Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1149: Amon God Head

   Tonight’s dinner is divided into two parts. The first part is naturally the theme of the banquet-the lamb chops from New Zealand are transformed into more than a dozen delicious dishes and served on the table for the dignitaries present.

   The hornless dowset sheep from a private ranch in Queenstown, New Zealand, is native to Australia and New Zealand, and is one of the world's best meat sheep breeds.

This kind of sheep has no horns, both male and female, with a stubby neck, a long body, a wide chest, a straight back waist, a barrel-shaped body, short limbs, well-developed hindquarters, and a white coat. Lambs that are fed and mature under certain climates have the most delicious meat. French-cut lamb chops can burst out the most delicious juice even with the simplest grilling, especially when slaughtered locally, using the Maori native method The marinated lamb chops is different from the grilled lamb chops in ordinary restaurants. It is like the heavenly beauty of Queenstown, and every bite blooms in the mouth.

The guests praised the main course of the banquet tonight. As a sign erected by Mrs. Zipperton, George Clooney also gave a speech before the start of the banquet. The content was nothing more than bragging for Mrs. Zipperton and the donkey party. Nothing to care about, but everyone is very face-saving, and the applause is endless, which is a match for the Oscars.

   During the dinner, Yang Cheng also chatted with George Clooney, but it was the most famous Hollywood **** who came over and said, "Jason, I heard that you bought a property on Lake Como?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and then remembered that this guy seems to also live on Lake Como, and smiled and nodded, "Yes, that is a gift from my fiancee. She likes the scenery of Lake Como very much. When the renovation is completed, we will prepare I spend some time on the shores of Lake Como every year."

George Clooney immediately sent out an invitation, "I will be a guest at that time. You know that I have lived there in recent years. I dare say that Lake Como has the most beautiful scenery in the world. There is no one. Living there will let you Your soul is baptized."

  Yang Chengxin said, "We don’t seem to be so familiar, right? As for selling like this? I don’t buy a house from you."

  , with a smile on his face, he said relaxedly, "I must go to your place if I have a chance. By the way, are you familiar with Mrs. Zipperton?"

   After a few small words, Yang Cheng began to test the routine.

George Clooney didn't seem to have any thoughts, and said frankly, "You misunderstood, Mrs. Zipton and I are just good friends. I am a loyal supporter of the Donkey Party when it comes to running for president, but who I support? There seems to be no difference. Mrs. Zipperton is good. She demonstrates the charm of women in the new era, but Sanders is not bad. At least I agree with what he said."

   Sanders is a direct competitor within Mrs. Zipperton’s dang.

   Yang Cheng pretended to be surprised, "Oh? What attitude did Sanders express recently?"

George Clooney finally had some scruples. He glanced slightly in the direction of Mrs. Zipperton, and found that the couple was busy taking photos with others to make money. Then he relaxed and leaned over and said in a low voice, "Sanders' views on ZZ donation. I very much agree that this is a dirty sum of money."

   Yang Cheng looked at George Clooney with a ridiculous expression. This guy is mentally ill. You stand up and make money as a sign for others, but on the other hand, you say that the money is dirty and contradictory?

   Seems to understand Yang Cheng’s expression. George Clooney simply sat next to Yang Cheng with a chair, and further explained, “Don’t be suspicious, at least until last Friday, I didn’t think so.”

   Yang Cheng became curious about what happened that changed George Clooney's attitude.

"Just last Friday, I held a fundraising rally for the "Mrs. Zipton Victory Fund" in San Diego. Tickets for the dinner were as high as $35,000. Although it is not comparable to the price tonight, it is still not a good deal. Philippine figures.

   At that time, Sanders’ supporters protested on the street. They called us fundraisers ‘briberers’ and called for a cessation of large amounts of cash flowing into the election. "

   After a while, the **** looked sincere, "I must say that they have the right to protest, and they are right to protest.

   I stepped up to raise funds, not for a single person, but for the whole donkey party campaign chief. "

   Yang Cheng doesn't know what to say, can you praise him for his awe-inspiring righteousness?

   Stop talking!

   Clooney said again, "To be honest, I don't like this kind of ZZ activity. I don't think anyone likes it, even the Zhengzhou customer doesn't like it. It's meaningless.

   But it's all arranged long ago, I can't refuse, this is also part of the Hollywood game, isn't it? "

   What Yang Cheng can say, he can only nod in cooperation, although from a certain angle, he still admires Clooney's frankness.

   "What are you talking about so happy?"

   At this time, Mrs. Zipperton’s shadow Huma came in and sat beside Yang Cheng without shy, and asked with a glass of red wine.

   Clooney's complexion turned, and he instantly transformed into a flower bush veteran, and put on the smiles of millions of women. "We talked about the atmosphere tonight. It's really lively, much better than last week."

   Huma also had no doubts, and agreed, "Yes, today's tone is great, maybe the goal will be easier to achieve."

   Clooney raised his glass and motioned, "I wish us success, cheers~"

   Huma smiled, "cheers~"

Yang Cheng caught in the middle and did not make any reaction. For these two masters who have honed their acting skills to their bones, Yang Cheng admires them all. Compared with their sophisticated, expressionless Yang Cheng looks like a newcomer. , Can not adapt well to this hypocrisy.

   However, if other people really think so, then they are quite wrong. Yang Cheng is likely to figure out how yin is under that expressionless poker face.

   After the banquet, the guests moved to the small banquet hall next to it, which has been set up as an auction venue, where you can eat and drink desserts on both sides, please feel free to use it.

   Yang Cheng followed the crowd into the venue. Of course, he hadn't forgotten to receive the number ticket. He hadn't forgotten what Huma asked him as a trustee.

Just found a place to sit down, Yang Cheng took out the auction brochure from his pocket and looked through it. It introduced most of the auctions tonight. The value is not high, probably between 50,000 and 200,000 US dollars. The range, the number adds up to dozens of pieces. If all transactions are made, even if the premium is not considered, there can be several million dollars in receipts. It is estimated that half of the fundraising goal tonight can be achieved.

Of course, the two heavyweight auctions as the opening and finale only have a shadow printed on the manual, and the introduction is only a few strokes. Yang Cheng only knows that the shape of the opening lot he is responsible for is very complicated. From the silhouette outline, it seems to be one Mask or sculpture.

   But he didn't waste his brain cells to guess, anyway the puzzle will be revealed soon.

Before long, waiting for most of the guests to take their seats, the emcee of the auction tonight came out to announce that the auction was about to begin. Please sit down as soon as possible. During this period, the projection screen on the stage played a campaign advertisement of Mrs. Brainwashing is really speechless.

   As the hostess pushed a trolley onto the stage, the screen dimmed, the venue gradually became quiet, and the auction officially began.

   Yang Cheng noticed that the red flannel on the trolley was very three-dimensional. It was about 30 cm high. It looked like a sculpture or country Z porcelain. ‘Is it a cultural relic of country Z? Yang Cheng remembered Huma's expressive expression when he asked him before. It was very strange and couldn't help but secretly guess.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I very much welcome everyone to participate in today's private auction. I am the auctioneer Brown tonight. I am very happy to serve the distinguished guests here." The auctioneer wears white gloves and a tuxedo. He is about 50 years old. He looked radiant, and his hearty voice could spread throughout the hall even without a microphone.

   Yang Cheng sits in the front row with Erlang's legs tilted, and his attention is all on the trolley. What is it?

   Until the auctioneer named Brown finished a bunch of nonsense and started to introduce the lot, then he turned his attention to the projection screen.

   "Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense, let's lift the veil of the first lot."

   As the auctioneer's voice fell, the lady of etiquette perfectly matched the rhythm and lifted the red hijab to reveal the honor of the lot.

   At that moment, Yang Cheng's eyes sharply caught the face of the statue, **** it, how could it look like Pharaoh Tutankhamun?

Yang Cheng didn’t know what other people’s moods were, but he was terrified, and being surprised is not enough to describe his inner I was surprised, four, five, and then thinking of Huma weird. Yang Cheng felt that all the hairs on her body stood up.

  On the stage, Brown’s voice flooded, "As the opening highlight of tonight, I hope this sculpture from mysterious Egypt has not disappointed everyone.

   This head of the **** Amon is made of brown quartzite and has more than 90% of the characteristics of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

According to the information I got, this head is probably the decoration of the Karnak Temple in Egypt. According to expert analysis, this head should be part of a sitting statue with a height of 28.5 cm and a history of at least 3000 years. . "

   After a pause, Brown seduced in a mysterious tone, "If I have money, I will take it down. If I don't say that I will be inherited by the Pharaoh's power?"

   The guests burst into laughter, and this joke hit the old beauty’s smile.

It is estimated that only Yang Cheng couldn't laugh, and she kept muttering in her heart, "It's so alike, it's so alike. The slightly drooping corners of the mouth, the slanted eyes, and the deep depressions between the eyebrows and the eyes, they are like Tutanka. Meng is exactly the same."

   He may be the person present who knows Pharaoh Tutankhamun best. His magical appearance has long been deeply imprinted in his mind, so it is absolutely impossible for him to look away. This head portrait is probably not that simple!



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