Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1036: Arguing again?

"Why did they quarrel?" Yang Cheng asked in a deep voice.

Quarrel again, this is not the first time!

Susu shook his head repeatedly, "I really don't know. The soundproofing effect of the conference room is very good. No one knows the content of their quarrel."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Then how do you know the quarrel?"

Susu explained, "It was President Eddie's face that was ugly when he came out of the meeting room, and he closed the door very vigorously when he left."

Yang Cheng raised his hand, "Okay, I see."

It just happened that the reminder of the elevator's arrival sounded, it should be Ritz and Eddie.

Sure enough, the two walked into Yang Cheng's office before and after a while, Susu stepped back and asked them what they wanted to drink as usual, but Yang Cheng said roughly, "Drink a fart, you go out first and close the door. ~"

Susu threw out her tongue embarrassedly, and after leaving a self-seeking look at the two of them, she trot out on high heels, closing the door as soon as she arrived.

Ryze and Eddie, two men over 80 years old together, under Yang Cheng’s icy gaze, were like two elementary school students who had made mistakes, standing honestly at the table, not even sitting. Dare to sit.

Yang Cheng didn't speak, but stared at the two with the same eyes that looked at the dead, and looked straight at the back of the spine. Eddie finally couldn't help but pushed the round-frame glasses and smiled bitterly, "The boss should understood?"

Ryze glanced at Eddie from the corner of his light, and opened his mouth without making a sound.

Yang Cheng snorted, "Okay, you are very good, too long for me, I trust you to hand over the power of the company to your hands, what's the matter? Do you think that the power is too much to hold? Still want to be on my eyelids Cultivate your own power underneath? Is it okay to go out to earn money for Lao Tzu in the spare time of quarreling?"

Eddie rubbed the curls awkwardly, "Boss, listen to me. It's not what you think. Our quarrels are just some conceptual disputes, definitely not for power."

Yang Cheng snorted coldly, "Okay, I want to see what you can tell me, wait, Ryze, why don't you speak? Are you wronged?"

Indian ceos are known for their professionalism. They seem to be born with the attributes of being a teacher. They never destroy the original structure of the company because of the breeding of ambition. This time Ryze and Eddie quarreled, really shocked Yang Cheng His eyeballs also refreshed his impression of Indians. It seems that these Asans are not temperless.

Of course, his attitude of admitting mistakes is also very sincere. "Boss, I don’t defend myself. It is wrong to quarrel for any reason, especially when the news of the quarrel between the two top executives of the company spread out, and he didn’t set a good example for lower-level employees. , I took the initiative to apply for punishment."

The attitude of taking the initiative to be soft is good, Yang Cheng is not so angry, looking at Eddie, "Let’s talk about it, why are you fighting for?"

Eddie bitterly said, "It's really not a serious matter. Someone came to the house to advertise for Donrad a while ago. I asked that this person was not sent by Donald, but should be his supporter. Behavior, I thought this was a good thing. We don’t make money for advertising, so some people make money, so I agreed.

But when Ritz knew it, he ran downstairs and asked me why I agreed to this business. He said that the company shouldn't stand in line without the boss's consent, but I don't think this is a problem, it's just an advertisement, not to mention those articles. The author is not an editor of our company, and he can't get involved with us in any sense or reason. Of course, I admit that the other party's generous offer has lured me, but who makes the money? Why don't we make it?

In the end, Ryze ran over to quarrel with me, and I had to put the business on hold for a while. Who would have thought that the other party was so impatient and went straight to the New York Post to advertise and lost millions of profits in vain. "

At this point, Eddie's words still contained a touch of resentment.

Yang Cheng had a black line in his forehead. He understood why Donald refused to meet his request. At first he thought that the guy's neurosis had happened again, and the source of the co-authorship was on his body. He didn't know what to say. , The back of this pot is not injustice at all, the conceited guy absolutely thinks he is insulting him, disdain to be with him, not only does not make an outrageous advertisement, but also does not even plan to see him.

He sighed and clicked Eddie, "You are now more and more of a capitalist style, without the money you dare not make, do you still have the backbone of a literati?"

Eddie didn't know whether this was good or bad, but at this time, hard-topping the cliff is looking for death, and recognizing counseling is the kingly way. "The boss is right. I haven't used a pen for more than a year."

Yang Cheng snorted and let the two sit down, closed the folder and said, "I won't comment on the right or wrong of this matter. You are all for the company, but we must be clear about the direction of the next report. Ryze looked at Yang Cheng in surprise. Is this going to start the lineup? But he did not say anything. First of all, he is the president of 4D Space. Although nominally the holding company of New Times Media, he Thanks to Eddie's efforts, the two have no distinction between superiors and superiors. In Yang Cheng's eyes, the two are equal. They are in charge of each other and supervise each other, and there is no need to score a second and third.

Eddie straightened up, Yang Cheng's next words will determine his work direction. He doesn't want to miss the key information. He will be scolded for making mistakes and there is no reason to justify him.

Yang Cheng pointed his finger on the table, "Seeing that 2016 is coming, next year will be a crucial year for anyone. Daxuan is the main theme, and everything cannot be separated from this main line, so your work Be careful, then be careful.

Regarding who we support, it’s not convenient for me to express my opinion for the time being. I only emphasize one thing. Next, whether it’s someone asking us to advertise or writing an article against the opponent, as long as the price is high enough, all will be given to me. The "New York Times" and "Los Angeles Times" will be the main battlefields of the candidates. We must control the wind direction. The two dang shares should be as balanced as possible, but it is about the two of Mrs. Zipton and Donald. When you are a candidate, you can tilt appropriately. "

This sentence means that he is optimistic that Mrs. Zipperton and Donald will enter the final battle, and Eddie immediately understood what to do.

Yang Cheng hasn’t finished saying, “As for Toutiao, we must control the navy. We must not let a navy rise from one side. C TV is headquartered in New York and can be slightly biased towards Donrad, but New Era Pictures wants Following the general trend of Hollywood, the Hollywood wind is blowing towards Mrs. Zipperton. We don’t need to be the mountain that obstructs the direction and just follow it."

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