Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1234: The sensible girl (2)

Is it normal to grab a girl's hand casually and put it in your hand to touch it?

If it is two people who do not know each other, even if they have just met each other, or even between good friends, this is a cross-border move, let alone two subordinates who have just met?

But Yang Cheng did it naturally. Shen Yien was very obedient after she resisted slightly at the beginning. Not only did she let Yang Cheng play with her little hands, but also stuck with Yang Cheng. From the back, Shen Yien’s upper body almost rubbed into Yang Cheng. Arms.

But at this time, everyone's attention is on Liu Jianjun. He is telling a joke with a little bit of color. Adults, men and women, are always willing to come to such jokes.

This also gave Yang Cheng a further opportunity, with her mouth pressed to her ear through the girl's hair, exhaling warm air, "Understand?"

Shin Yeen's ears heat up almost at the speed of light, and Yang Cheng's lips can feel the hot heat, but she still does not avoid it.

Nodded slightly, "The bad boys at school often say."

Yang Orange smirked, "Bad boy? Haha~"

It is estimated that the time is almost right, Yang Cheng continued, "I drank a lot today, or should I take you home?"

Shin Ye-eun's body showed obvious stiffness, but after only 1 second, it seemed that he had made up some kind of determination, and he gave a hmm, which was considered as an agreement.

"Let's go separately, I'll go out first, and you will find an excuse to withdraw later."

Doing this is also afraid that Shin Yeen will not be a good person in the future. After all, if the two leave at the same time, the fool will know what they are going to do.

Yang Cheng, who went out first, waited in the car for about 5 minutes, and saw Shen Yeen slowly walking out of the restaurant with a bag, her body shaken a little, it can be seen that she is indeed invincible, and she just drank with Yang Cheng and didn’t stop. , After this wave of fast drinking, the little girl is already at the end.

Yang Cheng drove the car over, stopped in front of her, leaned forward and pushed the car door, and said to Shen Yien, "Get in the car~"

Shen Yeen hesitated, took a deep breath and got into the co-pilot, and closed the door with a firm expression in a daze.

After that, neither of them spoke. Ferrari drove all the way back to the villa of the Shilla Hotel, instructing Hansen and the others not to disturb themselves, and to enter the villa with their arms around Shin Ye-eun.

. . .

In the morning of the next day, a taxi parked in front of the front entrance of the Shilla Hotel. Yang Cheng bid farewell to Shin Ye-eun, who was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and rubbed her short hair. of."

Shin Yeen did not wear makeup today, but the little girl is naturally beautiful, with white and red lips.

"I got it~"

Yang Cheng said again, "Besides, don't rush to debut, as I said last night, first polish up your acting skills, try to make a blockbuster as soon as you debut, and then the road will be easy.

It's best not to give up your studies, and to take care of it at the same time, it will help your future development.

Don't worry about money, I will ask Liu Jianjun to give you a card and pay you monthly living expenses. "

Shin Ye-eun didn't look up, "Yeah~"

Before Yang Cheng put her in the car, she warned in her ear, "I don't know if you have a boyfriend. If you have one, go back and divide it up. There is no best way. In the future, put away your little tricks of teasing boys. If I found out who you are ambiguous with, you should know what it means."

Shin Yeen suddenly looked up and met Yang Cheng's undoubted eyes, but finally gave in, "I understand~"

Yang Cheng turned a blind eye to Shen Yien's little emotions, smiled slightly, raised her chin with her fingers, and lightly pecked on her blushing face, "Be happy, haven't you achieved your goal?"

Send her in the car, close the door, and ask the driver to take the person home safely, and Yang Chengcai walks back while doing stretching exercises.

Unexpectedly, I ran into Li~Fu~ really, unexpectedly, "Why are you here so early?"

Li~Fu~ smiled playfully, "Fortunately I came early, otherwise I don't know when you have a little lover again."

Yang Cheng shrugged calmly, "Just last night, no one ate my dinner. I was lonely and cold, so naturally I needed someone to accompany me."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward naturally and hugged the woman's waist, sniffing the breath of a mature woman completely different from that of a little girl, and closed his eyes intoxicated, "You still smell good."

Li~Fu~ really eats this set. The sourness in his heart just now was replaced by sweetness in an instant, and he groaned, "I'm taking you."

Turning on Yang Cheng's big hand, the conversation turned, "Don't move, have you eaten? If we don't eat, we will be together? By the way, something?"

Yang Cheng has nothing to do, "Listen to you~"

In the private room, after the waiter came up for a hearty breakfast, they all returned, leaving only Yang Cheng and Li~Fu~ in the box.

Take a sip of milk, "Speak, what's the matter?"

Lee~Fu~ really has no appetite. It was purely to accompany Yang Cheng, and his chopsticks did not move. "The situation in Korea has been unstable recently. My father wants to stay in the United States for a few months."

Yang Orange nodded, "Understandable, what do I need to do?"

"Remember our cooperation?"

"Of course~"

"This time my father went to the United States in the name of investigating Yuanshan Capital. You may need some cooperation."

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "These are all trivial things."

Li~Fu~ really nodded, "In addition, regarding the listing of San~Star Heavy Industries in the United States after the reorganization, it is now on the agenda."

Yang Cheng looked serious, this is a major event, a major event that can make money, "I will return to New York as soon as possible to make arrangements."

"I will go back and forth between the two countries~"

Yang Cheng suddenly interrupted her. He remembered the twists and turns that South Korea had experienced during this time period. Maybe this is not the best time to go public. "My suggestion is to wait and wait until the situation is completely stabilized before choosing to go public. Maximize the benefits."

Li~Fu~ really seems to be unspeakable, he hesitated for a while and shook his head, "It's better to go public as soon as possible. This is my father's request."

Yang Cheng frowned, and never heard that there was a problem with San~Star’s in such a hurry to go public. If it were not for the purpose of collecting money, it seemed completely unnecessary, but Li~Fu~ really didn’t want to say, he It's always hard to ask others about the company's decisions and secrets.

"Well, according to your requirements, I will prepare as soon as possible and submit a listing application to the NYSE."

After the opinions on the previous financing process are completed, you can directly initiate an IPO. Of course, the IPO also takes time to prepare. It is impossible to advertise directly and someone will buy it.

However, with the name san~star, many investment institutions should be optimistic about the prospects of this stock.

"Thank you, by the way, do you want to see your father?"

"Forget it, what did I see him for? Not a beauty~"

Li~Fu~ gave him an angry look, "Second~, my head is full of beauties."

Yang Cheng couldn't be wronged, he just said that afterwards, he was wronged and turned into a se~wolf. It was snow in June, more wronged than Dou E.

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