Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1331: With acting 1

Yang Cheng parked the car on the side of the road, closed his eyes, and seriously recalled what happened when he met Luo Yue at noon.

Scenes are paused and played continuously in Yang Cheng's sea of ​​memories like movie scenes.

Finally, the picture freezes, Luo Yue frowns indistinctly before getting out of the car, this scene stays in his mind clearly, Yang Cheng slowly opened his eyes, and took a sigh of relief.

I was careless. I was really careless. I just separated from Concubine Liu. The fragrance will inevitably be on my body. This fragrance is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish, but women are very sensitive to the fragrance, especially the perfume Liu Yifei uses is very unique. , Is not a common mainstream brand on the market, nor is Luo Yue's favorite perfume brand.

It was because of this small negligence that Luo Yue became suspicious.

However, the matter has not reached the point of being irreversible. Luo Yue did not take the initiative to clarify the matter, and chose to fabricate reasons to try to perfuse the past. The key is that Yang Cheng also realized the problem, which gave him time to solve the problem.

Although Luo Yue had something to say to him first and didn’t care about the women outside him, but one size fits one size, it’s fine if you don’t know. If discovered, no matter how magnanimous a woman is, I’m afraid it will be difficult to accept it calmly, unless the other party doesn’t. To love you is to be with you for another purpose.

Therefore, from a certain perspective, Luo Yue's anger is a comforting thing for Yang Cheng.

Of course, he will not let this problem ferment in Luo Yue's heart. After a long time, it will become a knot that is difficult to solve. If the knot cannot be solved, will life in the next few decades have to face an actor?

This is not what Yang Cheng needs. Therefore, this matter must be resolved immediately and immediately, and Luo Yue has to make his own happy knot instead of asking for forgiveness through Yang Cheng's explanation and apology.

How to do it Yang Cheng's eyes rolled around, and she had an idea. Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

But this idea requires the cooperation of an actress. Liu Yifei certainly can't. She is the ‘culprit’, and he has feelings for Liu Yifei.

After pondering for a long time, he found Wang Keying's number in the address book and dialed it out.

"Mr. Yang?" Wang Keying's voice was a little confused, but Yang Cheng hadn't contacted her for a long time.

"It's me, where are you now? Come out and meet you if it's convenient?"

Wang Keying hesitated for a while, "I'm at home, but I have an appointment at night, so..."

Yang Cheng interrupted immediately, "It's okay, it won't take you too long. I ask you for a small matter, can I go to you now?"

Having said that, Wang Keying had no reason to refuse, she could only reluctantly agreed, "Well, I'll be waiting for you at home~"

After hanging up the phone, he immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Wang Keying's house. Fortunately, it was not far from here, and it took 10 minutes to reach the apartment that Wang Keying rented downstairs.

Going upstairs with memory and rang the doorbell. After a while, Wang Keying opened the door facing the sky and invited Yang Cheng in.

"Why is it so urgent?" Wang Keying asked in confusion.

She hasn't had time to make-up. The plain makeup looks far less heroic than the screen, but the mixed-race face guarantees the lower limit of her appearance. Even without makeup, she is above the horizontal line, and the smooth skin makes her look very good. Spiritually, the orange sunset on the coast of Santa Monica came in obliquely, hitting her face, looking very delicate and charming.

However, now anxious to solve the fiancée's knot, Yang Cheng can't think twice.

He stopped sitting and said straightforwardly, "Because of some things, I had a little conflict with my fiancée. I don't want this conflict to be magnified, so I would like to ask you to cooperate in a play to resolve her doubts."

Wang Keying stared at Yang Cheng blankly, apparently he hadn't expected this request, and it was a bit absurd, what the hell?

You have a conflict with your fiancee, why should I cooperate with the show?

Just about to refuse, Yang Cheng spoke again and gave her a reason not to refuse, "Do you know Disney's big production "Mulan"?"

Wang Keying was taken aback, wondering what the relationship had between the two.

But it doesn't matter, Yang Cheng has already actively explained, "This is a live-action film remade based on cartoons. It is an important part of Disney's Oriental plan. The investment cost belongs to the first-line commercial production, and the cast and the resources invested are guaranteed.

It just so happens that my company also has investments in it, and I will leave you with a supporting role. "

Yang Cheng has always been adhering to the principle of fair trade. If you help me, I will give you the corresponding reward. Everyone will not suffer a loss, and the relationship will be harmonious. Those who don’t even pay for food, take, and take will never get followers. Recognition.

However, he still didn't finish his words, "Besides, you have a fight with me. I have bought this house. When you have time, you will find a lawyer to complete the transfer procedure, so you won't have to worry about the rent in the future."

If the first condition is equivalent to an unknown future, then the second condition is real and can get the benefits, she knows the price of this property.

After two pieces of cake were thrown out, Wang Keying's last doubts were also thrown out of the sky. The benefits are right in front of her. All she needs to pay is to cooperate with the acting.

From the moment she met Yang Cheng, Wang Keying knew that she and Yang Cheng could not have a future, and even a long script could not be written. In that case, why not take advantage of it?

With this in mind, self-esteem is not important.

He simply agreed, "Well, how do you want me to cooperate?"

Yang Cheng laughed. He likes to negotiate deals with smart people. Everyone takes what they need, and don’t delay others. Of course, being greedy is not a good habit. Fortunately, Wang Keying is very sensible and has never actively asked for it. This is also Yang Orange is willing to give more benefits.

"Remember my words, this morning, I met you at the headquarters of New Era Pictures to discuss character issues. During the makeup, you accidentally touched the perfume bottle to the ground and broke it, and the perfume splashed all over. I will send you home by the way, and then we will leave."

After a pause, he asked seriously, "Remember?"

Wang Keying went through Yang Cheng's words in her mind, nodding her head, "Remember~"

In fact, there is no difficult content, which is nothing compared to the large lines that need to be remembered for acting.

"Very well, I am looking for a chance to make you unexpectedly appear next to my fiancée. I will send you a signal when the time comes. You only need to beautify what I say into your own language. You are so smart, I I believe you can do it, right?"

Yang Cheng's tone was unquestionably firm, and Wang Keying felt that if he made a mistake in this matter, Yang Cheng would definitely not let her go.

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