Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1004: Richest man with unclear intentions

"It’s good to be able to understand. I invite you to see if there is a chance for cooperation between us? I started as a construction company, and your family is definitely among the best in the global construction field. We have the basis for cooperation. Of course It's not just limited to the construction industry." Nasef Savilis no longer sells it.

   Yang Cheng stretched out his hands, "The Yang family opened the door to do business and welcomes any sincere partners. I wonder how Mr. Savilis wants to cooperate?"

   Nasef beckoned, and a waiter immediately brought up a plate of rice. This is an ordinary plate of rice, but it can be seen that the rice grains are white and crystal clear and very full, and it is steaming. It should be rice that has just been cooked.

   Yang Cheng was puzzled by its intentions, and talking about cooperation, why did you get the rice? You can't just eat rice for dinner, right?

   Nasef pointed to the rice, “This ordinary rice dish sells for 12 Egyptian pounds in the restaurant and weighs only 250 grams.”

   Yang Cheng twisted his eyebrows and said in his heart, "He is saying that Egypt is expensive?"

“More than 90% of Egypt’s population lives in an oasis of more than 30,000 square kilometers. The arable land area is only 55 million mu, and the per capita arable land is only 0.55 mu. Egypt has long been unable to achieve self-sufficiency in food and needs a large amount of imports. 100 million people don't know when they will face a situation where they have no food to eat.

The turmoil in Egypt’s Zhengzhou situation in 2011 caused a serious impact on the national economy. ZF took a lot of measures to restore food production. However, the results were minimal. The limitation of climate and arable land was an important reason why Egypt’s food production could not increase. The only way is to seek international support and assistance to overcome the current difficulties. Foreign investment is also a matter of concern to ZF.

   In recent years, Egypt’s currency has depreciated wildly, prices have soared, unemployment has remained high, tourism has recovered slowly, export earnings have been limited, fuel prices have risen, tax rates have risen, and the country has been in chaos. "

   Speaking of this, Saveliston took a moment, took a deep breath, and said painfully, "Egypt needs help!"

   Yang Cheng is completely confused. He is not a charity organization. Shouldn't this matter be negotiated with someone from the United Nations Food Program? Why are you looking for yourself?

   And there is a saying that he was embarrassed to say, no matter how poor Egypt is, won’t your wealth keep growing? As the largest builder in Egypt, I am not embarrassed to exploit the common people. I am really shameless by running to cry poor.

   Savilis saw Yang Cheng unmoved, and was depressed. Didn't the affectionate performance impress this young man? Don’t you all say that young people are soft-hearted?

The situation can’t be embarrassing forever. Nasef Savilis has to step up his performance, “I know that there is no free lunch in the world. Do you think this will work? If you can get a large food order for Egypt, I’m willing to help you and Your family has a firm foothold in Egypt, whether it’s the Internet or real estate, as long as you speak up, I will say nothing."

   When it comes to Yang Cheng, if he doesn't understand, he can hit the wall. This bad old man is very dark, he is going to eat left and right.

By pulling a batch of low-priced food by himself, selling it at a high price through his hands, and earning an astonishing profit margin, this is not over yet, but also to use the advantage of the local snake to win over the powerful partner of the Yang family, regardless of where the Yang family is. What Egypt must do is to cooperate with him, and it will not suffer in any way. This calculation is too shrewd. If Yang Cheng decided to come to Egypt temporarily, he might think that this was set up by Nasef Savilis. Set, waiting for him to drill in.

Yang Cheng smiled awkwardly, and declined, "I'm sorry, I've never worked in agricultural production, I don't know much about this industry, and I can't get a large amount of food orders. Sir, your status can be contacted and cooperated with the four major grain merchants. There is no need to pass me a layman."

Saveris is actually a rich second generation. His family has monopolized the construction industry in Egypt for nearly a hundred years. Even the entire real estate field in North Africa has the infiltration of the Saveris family. In Africa, it is definitely stomping Africa. A character who trembled the earth three times, how could he easily give up what he was focusing on.

   But he changed the way, "I don't know the purpose of your trip, but I can promise to provide you with convenience. No matter what you want to do in Egypt, I can help."

   This tone is a bit loud, but Yang Cheng believes that the Saveris family has this strength, but unfortunately his purpose must be kept secret, and he does not want to find a partner.

He shook his head, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Savilis, I have no intention of getting involved in the Egyptian market. The first of this trip is to appreciate the glorious history of one of the four ancient civilizations. By the way, I will deal with some private affairs, which is absolutely nothing to do with business. I dare Promise that I will leave as soon as the matter is over."

   Yang Cheng is showing goodwill, and he has no time to compete with the local snake.

   Nasef Savilis touched his smooth chin, and suddenly the conversation turned, "I found that you and your men are very interested in the death desert?"

Yang Cheng’s smile froze. I didn’t expect the other party to know so much, and that’s right. With the power of the Saveris family in Egypt, there is no need to send someone to follow up. There are countless young people who take the initiative to pass on the news. With such a big movement, even fools know that they have ulterior motives.

For a while he didn’t know how to answer However, Nassef knew the world well and offered a step, "There are countless ancient pharaohs and kings’ tombs around the Valley of the Kings, and people are curious. Yes, let alone you young man, even my old man wants to go in and find out, and even become the discoverer of a certain great tomb."

   Yang Cheng grinned and said, "Yes, Pharaoh is really amazing."

  At this time, Hansen suddenly ran from behind, took a deep look at Nasef, and whispered in Yang Cheng’s ear, "Boss, Abraham was caught~"

   Yang Cheng frowned and glanced at Nasef with a skeptical look, wondering if this matter might be related to Nasef, after all, it was too coincidental.

   But his expression immediately calmed down, "What about the specific situation?"

   Hansen shook his head, "It is not clear that Abraham called Craig in the Jing Bureau, hoping that we can release him on bail. He said he did not commit a crime."

   Nasef interjected in a timely manner, "What's wrong? What's wrong? Just tell me, I am willing to help, even if you missed and killed someone in Egypt, I have a way to help you settle~"

   This is really domineering, but it's a pity that Yang Cheng doesn't want to have anything to do with him for the time being, especially in terms of human affection.

   stood up and prepared to say goodbye, "Mr. Saveris, I'm sorry that I can't dine with you. One of my disobedient staff has made a small matter that needs me to deal with it. We are destined to see you again."

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