Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1341: Impressed you


Irene didn't know what to say, it was like a big rock blocking her chest, making her uncomfortable.

This is also the effect Yang Cheng needs. As an egoist, it is absolutely impossible to do good without leaving a name.

Yang Cheng deliberately said in an indifferent tone, "It's nothing. Asking for help always has to pay a price. It's just a petty favor. Just find an opportunity to pay it back."

The more relaxed he is, the heavier the burden on Irene's heart will be. He was originally unwilling to bother people. If it weren't for the sake of his teammates, he could endure this grievance. Why bother to Yang Orange?

Thinking of this, tears could no longer hold back, and the bank burst directly, and it was heartbreaking to cry.

Would it be too much to make Yang Cheng mutter inwardly.

"Oppa, sorry~"

Listening to Irene’s babble’s apology, Yang Cheng had no choice but to relieved, “No need to apologize, it’s really not a big deal. Favors were originally used to owe favors, and owing favors is also a skill, which proves that I still have the value of being used. ?"

"Um~ I see, thank you oppa, I will cherish the opportunity you gave us and perform well."

"Okay, come on, if you have time after the show, you can bring your teammates to New York. I will treat you to a big meal."

After chatting for a few more words, Yang Cheng hung up and exhaled heavily. It's really not easy to coax a woman, but she also had a little pride in her heart: Small thing, I am impressed by you!

. . .

Next day~

In the top-level office of the New Era Building, Yang Cheng was eating a vegetarian brunch while watching the live performance of the sxsw music festival through the webcast. Redvelvet was a morning performance. There were not many live audiences, but the atmosphere was great and beautiful. Just like lively, especially with manic rock music, it can make them crazy.

It’s just that the performance of the girl group from South Korea is another sensory stimulation. It can be seen that they enjoy it, but the state they show is not as crazy as listening to rock.

In general, the performance was considered a success. Seeing Irene dancing his hands and beating legs in the center of the stage, Yang Cheng still felt a little proud in his heart, as if the ancient emperor stepped on the Great Wall and pointed at the magnificent mountains and rivers. Said boldly: This is my world.

Seeing that there was another song, and the performance was about to end, Su Su suddenly knocked on the door and came in and reported, "The House family accepted our offer."

Yang Cheng didn’t lift his head and looked extremely calm. It is true that Condé Nast’s influence is not as good as before. The acquisition does not make him too excited, “I see, complete the share transfer procedures as soon as possible, and help me inform Ms. Wintour. Be prepared to take over as the CEO of Condé Nast at any time to help stabilize the group."

"Understood, besides, Mr. Ritz Khan has made an appointment to meet."

Yang Cheng said, "Let him come up in 10 minutes."

Susu was curious about what was in the computer that made Yang Cheng so attentive, and he didn't even look at her. Today, she dressed up specially and wanted to get Yang Cheng's praise.

result. . .

Pouting depressedly, seeing Yang Cheng still intently, stomped his feet angrily, shook Xiaoman's waist and left the office.

In the computer, Irene and the others are performing the latest hit single "Red Taste". The quality of the song is not good for Yang Cheng, but it sounds very toxic. This is the most important point of Korean pop music, and the degree of brainwashing is great. For artistry.

Of course, what fascinates Yang Cheng most is their choreography, with 5 pairs of big white legs flying in the air, dazzling more than the spotlight.

What is a beautiful meal? This is, Yang Cheng, who is fascinated by it, doesn't even want to eat rice.

Ten minutes later, Ryze opened the door and came in. Seeing that Yang Cheng hadn't noticed him, he whispered, "Boss?"

Yang Cheng suddenly recovered, put away the kind smile of the old father, and waved to Ritz, "Oh, you are here, sit down~"

At the same time, the computer display was turned off.

Pointing to the messy fast food box on the table, "Sorry, I got up late in the morning and I didn't have time to eat. It was a bit messy."

Of course Ryze didn't dare to say more, "This is no boss. If you don't finish eating, I'll go out and wait for a while?"

Yang Cheng smiled and waved, "No, are you here for Condé Nast?"

"No, Condé Nast Group has never been a problem~" This Indian has stayed with Yang Cheng for a long time, and also has a self-confident temperament. It seems that Condé Nast is like a cabbage. If you want to buy it, you can just buy it. Can be thrown.

"That's it?" Yang Cheng's eyes were puzzled. Could it be that something went wrong with rb? I haven't heard. Regarding Westinghouse Electric, the two maintain a 24-hour communication. If something happens, he should know it as soon as possible.

Ryze didn't sell it, and directly explained the reason, "Yes, I received an email from Kbp the day before yesterday, inviting me to join their organization. I have heard of it before, but I don't understand it, so I want to ask the boss for advice."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "kbp? kappabetaphi?"

These words are composed of Greek words, and their predecessor is pbk, which is phibetakappa.

Of course, it is the predecessor, but it should be accurately described that the former is an organization born to satirize the latter. PBK itself is an academic elite organization, similar to the well-known university brotherhood, and the latter is a branch of Wall Street. In recruiting the top new bankers and investors from Wall Street to join.

This organization is very weird. Every time a newcomer joins the club, he has to wear exotic clothes for the entertainment of the old members, such as wearing skirts, high heels, wearing wigs, and even more, it also requires live pole dancing. In short, it is very trivial. Of course , The benefits and preferential treatment that can be enjoyed after joining the membership is also obvious, otherwise this organization cannot exist for 100 years.

He told Ryze what he knew, and then said, "If you want to join in, consider it yourself. I will not block it. After all, this is your freedom, but I must remind you that you are enjoying the generous treatment provided by the organization. , And be prepared to pay the same price in the future."

Ryze has smiled bitterly, "I was originally interested, but after hearing your introduction from the boss, I am no longer interested. I can't accept just wearing fancy clothes, let alone pole dancing."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Maybe I don't need to jump in, maybe I have never been in, so I can't guarantee whether this rumor is true or not, but I'm curious, why would kbp suddenly invite you to join in?"

"I'm also puzzled, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I delete the email when I go back."

"OK, you decide for yourself. In addition, you handled the Condé Nast acquisition very well, and I am very satisfied with the speed and results."

Ritz is not humble, and his work deserves such praise.

"But it really surprised me that the House family was able to let go so quickly."

"Actually, they were biting on the high price and not letting it go. I knew that their fundamental purpose was to raise the price, but this was not realistic at all, so I helped them to recognize the reality and let them realize the importance of getting the money quickly. ."

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded. It seemed that Ryze used some disgraceful means. As for the specifics, he was not interested. Anyway, the goal was achieved. The process is not important.

Ritz didn't stay in the office much, and soon returned to work downstairs.

After waiting for the people to leave, Yang Cheng was in a daze for a while, and then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Irene, "I watched your live broadcast, it was great."

I thought I had just finished the performance and I should be busy removing my makeup and changing clothes. I wouldn't reply so quickly.

Who would have thought that Irene would reply almost instantly, "Really? Oppa, you actually watched us perform?"

Yang Cheng replied with a smile, "Of course, this is the second time I have watched you perform. Compared to the street, you are more attractive on stage."

He is not interested in Irene's teammates, but Irene is unwilling to take credit alone, and said modestly, "It's everyone's efforts~"

"Do you have any plans next?"

"The company gave us a day off, and we will return home after spending a day in Los Angeles."

The heat that Yang Cheng had just ignited was instantly extinguished, only one day, too little.

"Well, it seems you can't come to New York."

Irene was also very sorry, so she called directly and said, "oppa, sorry, we still have to dare to go back, I can't ask for leave."

"It's okay~ I still have a chance in the future. By the way, how is your sister?"

Speaking of her younger sister, Irene was still quite sad, and she was obviously worried about her sister's injury.

Yang Cheng frowned, "This is a sequelae of trauma~ I am afraid it will get worse if it drags on like this. She needs the help of a psychologist."

Irene sighed, "I think so too, but she is very stubborn to listen, no one says it's useless."

Yang Cheng didn't expect the matter to be so serious. Before leaving the hospital, Sister Irene was still very cheerful, as if she didn't take it to heart.

"Why don't you take her to the United States? I arranged for a psychiatrist here to treat her. Maybe she is afraid that receiving treatment in South Korea will affect you?"

Irene hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to bother Yang Cheng too much, but her sister’s affairs caused her a headache and couldn’t wait to solve it. Comparing the two, it seemed that it was nothing to trouble Yang Cheng. Anyway, she was troubled so many times. Not bad this time.

"Then~ I'll go back and talk to her? I don't know if this kid is willing."

"You can use the excuse of traveling to bring her to New If you directly talk about seeing a doctor, you will be more resistant."

After a pause, he simply said, "I don't think so. I call the company and give you a short vacation, and then you take your parents and sister to New York to play together."

This suggestion completely touched Irene's heart, "Okay~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Don't worry, things will always be resolved, after they agree, remember to tell me that I will arrange a plane to pick you up."

Irene was taken aback, and quickly pushed back, "No, no, we can take a regular flight."

If Yang Cheng has made up his mind, there is no room for dissent, "Listen to me, it's so decided, you only need to bring a simple change of clothes, and I will arrange the rest of daily necessities."


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