Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1214: Episode arrangement

"I have ordered a lawyer to complete the registration of the two subsidiaries of New Era Sports and Fashion. Yanklovsky will become the CEO of the sports company. The formal appointment will be issued after he completes the acquisition of Lagardère Sports.

About candidates for fashion companies. . . "

Ryze hesitated for a while, apparently planning to leave this problem to Yang Cheng to solve.

"Fashion companies need more professional talents to manage. I don't have suitable candidates for the time being. It's better to openly recruit and publish the structure of the fashion company. I believe that interested talents will come by themselves."

"In terms of treatment?"

"The issue of treatment is in accordance with the unified regulations of the CEO of our secondary subsidiary, and enjoys an option reward of up to 5%.

"I understand. I immediately issued an announcement to invite interested persons to come for interviews, but should we contact a headhunter? I am worried that it will be difficult to attract real talents to open applications."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and felt that what Ryze said was reasonable. After all, there is a pit for a carrot, how could an excellent talent not have his place?

"It's okay to get in touch, but don't be fooled by open recruitment. Try your luck. Once we get lucky."

"Good boss, my plan is to list sports and fashion companies separately in the next 1-2 years."

"Well~ follow this timeline. The net profit of this kind of company will not be too much. We harvest a wave in the capital market and make money in our hands is the king."

Ryze got busy, Yang Cheng was still thinking about the fashion company. Originally, this matter could be easily solved by her mother. Her staff always had one or two talents who were not willing to be small supervisors or ordinary designers, but in the end they still I didn't ask my mother for help, but blatantly digging into the corner of LVMH, I couldn't do my future work.

In addition, he is anxiously pushing sports companies and fashion companies to go public, in order to take advantage of the opportunity to recover some funds. Once he wants to acquire Fox Sports, he will inevitably spend a large amount of cash.

Immediately afterwards, Susu invited Mark Pedewitz who had made an appointment in advance, and delivered freshly ground coffee.

"Boss, I'm here to report on "The Vampire Diaries."

Yang Cheng laid his hands on him and let him sit down. After signing a briefing, he raised his head and asked, "What's wrong? That Nina Dobrev made trouble again?"

Nina Dobrev, who was threatened and banned by Yang Cheng last year, finally chose to give in. After all, she still wanted to continue to be in the entertainment industry, and Yang Cheng promised her the opportunity to be on the big screen. This was what she dreamed of, so she originally The news that she would not appear in the seventh season of "The Vampire Diaries" finally became a means of publicity.

When the first episode of the seventh season was broadcast, she successfully caught the attention of old fans, and the declining ratings from the fifth season stopped and began to increase steadily.

Because the TV station increased its investment, the quality of the seventh season has improved significantly, especially in terms of plot. The screenwriter has made great efforts to abandon the addition of too much fantasy and return to the story itself. It was closed on Thanksgiving last year. Intermittently, the ratings have approached 1%, which is gratifying.

Mark shook his head, "Nina did a good job and didn't make any more trouble, and she also maintained a good working relationship with her ex-boyfriend."

Yang Cheng nodded, "What is the problem?"

"It's about whether or not to continue production for the eighth season. I have communicated with my colleagues in the TV drama department. Everyone thinks that this series is the best to end here. If it continues to be delayed, it will inevitably embark on the old path of plot dragging. "

Yang Cheng was puzzled, "Then it's over. Should I nod to agree on this matter?"

His tone brought some dissatisfaction. Isn't Lao Tzu using you just to let you do professional things, and ask me everything, why do you want to do it?

Mark quickly explained, "No, no, I mean to advance the start of the fall season."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Speak carefully, I'm a little confused."

"That's it. Originally, our autumn show started in October each year. Under the overall environment, this time is a bit late. Coupled with this year's large capital investment, we have more new content to provide, so I want to advance the autumn season to increase the number of subscriptions for new dramas and provide more content to subscribers."

After a pause, he put a broadcast plan in front of Yang Cheng, "This is the broadcast schedule after canceling the plan for the eighth season of "The Vampire Diaries". On Monday, "Supergirl" was changed to the leading military drama "The Brave Valor". "Tuesday is the partner of the DC hero drama, "Riverdale", which was promoted to the autumn stage, and the new drama "Powerful Grudge Dynasty" are on Wednesday.

"Arrow" again collaborated with "Supernatural" on Thursday, and "JanetheVirgin" was placed on Friday.

The weekend is still the main sports and variety show. These two sectors are also new profit points for TV stations. Recently, more and more viewers watch the Premier League and NBA live broadcasts on our TV stations, especially the increase in local subscribers in New York. "

Yang Cheng glanced briefly, "I have no objection, but our big production, I voted you 100 million dollars, you will not just use these small productions to fool me?"

"Of course not. In fact, our plan for the remake of the brother company's film has already started, but it will be launched next year at the earliest."

"Don't let me down~" Yang Cheng said.

"Is there anything else?" Yang Cheng picked up the coffee cup and saw him off. After Mark Pedewitz went out, Yang Cheng shook his head. As the TV station developed faster and faster, Mark's ability was slightly insufficient. He began to wonder whether or not to replace the TV station with a new CEO.

. . . . . .

On the evening of the last day of February, Yang Cheng quietly flew to South Korea. The mission of the 13th club had to be watched. Who would have thought that someone had already completed it ahead of schedule, which surprised him, but also raised a sense of urgency. If the final mission fails , It's not just him who is ashamed.

This time he came to South Korea without alarming anyone, even the "Jason" was useless. He temporarily transferred a Bombardier business jet owned by the leasing company and returned to Seoul in a low-key manner.

He didn't want to be known by more people, so he didn't choose to stay at the Shilla Hotel. Instead, he randomly found a star-rated hotel in Cheongdam-dong to stay, and called Li Zhiyu the first time.

The white glove ability he is optimistic about is still good, and his family's resources are sufficient to complete the preliminary arrangement without the assistance of Yang Orange.

In the luxurious suite, Li Zhiyu was still surprised when he saw Yang Cheng, "Brother Yang, why don't you tell me in advance when you go back to Seoul? I'll pick it up in person."

Yang Cheng asked him to sit casually and took a bottle of water from the refrigerator. "No need to pick it up, I don't intend to let more people know how things are going on?"

Li Zhiyu looked straight, "The company and procedures for registration have been completed, and the yacht will be in place."

Yang Orange nodded, "It should be possible to complete the refit before the end of March. Has the wind been released?"

"Of course, you don't worry about me doing business, Brother Yang? Those idiots like new things very much. Our gameplay is still rare in Seoul. Even if you want to go to sea, you have to go to Incheon or Busan, which is more troublesome." Li Jiyu is confident. Said.

"That's good, right, I asked you to help me find the target, are there any alternatives?"

Before he came, he had made a long-distance call to Li Zhiyu, asked him to choose a few guan members that he could use, and grasp some handles in advance. This time he came just to check the results.

"Of course, what you ordered, Brother Yang, I must complete."

After saying that, I pulled out the thick information from the package that I brought with me, "These are a few options I think, and they are all powerful and powerful people who can freely enter Sejong Road and Qing~wa~tai."

Sejong Road is the location of the ZF office complex in South Korea.

Yang Cheng took it and didn’t rush to look at it. “I’ll learn about the information. Now there’s another thing for you to do. I’m going to have a dinner with Vincent Brooks tomorrow. You can find a secret place for me, absolutely. secret."

Li Zhiyu was familiar with this name, but he didn't match his face for the first time.

Upon seeing this, Yang Cheng reminded him, "The U.S. military stationed in Korea."

Li Zhiyu was startled, "I remember, it's okay, I'll make arrangements now, should I arrange a car to pick him up?"

Yang Cheng thought about it, and in the future, he will have to convey his order through Li Zhiyu. It is good to introduce them in advance, "Well, you can arrange a car, keep a low profile, and you will pick it up with me tomorrow evening."

Li Zhiyu was stunned for a moment, and then overjoyed. He didn't expect Yang Cheng to accompany him, "No problem, make sure the arrangements are in order, just buy a new car, otherwise my car will always be noticed."

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "You can figure it out. By the way, you will arrange a few more women to accompany you, the ones who are plumper."

He inquired about Vincent Brooks' preferences through Dennis Mullenberg in advance, and it was through him that he was able to invite the commander of the U.S. Army in Korea to dinner.

Li Zhiyu smirked, "Hey, I know what to look for."

"The important thing is to be strict with your mouth, it is best not to understand English~"

"Understand, I will let them sign a non-disclosure agreement~ By the way, brother, do you want to arrange a star for you?"

Yang Cheng gave him an angry No, I will bring someone by myself. "

"I know, brother, your woman has always been rich, so I don't worry about it."

"Okay, get out, don't hang around in my room at night."

After driving away Li Zhiyu, Yang Cheng played with his mobile phone and wondered who to accompany him.

The most suitable candidate is undoubtedly sunny, this girl is sensible, even if she hears any secrets, she will not spread it.

As a result, I made a call and learned that she and her teammates were attending the event at RB.

It's troublesome now, and people who are familiar can't find it. Could it be that girl named Irene?

Not so good, this girl doesn't have to worry about her talking nonsense, but she is an idol who is on the rise, and she is not necessarily willing to participate in this kind of dinner. All fools know what will happen after the dinner.

If I had known it, Li Zhiyu had arranged it, and Yang Cheng was upset about what he said.

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