Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1262: 1 trick to eat fresh

"Who made you not celebrities? Don't you know that the peninsula is famous for watching people eat dishes?"

This is not contempt or sarcasm, but reverse spit.

The peninsula’s service has always looked at your face. The quality of service and the taste of the food are directly proportional to your fame and status. The first-line heavenly kings can naturally get the best quality service and the meals carefully cooked by the chef; the eighteenth-line small Stars still want to enjoy the same treatment as the king? Go home and dream. If you don't realize the gap, how can you seem to be too high?

If the two girls are asked to taste the handicap of Yang Cheng and their table, and there are waiters who pretend to be wandering not far away, they will definitely shout, "This tm is the real Peninsula afternoon tea~" Qiqi novels will be published on the whole network.

Of course, this is just a small episode. Yang Cheng quickly regained her attention and chatted with Paul Cadeland. Everyone present had no problems with English, so the conversation atmosphere at this table was very ‘peninsula’~

"Paul, has the "Mulan" project started?" Mr. Jiang asked.

Paul Cadeland was drinking black tea, his eyes swept across the faces of several people, "This is a trade secret~"

Jiang Zhiqiang looked at Yang Cheng and signaled that it was time for you to speak.

Yang Cheng helplessly said, "Paul, there are no outsiders here. We are likely to participate in the project in the future. Besides, if I want to inquire, I can also inquire, but there is no need to waste time." Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Paul Cadeland chuckled, "Well, the "Mulan" project team has been preparing since last year and is currently slowly advancing. Our plan is to start shooting in 2018 and officially release it in 2020."

"So it's time to determine the leading role now, right?" Jiang Dao asked.

Paul Cadeland was vague, "The supporting role is as important as the leading role."

"Paul, do you want to go back to the United States?"

Paul Cadeland's eyes flickered, "If there is a chance, why not?"

The same routine was used by Yang Cheng on Vincent Brooks, commander of jun in Korea and the United States. For these Americans who are stationed overseas, it is definitely a huge temptation to return to the United States before retirement. One trick is eaten all over the world, and there is no need to be a fool to have a successful routine.

Of course, Paul Cadeland is far from retiring, but after so many years abroad, he should have returned to the United States as a vice president in terms of qualifications, but he has still been assigned overseas, even here he can enjoy a high level. The authority of the headquarters, but there is a psychological gap between the headquarters and overseas branches.

"You know, Mr. Iger's work at Disney has entered the countdown. He also wants to go further and develop in another field. I can help him. By the way, it is not a big problem to ask for a letter of recommendation to transfer you back to headquarters."

Paul Cadeland finally took it seriously, with his arms propped on the table, his upper body leaned forward, "Mr. Iger's letter of recommendation is equivalent to a transfer order."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. The exchange of benefits is also a matter of learning. The benefits must be delivered to people in order to achieve results, otherwise it will easily have a counterproductive effect.

Now that the other party had already moved, the initiative was naturally handed over to Yang Cheng, she shrugged calmly, and directly pointed out, "Yes, so you think about it. My condition is very simple. Crystal becomes the heroine of the project, Jiang He served as one of the Chinese producers of the project and helped the crew manage the Chinese actors.

You know, Mr. Jiang is a very good producer, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is Mr. Jiang's work, and his ability is beyond doubt. "

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is one of the most influential Chinese-language films in the West, and almost no practitioners understand it.

Sure enough, Paul Cadeland nodded his head. "Of course, I never doubted this, but it's probably not enough to become one of the main producers~"

Mr. Jiang immediately said, "My company can be responsible for the promotion in Asia~"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, Jiang Jiang was anxious.

In the next second, Paul Cadeland shook his head and said, "Disney's publicity ability is not weak in any place in the world and does not require outside help."

Mr. Jiang also realized that because of his urgency, Yang Cheng's slightly dominant aura was reduced, he glanced at Yang Cheng apologetically, closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Yang Cheng didn't want to show his hole cards directly with Paul Cadeland, but if he wanted to get his full support, it would be impossible if he didn't bring out something shocking.

"There is one thing you may not be clear about. New Era Pictures once discussed with Mr. Iger about investing in "Mulan"~"

Paul Cadeland apparently hadn't heard of the news, "What happened?"

Yang Cheng put his left hand on the back of the chair where Liu Yifei was leaning, and he hugged it from Paul Cadelan's perspective.

"There is no result for the time being, but Mr. Iger said that he would seriously consider it because we still have the cooperation of "The Avengers"."


Paul Cadeland showed distrust more or less. He didn't think the head office would take out the cornucopia of projects to share with But this is the case. Paul Cadeland doesn’t believe it or believes it. Yang Cheng would make jokes about this kind of thing, because it is too easy to prove, just a phone call.

"Yes, you heard that right. New Era Pictures will participate in the investment in the "Avengers" project. This is the basis for the continued cooperation between you and us.

Don't forget that the core of the story of "Mulan" is Eastern culture. If this project is to be successful, it must achieve great success in the Z market. In this regard, no matter how powerful Disney is, no one of us understands our own people.

Both Mr. Jiang and I have enough strength to help the project "Mulan" go further in the Z country market.

Therefore, I am sitting in the position of Mr. Iger. In order to increase the success rate of the project, it is completely conceivable to introduce my partner. "

Paul Cadeland had to admit that he was persuaded by Yang Orange, provided that he promised him and transferred back to the United States? Like he said, if there is a chance, why not?

He knows that his career is at the peak of his career. If he just wastes his talent overseas, he may not be reconciled for the rest of his life.

Coupled with Yang Cheng's rhetoric and reasons, Paul Cadeland felt that cooperating with Yang Cheng had more advantages than disadvantages.

He sighed, "Maybe, Mr. Yang, we should cooperate this time."

Concubine Liu Yi's mother and daughter beamed with joy, but quickly lowered their heads, not wanting to be misunderstood about their frivolity.

"Yes, everything is difficult at the beginning. If we succeed this time, there will be a second and third time in the future, Paul, I am optimistic about your development at Disney. With my support, you will definitely go further. "

These words are purely drawing pie, and I don't want to think of myself as an outsider. Why should I decide the affairs of Disney? He is not the son of God~

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