Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1044: Yang Cheng is very sincere

"In that case, I hope you will take action now to help suppress public opinion on the Internet. A few days ago, the father-in-law's correct remarks against the donkey party'zz' aroused the anger of the ethnic minorities. It’s a few points lower. Originally, I wanted to ask Mr. Murdoch for help. Now it’s the same for you."

Yang Cheng turned the glass, and the amber whiskey rippled along the smooth wall.

"I pay attention to this matter. Most of the curses on the Internet are made up of naval forces. If you change to another time, it is easy to suppress it, but the problem is that I can't do too obvious, and it will easily attract opponents. In that case, it will be detrimental to the reputation of both of us, so the best way is for Mr. Donald to come out and do something, of course it is a positive thing. I will help stir up the topic behind the scenes and shift the focus of the masses’ attention. In this way, his scolding disappeared within a few days."

His suggestion is the most commonly used by entertainment stars. Whenever they have negative news, they will come out to do a wave of charity, and then the funder behind it will find the media to criticize and criticize, and the curse will disappear within a few days.

The same trick is the same for Donald, to some extent he is also a star, a potential zz star.

This suggestion was adopted by Kushner. After that, the two sides changed the topic tacitly, and did not continue to go deeper. For the first time, the tacit understanding and trust of both parties need to be cultivated. This time, the scolding on the Internet is counted as free. In the trial, if Donald is satisfied with Yang Cheng's work, the next time he cooperates, he will have to show actual benefits. Both parties know this well, and there is no need to talk about it on the table.

After chatting for a few words, Kushner took the initiative to say goodbye. According to him, he was going to meet a low-key Wall Street banker next. Yang Cheng did not politely hold him back, and personally sent the two to the elevator entrance. He deliberately supported him. Behind, the big hand gently pinched Ivan's round and tight tun, so that Ivan almost screamed, and gave Yang Cheng a fierce look.

Fortunately, Kushner walked in front alone, not noticing the small movements of the two of them. Instead, Susu got up behind the desk to show off the guests and noticed this scene. Looking over Kushner's head, the green light hanging faintly can be seen. up in the air.

When the elevator door was closed, Yang Cheng smelled the remaining fragrance on his hand, and gave a thief laugh. This scene made Susu muttered, "Smelly hooligan~"

Yang Cheng was still immersed in the little movement just now, and she didn't hear the voice of Susu's weak mosquitoes at all, otherwise she would have to rectify the law on the spot for this girl to let her know who the boss is.

However, Yang Cheng, who returned to the office, looked solemn again. This time he promised to have a fair deal with Donald. I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse. At least Richard Debin will call to question if he learns about it. , How should we deal with it then? Yang Cheng thought with a headache.

On December 9th, the New York Times published a piece of news about Donald on the second page. The content was that Donald personally visited the orphanage, visited the'poor' homeless people, and personally participated in the relief food. Before leaving, he left a donation of $200,000 to the orphanage.

Of course, the reporter who wrote the news accidentally ran into this scene, sent and recorded it. The attached color photos are also well selected from the perspective of the sneak shots. People who don’t know, they really think Donald. Doing such a low-key good deed is unwilling to be known to the outside world.

But actually everyone knows that this is just a show, but the show is a bit advanced, coupled with the credibility of the "New York Times", this news was immediately reposted by major websites, and some people uploaded related videos on the Toutiao app. , A complete record of Don Lad’s charity behavior is also a third-person candid camera perspective.

The video was immediately recommended by the Guan party of Toutiao app and pushed to most users who frequently browse zz news.

It has to be said that Yang Cheng has also paid a lot of money in order to show his sincerity. Normally, such a large-scale push will not even think about several million dollars.

This time, the effect of Yang Cheng's shot is still very obvious. It not only reversed the negative reviews on Donrad on the Internet, but also set off a small craze. Most sane netizens said that regardless of whether Donrad is showing off or not. , The behavior is worthy of praise, after all, the donation money is actually kept.

In the next few days, reporters with "good things" went to the orphanage to interview. The staff gave Donald a good evaluation to the camera. They all said that the long-known rich man was not as high-profile or even discriminatory as in news reports. Black people, on the contrary, still feel very kind, very polite in conversation, and do not look down on people.

Whether the staff’s words are ignorant of their conscience, the outside world does not know, anyway, this person’s account has an inexplicable extra 20,000 US dollars, but it’s The public opinion outside is very good, and Donald’s previous negative comments are basically not People mentioned it again. Kushner and Ivan called to express their gratitude to Yang Cheng, and expressed their desire to continue to cooperate. Yang Cheng naturally agreed without hesitation, but just mentioned it when talking to Ivan. On a small condition, I had a wonderful'candle light dinner' in a hidden apartment in Ivan's unknown place.

As a result, the good times didn't last long. Before the next day Yang Cheng was proud, Richard Debin scolded a dog-blood sprayer on the phone.

When answering the phone, Yang Cheng sat in the car languidly, and came out of Ivan’s house just in time for the morning peak. The No. 1 Avenue in Manhattan was blocked with dogs, and the car started and stopped, making Yang Cheng sway a bit. Dizziness, even the best car is in vain under such traffic conditions.

"Jan, are you crazy? You are blatantly supporting Donald at this time, do you want to change the team?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Richard Debin's roar came, and the powerful voice seemed to be dozens of years younger.

Yang Cheng took away the phone to avoid breaking the eardrum. After Richard Debin finished roaring, he said weakly, "Don't be mad at Richard. They have done business to my company, and the money is in my wallet. Now, is there any reason not to do this business? I can’t just push all the business out of the door for Mrs. Zipperton?”

Richard Debin’s anger climbed a few steps again, "You are arrogant, when did I stop you from doing business? You know that now is the critical moment, and you even ran to promote our competitors, I There is reason to suspect that you have rebelled."

Yang Cheng said anxiously, "Rebel? Damn it, Richard, you have to apologize to me. This word is too serious, and when am I from Mrs. Zipton? We are just cooperation with t. How come to rebel? Say?"

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