Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1034: Back to New York

In the United Kingdom, the status of a nobleman is directly related to the number of medals he can get. For example, the British Isles and all the Commonwealth countries are the supreme queens. Her reputation is so scary. Have to read it for a while, let alone memorize it.

Regardless of whether Chris Greyling is the British Minister of Transport, but in his heart, the status of a medal may be much higher than this position, so he agreed to cooperate with almost no hesitation. As for why he stopped in the first place The reason for this merger is not so important.

Thanks to the pleasant cooperation between the two parties, the brunch atmosphere afterwards was particularly harmonious. The old gentleman played with the British humor he had accumulated throughout his life, which raised the atmosphere several steps. When they bid farewell to the car at the door, Anqi Zhao said He breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks to your presence, otherwise the loss will be great this time. We have drew all the cash of the group. If the acquisition cannot be completed in the end, the loss is immeasurable."

Yang Cheng waved his hand and did not take credit. He has always been very generous to his own woman. Even if it is only the object of affection, he never stingy with monetary rewards. In his opinion, it is very troublesome to spend more money for himself. It's worth it, not to mention that this one is not just a one-off.

However, he still took the opportunity to say, "In addition to the love between us, I also hope that the Zhao family can develop steadily in the future. Even if you want to plot something, don't bring our Yang family."

Anqi Zhao nodded thoughtfully, her mouth twitched, "At least I will be on your side."

If she heard this, she would definitely curse: This is something to eat inside and out!

In the next two days, Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi did not return to the manor at all. They stayed at the Xia Hui Hotel. They went shopping outside during the day and went back to the room to exercise. They consumed the calories accumulated during the day, let alone the effect. Every time I have to fight till dawn, I sweat more than playing a fierce tennis match.

On December 3, Zhao Anqi returned to San Francisco first, and after Yang Cheng confirmed the time for Christmas to return with Carson, the Jason carried him and his bodyguards back to the Big Apple City.

Originally, he didn't plan to go back so early, but since he promised Zhao Anqi to have a good talk with Tangrad, he couldn't say nothing, not to mention that this guy's mouth was too big. Since he made a declaration, he has repeatedly spoken out. He criticized potential U.S. opponents all the time. Of course, Comrade Guanhai, who was about to become a past tense, did not escape his big mouth. Just the day before Yang Cheng returned to New York, Donald also publicly expressed his targeting of terror. Molecules should be linked to the nine races, otherwise they are hidden dangers.

Such an attitude has made his unpopular elections plummet, because Mrs. Zipton, who was helped by Yang Cheng to detonate conflicts in advance, has risen. After all, the media controlled by the Donkey Party and the new era media have jointly helped to wash the ground. Compared with the predicament of the previous life, the future of Mrs. Zipperton in this life will be even smoother, but Yang Cheng doesn't think that his hand can meet the final result of the future.

In addition, Yang Cheng is also ready to meet the old stock gods. Brexit is a foregone conclusion. Yang Cheng does not believe that Wall Street will do nothing at all. These greedy vampires are always in a state of hunger and thirst, anytime, anywhere. The same goes for Yang Cheng to launch a fatal attack, but he doesn't want to be the first bird to be shot, so he can only choose a big tree to enjoy the shade. In his opinion, among the big trees on Wall Street, he is also the old stockman. Spectrum, the others are either excessive greed or conspiracy of this kind, not as'pure' as the old stock gods. Of course, this old fox playing routine is enough to cheat people.

No matter what, the Jason sent him back to New York safely. After landing, Yang Cheng contacted Ivan immediately and asked her to arrange a meeting with Donald. What he didn't expect was that the other party was straightforward. I refused, and I didn’t even have a tactful excuse. I just told you so hard that I was missing. This time I was angry with Yang Cheng. I called Zhao Anqi and complained. It made Zhao Anqi inexplicable, and it was hard to understand it. Not getting angry, I hung up after waiting for her news.

When I got home, my parents were busy working in the company. Old John was instructing the servants to clean up, and he also hired a professional aerial work team to clean the glass walls.

Yang Cheng saw such a busy scene after entering the house.

Saying hello to Old John, Yang Cheng took a bottle of purified water, and screamed at the worker hanging from the window, and asked, "Why do you suddenly think of cleaning?"

Old John smiled, "You are going to London for the holidays this year, and it is rare for me to go back to spend time with my family. I will take half a month I just want to finish my work. Don't worry."

Yang Cheng nodded in understanding, "Yes, stay with your family. You have worked hard these years."

Old John shrugged, "It's just my job."

As he said, this is his job. Don’t think he’s talking to Yang Cheng and think it’s very leisurely. In fact, he is doing two things at once. While talking, he wears white gloves to check the corners of the decorations. Whenever there was dust in a place, he would immediately call a servant to clean it again, and only with such a meticulous spirit could the Yang family give him the care of the rear.

He slobbered and asked, "By the way, have anything special happened in New York recently."

Yang Cheng still feels that Donald’s attitude is not quite right. Even if he doesn’t like him, he shouldn’t have conflicts with him at critical moments. You must know that he has offended the entire American media circle, even if he paid for it. On the page, I find someone to write an article, and no newspaper is willing to help. Those who really recognize money and don’t recognize people are all small newspapers. They can't turn over any waves, which is of little significance to him. Under such circumstances, don't take the initiative to win over. That's it for me, now I'm sending it to the door and not seeing it behind closed doors, it's really amazing to get home.

Old John thought for a while and shook his head, "There is no major event, but a parade broke out in New York State a while ago, and it almost turned into a conflict. The two sides of the parade were the supporters of Mrs. Zipperton and the support of Donald. Although there are fewer people on Donald’s side, they are all middle-aged and strong men. On the contrary, the majority of supporters of Mrs. Zipperton are women, which is why the two sides did not have a winner. On the jg side and f~ Under the intervention of b~i, the conflict did not break out.

Afterwards, Donald stated on social media that he would compensate the supporters injured in the conflict and attacked the donkey party’s ‘zz’ as correct. "

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