Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1255: Taikoo Group

"Richard, you won, I was lucky too."

She is really lucky. She always thinks that the gems of victory are beautiful. Women are creatures with good looks and always have a preference for beautiful things. Just like girls like Mercedes-Benz far more than BMW, without mentioning technology, face and the like. Isn't it because Mercedes-Benz has a high profile?

Of course, just the beauty of her face is not enough to make her make up her mind. It is mainly Yang Cheng’s words that the victory gem is not weak, but the rider is not in good condition that made her decide to buy the victory gem. Who would want to buy it? Just hit?

"Haha, you don't need to be humble, luck is also part of your strength, Miss Liu won the big prize, remember to treat~"

Little Superman was meant to be teasing, but Yang Cheng was very protective of her own woman, and said in an angry voice, "Those who should have lost treats, save money and avoid disaster~"

Distracted by Yang Cheng's strong words, she didn't want to talk, Liu Yifei couldn't help but patted Yang Cheng, "It's okay, I would have a treat if I won the money."

Yang Cheng didn't care, "What's the rush, there are still many games behind."

Little Superman gave a thumbs up, "This is right. This is just the beginning. I have a hunch that I will be able to hit a big one today."

He is not greedy for that little money, but mainly to enjoy the process!

The first and second minutes of the game passed in a flash, but there was a half-hour break in the middle. One was to make it easier for people to place bets, and the other was to give everyone a time to relax. Go to the toilet and buy snacks. Not all for horse betting. , Recreation is the main purpose. Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

"By the way, I heard that you set up an oil company in the UK?" Little Superman suddenly asked after eating some snacks.

Yang Cheng was whispering to Concubine Liu Yifei at the temple. Hearing this question, he subconsciously hummed, but then reacted, "How did you know?"

"Hey, there is no impermeable wall in the world. Delta Air Lines' earnings have risen sharply in recent months, and its stock price has also risen steadily. Investors analyzed the reasons and quickly discovered that Delta Air Lines' fuel expenditures are decreasing month by month, and the profits are natural Just grow.

It's all about buying gas, so why does Delta buy it cheaply? Following the vines, you quickly discovered the North Sea Petroleum established by you and Abu and others, and it can provide jet fuel nearly 10% below the market price. "

After a pause, her eyes quickly glanced at Yang Cheng's face. Seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, she tentatively said, "So many airlines thought about trying to cooperate with Beihai Petroleum."

Yang Cheng knows how to draw inferences, "Are you a shareholder of Cathay Pacific?"

Little Superman's face is calm, "It's just a small shareholder~"

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, "So, Cathay Pacific wants to buy Beihai Petroleum products?"

"Why not? Aviation companies all over the world are pursuing revenue and reducing expenditures, and find ways to reduce expenditures. Why don't they try it?" "W~w~

It stands to reason that Yang Cheng should have no hesitation in agreeing to this kind of cooperation invitation, but he didn't think much about it. The main shareholder of Cathay Pacific, Taigu Group, is notorious in the hearts of the people of Z.

The Taiko Group is one of the four major foreign firms in Hong Kong in the past. It made its fortune by exploiting the people of Country Z and committed unforgivable crimes in Country Z. So far, it has not given a reasonable explanation. Although Yang Cheng likes money , But not all money will be earned.

The history of this British-funded foreign company can be traced back to more than 180 years ago. The founder was a cloth merchant and started as a textile factory. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the wool industry began to decline, and the founder brought his descendants to Liverpool. , And followed the ocean-going fleet to country Z. At that time, country Z was still under the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty. Although it was in a closed state, it did not completely cut off contact with the outside world.

It was at that time that Taikoo International Co., Ltd. first saw its scale. It bought tea and silk from country Z and returned to the UK, and then exported textiles from the UK to country Z. After buying and selling, they quickly accumulated huge capital.

However, Taikoo's ambitions did not stop there. It soon became involved in the trafficking of Chinese laborers. At that time, human trafficking made more money than tea silks.

Human trafficking to Chinese was called piglet selling. This was a peculiar phenomenon in the 19th century when the labor of country Z went abroad. It mainly took the form of "indentured labor". At that time, a large number of people from country Z were kidnapped by kidnapping and sold abroad. As coolies, these overseas Chinese workers are called "pigs". In overseas manors and mines, the Chinese workers lead an inhuman life, with a mortality rate of 40 to 70%.

Taikoo had 15 "piggy halls" in Shantou that year, and the scope of its power is quite large. The task of these "piggy halls" is to lure, abduct and even kidnap the country Z coolies, using special ones similar to slave ships. The armed ships of the country are transported to Malacca, and then transported to the South African islands in the Caribbean Sea and even the Americas. The local plantations and the dirty work of all kinds of mining require a lot of these labors.

Working conditions, living conditions, and medical conditions are not at all mentioned. It can be said to be very bad. There is also oppression and abuse by white capitalists. Many Chinese workers have died on the road or in plantations.

And every time the coolie steamer sails out, Taikoo Ocean will get the income of 25,000 Mexican Eagle Ocean. This business will continue until the establishment of the new country Z before it is declared to collapse. Taikoo Ocean Bank’s business in Gd is also taken over by ZF. Incorporated, the trading bank closed.

This is not the worst. The last thing that should not be forgotten by the people of Country Z is that Taigu's activities in the Yangtze River area directly caused the "Wanxian Ninth Five-Year Massacre" that shocked China and foreign countries.

It was 1926. When the Taigu company "Wanliu" merchant ship was passing through the YY River in Sichuan Province, it encountered three wooden ships carrying military salaries from the local warlords. The "Wanliu" merchant ship was deliberately sprinting, relying on the size of its own ship. The rolled up Jiang Lang sank all three wooden ships carrying Yang Sen's military pay, resulting in the drowning of more than 50 soldiers and boat people under the warlord, and more than 100,000 yuan in payment and an unknown number of guns sank to the bottom of the river.

At that time, the warlord had just stepped in and took up the post of Sichuan Province. It was when the spring breeze was proud, who would have been so humiliated.

In order to retaliate against the British Taigu Company, when the two vessels "Wantong" and "Wanxian" under the Taigu Company arrived in Wanxian from Shancheng, the warlord sent troops to detain the two British ships.

While sending warships to Wanxian, the British consul sent an ultimatum to the warlord, but the warlord was unmoved.

So, desperate, the British sent a warship to the shore in Wanxian, shot and killed the warlord’s subordinates who guarded and detained the ship, and robbed the detained merchant ship.

But the British were still puzzled. They also ordered the gun muzzle of the general ship to aim at the densely populated area of ​​Wanxian, where the most unarmed and ordinary people lived, and they carried out shelling for three hours. In this shelling, thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed and injured, and more than a thousand houses and shops were destroyed. This is the "Wanxian Ninth Five-Year Massacre" that shocked China and foreign countries.

After the liberation of the Taikoo Group, it withdrew from the mainland of Country Z and retreated to Xiangjiang, where they once landed in the East. Just around 1949, Cathay Pacific, which was established by American businessmen less than two years ago, fell into an economic crisis. Take the opportunity to buy nearly half of its equity.

At that time, the war had just ended. Taigu took advantage of the trend to beckon many retired pilots who had been on the battlefield during World War II, and the airlines developed smoothly. After decades of development, Cathay Pacific became more mature and became the Asian aviation market. Indispensable part.

Of course, aviation is only one of the main businesses of Taikoo Group, but not all.

The British Taikoo Group has more than 130,000 employees all over the world, and its core businesses are mostly located in the Asia Pacific region. Among them, Hong Kong and Z Mainland are the main operating locations. The business covers real estate, aviation, beverage and food chain, marine services, trade, etc. According to incomplete statistics, its assets in the Greater China market account for 85% of all assets, and the total market value of companies listed in Hong Kong alone exceeds 200 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The size of the Taiko-based non-listed company is unclear to industry analysts. It can be said to be very large. I am afraid that apart from its family's direct lineage, even foreign relatives may not be able to figure it out.

It is worth mentioning that the founding family of Taigu, the Shi Huai Ya family, has been passed down to the seventh generation. It can be described as a rich and aristocratic in the true sense, but the famous sayings of three generations have not been fulfilled in this Regardless, Yang Cheng couldn't give a good impression of Taiku and Shi Huaiya, let alone cooperate with them, just like their surnames, the ability to deal with bad things is one by one, who would cooperate with a group of bad habitual criminals?

Of course, if the other party sincerely asks Yang Cheng to acquire Cathay Pacific, then Yang Cheng promises that he will seriously consider it.

However, there seems little hope at the moment, and the Taigu family is not short of money, so how can they sell their core assets?

"Richard, if you are a lobbyist for the Shi Huaiya family, I advise you to save a little bit of saliva, I don't want to cooperate with the criminal family." Yang Cheng expressed his attitude very clearly, making Superman embarrassed.

"Don't be jason, we are businessmen. Besides, the past has become history. It doesn't make sense to pursue it, right? At least the Shihuaiya family has a very good attitude towards China."

Yang Cheng snorted, "Nonsense, don't look at how much money they make in Country Z, even if they pretend to be grandchildren, they have to bear it."

He didn’t say nonsense. No one knows how many assets the Taigu Group has in country Z. At least on the face of it, the distribution rights of Coca-Cola in country Z are owned by Taigu. In addition, the famous Taigu Town, Taiguhui, Taigucang and other regional projects spread all over the country Z, covering all of the land in the core area of ​​the local area, and taking the boutique route. The style is quite high and it is absolutely invisible.

Little Superman didn't know how to answer the conversation. Yang Cheng's attitude towards Shi Huaiya's family was quite resistant.

So he stopped talking about the Taikoo Group, and just talked about Cathay Pacific.

"Jason, the development of Guotai has entered a downturn and needs to be changed in time. From another perspective, this is also a good opportunity for bargaining. Are you really not tempted?"

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