Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1031: Harmony 4D

"I'm going to take a shower. If you want to go, remember to close the door~"

This sentence is no longer a suggestion, it is simply a blatant molesting. Yang Cheng seemed to hear the 100-meter athlete with the starting gun, and he sprinted out, picking the ripe peach away, accompanied by the voice Sounds in the bathroom, the battle begins~

Harmony ten thousand words. . . . . .

When Yang Cheng and the others entered the room, it was not lunch time yet, but the sun was already down again when they came out. Yang Cheng did not say that there were countless imperial women, but they had also seen countless beautiful flowers in this world, but Zhao Anqi gave him the feeling Unique, it is already a dazzling fiery rose, but when you taste the heart of the flower, it is like a tender and budding daffodil. This double stimulation inside and outside is like ice and fire, allowing Yang Cheng to control it. Pick the freshest petals once and again.

When the two walked out of the room arm in arm, Zhao Anqi suddenly stopped, stepping on high heels just like stepping on stilts, completely losing her former calmness, slapped Yang Cheng angrily, "Wait for me, I'll go back and change to a pair of flat bottoms." shoe."

Yang Cheng smiled ambiguously, and thoughtfully hugged Zhao Anqi's round waist, reopened the door and entered the room, and personally helped her change a pair of flat shoes.

Walking out of the room again, Zhao Anqi's pace was slow and her posture was a little awkward, but she finally didn't fall. She took Yang Cheng's arm, and saw that this little man still looked like he was still inexplicable, she couldn't help saying, "You haven't enough? If you don’t have enough, don’t toss sister my old bone."

Yang Cheng licked the corner of her mouth, and there was still a trace of sparkle. "Sister An Qi is not old at all. No girl in her 20s is as smooth as her sister."

Zhao Anqi's face was still lingering, and when she heard Yang Cheng's words, the peach red fainted directly, spreading to the snow-white neck and xg-feeling collarbone, extremely beautiful.

"Stop, don't laugh at me." After saying a word, a bit of bitterness came out of my heart. As her elder sister said, for the first half of her life for the Zhao family, Zhao Anqi suffered the unbearable grievances of ordinary women, but this is fate, since I enjoyed it. The glory brought by the family must contribute to the family, so she has no complaints or hatred. Today's relationship with Yang Cheng makes her feel that there is nothing wrong with her. At least as a woman, she is successful and she knows herself. But even Yang Cheng couldn't extricate herself from her charm.

Yang Cheng had some guesses in her heart, but she still took care of the woman's face.

They could also go to the hotel restaurant Thomas Foye. You must know that since the opening, the Xia Hui Hotel restaurant has been well-known and regarded as one of the hotel's signatures.

Thomas Foye is an open "large living room" where guests can have breakfast. The floristry here is the same as the one used by Paris Qiao Five Seasons and other hotels.

And in the center of this large living room, which is famous for afternoon tea, is like a big cage. The open-air ceiling introduces natural light to decorate it like a garden. The hotel even provides authentic Chinese breakfast.

But now it’s too late. They will go to the barbecue restaurant directly tomorrow morning. This is also one of Churchill’s favorite restaurants. Now they have invited the famous Hell Chef God Gordon Ramsay to take charge of it, of course the price It is also the best in London.

In London is the upper class, tasting Gordon Ramsay’s personally cooked food is also a classic comparison project. Now there are not many people who can let the world’s most famous chef do it himself. Yang Cheng has no appointment, so regret I missed Gordon Ramsay, but the strength of the resident chef is also not to be underestimated. The quality of the dishes is strictly controlled by Gordon Ramsay.

But to be honest, as Chinese, Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi are not too cold for Gordon Ramsay. Western food pays more attention to presentation and nutrition. The pursuit of taste is not comparable to Chinese food. The reason why Chinese food is always criticized. It’s because the West is still dominating the world. Most of the food associations are mainly Westerners. Naturally, you can't expect these ghosts to prefer Chinese food.

Still the same sentence: Western food is more expensive than Chinese food, but Chinese food is more expensive than you can afford!

Yang Cheng was very considerate to help Zhao Anqi cut the charcoal-boiled Wagyu beef. She just ate it with a big bite. There is no way. Don’t look at Zhao Anqi’s tired walking, but she really didn’t lose anything, but Yang Cheng’s vitality is badly injured and needs to be supplemented. Physical strength and nutrition.

The steak pieces were cut very small, and Zhao Anqi easily took a fork and ate a little bit. The food was very elegant. On the other hand, Yang Cheng stole a bit lazy and was too hungry. Divided by three and five, he solved a piece of less than 200 grams. Wagyu, the taste is good, the taste is also top-notch, but it is not full.

Yang Cheng simply recruited the waiters and ordered all the meats on the chef’s recommended menu. After eating several thousand pounds alone, he was content to rinse his mouth with a glass of antique red wine for 3,000 pounds. Cheng also wanted to directly swipe the card to check out, but Zhao Anqi slapped her back and glared at Yang Cheng angrily, "What? My sister is not so poor that she can't afford a meal."

Turning to the waiter, he said something to the room's account, then turned around and walked out of the restaurant holding Yang Cheng who was constantly shaking his head and smiling wryly.

Yang Cheng grieved and explained, "Sister An Qi, am I not used to this..."

Zhao Anqi smiled and didn't say anything. She was just joking. Both of them are not bad money owners, and everyone pays the same.

After a full meal, the two of them did not rush back to the room, but asked the front desk for a black umbrella, and went for a stroll outside in the rain.

The rain was not heavy at this time, and the drizzle added a touch of ‘color’ to the silent night, walking along the path to the street.

Because the hotel is located in the West End of London, it is an art palace comparable to Broadway in New York, and many well-known theaters are located here.

Xia Hui Hotel is adjacent to Coventry Gardens. Many guests choose to stay here to enjoy the classic musicals nearby. They will also ask the hotel to help book tickets.

Soon after stepping out of the street, Coventry Station is one of the oldest subway stations in the world. London’s nightlife has just begun. Many theater fans who come to watch musicals will choose to travel by subway. Therefore, the crowds in front of Coventry Station are bustling. The small food shops on the street are even more crowded. This old street with hundreds of thousands of years of history is extremely lively at night.

Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi were close to each other, their faces covered by the huge black, but anyone who saw their intimate attitude would think that they were a couple in love.

People's conversations one after another obscured the sound of raindrops falling on umbrellas. A small shop on the side of the street is selling English "candy haws"-caramel apples. Fresh apples are peeled and dried and wrapped in rich caramel syrup. , Crystal clear under the light, look very appetizing.

Yang Cheng is not very interested in these sweet and greasy foods, but Zhao Anqi is a woman. Most women in this world will quickly lose resistance in front of sweets and diamonds.

Seeing Zhao Anqi's eyeballs falling inside, Yang Cheng sensibly took out his wallet and bought a caramel apple with a 50-pound note. Zhao Anqi felt happy, and his eyes were almost narrowed.

I took a beautiful bite, feeling the maple syrup bursting sweetly in my mouth, and handed it to Yang Cheng, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "It's too sweet, it's not my dish."

The two went all the way to buy all the way to eat, and finally entered a Belgian restaurant, ordered a glass of craft beer and sat by the window, chatting.

Zhao Anqi brought up the topic of the afternoon again, "Actually, this donkey party is over. Why don't you make a bet on Donrad? Take a gamble?"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, with a slightly weird expression, "How do you know that the donkey party is over?"

Zhao Anqi did not answer positively, "I don't want to argue with you. I just tell you one fact. Donald has been supported by asp. You should know that the people who have received asp support have not failed so far."

Yang Cheng just wanted to refute, but Zhao Anqi directly said what Yang Cheng wanted to say, "I know you want to say that Mrs. Zipperton is also an asp, but the things she and her husband have done over the years have aroused many people's dissatisfaction~www If she succeeds again, then a third-party power will rise between ASP and Jews, even if their power is still weak, it is definitely a trouble.

So neither asp nor kosher will allow this to happen. The cake can’t be bigger anymore. If multiple people come in to divide the cake, the only thing that will be lost is the share of asp and kosher. Do you think that with the strength of these two parties, Mrs. Zipton Is it possible to succeed? "

How can Yang Cheng not know what Zhao Anqi said? But why hasn't he decided to stand by? Isn't it because there is no King Bomb in your hands? Even if he had already held four 2s, but without the king in his hands, his confidence would be so weak after all.

Fingers circled the wine glass, and the amber beer caught Yang Cheng's sight like a black hole.

After a long silence, Yang Cheng suddenly asked, "How far is the relationship between your Zhao family and ASP?"

Zhao Anqi stunned and said, "To be honest, the Zhao family's background is not deep. Since the day when they arrived in the United States, they have been on the edge of the cliff. Unlike the Yang family's settlement in New York and Texas, the Zhao family went ashore in San Francisco. It was destined to be tied to a battleship with asp, and there was no second choice."

Yang Orange nodded. San Francisco is one of the asp's base camps. The Zhao family is engaged in the area of ​​asp's sphere of influence. It can be said that there are no surprises from the beginning to the end.

Forgetting the smiling faces of people outside the window, Yang Cheng sighed, "In fact, Tangrad has approached me to seek cooperation since last year, but I did not agree. Later, he gave me several trips and was settled under the mediation of his daughter. Now, if I’m personally willing, I definitely don’t want to see this prodigal son take that position, but in the face of the general trend, my personal opinion becomes less important, so..."

He quickly grabbed Zhao Anqi's heart into his throat~

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