Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1016: Coming from Boeing (2)

   "Yes, my friend, when this business is completed, I will give you a small gift personally, I believe you will like it."

   Yang Cheng was curious, "What gift? So mysterious~"

   Dennis smiled, "Trust me, my friend, this is something that only arms dealers can enjoy."

People made up their minds to sell Guanzi to surprise themselves, Yang Cheng is not a illiterate person, shrugged, "OK, then I look forward to it, but before that, can you help me remind your colleague, my family orders How is the 787 made in China?"

   Dennis was taken aback, "This is not a problem, I will scold them when I go back, and even make our company's most important customer complain. This is their negligence of duty."

   Yang Cheng laughed up to the sky, "Thank you so much. Let’s leave for lunch at noon and try the English lunch in Beihai Manor style."

   Dennis did not refuse the kindness of his ‘friend’, and replied, “Egypt was originally a die-hard ally of the United States, and it’s the damned Mubarak that actually detained the son of the former Minister of Transportation.”

“It’s okay. Mubarak has stepped down. The current Sisi ZF is willing to resume its ally with the United States. Of course, this is just my own speculation, but he will not take the initiative to show his favor. You can use this opportunity to lobby Congress and let They let go of restrictions on this arms sale." Yang Cheng raised his eyelids and said, he wouldn't really regard Dennis as a friend in just a few words.

In the same way, Dennis would not be so naive. He pondered for a moment and said, “Selling Egyptian fighter jets is conducive to domestic control of the Middle East situation. Congress should not refuse, and Boeing invests a lot of lobbying funds every year, no matter which side it is. Members of Congress will not set up obstacles on Boeing’s issue. This is Boeing’s greatest guarantee.

The problem lies in the attitude of Egypt. If they want to completely get rid of the influence of the United States and do not give face at all, the big lords of Congress will definitely be tempted to teach Egypt a lesson. Now the US troops are slowly withdrawing from Syria and take a trip to Egypt. It's not difficult, but Boeing has been profitable in this way, so no matter which direction things go in, Boeing remains invincible. "

   Yang Cheng snorted in his heart, Dennis's words are intentional or not, he can't judge, but if it is true~~~

   He didn't dare to continue thinking, for fear that his ambitions would be flooded, God knows how much benefit would be born if he knew in advance that a war would break out!

No, no, it must be true. Thinking of the intricate relationship between Boeing and ZF, Yang Cheng believes these words very firmly. The United States definitely has the intention of getting involved in North Africa, but there has not yet been a unified opinion on the Suez Canal. The strategic significance of the United States is too important. It is not a day or two for the United States to set up the Stars and Stripes in the Red Sea.

   However, Dennis immediately poured cold water on Yang Cheng, "I can't control these things. It's my job to get orders. I can't control whether to use force against Egypt."

   Yang Cheng gave a wry smile, did Dennis wake him up?

  . . . . . .

After lunch, Dennis Mullenberger left and embarked on the returning plane. As Boeing’s real power executive, it’s not an exaggeration to describe it as a general manager. He could stay in Beihai Manor and have lunch with Yang Orange. Give enough face to Yang Cheng.

   In the afternoon, Yang Cheng looked at the golden rays of light from the dark clouds through the window, recalling the conversation with Dennis Mullenberg in the morning.

   At this time, Carson approached gently and whispered, "Master, Eiffel is awake~"

   Yang Cheng's spirits refreshed. What has Eiffel experienced? This question has been lingering in his mind for several days, and finally he woke up.

   turned around and asked quickly, "How is the situation? How about the other two brothers?"

   Carson replied truthfully, "The mental condition is not bad, but I can't eat normally. The organs have suffered relatively large damage, so my brain is more clear;

   The injuries of the other two bodyguards are too serious. Even if they get rid of the danger of their lives, I am afraid they can only spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair. "

   Yang Cheng cursed in a low voice with a sullen face, Nasef was too cruel, I am afraid that from the beginning, he was not prepared to release people alive.

   hesitated for a while, and dispelled the idea of ​​going to visit immediately, "Let Eiffel take a good rest, and can't relax with his safety. I will see him when he recovers better."

   "I see, the house used for mask research has been almost remodeled. After Hansen and the others have completed the security check, the experts can move in."

   Yang Cheng squeezed his eyebrows, "Well, move in as soon as possible. After all, it is inconvenient to be in the castle. The servants are okay?"

Carson was very positive about this, "I closed the basement for the first time and warned all the servants not to approach the basement. They did a good job, and the master paid such a generous salary. Everyone was not willing to lose it because of curiosity. Good job."

Yang Orange smiled, this silent flattery shot well, "This is all your credit, time flies so fast, is it one year after I bought the manor? This Christmas, our family will come to the manor. During the holidays, you have to be prepared."

   Carson couldn't help but smile, "Yes, sir, it will be the first anniversary soon. I believe this Christmas will be particularly lively."

   "Thanks for your hard I can rest assured that you are here."

The master and servant talked for a few words, and Carson went to work. Managing a huge manor is by no means an easy task. Every day's work is boring and essential, even if a clump of weeds grows outside the manor. Carson also personally arranges for someone to clean up.

   Yang Cheng returned to the study and checked the time. It should be early in the morning in Los Angeles. It was estimated that Luo Yue should almost wake up, so he picked up the phone and dialed.

   Sure enough, after a dozen or so loudspeakers, Luo Yue Nuo Nuo's voice sounded, "Hey~"

   A loving smile appeared on Yang Cheng's face, and she asked very tenderly, "Isn't awake yet?"

   Luo Yue grunted like a pig, "The alarm clock just rang, why do you call so early?"

   just woke up, Luo Yue’s vocal cords were glued together and turned into a cute little milk voice. Yang Cheng rarely talked about love, "I miss you!"

   Luo Yue broke the power in an instant, he smiled non-stop, and replied with a slight annoyance, "I miss you too~"

   Yang Cheng also laughed for a while, "By the way, do you want to invite father-in-law and mother-in-law to Beihai Manor for the holidays this Christmas?"

   Luo Yue was almost awake, after thinking about it and agreeing, "Yes, I will listen to you."

   Yang Cheng said, "You will move to Beverly Hills after the festival, right?"


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