Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1229: Rich and wayward

On the way back to Daegu, Irene kept rubbing her belly with her hands. She had a flat abdomen with her self-cultivation dress set off, and the curve of her waist was particularly attractive.

But at this moment, Irene's belly has been obviously raised, but it is not loose, but very tight.

"Blame you, why do you always get me some vegetables" Irene complained while rubbing her mouth.

Yang Cheng smiled heartlessly. He also knew that the amount of food he had just put in was a bit large, but who would have thought that Irene was so honest, how much he fed, and if it wasn't for the end, I am afraid that the food at that table would have to be eaten. Stuffed into the appetite.

Fortunately, there are not many staple foods tonight's dishes, ham, vegetable salad and the like are easier to digest.

"Wait later, get off the highway, change your clothes in the car and go for a walk? Just eat too much, just digest and digest." Yang Cheng suggested.

Irene frowned, "I will have an important performance in a few days. If this is fat, I can't even wear a costume. Besides, if it is photographed, I may be scolded."

Yang Cheng didn’t take it seriously, “It’s really impossible for me to spend money to do a new one for you? As for the scolding on the Internet, you don’t care about it. I will send someone to stare at me. Let someone delete it."

Irene gave him an irritating look. Is it great to have money? Can do whatever you want with money?

It's because Yang Cheng didn't hear it, otherwise he would have to shout: Yes! If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

The two got off the car early and walked for 20 minutes to return to the hospital. Irene's face looked much better.

Back in the ward, Irene was taken aback when she heard someone talking inside, and realized that her sister was awake, and quickly pushed the door in.

Sure enough, seeing Father Pei and Mother Pei talking with her sister, Irene rushed over, and her tears burst out, "Zhuyan, are you awake? How is it? Does it hurt? Would you like to call to see?"

Pei Zhuyan squeezed out a smile and shook her head feebly, "Ouni, I don't hurt~"

Irene covered her mouth, no amount of delicate makeup could hold up so many tears.

"Don't cry Ouni, am I okay?" Pei Zhuyan raised her hand and touched her sister's head to comfort her, but she couldn't hold back her sister crying. When she thought of her own experience, tears began to flow. Nasty.

"You don't know how worried I am~" Irene couldn't cry.

Yang Cheng leaned over and asked Father Pei, "Did the doctor come here?"

Father Pei smiled emotionally, "Here, the dean personally brought people here, saying that it's not a big problem, and you can go home to recuperate after staying for a few days."

"That's good~"

Pei Zhuyan was also aware of Yang Cheng's existence. Although she was a little bit deficient, she couldn't help but gossip, "Ouni, you still said he is not brother-in-law."

Last time Irene went home, the two sisters chatted in the bed for a long time on private topics, most of which were about Yang Cheng. At that time Irene also strongly denied her relationship with Yang Cheng. Are all together.

Yes, she already knew the breaking news from her parents.

Irene touched her face awkwardly, wiped away her tears, and stared at the girl fiercely, "I was angry when I opened my eyes."

Pei Zhuyan smirked a few times and said to Yang Cheng sternly, "Brother-in-law, thank you, I have heard my parents say, thanks to your help, otherwise..."

Yang Cheng still used the name brother-in-law very well, especially the name of a young and beautiful sister-in-law, which made him more excited.

"Yes, don't think about it so much, take good care of your wounds, and wait for your brother-in-law to give you a gift." He is blatantly buying the sister-in-law, but her family still has no objection, which shows how good Yang Cheng left in their hearts. impression.

"Really? What gift?" The little girl was curious.

Yang Cheng didn't intend to keep it secret, "Do you have a driver's license?"

Pei family was taken aback at the same time, Pei Zhuyan nodded instinctively.

"That's good, you can drive to and from school by yourself in the future to save time and it is safe. When your sister comes home, you can also drive to pick her up."

Yang Cheng didn’t take a car seriously. Besides, he didn’t plan to give away luxury cars such as supercars, but he couldn’t evoke the little girl’s comparison mentality. Just buy a Korean national car like Hyundai or Kia. Well, it's enough for young people to drive. The key is that the price is not expensive, at least in Yang Cheng's eyes, it is no different from buying cabbage.

But in the ears of the Pei family, this is not an ordinary gift. Who would give a car as a discharge gift?

When the sister’s Pei Zhuxuan was the first to object, "No, absolutely not. She is a student and there is no need to drive, and it is too expensive for us to accept."

Yang Cheng didn't say anything, but just blinked at Pei Zhuyan, "Don't pay attention to your sister, there is never any reason to take back what your brother-in-law said."

This was not over yet, and I started to slap Irene again, "Don't talk, besides, I even included her four-year university gas money."

As soon as this remark came out, Irene's words to refuse were directly blocked, and she couldn't say anything. The blushing little face was called aggrieved.

"Okay, that's it." Yang Cheng clapped his hands and made the final decision. As for Pei's father and mother's thoughts? Not important at all.

She came out without staying in the ward. Pei Zhuyan just woke up soon, her mental state was not good and she needed more rest.

Close the door, and in the living room of the ward, Irene took Yang Cheng's arm, "Your decision is too hasty. You are sending a car this time, what will you give next?"

Yang Cheng smiled apologetically to Pei’s father, and then explained to Irene, “I am also doing good for my sister. I went to school today and heard that Zhuyan has many suitors at school. This is a good thing and proves Zhuyan. outstanding.

But girls must take up the They can’t look too easy-going. Anyone who is crooked can talk about friends. You can’t worry about it all your life? You have seen the virtues of the boyfriend she made. Do you want to do it again?

I gave her a car, also to package Zhuyan's layout, and the boys who want to pursue Zhuyan have to weigh, whether they can be worthy of her!

Besides, I won't give away imported luxury cars, just ordinary domestic cars, not much money, and not too public. "

Yang Cheng considered everything, and Irene found that she said nothing was right, and she seemed hypocritical if she continued.

Pressed her little head, "Well, it's just a car, it's nothing to me, but I don't care about gas or anything, and she has to make her a little bit of crisis."

That’s how it was decided to deliver the car. Can Irene's little arm twist Yang Cheng's thigh?

When people wake up, there is no need for so many people to stay. Father and mother Pei are too old and exhausted in the past two days. Under Irene’s persuasion, they go home and rest, while Yang Cheng and Irene stay to watch the night.

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