Liu Muqian's home is full of traditional atmosphere, of course, it can be said to be antique. A large number of mahogany products in this modern villa with European appearance, there is no sense of disobedience.

This mansion can be said to be a model of low-key luxury. Just the huge marble mosaic at the door is expensive. Most people need a kind of courage to step on it. The same gray marble covers the entire house, and the mosaics are different. , Yang Cheng heard someone say once when he was a child, every flower on the ground has its meaning in it by the hands of a Feng Shui master, instead of random spelling.

Yang Cheng followed his grandfather into the high empty living room on the first floor. The hall was full of space and full of Chinese classical flavor. Whether it was the furnishings of mahogany furniture or the mahogany decoration on the wall, they all matched the antique color and fragrance. The marble mountain and water murals are absolutely generous, just like the artistic conception of landscapes with splashes of ink by a famous artist, with great arrogance, mountains and rivers, winding and graceful.

The decorations of the table and the flower table are also rich in Chinese style. The jade carving of the landscape on the table is carved from a whole piece of mutton fat white jade, which is of great value and contains an elegant artistic conception. , Taking mountains as virtue and water as xing, expresses the profound feelings of grandpa and grandmother.

Everything is the same as in the impression, except that the placement of some furniture is different from the impression.

In particular, facing the gate, the original two stone pillars were transformed into two huge cylindrical aquarium bathtubs, from the ground to the ceiling on the second floor, connected by a horizontal cylindrical tank in the middle to open the fish tanks on both sides so that the fish can be free Swim around the fish tank on the left and right.

It is daytime, and the lighting effect is not obvious. If you turn off all the lights at night, leaving only the lighting in the fish tank, the effect will be even better. The beautiful underwater world is presented in front of you, no matter at any angle. You can admire the graceful posture of the fish, as well as the bright and beautiful living corals. On the left is the pink coral shaped like a branch, and on the right is the coral reef that has been formed. The shapes of purple, green and red are different. The clown fish Nemo is walking through it. , Seems to be chasing an ornamental shrimp.

Seeing Yang Cheng dumbfounded at his masterpiece, Liu Muqian couldn't help but proudly said, "How about? This design is good, right? People always like to raise something when they are old, and I don’t like your grandpa who likes to play cats and dogs. Saying that my friend got an aquarium, I went to visit it and found it to be good, so Ah Fu found someone to build this fish tank, which cost tens of millions. Fortunately, the results were satisfactory."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Grandpa, the company that built you this tropical fish tank must have done a loss-making business. The huge living coral alone is not worth a million, not to mention this special fish tank."

He stepped forward and knocked on the wall of the cylinder, almost as thick as the bulletproof glass, and it was glass that could block the bullets of anti-material sniper guns.

"That's none of my business. This is their offer. I also paid the full amount. They lost their luck."

Hearing Liu Muqian's rogue saying, Yang Cheng finally knew who inherited his rogue gene.

Compared to when I was young, there are many more flowers and plants in the living room, and it looks full of vitality, which shows that external justice often does not work hard.

Sitting on the dignified and stable mahogany sofa, Yang Cheng looked at the ceiling, imagining how lonely it would be to live alone in this huge villa on a fair day.

If it weren't for Uncle Fu's company, what's the meaning of this day?

No wonder at this age, grandpa had to take care of the company's affairs himself. I have to say that this is also a way to kill time.

"Why are you sitting down? Aren't you going to eat?"

Liu Muqian also sat down and looked at his grandson lovingly.

Yang Orange shook his head, "Grandpa, or you still move to New York to live with us?"

Liu Muqian has lived for most of his life. To put it bluntly, the loess is almost buried in his neck, how can he not guess what his grandson is thinking?

"No, I'm fine by myself. I like Jingjing, but when there are too many people, I feel depressed. Don't you have Ah Fu to accompany you? Don't worry about me~"

If he said this before, Yang Cheng would definitely let him go, but this time he deeply felt that people need to be accompanied when they grow old, but the reality does not allow their family to move to Xiangjiang. This is the embarrassment of the problem.

"My dad is also persuading grandpa to live in New York, and then he will buy you a manor on Long Island and build the room according to your preferences. If anything happens, we can take care of him nearby."

Grandpa smiled and shook his head, "Children, everyone has an old day. This is a process that a person must go through in his life. You can't be afraid of this process. Even if you are alone, you can enjoy it. In fact, it is not a big deal. .

My daily life is very fulfilling. I get up in the morning, take a walk in the garden and do a set of Tai Chi, come back for breakfast, go to the company after breakfast, read the news, read the newsletter, and see the guests who make an appointment. If necessary If we have lunch together at noon.

In the afternoon, either go home to fiddle with the flowers, feed the fish, or have tea and play chess with old friends, the day quickly passed. "

Yang Cheng didn’t feel fulfilled, but rather sad. The sadness of the lonely old man is here. Of course, Liu Muqian is far from being lonely. Even if you don’t mention Fu Bo, there are servants and drivers in the manor, at least not. Will not be popular at all.

He wanted to continue to persuade him, but grandpa didn't give him a chance at all, and pulled him to his feet, "Eat first, and then say something after eating."

Yang Cheng reluctantly followed his grandfather to the Plates of exquisite dishes were placed on the round table. There were many kinds of dishes, but the amount was not large. Basically, they were 2-3 bites per person.

The chef of the manor was recruited by his grandfather from his hometown. The craftsmanship is very good. He has politely refused several proposals to help him open a store. Because the grandfather gave them a way to survive, this kind of kindness takes a lifetime to repay, so these two decades have been In the manor service, I have never mentioned leaving once.

In a blink of an eye, the old chef was almost 60 years old this year, and when he was about to retire, he was persuaded by Fubo to start with his apprentice. After he retired, the apprentice would take over the catering of the manor.

"Too rich~" Yang Cheng sighed.

Grandpa laughed without saying a word, while Fubo was directing the servants to serve meals, he helped to explain, "Knowing the news you are about to come, the master sends the driver and the chef out to buy groceries as soon as possible, and what you do is what you loved when you were a kid. Taste the dishes, the taste has not changed."

I didn't pay much attention to it. Just seeing the richness of the dishes, Uncle Fu said that, sure enough, they were all the dishes I liked to eat when I was young. I didn't expect my grandpa to remember them. . .

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