Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1280: CEO candidates for fashion companies

The so-called G5 Alliance is also an alliance of prestigious universities similar to the American Ivy, including Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College London, University College London, London School of Economics and Political Science, also known as "G5 Super Elite" universities, these five universities are the United Kingdom The top universities, unaffected by rankings, do not lose their status, representing the top scientific research strength, quality of teachers and students, and economic strength in the UK.

Among them, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College London and University College London occupy the top ten in the world university rankings all the year round. In a way, the quality of the G5 alliance is a bit higher than the Ivy League. Of course, this does not mean anything. .

Being recognized by the proud sons of the G5 Alliance, Yang Cheng is gratified. This means that New Era Media has truly become a world-class corporate brand, not just a small workshop that only knows how to chant slogans at the initial stage.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the 10% admission rate is not high. After all, the majority of those who can stand out in the end are graduates from top universities. These elites will become the mainstay of society in the future, if they can be branded by the new era of media. What a proud thing will be.

"OK, then follow the original plan~"

"I thank the boss for his generosity for those simple and simple students~" Martinez gave a flattering in a timely manner.

I have been dormant in Coca-Cola for so many years, and I haven't learned anything else. It's a trivial achievement how to obey the elders of the board of directors.

Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee, and she didn't even think about it when she heard too much flattering.

"By the way, is there a scope for the CEO candidates for fashion companies?"

Martinez hurriedly sat up straight, "I was about to talk about this. At present, the headhunter has given a few alternatives, but even I have not passed this level, so there is no need to submit it for review."

Yang Cheng lifted his legs and said, "The position of the CEO would rather be empty than rushed to decide. Although the position of the fashion company in the entire group is not high, it will definitely become a cash cow in the future. Like sports companies, they will be listed first. A good CEO is an important factor in ensuring the stability of the stock price."

Martinez echoed, “It is for this reason that our personnel department has been unable to decide the final candidate. At present, the preliminary structure of the fashion company has been completed, and it will gradually take over the fashion resources handed over by 4D Space.

The leaders of all departments are transferred from the headquarters of the media group. It is precisely because of the deployment of this wave of people that I have the confidence to accept hundreds of new employees at the same time. "

"Well done, but the choice of CEO still has to speed up. A huge ship without a captain at the helm is absolutely impossible."

"In fact, I initially delineated two candidates, one is Coach Vice President Sebastian, who came from the public relations department and gradually became the Vice President and Media Director in charge of coach brand marketing. He is 47 years old this year. The golden age of management talents is also my most promising candidate."

Yang Cheng also agreed with this candidate in his heart, but the reason for the failure must be that there was a problem.

Sure enough, Martinez said, "However, Sebastian himself is not optimistic about the fashion company we have established. In short, the size is too small~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, but then said dumbfounded, "I can't refute this reason~"

Martinez also laughed and said, "Yes, although we have just acquired everlane, plus the marcjacobs and Beckham brands, we add to a large volume that does not have coaches, and we are not interested in these brands. Without 100% management power, Sebastian can't let go of his hands and feet even if he comes."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This is not a problem. If he is really capable and holds all these brands in our hands, I will definitely applaud him~"

"I will convey it, but I don't think he will change his attitude because of this."

Yang Cheng sighed, "Where is the second candidate?"

“Elsa Mellen, a designer with a strange personality, has been tossing six major blue blood brands, and has been highly praised by Mr. Karl Lagerfeld, but this woman’s personality is elusive, and I have contacted her for the first time. At the time, she made a request that was difficult for me to accept, clearly pointing out that she should have no less than 10% of the company’s shares and the corresponding voting rights, and also asked us to help her create a luxury brand named after her."

The blue blood in Martinez's mouth is actually a symbol of social status. Europeans often use blue blood to represent European aristocrats and famous people. The "blue blood aristocracy" originated from the Spanish royal family.

The ancient Spaniards believed that there was blue blood flowing on the nobles. At that time, the ancient Castilian nobles claimed that their blood was the most noble and pure. Later, the concept of "blue blood" extended to the six blue-blooded nobles in the fashion industry. These six positions are the elite models of luxury goods, including Chanel, Dior, LV, Prada and CK.

A designer has worked for two or even three of them in her lifetime, and she can play for a lifetime, but she has left her footprints in all six of them. It is worthwhile to have fun. Martinez has repeatedly mentioned her weird personality. How weird is that? Can the major brands keep this talented designer?

But Yang Cheng rummaged through the memory and was sure that he had never heard of the name. It stands to reason that he should have heard of this kind of person even if he didn't know him. Don't be a foreigner with a gossip heart, such a personality, past deeds. It should have been spread throughout the fashion circle long ago.

As for the two requests she made, in Yang Cheng's view, only the second is the ultimate goal, and the first is just an excuse for bargaining.

"Let's continue to investigate, and neither of the two candidates should give up, keep in touch."

After speaking, he took a sip from the coffee cup again.

Martinez knew that this meant seeing off the guests, so he didn't leave any more, and ate away the coffee in the cup, and left the office.

Yang Cheng pondered for a while, but still couldn't resist curiosity, and called his mother.

"Oh, it's rare to receive a call from Liu Yun is not serious about making fun of her son.

Yang Cheng covered his face. Even though he was the only one in the office at this time, he felt ashamed to lose face to the whole world.

"Mom, are you busy?"

"Fortunately, you can talk about something~"

"That's right, I want to ask you about it, Elsa Mellon, do you know this person? It is said that I have stayed in all major luxury brands."

"Elsa Melon?" Liu Yun asked in surprise, "Why do you remember asking this person?"

Yang Cheng smiled, "So you really know mom?"

"Hehe, no one in the fashion circle doesn't know her. Talent is proportional to temper. No one can stand her. If I meet her without 10 words, I will break up."

Because of emotion and reason, Yang Cheng would not think it was his mother's problem, but he was still curious, what did this Elsa do? It makes people angry~

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