Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1222: Accidental declaration of sovereignty

"Don't be like this, others thought I did something to you when they saw it~"

Yang Cheng's routine is very old, but it is not practical. He threatened Yan Zhengan with the camera just now, just to scare him. The ghost knows whether the camera works well.


Yan Zhengan froze for a long time, but he didn't say a complete sentence. There was no such thing as a big director.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but shook his head when she saw it.

"What about me~ I'll give you a suggestion, tell me everything you know, I promise not to pursue it, how about?"

Yan Zhengan was caught in a kind of entanglement visible with naked eyes, or two people were in a tug-of-war in his heart, almost torn him in half.

Yang Cheng knew that he could threaten Yan Zhengan at the moment, only because he played a small trick, and for the time being, he couldn't make Yan Zhengan realize what would happen if he went against him, so he would struggle.

On the contrary, the surname Jin must have the strength, and judging from Yan Zhengan's appearance like a tiger, the other party must have left a harsh impression on the outside world, otherwise Yan Zhengan's choice would be much better now.

"Well, I will have a friend come over later, you can make a decision after you see it, don't worry." Yang Cheng smiled and gave Yan Zhengan up the stairs.

While this made him temporarily relieved, his heart was hanging and not falling. Yan Zhengan didn't think Yang Cheng would let him see an ordinary person casually.

Put Yan Zhengan to Andrew and the others, Yang Cheng returned to the ward, and the three members of the Pei family gathered together with a frown, including Father Pei, all of them had no idea.

Such silence is not a problem. Yang Cheng tried to change the subject, "Did you find a way to find out, who were the classmates who accompanied my sister to the party last night?"

Father Pei regained his energy, "Yes, yes, you reminded me, Mom, you should call Zhuyan and their school quickly and ask who Zhuyan is closer to."

Yang Cheng gave a direction to let Father Pei find motivation, otherwise it would not be a problem to be in a state of self-pity.

Irene glanced at Yang Cheng gratefully and couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, she was with Yang Cheng yesterday, otherwise she didn't know what to do today.

Seeing that Pei and Pei were busy, Yang Cheng waved to Irene, and the two whispered in the living room.

"In your sister's situation, I guess you can't get out of it? Then don't participate in the dinner tonight. I can go by myself. I'll be back as soon as the dinner is over."

Irene looked back at the room and shook her head, "I'll go to oppa for you, I can't help you stay here."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Are you sure? Uncle and aunt will not blame it?"

Irene said helplessly, "It doesn't matter, they know the special nature of my career, and they won't leave for too long, right?"

Yang Cheng probably estimated, "How come the round trip is 4 hours, and the meal is over 2 hours. We leave at 4 in the afternoon and can be back before 11 o'clock at the latest."

Irene nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to Mom and Dad, but I don't have a suitable dress."

Yang Cheng smirked, "Don't worry about it, I'll prepare it, but I have to trouble you to give me the specific height and weight."

Irene was half helpless and half angry, slapped him, gritted his teeth and whispered softly, ",," (make up your own brain~)

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Cheng looked at Irene from below the neck and above the waist with extremely surprised eyes, "Is there a B?"

Irene's paper-white face turned red with a brush, and a sentence was squeezed out between her teeth, "Are you surprised?"

Yang Cheng was suffocating a smile. He did not expect that he thought it was A. He didn't expect that apart from the mistakes in his visual inspection, he said in a mocking tone, "How do I know, I haven't tested it by myself~"

This time was good, Irene slammed a foot on Yang Orange's feet, knowing that she was still wearing high heels.

Yang Cheng felt a hole in the back of his foot, and he was sore. If he was not afraid of being misunderstood by the father and mother in the house, he really wanted to yell at the murder of his husband.


"You have to go to the foot too?" Yang Orange said painfully.

Irene is also a little apologetic. She didn't expect to be so excited because of her excitement, but she still maintains the unique arrogance of a girl, "It deserves it, who makes you talk nonsense."

"Yes, yes, I won't say anything, now I'm going to buy you clothes, right?"

After speaking, he limped out of the ward, and when Andrew saw it, he came over without vision and asked, "Boss, are you crippled?"

Yang Cheng gave him a fierce look, "Don't talk nonsense, who is the one to show you?"

Andrew touched the back of his head aggrievedly, and couldn't think of any mistake he had made.

"Sit down there~"

Yang Cheng looked over and found that Yan Zhengan was sitting there with his head down honestly, motionless like a sculpture.

At this moment, Li Min was walking from the other side of the corridor with a trace of fatigue on his face. It seemed that in such a short period of time, he was wasting energy to figure out what happened last night.

"Brother Yang, I've found it out, tell me here?"

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, "Follow me to the ward~"

After finishing speaking, he signaled Andrew to continue to stare at Yan Zhengan, and then led the way in front of him unsuccessfully.

Li Minzai was also puzzled. It was fine when we met before. Only a few hours passed? Why are you lame?

When he came to the ward, Yang Cheng called the Pei family three people into the living room and introduced them, "Uncle and Auntie, this is my friend Li Min. I asked him to check what happened last night. Would you like to listen? "

Afterwards, he waved to Irene, and when she came over, Yang Cheng ignored everyone's astonished gazes, hugged them directly, and introduced Li Min, "This is my girlfriend Pei Zhuxuan, and the injured is her sister."

Irene was anxious Seeing Yang Cheng's triumphant eyes, she knew that this guy was taking revenge on her kick.

And although Pei’s father and Pei’s mother accidentally announced Yang Cheng’s relationship with Irene in this way, the two people who had long been aware of the signs, felt that this was something that should be done, and they just nodded with relief. , There is no more nonsense.

Yang Cheng was also very nervous. He was also worried that Irene would argue out loud. He didn't expect that this girl just glared at herself and agreed to it. What made him even more happy was that neither father nor mother objected. Raw rice has become porridge. , It is a matter of time to become dry rice.

The joy in my heart couldn’t be said, so I said to Li Min triumphantly, "Let’s talk~"

Li Min didn't understand the situation. Anyway, everyone who listened to Yang Cheng was right. They greeted father and mother Pei and Irene respectively, and respectfully asked his sister-in-law hello before speaking.

"According to what I learned, Miss Pei Zhuyan attended the birthday party of a school sister of our school with a few classmates last night.

The party was held at Villa No. 1 in Daegu. . . "

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