Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1329: Residual fragrance 1

I made a phone call and called Luo Yue down. This is the lunch break, so I don't have to worry about affecting work.

"Why are you here?" Luo Yue exclaimed in surprise from a few meters away.

Yang Cheng smiled and beckoned to her, waited for Luo Yue to get in the car, and sent a hot kiss without hesitation, "I will come if I miss you~"

Luo Yue kept rubbing his arms in a straightforward love story.

"I don't believe it~" Luo Yue pretended to be arrogant.

Yang Cheng laughed, "Believe it or not, I'm here too, facts speak louder than words."

Luo Yue was just joking. Yang Cheng suddenly came to see her. She was too late to be surprised. How could she be angry.

"It's a pity, I still have to go to work this afternoon, so I can't accompany you." Luo Yue pouted.

Yang Cheng rubbed her little head, "It's okay, go straight to the manor after get off work in the evening, and I will go back to New York tomorrow."

"Leave so soon?"

"Yeah, the company still has things to deal with. I have said that I wanted you to come here to see you." Yang Cheng bit the sentence.

Luo Yue waved his hand in disgust, "I know, I know~"

"Then I'll go back to work, see you tonight."

"Well, go, see you tonight~"

After kissing goodbye, he watched Luo Yue enter the door of the company, and then sped away with the throttle.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, Luo Yue walked out from the gate again, looking at the direction he was leaving, his face was a little pale and his expression was inexplicable.

Yang Cheng patronizes to surprise his fiancee, but she sheds a light on her, forgetting that she had just separated from Concubine Liu, and she still had the fragrance of a woman on her body. This smell is so weak that most people will not notice at all, but women know women best At the moment when she hugged Luo Yue, she smelled the faint fragrance, which was a perfume brand that Luo Yue rarely used.

So where does the fragrance come from? The answer is ready.

However, Luo Yue was clever and didn't break through, and he concealed it well, so Yang Cheng didn't find anything unusual.

Standing at the door for not knowing how long, Luo Yue sighed deeply. She liked Yang Cheng, even to the level of love, but she was not an ordinary girl, she was burdened by family pressure, and she must not question like an ordinary girl. Turn your face.

Once the two fall out, the marriage contract will be broken, and Yang Cheng will still be the beloved diamond king, but what about her? Continue to assume the important task of family marriage and marry an old man who can't speak well?哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

No, it's impossible. Luo Yue doesn't want to live such a repressive life. Instead of marrying an old man, he might as well turn a blind eye to Yang Cheng's love. As long as she doesn't take the initiative to die, no one can shake Madam Yang's identity.

After making the decision, Luo Yue regained a relaxed face, and his sorrow was deeply buried in his eyes.

. . .

After leaving Luo Yue's company, Yang Cheng didn't know anything about it. On the contrary, she was still humming in a good mood, and the sea breeze was very pleasant.

I had nothing to do in the afternoon. I called David Ellison, a good friend I hadn't seen for a long time. After asking his location, he killed him.

There is a parking lot next to the West Hollywood Library. After Yang Cheng parked the car, he went to the counter on the first floor to exchange for a key card, and then took the elevator to the top floor. A wide tennis court came into view under the cloudless sky. , Hollywood and Beverly Hills have a direct view, playing on this court is definitely a visual enjoyment.

The stadium was wrapped up by David Ellison and others. Yang Cheng was spotted by him as soon as he walked out, waving his racket and shouting, "Hey, buddy, come soon, just waiting for you."

Yang Cheng smiled and walked closer. Among the 10 people, apart from David Ellison, Tom Cruise was a familiar face, and the rest did not know him.

"Good afternoon, Tom~"

"Good afternoon, jason~"

The two shook hands, and David Ellison didn't bother to introduce others. It seemed that it was either his employee or the person from Tom Cruise. There was no need to know him.

"Hurry up and change your clothes and play off the court. Are you ready? I'm going to torture you in three sets~" David Ellison said provocatively.

Yang Cheng didn't take the bait at all, she looked absurd, "You abuse yourself, I won't play with you, are you crazy, play tennis when the sun is full in the afternoon?"

David Ellison was dumbfounded, and what he said made sense.

Tom Cruise helped to clear the siege, no, no, it was more accurate to say that it was a fill-up, "I don't fight, you play slowly, I will chat with Jason for a while."

No matter what David Ellison's reaction is, he pulled Yang Cheng to sit under the umbrella, took a bottle of iced juice from the ice bucket and handed it over, "Did you drive? Stop drinking~"

Yang Cheng thanked him and drank his mouth and asked in confusion, "Why do you have free time to play tennis with David?"

"It's not about the movie." Tom Cruise said.

As long as this guy doesn't talk about benefits with him, he can still talk very well in private.

Yang Cheng's heart moved, "Mission Impossible 6?"

"No, a classic sequel." Tom Cruise smiled mysteriously.

"Do you want to play a guessing game?"

"Ha~ well, it's "High Aspiration""

Yang Cheng opened her eyes wide and made no secret of her love for this movie. "Are you going to remake a sequel to "Rising Clouds"? Oh my God, I am a big fan of this were in F14 back then. Looks so handsome." Qiqi novels are published on the whole network

"Yeah, I am also looking forward to it." Tom Cruise was full of emotion, thinking that he was still a small meat back then, and now he is almost 60.

"So, has the project been approved? When will the shooting start?" Yang Cheng asked concerned.

"In fact, Director Scott had the idea of ​​making a sequel as early as 2010, but the script was interrupted because of his death as soon as the script took shape."

Tom Cruise's narration was very calm, but Yang Cheng could still see the sadness in his eyes.

"I think I have a responsibility to help Director Scott fulfill his last wishes, so I have been actively promoting this project over the years, but Paramount has only recently let go."

Yang Cheng frowned. The classic sequel is usually the most popular project in Hollywood. He doesn't understand what Paramount has to worry about. To ask who has the best feelings in Hollywood today, Tom Cruise bears the brunt.

"Is it a funding issue?" He began to wonder if it was possible to intervene in this project.

Tom Cruise nodded, "There are factors in this area, but not all of them, and the script problem. After all, the age span is too large. At that time, Medellin could fly a fighter plane in the sky, but now let Medellin Lin continues to fly, how to say that the plot design is reasonable will be the key to this sequel."

Yang Cheng nodded and said that he understood, "If it is a financial problem, New Era Pictures can solve it. Through the cooperation of the Mission: Impossible project, you should know something about us."

"Of course, I don't doubt the strength of New Era Pictures, but the copyright of this film is in Paramount's hands. I have no right to speak."

After a pause, it seemed that there was no harm in introducing a third investor, and he added, "If you have the intention, I can recommend it on your behalf."

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