Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1067: Christmas hunting activities (2)

Yang Cheng and William were in a group, and saw that he was wearing a black deerstalker hat and matching it with his snow-white clothes. How awkward they looked.

Speaking of which, it’s the detective Sherlock Holmes that promotes this deerstalker hat. The front and back brim of the deerstalker hat is to protect the neck and eyes, and the ear cap can be folded over the hat. It is funny for ordinary people to wear, but for hunters It is very practical.

William also wore a deerstalker hat and looked around with a rifle in his hand. Yang Cheng didn't care about the outcome. The main reason was that he was not very interested in hunting. It was good to have fun occasionally, just as a hobby.

"William, we have just entered the jungle, how can there be prey on the edge."

Just now they followed a string of footprints to a snowy slope, but the footprints disappeared. Without the help of the hounds, with Yang Cheng's own tracking ability, it was basically impossible to find the owner of the footprints, so Yang Cheng simply used a gun. Leaning on the ground, leaning against a pine tree said.

In comparison, William has much more experience, squatting in front of the footprints and carefully observing the appearance, really has the detective style of Sherlock Holmes.

"I am familiar with this footprint. It should belong to a wild boar, but it should not be an adult, and it has not kept up with its mother. If we can find it, we will get a blood." William said with interest. .

Yang Cheng curled her lips in disapproval, knocked her heel on the trunk, shaking off the snow on the soles, and yawned, "By the way, the explosion was done well, with no casualties."

William stood up when he heard the words, "Of course, I specifically warned that I must never choose a place with people. I originally wanted to make up some casualties, but considering the attitude of Downing Street, I gave up this idea."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Understandably, Downing Street also thinks about a peaceful Christmas. If people are really dead, let alone, Downing Street must be the first riot."

"No matter what, I have to thank you this time. Without your control, public opinion still doesn't know what the chaos will be." William thanked again, sincerely.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "In fact, I want to know how you persuaded Mr. Murdoch. It stands to reason that the royal family made such a big joke, and his "Sun" has long been lonely and jumped out to target it. "

"This time it was a phone call from my grandmother, and Mr. Murdoch agreed very simply. As for whether there is an exchange of interests, I don't know." William said truthfully.

Yang Cheng squeezed his chin thoughtfully. He always felt that things were not that simple. If Murdoch was so easy to talk, he wouldn't dare to eavesdrop on the royal family's phone.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly stood still and lifted the cap over his ears to listen. When he saw him like this, William also remained motionless, asking Yang Cheng with his eyes what he heard.

Moving her ears, Yang Cheng heard a rustling sound coming from the front of her right, behind the snow slope, as if something was flying over the snow.

Subconsciously raising the gun, after the muzzle was aimed at the snow slope, only a flower shadow flashed by, then instinctively pulled the trigger, with a muffled "bang", the flower shadow flew directly with its wings fluttering.

William shouted, "It's a pheasant~"

Immediately afterwards, he was also unambiguous, without aiming and pulling the trigger with the feeling, there was another "bang", the brown-feathered pheasant stopped flying in the air, and continued to pull up.

Upon seeing this, Yang Cheng regretted not bringing a shotgun, otherwise the damned pheasant was dying on the ground.

Fortunately, he and William cooperated tacitly. The two shot one by one, which almost sealed the space for the pheasant to take off. Finally, after firing the sixth shot, the pheasant fell and fell to the ground dying.

The last shot was shot by Yang Cheng, and the bullet almost broke the pheasant's neck. It was a terrible death.

Yang Cheng was very excited when he hit his prey, and ran over with a deep kick, holding the pheasant's neck and picking it up to show off to William, "I'm sorry, this blood was taken by me!"

William was frustrated, knowing that before he set off, he vowed to win today's victory. The result was a disadvantage, and Yang Cheng was overwhelmed by Yang Cheng.

"Damn it, hurry up and keep going. I think that little wild boar must be nearby."

Yang Cheng shrugged and didn't continue to stimulate William, so he closed it as soon as he saw it.

"You go first, I'll put the chicken on the horse."

This neighborhood is not suitable for horses to move forward, so Yang Cheng and William tied the horse to a tree just now, and they have to go back now.

William turned around and shook his head, "I'll go with you, and ride around this snow **** to continue west."

Of course Yang Cheng has no objection, "Okay, it's up to you."

The two mounted their horses again, and moved forward slowly in the previously agreed direction. Two horses, one black and one red, with their noses, struggling forward on the snow.

"How are you going to eat this pheasant?" On the horse's back, William carried the gun behind his back, pulling the rein of the horse, and chatting casually.

Exploring how to cook game is regarded as a favorite topic of hunters during hunting. Feeding hunger with game should be one of the original purposes of hunting this ancient way of life. In the eyes of hunters, this should always be the basis of hunting, defensive hunting. Killing is another matter, so even if hunting now tends to be more entertaining, the essence has not changed. Cooking the prey you have hunted by yourself is always one of the greatest pleasures of hunting.

But to be honest, the western cooking methods for wild birds are very monotonous. In addition to roasting or roasting, the famous cultural relic expert and cultural relic connoisseur Wang Dunhuang, the son of Wang Shixiang, once said that he used western food to cook The description of wild fowls says that although roasted wild fowls are regarded as a famous dish in Western cuisine, "the taste is compared with the Chinese food, which is cooked with pheasant and fried diced pickled cucumber, sliced ​​pheasant fried shepherd’s purse, and shredded pheasant fried winter bamboo shoots. It's not a little bit worse."

Who is Wang Shixiang? That is the most famous generation of game masters in the country Z. In the game, he dares to challenge the master. I am afraid he has not been born yet. His son naturally inherits his excellent genes and has enough voice in the game. .

Indeed, re-roasting is indeed a relatively common method of cooking wild birds in the UK, but not all wild birds are suitable for cooking in this way. Some meaty wild birds are more suitable for this cooking method, but those with lean or thick meat are not You have to turn to grill for cooking. For example, pot roasting or slow stewing are good choices, or you can cook the thigh and brisket separately: the brisket with finer fiber can be fried or smoked, while the legs with thicker fiber The meat can be cooked with a slow fire.

Broiled poultry is definitely a big dish in the monotonous and old-fashioned British cuisine. It requires a series of side dishes and sauces, and the types vary from main dish. The typical side dishes with wild fowl are French fries and bread. Sauce and liver pate.

The British also specially invented a kind of fries called Gamechips in order to match wild fowls. It does not add game to the fries, but refers to this kind of fries specially matched with wild fowls, which is different from those with fried fish or beef. This kind of fries are thick and crispy on the outside and waxy on the inside. Gamechips are thin and crisp. Generally, they are square and grid-shaped. Although they are also called fries, they are not much different from potato chips in a sense, or simply called potato grids.

As the name suggests, bread sauce is indeed made of bread. It is a milk juice made with spices commonly used in cooking meat such as bay leaves, pepper, cloves, onions, etc. The history can even be traced back to the European Middle Ages; liver sauce is also made full of ingredients The side dish, because the liver used is the internal organs of the wild bird itself, in addition, other leftovers of the wild bird will be used to hang the soup to make the gravy to match the main dish.

In addition to hot dishes, there are also some traditional cold dishes made with game in the UK. The most famous of them is game meat pie: the game and the broth are put in a butter pie crust and baked and cooled. It's edible. The cold meat is plump, the aspic from the broth is rich, and the crust is sweet. Paired with a good brewed beer or champagne with a tough taste, this is a unique wild delicacy.

Every hunting season, many traditional butcher shops in the UK will sell game. In addition, major London clubs and some restaurants will also launch game dishes in season, which are very popular with customers.

In short, it is definitely a great treat to taste the game you have personally beaten.

Regarding William’s question, Yang Cheng smashed the saliva that almost came out of the corner of his mouth. "Trust me, you will swallow your tongue today. Carson invited the chef of the Chinese restaurant to use the purest Chinese condiments and ingredients. Dishes and techniques to cook the most authentic Chinese meal. If you can stand and walk out today, I will lose."

William's eyes lit up, "Really? Damn, no one can resist the charm of Chinese food. It seems I'm going to work harder to give dinner a few more dishes."

With that said, William began to gallop with his Unfortunately, the snow was so thick that the horse couldn't run at all. After a few steps, he started to pant and was embarrassed to death.

However, William’s hunting skills were fully demonstrated in the following time. From looking for traces to stalking the prey, and finally shooting to death, the action was completed in one go. After all, the little wild boar that he was thinking of was unable to escape the bad luck. First, he was caught in a trap. Lost by his mother, and then discovered by William, he was limping and exhausted. In the end, he was unable to withstand the power of modern science. He died under a bullet. This wild boar also experienced a long period of time before his death. Suffering, Yang Cheng expressed his silent condolences to it.

In addition to this wild boar, Yang Cheng and William hit three wild birds and started returning. It is a pity that no deer was found.

But there was a big gain on the other side. Dad and Yang Cheng’s father-in-law had hunted three red foxes. They didn’t look like a family of three. Among them, two adult male foxes and one female fox, with bullets penetrating through their heads. , Does not affect the integrity and beauty of the fur, at least two or three shawls can be made into my wife when I go back.

At 4 pm, this perfect hunting event ended successfully. . .

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