comes, Sarutobi Hizan will choose Konoha Village or choose to help the daimyo. Isn't this a good choice."

  Liu Feng chuckled, but he likes giving others choices the most.

  After that, he didn't ask Liu Feng to wait, and Sarutobi Hiizan didn't dare to let Liu Feng wait too long. After knowing Liu Feng's wishes, Sarutobi Rizan rushed over in a hurry.

  As long as Liu Feng is willing to accept surrender, it is a good thing, otherwise, the only thing waiting for Konoha Village is destruction.

  "Three Hokage."

  Liu Feng looked at Hizan Sarutobi with a smile on his face, but Hizan Sarutobi couldn't smile at all.

  But facing Liu Feng, he didn't want Liu Feng to be angry, even if he couldn't smile, he had to force a smile.

  Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't come alone, and Jiraiya and Orochimaru followed. They were responsible for protecting Hiruzen Sarutobi from unexpected situations.

  Of course, it's just a nominal protection. If something really happens that causes Liu Feng to turn against them, then they'll just send two more corpses.

  "Konoha Village chose to surrender, so let's discuss the conditions."

  Liu Feng asked Sarutobi Hizan to sit down, and he couldn't let others come from afar and let them stand. This was against the way of hospitality.

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